Her Savior

Chapter 25 Meeting His Family

It was two weeks later when her case made it to a judge. The Taylor’s had assured Simmons that they didn’t want the case to go public, and wanted everything done behind the closed doors of their lawyer’s office.

Last week Blair finally met Ian’s dad, his mom told her to come for a family dinner. She hesitated and remained tensed until the end of dinner when he eases her up with some jokes and Ian rubbed her back, silently telling her that she was doing great.

Then when the day came she had both his mom and dad assuring Markov’s lawyer, Albert Simmons that they wanted everything to speed up and finished quickly.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Albert agreed with them, the only thing that had prevented Blair’s case from going national was another case that has been taking up the news, hogging up airtime, leaving the headline of a husband killer so mediocre.

“Ian, I don’t know if I can do this if I can face his parents.”

“Blair, baby… listen to me. I’ll be right next door. I’m not leaving you, I’d be there by your side if I could but Albert said it’s a bad idea. And he’s absolutely true, you understand that right?”

“I do… it’s just…”

“Baby, focus on all the things you have achieved to get to where you are right now. This is not your fault. And tomorrow we will be meeting your mom. Albert had arranged everything, I know you have been wanting to see her for a while and if you go through with this you’re one step closer to meet her…”

He pulled her in giving her his sweet kisses and hugged her one last time before she goes to confront her ex-in-laws.

“… just take everything one at a time, Blair, don’t get yourself too worked up?”


Her voice was small but she was handling herself as well as she could. And she knows when the meeting is over Ian would be there to hold her. That was the only thing that was keeping her sane.

“Blair, it’s time…”

Albert interrupted their time together as the lawyer announce that the Turners had arrived in the building.

“I would like to seat you down, I don’t want them to intimidate you as you walk to your chair. I need them to see that you are calm and not in any way scared of them.”

He was right she was glad that he decided that they’d go in first because the look that the couples had was vengeful.

“You changed your hair color, clearly you’ve been planning this.” Her ex-mother-in-law spat at her as her husband pull out a chair for her.

“Mrs. Turner, please…” Simmons calmly remind her and patted Blair’s hand, knowing that sentence alone had shaken her insides making her face a shade paler.

“We will conduct the matter legally, anything you say will be on the record, our stenographer will…”

“… will put everything in the report, I know Simmons, this is not our first rodeo. But it’ll be her last, I’m sure husband killer will go along well…”

“Your son abused me, for YEARS!” Blair finally burst as she tries to defend herself, her eyes were starting to get teary while Albert kept on whispering to her to stay calm.

“Honey, please… let just hear them out.” Her husband was trying to calm the situation down.

“She killed your son! Your only heir! I told you he shouldn’t marry that gold digger. I bet she’s trying to clear her name and get his money. Telling everyone that my son abused her!”

Albert looked pissed at the woman as he starts displaying her medical file with injuries dated until a year back, then he slammed the medical record stating that she had a miscarriage due to a blunt force trauma.

Mrs. Turner’s face had gone a shade darker as the rage was piling up and she was accusing Blair that it could be someone else’s baby and she was trying to get rid of it.

Blair slumped in her seat and tears starts to fall, she was trying hard not to fall apart as the woman kept on saying how she was not worthy of her son.

That was until Albert pick up a box of files from underneath his desk. And spread pictures of Benjamin having sex with other women. Then more medical files were spread on the table, showing their bruised and battered body.

Both Blair and Mrs. Turner were shocked while Mr. Turner looked at it calmly. As if he had known about his son’s sick abusive manner all along.

Blair felt numb, she felt so dumb to have kept her marriage. He had been fucking other women and beating them, she should’ve known when some nights he would come home smelling like other woman’s perfume.

“How did you get these pictures? This won’t hold on court.” Their lawyer stated to their defense.

“No it can’t but it can be leaked to the media, by anyone…” Albert threatened.

Blair was silent throughout the meeting, she kept looking at the pictures. Then the empty table after Albert decides to clean the table and start their negotiation. Their words were like a high pitch sound while her brain was filled with total silence.

She would look at Albert and nod to his gesture, then look at the Turners as the wife was sobbing probably because they had just stained the memory of her precious son.

And she was still numb when the meeting was over and Albert asked her to sign some paperwork for the legal proceedings. She refused to get up from her seat saying that she needed more time.

Her mind kept on replaying years of her life wasted for a cheating abusive husband. She was holding on to his words when he said that he was sorry after each beating.

But at that moment she felt betrayed, she felt stupid, so fucking stupid that her tears couldn’t stop falling. Then she finally sobbed when Albert left her alone in the meeting room.

“Hey baby, I’m here.” Ian quickly grabbed her and hold her as she sobbed in his embrace.

Albert had told Ian that she was a mess, and he was sorry that she had to find out about Benjamin’s other women that way but he needed her true expression and Albert was right. The moment their lawyer saw how shocked Blair was, he was exhaling and shaking his head to Mr. Turner.

They had been meeting the night before and revealed last-minute findings that Luka managed to dig up. And they were right Mr. Turner had known about his son for years and had been keeping his demeanor out of public consumption.

“There… were… pictures of him… with other women… how can I be so stupid?”

“Hey… those pictures were taken by a private investigator, hired by the abused woman. Luka said she was about to blackmail him in return.”

“You know about this?” she looked shocked at him.

“Just last night… hey baby, believe me, I wish I could tell you before. But Albert said they need to see your true expression. I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry…”

He kissed her hair and hugged her tighter, while she hugged him, grasping his back like her life was depending on it.

“… Luka also said that while he was doing so Benjamin was also caught with another woman. And those women magically disappear, Luka said there was money trail to their account from one of his father’s offshore’s account…”

He kept on explaining to her hoping that she would not feel bad about herself. That this was way beyond her, that he was truly a sick and abusive man and that it was not her fault.

“… by killing him, you just save another woman’s life. This could be the best thing that could happen to the other women he was having affairs with… baby, look at me…”

He wiped her face and nose and kissed her forehead lovingly.

“I love you, baby, let’s just go home.”

“Okay…” that was all she managed to say, her voice was throaty from the crying. Then he handed her sunglasses and she wears them as they both walked out of Albert’s corporate office.

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