Her, his desire


Lani clasped her hands continuously as tears welled up her eyes seeing how the doctor and nurses were running up and down the room. The doctor gave series of instruction to the nurses who kept going to and fro. Lani peeped through the small space between the doctor and nurses to see that he was reviving her. Her heart was in conversation with God praying as much as she can. That girl needs to be saved, no matter what! She will never allow her go back to that house again. She watch as her breath settled down and she went back into unconsciousness. The doctor sighed facing Lani who stood Breathlessly. ” She’s fine now right doctor?” Lani asked curiously while the doctor nodded. ” We almost lost her but I am happy she’s out of any danger now, she will be awake within 72hours ” The doctor announced. Lani’s eyes widened in shock. 72hours? Like Sadie will be lying here this way for three days? This isn’t what she wants, she want her awake already. She want her to be healing instead of lying unconscious. ” That’s a long time doctor, is there anything you can do to wake her up before then? I can’t watch her sleep this way ” she complained. The doctor only shook his head. ” She might wake up before then by herself but I can’t do anything to wake her up. You should be grateful she survived, she’s really a fighter ” Lani nodded in agreement to doctor smith’s words . She knows Sadie has always been a fighter, she survives everything life throws at her and she’s still living . Lani has never seen such a person as strong as Sadie, not even her . With everything that has happened in Sadie’s life, if it happened to be her then, she would have died long time ago or probably run away from that hell on Earth. But Sadie’s love for her family blinded her from doing so. She loves her family so much that everything they do doesn’t mean anything to her, all she want is the potion of the love back . How much she wished to be loved in return by her family to no avail. ” Thank you doctor ” Lani said . ” You are welcome Miss Lani, please follow me to my office ” Doctor Smith instructed leaving the ward and Lani followed suit. ★★★★★★★★★ Carly sat comfortably on the sofa with no atom of worry or remorse look on her face. She felt Sadie deserves death after all she means nothing to the family. She’s just like an unwanted fly hovering around their house. She doesn’t care if Sadie dies! Heck! She want her dead! A part of her felt scared not because she stabbed her sister but because she was scared of their elder brother. The thought of him brought shiver in her. He will kill her if he gets to know of what she did to Sadie. That made her worried to the core! Alex never joke when it comes to his darling Sadie. ” I am scared mum ” she said to their mother. Gabrielle glanced at her daughter with a questioning look. Why is she worried? Her father will be happy for what she did to Sadie and she’s not scolding her either. She doesn’t care if that girl dies because that’s what she’s always wanted to do but she doesn’t want anyone to he suspicious about it. If Sadie is not dead, her and her family cannot live peacefully. ” Why are you worried? Is it because of that girl? We don’t care if she dies and believe me, that her friend can’t call the cops either ” Janetsaid staring at her sister who scoffed Carly’s thought is far from the cops, she’s always known that Lani is just like Sadie, stupid fools! She won’t dare report the incident! ” It’s not that, Alex!! He won’t spare me if he gets to know of this ” she said to them. Gabrielle thought about it shaking her head. She knows what her Son is capable of doing. He won’t mind beating his sister to stupor because of that girl. Why in God’s name is he always taking side with Sadie? Not for once did he support what they do to her. It’s the main reason they sent him out of the country. If he’s here, no harm can come to Sadie. Not even their father can touch her nor her the mother. She son much detest Sadie with passion.

She hated her so much! Only God knows how much she’s praying for her not to survive it. ” Don’t worry Carly, your brother will never find out. I am sure Sadie will never mention it to him, you know how much she loves you. She won’t let any harm come to you Don’t have to worry” She said and Carly nodded, that’s very true. Sadie has protected her so many times either from their brother or people outside. Sadie will fight and beat anyone that touches her, she so much love her . This will be to Carly’s advantage. Nothing to be scared of Alex will never find out! With that, she relaxed her mind ” Thank you Mum ” ************************* ” Damn it Kaleb, drive fast ” Nathan yelled impatiently. They’ve been driving since like they are going out of the country.

How far is the hospital, huh? Kaleb increased the pace of how he was driving, it’s not even up to 20 minutes that they started driving and his young master feels like it’s been ages already. He pulled into the driveway that leads to the hospital Sadie was . Few drives away from here. In no time, they arrived there! Nathan came down from the car like someone insane ignoring the squealing of the ladies. They are not important to him, he just want to find the doctor in charge of taking care of his Sadie! Luckily for him, he bumped into a doctor as he rushed into the hospital. ” Ah! Mr Nathan, what brought you here?” The doctor asked on recognising him. Who wouldn’t? He’s the only son of the leading business tycoon in the whole Pakistan! Nathan himself is a business mogul! ” I need to see Sadie doctor, take me to her ” Nathan ignored his formalities asking about sadie straight away. By now, all the workers were all watching them. Some ladies were squealing, some were taking unaware pictures with him. Kaleb did a good job by making sure non of them come near his young master. He’s not feeling too well and so, they shouldn’t add to his stress right now. ” Sadie? Oh! She was brought in here earlier today, are you related to her? ” The doctor asked. ” Does that matter doctor? I need to see her right away ” Nathan replied angrily which made the doctor flinched. He has never seen nathan this angry ever! He heard he’s very quiet. For him to must have shouted means something!

Probably she’s his girlfriend! ” I… I… am sorry Sir, this way ” He said stuttering dashing towards Sadie’s ward. This is the first time he’s coming to their hospital and giving him a bad impression will definitely drive him away. Nathan followed the doctor in step, if he could fly the doctor right away, that’s what he will do. His body was tensing now and then, his heart beat rapidly and anxiously. He just want to find out the state Sadie is in right now. The doctor eagerly opened the ward door and signaled Nathan and kaleb to enter. Nathan paused at the door, his blood dried up and he forgot how to breath for that moment. Is that really his Sadie all patched up and using oxygen as a supporter? His legs unconsciously moved on its own towards her.

The pain in his heart increased! Is she going to survive this? He fell down beside her bed taking her hand in his with tears pouring down like rain. Lani’s eyes widened in sheer surprise .

Wait! Nathan?!! She blinked innocently and pinched herself to wake up from this impossible dream. She discovered it’s definitely not a dream, it’s real! Nathan Rogers is here in Sadie’s ward taking Sadie’s hand into his with his tears falling on her body. She was too shock to move or say a word. All she kept doing is stare at Nathan!; The city idol is here! She’s seeing him for the very first time. Her heart did a happy dance, if only Sadie was awake! She would be more happy to set her eyes on the city sweetheart talk of him touching her with his tears falling on her. ” She’s going to be fine right?” Nathan asked with a cracked voice. The doctor snapped out of the shock of seeing the popular Nathan this vulnerable! No star will ever do that for a woman! They’d rather use and dump them like decayed foods. He cleared his throat before glancing at the two pair of curious eyes staring at him. ” Yes Sir, she will be fine! She’s out of danger now ” he replied. Nathan gulped down nothing! What he will ever detest is loosing his Sadie. Loosing her means loosing himself too. He won’t be able to live without her. ” I will pay you any amount of money you want, 300million dollars, 400 or 500million dollars. Any amount you want, just make sure she’s fine ” The doctor’s mouth went agape, that huge amount of money? ” Don’t worry Sir, she will be fine” Lani shifted uncomfortably, is he really going to give out that amount of money for the bills? She opened her mouth to talk or protest but nothing came out. She opened it and clasped it shut again. Kaleb glanced at his phone and his body tensed! He glanced at his young master then at the lady lying unconsciously. His young master’s mind was just with her. There’s danger ahead! They need to prevent it from happening! He gulped nervously mustering some courage to call Nathan! ” There’s problem young master” Nathan’s eyes snapped to Kaleb who kept glancing at his phone. ” What is it Kaleb?” ” We need to move Sadie out of here immediately, there’s danger”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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