Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

You’re done. “What?” Doris knew she heard him wrong, there was no other explanation for what he just said. Enzo just raised in brows in mild surprise. He stood and William crossed the room in three lang strides to grab him by his throat and slam him against the wall “William!” Doris stood quickly. her heart tried to slam out of her chest. “What are you doing? We’re not lovers!” His eyes were wild with rage and a sort of jealousy she didn’t understand. “Everyone knows it, don’t lie to me! I told you what would happen if you lied to me!” He spat at Doris. Enzo looked entirely unbothered from William’s outburst. He watched them both as William held him pinned to the wall. “She’s not lying. Surprisingly, we haven’t even kissed.” Doris narrowed her eyes at him and wished she could smack him, he wasn’t helping. William tightened his grip on Enzo and Enzo gripped his arm and started to twist it. William winced and dropped him, but immediately slammed him into the wall again. “I knew you wanted her as your own. Tell me I’m wrong” + “You’re wrong.” Enzo said simply. William punched the wall by his head and Doris flinched. Enzo remained calm. “I don’t know who has been feeding you lies at this camp, but Doris is my fnend. I would never go after another man’s… interest. As you can see, the results always end so tragic and I’m not interested in it.” William stared at Enzo for what felt like hours before he loosened his grip and stepped away. He eyed him as if he didn’t believe a word he said and was ready to grab his throat again if he needed to. Erzo straightened his suit and looked them both over before he headed to the door

“I don’t like drama in my village, try to keep it to a minimum.” He said over his shoulder before he closed the door behind him. William stood glaring at the door for several long minutes. He breathed hard, in and out, as he curled and uncurled his hands into fists. Doris hesitated before she stepped up to him. “Why would you think… We were lovers?” William turned his sharp gaze on her. It made her want to step back, but she was tired of cowering away from people. “I heard it around the camp, everyone’s talking about it.” Doris furrowed her brows. Eliza hadn’t mentioned anything about that. When she brought her to the cabin, Doris thought she wanted her to know what William had been up to. Was that why they were all staring at her? “It’s not true. He hasn’t touched me, nor I him.” “I see him touch you all the time.” William

hissed. He stepped closer to her and she had to lean back a little just to look up at him. “It makes me want to rip his arms off for touching you so easily. For looking at you and making you smile.” Doris swallowed and glanced around the empty room. There was no where for her to run or hide, all she could do was face him and his jealousy. Did he hate the idea that someone wanted something he owned? Did it make him murderous to see someone take interest in her when he didn’t?

“I have no interest in Enzo. I promise you that.” Doris said calmly. She forced herself to look him in the eye. He would not make her shake from intimidation-not anymore. He breathed hard through his nose, his face was inches from her own and she couldn’t remember when he Chad gotten so close to her. She could feel his every breath against her face. “I don’t like liars.” He said.

“I’m not one: Not ever again. Dans whispered. His eyes flickened to her mouth and she dared herself to do the same. To imagine what it would feel like for his desires to be an her because she wanted it not because he forced it. Why why would she ever even consider having those sort of thoughts! After another moment, he stepped back from her like their moment never happened. He turned away and left out the door and didn’t return the entire night Her mind let her wonder where he went, but most of her already knew. He was most likely in the bed of the blonde that wanted him so badly and might have said anything about her just to have him.

Why didn’t you just kiss him? He would have devoured you–” “Shut up! I’m not going to kiss him, not ever!” Doris shouted to an empty room in the middle of the night. She locked the door and put on her nightgown before she crawled in bed. William wasn’t a part of her future and he never would be. Once they returned to the castle, the amnesty would have already been signed and she would be free He wouldn’t follow her, he wouldn’t be able to control her or find her ever again. They weren’t anything to each other and her wolf couldn’t force her to think otherwise, So, if he was in another woman’s bed tonight, good. It didn’t bother her one bit.

The next morning. Doris woke to a loud knock She grudgingly got out of bed and threw on a cloak before she pulled the door open. Enzo stood there with a bored look on his face and it almost distracted her

from the shouting behind him. “Truly, if you can’t control your dog, you’re gonna have to have him leave.” “What?” Doris said as she rubbed her tired eyes. “It’s too early for riddles, Enzo.”

I love a good riddle, but alas this isn’t one. Your prince is picking fights with the townspeople. I think he got into the stash of alcohol and helped himself to all of it.” Enzo moved out of the way to show William shoving a large man across the clearing Doris quickly pulled on her boots and hurried out the door. She didn’t have time to process the fact that he had been drinking. She hadn’t been around him drunk since the night he attacked her and she hadn’t planned to be ever again # you think you can come here and tell us what to do? You’re not in your territory!” The man shouted so violently, spit Dew from his mouth. William’s guards stood close by with their arms crossed over their chests as they watched closely. He must have ordered them to stay to the side, otherwise she knew the other man wouldn’t be able to get even a foot close to him. William must have wanted to trouble. “You think you can come up here and control us like you do in your kingdom? Or wait your father doesn’t even trust you enough to make those sort of decisions, does he?” The man taunted, he even had the nerve to smirk at William. Did he have some sort of death wish? William threw a punch hard against his jaw and sent the man stumbling back. His shirt was

didn’t seem to be responding to any of the man’s jabs, he just wanted something to hit. The man threw his own punch and Doris winced when it hit him right in the nose. She watched as his guards stepped closer when blood poured from his nose. He threw up his hands to ward them off and they immediately stepped back and let their prince act wild. “Nobody likes you here, why don’t you get that?” The man spat blood at William’s feet and raised his fist for more: “Nobody here is gonna trust you or do what you want no matter how hard you try to threaten us.” He dodged a messy punch Williain intended to land. He was a little unsteady on his feet and she wondered if he drank all night to still be this drunk in the morning like this. It was absolutely foolish and absurd. “You can leave that girl, though.” The

CHA TO E dd man grin ned, a hasty sort of look that made William freeze for a moment to listen. “I’ll take care of her for you. Anything she wants or needs. I got it for her.” A cord in William snapped and they

could all see it the moment it did. He roared and tackled the man to the ground like an animal before he started hitting him as hard as he could Doris couldn’t count how many punches he gave, but they all hit one after the other with a crunch that made her gag. The man’s face was coated in so much blood, Enzo finally broke up the fight and dragged William off him but the man still laid still in the bloody snow. Doris didn’t think anyone else would have been strong enough to do that. His fists had blood dripping from them. Doris took in the sight of his miserable appearance-he was almost unrecognizable with his ripped and bloody clothes and wild eyes and hair. William tried to shove Enzo off him but he held him in a chokehold. “You’re done.” Enzo said before William went unconscious in his grip.

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