Her, his desire

First endorsement

” Congratulations Sadie ” Sadie’s eyes were left opened with her mouth slightly opened too. ” You are not serious are you? ”

She asked skeptically and in ecstasy. ” I wouldn’t be lying to you Sadie, what gain will I get from it? I am damn seri…” Sadie flew on him before he could finish. If not for the fact that he is sitting down, he could have fallen down flat because of the way she flew unexpectedly on him giving him a very tight hug. Sadie unconsciously squealed without realizing she’s hugging someone. The joy of being accepted in LBC is something that will make anyone behave demential. Nathan closed his eyes enjoying the moment, if this is a dream. He wouldn’t want to wake up from it. His Sadie is willingly hugging him or is it happiness that made her hug him? He frowned at the thought of that. Either ways, he’s still happy she’s giving him this hug. It won’t happen frequently so he have to cherish this kind of opportunity that’s like once in a decade to him. He really wish Sadie never let go of him.

How can he be so addicted to someone huh? Or is it obsession? He groaned inwardly and that brought Sadie’s soul back to reality. Sadie jerked of Nathan immediately she realized what she was doing. Oh God! How could she be so shameless? She thought within herself with her face turning scarlet red. She just disgraced her own self in front of who she’s very timid of.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

What if he gets angry? ” I… I uhmm. I am sorry, I was just too excited ” She defended seeing that Nathan was just staring at her with no sign of expression .

His face blank and unreadable. Nathan shook his head feeling so amused by Sadie’s character.

Isn’t she his shy guardian angel? ” I understand perfectly, you don’t have to apologize for everything Sadie, learn to live freely with me. You are someone I will never think of hurting and I will not find it funny seeing you hurt ” He gave his long talks, all Sadie did was to nod her head before muttering a thank you. As much as she’s now a changed person, Nathan is someone everyone will have to cower for. She has really heard a lot about him and that is enough to keep her conscious of whatever she do around him.  But since he’s never hurt her since she woke up to him at the hospital, she really needs to be free with him . Maybe Nathan just has this image that portrays him to the public which is being too cold. Sadie has seen he’s not anything near that. Aside Lani and Alex, he’s the he’s the only one that ever had her interest at heart. But…. ” Uhmm Nathan?” Sadie called uncertainly. ” Yeah, anything?” Nathan asked glancing rapidly at her. ” Why? ” She asked and Nathan stared confusingly at her! Why?

Why what? ” Why are you helping me?” Nathan began coughing immediately he heard what she asked. He wasn’t expecting that question. What answer did she want him to give her ? Something like; ‘ because I love you ‘ or  ‘ because it’s you I want to get married to soon ‘ He continue faking the cough till Sadie got to his aid.  ” Are you okay Nathan?” She asked with concern written all over her face. Nathan shook his head and increased the cough….  Maybe that will take take her mind off the question she just asked. ” Should I get you water or something? ” She asked slightly patting his back. ” Yes… water, thank you ”  he nodded rubbing his hand on his chest. Sadie rushed out of his sight into the kitchen. Nathan side as he released the breath that was stuck in between his chest. Ah! That was an escape! He sat down wondering what he would have prepared to tell her. Sadie is his no doubt but telling her now will make her think he’s going crazy. Sadie will think he’s a psychopath. He quickly sat upright hearing Sadie’s footsteps and continue feigning his non-existent cough. ” Here take ” She sat down at the edge of the sofa where Nathan was seated and fed him the water she brought. ” Wow! What an eye saw ” Mena’s voice startled Sadie and the water in her hand ended up pouring on Nathan.  ” We are sorry for invading your privacy, we just wanted to say hi to Sadie and know how she’s faring now ” Mrs Rogers said with a wink giving herself a sit while Mr Rogers did same leaving Mena standing with her hands crossed on her chest. Sadie stood up with her cheeks burning red, they’ve misunderstood everything. She was just trying to give Nathan water, that’s all. Goodness, what were they thinking? That they… God! ” W…. welcome Sir, ma’am ”  Sadie greeted and gave Mena a little smile of which she returned with a smirk. ” How are you doing Sadie? I guess you are feeling a lot better now ” Mr Rogers asked. ” Yes Sir, I am fine now. Thank… you ” ” Well, that’s very noticeable. I mean, if you are not totally well, Nathan won’t be all lovey dovey with you ” Mena replied before sitting down beside her mother who nudged her arm. ” Afternoon to you too Son ”

Mr Rogers said sarcastically. ” Dad, Mum, Mena. You all didn’t tell me you were coming over ” Nathan said while Mrs Rogers snorted. ” So we now have to inform you before coming to your house right? We have to seek for your permission now? ” Mrs Rogers asked glaring hard at her Son whose eyes were almost popping out.

Gosh! His mother is something else, if she isn’t reading meaning to his words then, she’s misinterpreting it.

Its now very part of her! ” That wasn’t what I meant Mum, I was just…” ” How will it be what you meant when you now have Sadie here with you, we are here for two reasons”

Mr Rogers said, Sadie interrupted before he could continue . ” I will uhmm, go get you something to drink ” She said hurrying out of their sight before they could suffocate her with their words. ” I will go with you ” Mena asked and quickly stood up while Sadie groaned! They walked in silence till they were out of view before Mena spoke up. ” Have you heard from your family recently? ” She asked. Sadie stiffened as she heard the word family, family? What’s family? Did she have any aside Nathan’s family and Lani? Plus he beloved brother Alex. ” No ” Sadie replied trying so hard not to affect the way she will respond to her. Anyone at all, she will never let anyone step over her again. ” Well, I wish you could give me the permission to deal with them. I am enough to tear those people apart and teach them the lesson they deserve to learn ” Mena said clenching her hand in a fist.  If Sadie isn’t someone so dear to her family, she wouldn’t care, but it seems Sadie is part of the family since she’s part of her brother’s life. Sadie shook her head as they entered into the kitchen. ” Thank you so much for caring Mena but, I don’t want to get anyone involved. I promise to take care of it myself” She replied taking a juice while Mena took three cups for her and her parents. ” I am glad you want to be strong all by yourself but remember, I am always here for you ” They entered back into the sitting room, Sadie served Mr and Mrs Rogers together with Mena before she sat down on a sofa close to Nathan who wore a long face glaring at both his parents which made Sadie wondered what happened in their absence. ” I am glad you are here now Sadie, we were discussing something before you came…” ” Dad please ” Nathan interrupted his father who ignored him. Sadie shifted uncomfortably on her seat without saying anything. What do they say that has to do with her? Or are they telling her to leave Nathan’s house? Are they angry that she is am staying with their Son? ” since you are already here, it is better to go straight to the point. First, we came to see how your health is improving and we saw you are now physically fit, then to the second reason that brought us here ” Mr Rogers gave a slight pause. Sadie glanced at Nathan and immediately their eyes met, he looked away. ” Our son will be turning 25 next month, that’s to show he’s not getting any younger. I don’t know what you both might have discussed but, I think I should ask so we can start preparing ahead ” ” When are you both getting married?”

While Nathan groaned muttering some incoherent words to himself, Sadie choked on her spit on hearing that. She gave Nathan a quick glance but he wasn’t looking at her either.

Marriage? Both getting married? ****************************** Lani looked around like she’s seen a ghost. ” Wait! Mrs Meyers? Did you by any chance miss your way here? ” Lani asked sounding surprise but she’s not, even a dumbo will know what Sadie’s mother will be doing in her house. Lani knows well she’s here to know if Sadie is here but why will she care? Looking for Sadie only mean one thing, she’s plotting another evil. ” I came to see you Lani ”

Gabriella said trying to sound patient.  ” See me? In my father’s house? Like to what do I owe this visit Mrs Meyers? ” Lani asked crossing her arms.  ” Can’t you at least invite me in?”

Gabriella asked hissing, why is this little girl trying to be more than her power? Why is Leilani proving so stubborn? She gritted her teeth in anger hearing Lani scoffed. Brat! ” Invite you into my house? So that you can kill me right? Wait, how did you know that I will be the only one in the house before you came huh?” Lani blurted without caring how the words came out of her mouth. ” You…”

Gabriella said pointing at her with her hands clenched.  ” If you can’t say whatever you came here for right here, then you are free to turn around and get out of my house ” This Mrs Meyers doesn’t deserve any respect. Lani so believe in the saying that says ‘ respect is earned and not given ‘ Not after she her daughter went through in her hands will this woman before her earn her respect. Sometimes Lani wondered how on earth this devilish woman here will birth an angel like Sadie. Like how did it happened? ” Why are you so rude Lani, have you forgotten that I am your best friend’s mother? Can’t you show me a little respect? ” Gabriella shouted so loudly at Lani and as usual, she scoffed again. Lani stared at her from her toe up to her head. ” Respect you say? You aren’t even ashamed of yourself and you are calling yourself my best friend’s mother? I am still wondering how unlucky Sadie is to have you as her mother ” ” Have you ever treated her like your daughter? ” Lani questioned and that made gabriella mute as she stared at her with her mouth agape. She never knew that Lani can wash her like a plate with her tongue. Gabriella has never felt this humiliated all her life. How much she really wish to kill this chicken Lani but she can’t. Lani’s father is a very powerful demon! History has it that he’s not from planet earth. If anything happens to any of his children, the person that caused it will live in misery forever. That’s what’s stopping gabriella from killing this brat in front of her. Before gabriella can do that, she has to go through lani’s father first which might be a death sentence for her.  ” See yourself to the gate if you don’t have any other thing to say Mrs Meyers ”

Lani said harshly . ” I need to see my daughter, where is Sadie?”

She asked Lani. ” Did I hear you so well? And who told you that Sadie is here? Did you see her coming to my house? Why did you want to know where she is in the first place huh? To kill her at once? ” ” Let me tell you Mrs Meyers, this should go to your husband and those stupid girls you call your daughters ” ” Since you did not succeed in killing Sadie the last time you try.  Mark my words, you will never be able to lay a finger on her again. Do well to get out of my house else, if my Dad meets you here, I will tell him you came to his house to beat up his precious daughter and you know what that means ” With that said, Lani entered into the house slamming the door right on Mrs Meyers’ face. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ” I.. don’t get it Sir ” Sadie said looking so confused.  She seriously do not understand what Mr Rogers just said. When are they getting married? Like her and Nathan? Mrs Rogers cleared at throat while throwing daggers at her husband who is always direct and blunt. He knows quite well that Sadie will not understand what he said but he still went ahead to say it. Their Son told them earlier that he haven’t talked to her about a relationship talk of marriage. If there’s anything they could do here is to persuade Sadie to get married to Nathan in three weeks time before his birthday. ” We’d prefer it if you call us mum and dad, we are now your parents. We promise to make up for the good life you never had with them ” Mrs Rogers said in a motherly tone while Sadie nodded without saying anything rather, it gave Mrs Rogers the clue to continue. ” We love you so much Sadie, I shouldn’t be the one to explain this to you but you are our family hero ” Sadie blinked in confusion. Its really confusing her the more. How did she become a hero over night? ” Without going further into it because I am not in the place to explain that to you ” Mrs Rogers paused giving her Son a look Sadie should understand. ” We won’t force you into getting married to our son but it will make us really happy to have you as my daughter and daughter in law, we are asking you to marry our son ” ” No better person fits the position than you are please Sadie ”

Mrs Rogers said convincingly while Sadie blinked her eyes innocently. Sadie’s eyes met with Nathan’s again and he gave her a pleading look. He’s really stuck in this, a part of his heart is very happy for what his parents are doing but on the other hand, this isn’t how he planned it.

Nathan never planned on coercing Sadie into marrying him. He have always wanted it to be a pure of love story but now? What if she refuse marrying him? ” take your time my dear, we won’t force you ”

Mr Rogers added. Sadie sat quietly with her face looking as neutral as ever. No one knows what she was thinking, aside being confused at first. She has no sign of emotion in her eyes. She fidget with her finger with her head bent low. The moment she raised her head, she met eight pair of eyes staring anxiously at her. ” When will the wedding take place? ” She asked.

Mena’s face beamed immediately, goodness. She knows the outcome of the question already. ” In three weeks time ” Mrs Rogers quickly answered with letting a minute pass by. Sadie breathed out before taking saying something that everyone’s curious to hear. ” I will marry him on the condition that we keep the marriage a secret till I want it to be in the open ”

She said without thinking twice about it, her decision was made right there. ★ next morning.. ★ ” Here’s the key young master or should I drop her off ?” Kaleb asked as he stood before Nathan. ” You don’t have to worry, I will drop her off myself ” Nathan replied standing up from his bed. ” Yes young master ” ” So where’s she? ” Nathan asked. ” By the car young master ” ” Alright, you can leave ”

Kaleb bowed his head and left. Nathan let out a nervous breathe before walking out. He can’t still believe Sadie agreed to marry him just like that. He got outside to see his beautiful Sadie standing gorgeous as ever. Thank goodness she will be his forever. No matter what comes their way, he’s ready to fight all the demons for her. ” Ready?” He asked opening the door for her. Sadie passed him one of her killer smile before nodding her head. ” Ready ” she replied entering into the expensive ferrari. The engine roared to life and they took of to LBC . ” How are you feeling?” He asked trying not to make things awkward between them. ” Well, a little nervous but I will be fine ” Sadie replied truthfully. She’s going to spend the rest of her life virtually with this man so why not try to make it work between them? Starting from having a good conversation with each other. ” I believe you will be fine, I trust you to do well ” ” Thank you ” Sadie nodded.

LBC is just few a minutes drive from their prestigious home and soon enough, they arrived at the big building. ” I think I should stop here, I don’t want anyone seeing us together ”

Nathan said while Sadie nodded in understanding. ” I will come pick you later and make sure you have your lunch okay?” Nathan said immediately Sadie came out of the car. ” Yes young master, I won’t fail to do that ”

The both of them burst out laughing before she waved at Nathan and entered into the building.

A new beginning for her. The few people she met on the way kept looking at her like she’s a ghost. She ignored them to the receptionist. ” Good morning I….” ” Welcome ma’am, you must be Sadie. We’ve been expecting you, please come with me, the president want to see you in his office immediately you get here ” ” Thank you ” Sadie replied monotonously not in for a long talk. ” Here please go in ” Sadie entered and saw a man who should be in his late forties seated on the chair. ” Good morning Sir ” she greeted politely. ” Morning Sadie right?” ” Yes Sir ” ” Please take a sit ” he instructed and she did just that. She sat with grace like there’s nothing bothering her in this world. This is what she was once into, and the passion is still very much there. ” You are still as beautiful as you were five years ago when you came into the modelling industry” Mr Lin complemented and like always, Sadie just passed him a smile. ” I am Mr Lin, I believe you will work so well with us and become one of our best models in this agency ”

He added . ” Definitely Sir, I will do my best” Mr Lin nodded turning on his seat. ” So Sadie, there’s no need to rest. Business starts immediately ” ” You know CQ Magazines right?” Mr Lin asked. ” Of course Sir ” who wouldn’t know CQ Magazines? According to fortune, it’s the most popular magazine in America. ” They asked the company to give them their best model, I trust in you Sadie so I am endorsing you for their brand. If you perform so well in this CQ Magazines, you will see that more ways will be opened for you ” He explained. Sadie nodded again, at least. It will bring back her fame, the fame she lost to her sister. ” Your manager will be here soon, she went to check something for me ” ” No problem Mr Lin ” ” So are you prepared? Its been five years you announced your disinterest for modeling ” Sadie’s gaze was unfazed, it’s been five years but she hasn’t forgotten her talent. ” I thought you said you believe in me Mr Lin?” She blurted out. Mr Lin was surprised of her outburst but he covered it up with a smile. ” Of course I do, that aside. The photoshoot for the magazine cover is tomorrow so you have now till then to prepare yourself” ” And before I forget, you will be sharing the stage with a model from Nemo agency “

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