Her, his desire

The secret

” Where is that b@stard?”

Nathan yelled breaking into Leon’s home.

Leon came out not a bit surprised of Nathan’s visit. He was expecting him here.

” You ca…”

He didn’t finish his word when a punch landed directly on his jaw.

Leon winced.

Another punch landed on his face! Nathan continue to punch him till he fell on the floor.

” How dare you get my sister pregnant? you didn’t succeed in getting me killed and now you want to destroy my sister’s life?”

Nathan said again and punched Leon’s stomach.

Leon felt it was enough, ah! He is all wounded up.

He held Nathan’s next punch in the air.

” Can you cut me some slack Nathan? What is your problem huh? I have told you several times I didn’t attempt to kill you, I love your Mena and I will never destroy her life ”

Leon yelled back throwing Nathan’s hand away.

” You didn’t attempt to kill me huh?..”

” I fuçking didn’t but your beloved brother, the one you love so much is your enemy but you kept him so close to you. I am tired of taking blames for someone else’s sin ”

Leon cuts in angrily.

Nathan paused for a minute!

” What are you saying?” He asked confused at the moment.

” This is what I am saying ” Leon replied with a glare, he pressed a remote and a video began playing on the television.

Nathan stood there with his mouth opened.

It was a video of James putting a substance in his drink. He looked around to make sure no one was watching before he sprinkled the substance.

He was very quick and left the room before Leon came and sat down.

The scene changed to where James was trying to take advantage of Mena before he got kicked.

Then to where James was handing the maid a substance and threatened her not to call his name if anything happens.

Nathan’s shoulder slumped the moment the video stopped playing !!! He looked so shocked!

It was James all along!

Nathan trusted him, he loved him. Why will James want him dead?

And all this years, he kept accusing his best friend. Their friendship crashed because of him….

And James tried raping Mena too?

” Now you have seen this for yourself, you will stop accusing me wrongly ”

” Yes, I got your sister pregnant and I am not denying it. I will take full responsibility because I love her ”

” You can leave my house when you are done mopping at nothing Mr Rogers ”

Leon said harshly and left to his room slamming the door loudly.


” How are you feeling mum?” Max asked sitting beside Mrs Huang on the hospital bed while Sofia sat on the other side.

Mrs Huang broke into fresh tears! She grabbed Max’s hand and touched his face lovingly.

” Max.. you are my Max, I didn’t loose you my son, I am sorry. I am so sorry, I am sorry ”

She kept repeating that engulfing Max in a tight hug.

Max was surprised but he hugged her back.

” D.. did you regain your memory?” Max asked.

Mrs Huang nodded with tears coming down her cheeks.

She felt so dirty remembering that she was raped by Galen! .

She froze at just the thought of the name!!!

” What’s wrong mum?” Max asked. …

” G.. Galen, he… he is evil, he raped me, he told me he killed you and your father, he… took your sisters away, he…. is evil”

Max already understood what was happening.

Uncle Galen was behind their attempted murder.

Was that why he disappeared out of their lives?

Why did he want them dead?

Max was quick enough to inform his boys to find Galen….. He felt so angry at the trauma his mother might have gone through.

Sofia just sat there watching the drama, she is not understanding a thing from what they are saying.

The only thing she could get is that Max is her brother and she has a twin, Sadie!!!!

” Don’t worry about him mum, he will never hurt you again and we will soon find him and put him behind the bars”

Max assured .

Mrs Huang sniffed…..

She stared at Sofia then hugged her….

” Anna!, You are Anna, your name is Annabelle not Sofia. Where is Isabelle? Is she fine? What did Galen do to her?”

She asked with tears still brewing from her eyes.

” Isabelle is fine mum, we will go and see her when you are stable and I will inform Dad immediately ”


” You are back Nathan ” Mrs Rogers said as everyone sat in the sitting room waiting for his return including James and Sadie.

It was only Mena that was absence, she is in her room still sulking from the slap Nathan gave her.

Nathan went straight to James. He held him up with the collar of his shirt and slapped him very hard.

James is surprised! What the hell?

” What are you doing Nathan? Why did you slap your brother? Leave his shirt, what is wrong with you?”

Mr Rogers yelled but Nathan ignored him.

Even Sadie have to shift back for her safety.

Nathan slapped, kicked and punch James down to his knees till there was no space left unharmed on his body.

” What is this bro? Why are…”

” Shut the fûçk up, how could you James? I loved you, cared for you, took you like my brother, the only thing you could do for me in return was plan to kill me? What did I do to you? What did my family do to you?”

On hearing what Nathan said, both Mr and Mrs Rogers stared at James.

Kill their only son? Why?

James laughed dryly with blood gushing out of his mouth.

” Oh, you found out? Good thing you did because I was almost done carrying out my plan ” he replied.

Everyone gasped in shock, this can’t be!!!

The James they all loved was planning to kill their only son? Why are people so ungrateful in this world?

” You expect me to be happy when your dear father handed over everything to you? I should be happy seeing you being the most famous right? You’ve always gotten all the good things in this life and I? ”

James paused and gave another dry laugh.

” I wanted everything you have Nathan, I want the companies, your agency including your wife in my possession. I can’t get all that if you are still alive, it can only happen if you are dead ”

A slap landed on his face, this time, it wasn’t from Nathan but Mr Rogers himself.

He stood there shaking in anger!

” Even after knowing that my brother adopted you as his son, when he died, I still treated you like my own son. I brought you up, fed you, clothed you gave you whatever you have ever wanted in life and you want to kill my only son in return? Because of the companies that are mine?”

” Rightfully, they belongs to my son Nathan. It is those same companies we planned on giving you everything on Monday, we planned on telling you as a surprise but see? You are evil ”

Mr Rogers spat angry. He kicked James and he fell flatly on the floor.

James face fell on hearing what Mr Rogers said. .

T.. they were about handing him the companies? Not one but all? And he already messed up.

If he had known they had this plan, he wouldn’t have done all that.

” I.. I… I… I.. am sorry Dad ” James said, there was no sincerity in his voice.

” I am not your father, don’t ever call me Dad. From this moment, you have no business with the Rogers family”

Mr Rogers yelled, at the same time. The cops walked in.

Nathan had informed them earlier before he came into the house.

” Good thing you are here officers, arrest this murderer ”



” We can’t let you in without any pass, we are sorry ”

The securities at the Huey City said the Max, Sofia and Mrs Huang.

They all sighed! The security in Huey City is always tight! .

” We are going to see our sister, so what? You can search us, we don’t have anything harming on us ”

Max said impatiently.

” What do we do? I want to see my daughter ” Mrs Huang said tearily.

They knew Sadie lives here because that’s where her husband lives obviously.

Everyone equally knows Nathan Rogers house number and they are even few houses in Huey City because even a rich person can hardly get a land in this place.

” How about I call her?” Sofia suggested.

” You have met her before? You have her number?” Mrs Huang asked excitedly. At least, they have met. Her twins know each other.

She kept wondering how Isabelle will look like. Will she look so much like her or their father?

” Yes mum, we worked together before remember? She is the Sadie I almost destroyed her life ”

Sofia said bowing her head in guilty. She can’t still believe she almost hurt her own twin sister, her blood!

Mrs Huang hummed!!!

” Don’t beat yourself up over it, it is already in the past ” she said to her daughter who nodded.

” Call her already, I am loosing it ” Max chipped in and the three laughed.

Sofia dialed Sadie’s number, she picked up after four rings…

” Hey Sofia ”

Sadie’s voice boomed….

” Good afternoon Sadie, how are you?” Sofia asked

” I am doing good, hope you are fine?” She asked back.

” Yeah, doing very well, I am in Huey City, I came to see you but the securities won’t let me pass ”

” Oh really? Can you hand one of them the phone let me speak to them?” Sadie asked.

” Yeah sure ” Sofia replied and handed it over to one of the securities.

” Ah! Mrs Rogers! Good afternoon ma’am ”

” Yes ma’am ”

” Right away ma’am ”

The call ended and the security handed the phone back to Sofia.

” We are sorry for the inconveniences, we are just doing our jobs ” the apologized.

Max ignited the engine of his G-Wagon as the gate opened for them.

” Wow ” both Sofia and Mrs Huang exclaimed.

Since they were in New York almost all their lives, they have never stepped into Huey City until now.

Nathan’s house was the second one they came across, it was so easy.

After a honk, they massive gate opened.

” Wow!! This place is beautiful ” Sofia said covering her mouth dramatically while Max snorted, if they enter their Mansion in California. They won’t be wowing over this.

” Miss Sofia?” A guard called the moment they stepped out of the car.

” Yes, yes ”

” Good afternoon, the Young Mrs is expecting you ” he said with a bow.

Mrs Huang couldn’t help but feel happy, her daughter is living fine and even married….

They all began going inside but the guard paused taking a look at both Max and Mrs Huang.

” Don’t worry, I came with them ” Sofia interjected.

Sadie saw them the moment they entered into the sitting room, she was seated with Nathan. Her head resting on his thigh but she stood up the moment she saw them.

Mrs Huang couldn’t give her a break, she engulfed Sadie in a tight hug leaving both Sadie and Nathan confused.

” Isabelle, it is really you. Take a look at you, you look so much like a replica of me ”

Mrs Huang said and chuckled.

” Good afternoon ma’am ” Sadie greeted politely darting her eyes to Sofia with a questioning look.

Who is this woman and why is she calling her Isabelle?

Then her eyes met with Max, she frowned.

” You again?” Sadie said.

” Yes sis, I came ” Max replied with a wink.

Mrs Huang hugged her again and again. Her tears couldn’t stop, it was tears of joy.

” I know you are confused on who I am Isabelle, I am your mother ”

Sadie frowned, mother? What mother?

” I don’t understand, what mother? I am not Isabelle, I am Sadie and I am from the Meyer family ” she protested.

” You are not a Meyer, you are a Kelvin, my younger sister and Sofia’s twin ”

Max said slightly angry at the mention of Meyer. He can’t give his sister to another family.

Nathan held her hand to calm her down, he is as confused as she is but Sadie might start having headaches from the confusion of which he doesn’t want.

Max shove the test result in her hand.

” Here, you see. Both you, Sofia and I are siblings. The DNA doesn’t lie ” he said.

Sadie took a glance at it.

He is right, the test result proved that they are siblings but how possible is that?

” Did you think you all can confuse me? How can I be Sofia’s twin when I am way older than her? I am 23 and she is 21 so how?”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

She asked.

Max sighed and gave himself a seat.

” You are not 23, you are 21. You are Isabelle not Sadie, Sadie was the Meyer’s daughter. She died at 8 and they adopted you when you were 6. they gave you the name Sadie because you look so much like their dead daughter. Have you not ever wondered why they treat you differently? Which parents does that to their own child?”

Max questioned leaving Sadie in doubt.

Nathan sighed staring at his wife to the middle-aged woman, Sadie look so much like the woman. Very much.

People can even mistake them for sisters.

” I don’t believe whatever you are saying ” Sadie replied adamantly.

” How about we go ask your so called mother since her husband is in jail?”

Max suggested.


” W.. what are you saying Sadie? ” Mrs Meyer asked nervously.

Max banged the sitting table loudly.

” She asked you a question, who is she?” Max asked angry which made Mrs Meyer flinch.

” She.. she is my daughter of course” Mrs Meyer said.

Sadie stood up and walked up to her…

” I am still calling you mum because you raised me up, from the way I was treated while growing up, I know you and Dad are not my parents. I just want to hear it from you mum, tell me the truth. Who am I and how do I come about?”

Sadie asked in a serious tone. No one was home except Mrs Meyer, Alex has gone to Lani’s and the girls?

Who knows.

Mrs Meyer broke into fresh tears and bowed her head in embarrassment.

” I am sorry Sadie ” she said in between sobs.

” Sorry? For what? Why are you telling me sorry?” Sadie asked.

” Please forgive me, yes. You are not our daughter, we found you along the road on our way to a business dinner and we brought you home ”

” You are not a Meyer “

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