Her Volkovs #Book 4

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Belle's POV

The private plane Artemis, is now at the tarmac as we wait for our turn to take off. Seconds from now, I

am finally free. My life in New York is coming to a bittersweet end -- bitter because of all the things that

I went through for falling in love with Nikolai and Alexei and sweet because of the tiny little angels in my

womb that I will never regret having.

I will protect them the best way I know in Palawi and I will raise them rightfully as their last names,

Volkov. I will be fair to them and I will not deprive them of the fact that their fathers are Nikolai

Vyacheslav Volkov and Alexei Viktor Volkov. They will grow up with so much love surrounding them.

They will have the most amazing grandparents, uncle Devon, Aunt Amy and a mother who will never

give up on them no matter what.

"Artemis is such a hot name. I think it's a name built under the foundation of testosterone and strength."

Said Amy, breaking the silence inside the plane. "I wonder what Artemis looks like. Artan is such a

daddy. He must have got the good genes from him."

I just shook my head on her. I know she's trying to make light of the situation but I am honestly not in

the mood. I feel like my insides are twisting as I sit anxiously.

"I got to give it to Mr. Bogdani though, drunk and broken-hearted or not, the Albanian Mob Boss always

comes through for you B."

Amy told me on our way to the airport that Artan was out of reach since our last conversation. His men

were worried because he kept himself in his room, not talking to anyone except when he orders them

to bring alcohol. Dylan said that after Aria was brought to the hospital to check on her uncles, she was

immediately sent to the safe house. This usually happens on two occasions, one if there is a mob war

going on, or Artan is going through something that he doesn't want Aria to see. Dylan thinks both

reasons are equally true. They are preparing for the consequences of the fallout from the Russian

Mafia and Artan doesn't want Aria to see him in this situation.

When my father asked help from him, he never thought twice. He immediately sent help without regard

to the consequences. That man is so stubborn I honestly don't know what I will do with him anymore. If

I know that Pa will ask help from him, I would not have agreed to it. It will just cause unnecessary harm

to the people who will get involved.

Sooner or later, I know I have to thank him for doing this huge favor for our family. As for now however,

I don't think I can forgive him just yet for lying to me all this time. I trusted him with all my heart and yet

he betrayed me just the same.

My heart started to beat at an abnormal pace as the plane approaches the runway for takeoff. I don't

know what exactly to think much less to feel. I close my eyes as uncertainty seeps into my veins like

gravity that is pulling me back.

Am I doing the right decision? Is leaving my marriage with Nikolai and Alexei the right thing to do? Is

abandoning them while they are both in the hospital, a decision that I will regret someday?

I took a deep breath and tighten my grip around the armrest of my seat as I try my very best not to give

in to my doubts. I am leaving New York City. I am leaving my life away from the Russian Mafia and

away from Nikolai and Alexei.


Meanwhile at St. Michael's Hospital

Nikolai is lying beside his brother while reading the book for expecting dads that his brother bought for

him in Colombia. He is talking to him in Russian as if Alexei could hear him.

"Can you believe that brother? Babies will poop four to five times a day? That's so much poop! Fucking

hell. I have twins."

"What's that?" He continued, as he connects his ear close to his brother's mouth as if he could hear

him whisper. "That's what I'm thinking. It's on page 9. It says here that sometimes, mums will have an

excess amount of breast milk. And you know what they do? They use this device called a breast pump

to calm the titties. I don't think our queen will need this device often, yah? That's what husbands are for.

To help and give the wife all the comfort she needs. If both titties need comfort, you take one side and

I'll take the other. If only one titty needs comfort, we take turns."

"Boss, we have a small problem." Says Yuri as he enters the hospital room interrupting Nikolai's one-

sided conversation with Alexei.

"We have traced five private planes all taking off at the same time bound to Palawi in different locations

in New York. We don't have much time to pinpoint the exact plane or airport."

Nikolai stepped down from the bed and put his jacket on. He then sat down calmly while crossing his

arms over his chest. "Do you think my wife is in one of those five planes Yuri?"

"No. I think the five planes are decoys." He answered with a tone of certainty.

Nikolai walked towards the window and pulled the blinds to have a view of the New York skyline. He

thought to himself that Yuri might be right, the planes are just decoys to distract them from finding the

right place where the Galves' will take off. But that's not about to stop him from getting his wife back.

"Papa's good. The old man walks his talk."

"What's the plan?" Asks Yuri, obvious sense of urgency on his tone.

"Make the call. Ground every single fucking plane leaving New York in the next 10 minutes."

Yuri was taken aback at first as he knows the extent and seriousness of what his Boss is trying to say.

Nevertheless, he obliges as he also thinks that this is the best chance they have at the moment to stop

Belle from leaving. If they do not make it on time, they will have to take down a whole nation just to get

the wife back.

This is the most efficient and urgent way. Grounding every single plane even if that means pulling some

major strings that the Russian Mafia holds. It's a genius idea, Yuri thought to himself. One of the

reasons why Nikolai is the Mafia Boss that everyone fears in the underworld. Perhaps the one man

who thinks beyond evil and exactly does what he means.


5 minutes later....

Belle's POV

I am going to kill him!

I swear I will strangle him to death! That man knows no limit to his wickedness. This is him, I am sure of

that. We were seconds from take-off but we were not given the clearance at the very last moment.

Apparently, the air traffic office received information that there's a bomb in one of the planes leaving

New York at the exact same time that we were to take off. Can you believe that? He jeopardized other

people's time and safety just because he wants to stop our plane from leaving. He caused a major

disruption to the whole of New York for his own selfish reason.

"B, calm yourself. You look so flushed."

"Nikolai did this! Now we can't leave indefinitely because of his doing! I thought that the man is passed

out in the hospital or something, apparently, even in his unconscious state he still can do such awful

thing like this!"

"Stop pacing back and forth Arabella, you're just stressing yourself." Said my mother. And if I don't

know any better I would think that she favors our canceled flight back home. She's just literally sipping

her wine with such relief and calmness coupled with a smirk and a crimson face. Geez Ma. Pace

yourself. How drunk are you?

I removed the glass of wine from her hand and requested the server in the lounge to remove the bottle

from our table but she grabbed the wine instead and signaled the server to leave.

"I am mad Mama! You know what I want to do right now? I want to find him and give him one good

punch in the throat!"

"Oh! Like what you did to him in that meeting -when Nikolai sent you to the safe house but you still

came looking for him stubbornly? You had that Papa's girl attitude with you since you were a little girl

Ara. Don't tell your Father but your Pa was so proud of you for standing up for yourself against the

Russian Mafia Boss and all the Bosses' wives in that meeting." She said under her breath as she

finishes her sentence and eventually realizing she's saying things she should not have known.

"Mama, how did you know of that?"

She looks like she's been caught stealing from the cookie jar with that unapologetic yet cheeky look on

her face. My mother is an angel and she rarely drinks alcohol, however this time she looks like she's

genuinely having fun and my father- who is her best friend and number one promoter of her happiness

doesn't look like he's going to burst my mama's bubble.

"Uhm, okay. So Nikolai and Alexei- those two handsome men of yours- they keep in touch with us

almost everyday Arabella. Why do you think we don't worry about you even if you barely call or update

us about your situation here? Your Pa and I know almost everything that's happening with you. Well, at

least your men's version of events I suppose."

I honestly don't know what to think let alone feel about this. I don't know if I am going to be glad

because they reach out to my parents or mad because I did not have a single idea about it.

"Ara, listen to me okay? Nikolai and Alexei have been regularly sending money to Palawi. They have

been funding projects to build schools, hospitals and facilities to bring electricity and clean water to far-

flung communities. This week we are to inaugurate a building for an organization that rescues

abandoned children. Nikolai specifically requested that project because he knows how important this is

to you. He once told us that he severed your job at St. Mary's School because he's sure that you will

have your plate full when he puts up your own charitable organization consolidating every project he

has funded in Palawi and that includes St. Mary's school. He took over majority control of that school

because oF you. All of these were supposed to be Nikolai and Alexei's surprise birthday gift for you.

They were preparing for it months ago. I just don't understand what happened why they forgot about it

on the day itself. It did not make sense to me and still does not until now."

I know why. In the middle of a mob war, the conglomerate meeting, my severe allergic reaction which

was an attack against the Russian Mafia, my pregnancy, and Yelena's death anniversary-was my

birthday. Still, this does not erase the fact that they did not remember. Instead, they were mourning

their sister slash lover's death on my own birthday. We were fighting and they accused me of eloping

with Artan right before my very special day.

Them forgetting my birthday was only the tip of the iceberg. Truth is, it was just the confirmation of my

doubts as to the extent of the lies hidden from me by Nikolai and Alexei, particularly of their relationship

with her.

"Now let's not forget that they have their shortcomings-and we all do. I am not in any way condoning

whatever behavior they had that made you decide to turn your back from your marriage Arabella. I NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

respect that, that's why me and your Pa support your decision. All I am saying is, in every relationship,

especially in marriage, problems like this arise. And the best way to put things into perspective is to

communicate. Talk about the problem with your partner-or partners for that matter."

"But auntie, what if there's nothing left to talk about? What if all the things that you need to come up

with the wisest decision are all laid down in front of you and there's nothing left but to just leave?"

"Well, Amylinda, in that case, you still try. Relationships work because two -or three-people in the

relationship choose to work things out. Arabella's father and I have been through the worst possible

situations but we came out stronger every time. Circumstances will test your relationship and it's on

you if you raise your white flag or continue pushing through. Right now, it's Nikolai and Alexei who want

the relationship to work and I don't see them stopping anytime sooner."

My mother might be right but in our case, Nikolai and Alexei had all the time to tell me and to

communicate with me the truth about Yelena but they chose not to. They lied to me and no amount of

explanation can change that fact.


Phone conversation between Nikolai and the General.

Nikolai: Papa

General Galves: Nikolai, do I have to ask you why New York City is in total chaos right now because of

a purportedly terrorist bombing attack?

Nikolai: Pa, your daughter did not give me any choice. She and my babies are the reason why this life

is worth living for. I am not just going to give up without fighting to save our marriage, even if she has

given up on me.

General Galves: Now we are stranded in the airport and I have no doubt that you already know that I

have relieved our security details after we boarded the plane.

Nikolai: I have sent an advance party and they are on their way to your location as we speak. Dimitri is

in charge. He will stay with you until I arrive there. I'm on my way.

General Galves: I thought you're sick?

Nikolai: I am just probably- sick in the head Papa. You're daughter ticks off a lot of buttons in my head I

never knew existed.

General Galves: You know Nikolai, when a man tells me that he's sick in the head, I tend to believe

him. But don't blame that on my daughter. You are sick in the head, period.

Nikolai: (snickered) (short silence) Pa, how is she?

General Galves: (Looks back towards Belle and sees how mad Belle is. She's fisting her hands, red as

a tomato, fuming in anger.) She's calm. I'm sure she wants to see you right now.

After his conversation with his father-in-law, Nikolai buttons his cufflinks as he thinks of his next plan to

get Belle back. He adjusts his tie and jacket in place and then kisses his brother's forehead, "She's

definitely crazy mad right now brother. I hope she doesn't hurt her hand after smashing it to my face. I

won't be here to see you back to the mansion but I promise to bring her home tonight. Open your eyes

when you can. Do it for me, for Belle and the twins. Okay? We will be waiting for you."

He signals the hospital staff that it's okay to move his brother to the other bed to start his transfer from

the hospital back to the Volkov Mansion. Nikolai is certain that Alexei prefers it this way.


Belle's POV

My heart is pounding inside my ribcage. I just saw Dimitri talking to my father and he looks like he's

staying or waiting for someone. Alexei's men are here and they are now surrounding the lounge area

as if something will happen to us.

I really have a bad feeling about this. So I confided with Amy to eves drop to their conversation. She's

now on her way back to me like something urgent is happening.

"What A?"

"Omg B! Nikolai is coming. He's coming to fetch us."

Oh my goodness. So it was really him who caused this. Now it makes me think that he was awake

when I came to visit them in the hospital to say my goodbyes.

For some reason, part of me feels relieved because now at least I know he's fine. A huge part of me

however, feels terrified. Yes I want to punch him in the face but not now! Maybe later or some other

time. Right now, I don't want to see him! I am not ready to see him.

"A. You need to help me. Where's Devon?"

"He left to arrange our return to the embassy. Dimitri was insisting that we are all gonna go to the

Volkov mansion, they are just waiting for Nikolai to arrive but your Papa did not agree. The General

wants to go back to the embassy."

"We will not go back to the embassy. That's not going to happen. When Nikolai says something we can

be sure as frigging hell he's going to do it. No matter what or who he is dealing with."

"Hmm. I doubt that B. The General's decision will prevail. Wanna bet?"

"I don't have time for that right now. I don't want to see Nikolai A!"

She looks around in defeat. "Uhm, B. In case you haven't noticed. We are surrounded by the Russians.

Your womb has two half Russians. We have nowhere to go to escape these damn Russian men."

Well, I can. And I will not be forced into this situation. "Get your things. We are leaving A."

"Ooooh. Like a true mafia wife." Amy said with beaming pride.

"Correction! Soon to be EX mafia wife."

"Yas! So how are we gonna do this?"

I hushed her and went in my parent's direction. "Mama, Papa I am tired, can we go back to the

embassy now? Are you okay to leave now Pa?"

"Baby Madame, you are not safe without a security detail."

"I'm not talking to you Dimitri." I darted him a sharp look but he just shakes his head as if telling me not

to do it.

It's a good thing that his phone rang and so I took the chance to signal Amy, Papa and Mama to come

with me to leave.

For some unexpected reason, Dimitri who often doesn't accept no for an answer did not even attempt

to follow us. He just stood there arrogantly while adjusting his tie with this evil smirk on his face.

I'm already dialing Dylan's number as we walk towards the exit of the lounge area when my heart

started to bang in my chest. As if being under a spell, everyone's attention is now focused on someone

scarily familiar entering the VIP lounge.

His piercing green eyes connected to mine and in an instant caused chills to run down my spine. His

tattoos and that damn wolf head appear very prominently, complementing his white shirt inside a vest

and a black jacket.

What in the world is this devil doing here when just a while ago he was passed out in the hospital? He

looks so serious, I involuntarily stepped back as if some kind of a survival reflex.

"Oh my God! Mr. Lucifer Volkov is here." Said Amy. I know it's bad when I can actually sense fear in her


Nikolai halted a few steps from me as if inspecting every inch of my body. I got so conscious I had to

cradle my pregnant belly in utter embarrassment. Like, can you please not do that Nikolai? You're

getting so much unnecessary attention.

The man hasn't spoken a single word and yet everyone around him is already under his spell. The

Volkov effect.

I had to force myself to disconnect from his stare and walk away but it instantly became a futile act. My

body swung as he pulls me to his side and then wraps his other hand over my back to put me in a tight


At this point, the world around us seemed to stop moving. Everything stood still. Nikolai holds me so

firmly to his chest that for a few moments my body did not have much of a choice but to give in. It

doesn't help that he smells so damn good that when I close my eyes, I feel like I am in our room in the

mansion, just snuggling with him and Alexei by the fireplace.

At this point, the warmth of his body against mine have completely put my guard down. He holds me

around the back of my neck gently to force me to look him straight into those dark green eyes. With his

thick Russian accent, he spoke the words that were coming from his wicked heart, "Baby, please come

home. Alexei and I are waiting for you. Come home."

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