
Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Lea was totally caught off guard, giving Christian a look of disbelief. She hadn’t figured he’d come on so strong 

But when it came to his principles and boundaries, Christian didn’t mess around, earning him major respect in Vaporleon City 

“Dad, no way. Helen’s innocent” Matilda jumped in, not hesitating to defend Helen at any cost 

Christian was shocked, studying Matilda’s face. She was dead set, just as innocent–looking as Helen. 

“Innocent?” He wasn’t buying it, not one bit. This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“Yes, Helen is innocent Matilda affirmed, her determination rock–solid. She was ready to bend the truth if it meant 

keeping her girl safe. 

I saw her this afternoon went through every last detail,” she added, tears welling up as frustration and sadness crept into her voice. “Someone’s trying to frame her. There’s no way she’s guilty” 

“Who’d pull a stunt like that! And for what? Christian scratched his head, trying to make sense of it all. 

“I wish I knew, but it’s clear as day both Helen and the company are getting played.” Matilda’s voice cracked with emotion 

Christian went silent, memories of his past flooding back. 

From his time in the forces right through to his decades in the cutthroat world of business, he’d racked up enemies left, right, and center. Payback wasn’t just on the cards it was pretty much nailed on. 

Matilda capitalized on Christian’s hesitation and reassured him, “Christian, don’t sweat it. Helen’s innocent. She’ll walk out of this with her name cleared, I promise. She’ll be back home without a stain on her record” 

Her acting was flawless, coupled with the family dynamic, leaving Christian to simply swallow it all 

“Alright!” Christian nodded decisively. “You can leave this to me, just tell me what you need. I can hook you up with connections, p manpower you require.” 

Believing his granddaughter wasn’t a criminal, he wasn’t about to let anyone mess with the Berry family. 

power, whatever 

Matilda felt a surge of confidence; with his support, they’d weather this storm. She thought even if Helen were guilty, she’d get out of jail unscathed. That was why Matilda had gone straight to Christian from the police station

Getting Christian on board was top priority. And now, with his hacking firmly in place, the outlook was even more promising than Matilda had. dared to hope. 

“But with the company’s stock tanking like this, we need to get it back on track, Christian said, farrowing his brow, 

“Grandpa, the stock thing’s a piece of cake, Lea chimed in, rising from her seat and approaching. “We just need to buy back enough shares. Easy peasy

Matilda suddenly noticed Lea and slowly got up and looked at her. 

Lea was decked out in her full school uniform–a crisp blue blazer, short pleated skirt, and long brown hair cascading down. She had this totally innocent, pure look about her, with those smart, sparkling eyes. 

A sense of unease pricked Matilda’s gut as she felt something wasn’t right 

And it was confirmed when Lea said. “Mom, the Berry and Fraley families are practically one and the same, right? The Fraleys were pulling in over 4 billion in profit last year. So, borrowing a bit from them to buy back our shares should be no big deal, don’t you think?” 

Matilda felt like she’d just taken a gut punch, the wind getting knocked right out of her. 

But Lea appeared genuine, like a dutiful daughter keen on helping the family out of a jam, her focus squarely on the family’s interests. 

Christian was taken aback. Lea might just be onto something here, 

He’d been contemplating a press conference where the Berry family would swear up and down on Helen’s innocence, a move to steady the company’s stock price. Matilda was on the same page. 

Lea didn’t waste any time diving into analysis. “And We can also hit up a press conference, shout from the rooftops about Helen being not guilty and will be getting out without any charges.” 

Lea continued, “Look, the evidence is stacking up against her, and we’re running out of time to find something new. If we can’t swing public opinion, the stock’s gonna tank 

Chapter 36 

Unless Mom’s got a rabbit to pull out of her hat, sticking our necks out for Helen’s just gonna make things worse for the Berry Group. People are already losing it online, and our stocks are hanging by a thread” 

Matilda’s expression shifted again. She knew that if she had some new evidence, things might not be so dire. And Lea’s words were basically pushing the Fraley family to cough up some cash. 

Christian nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging Lea’s point. 

Without her nudge, he might not have even thought of it. The whole Helen situation had stirred up a social media storm, and without solid proof of her innocence, anything the Berry family said would just fan the flames, 

“What’s with the long face, Mom?” Lea asked, noticing Matilda’s expression. “You worried the Fraleys won’t lend us the money?” 

But I guess you shouldn’t. Remember that big hospital project Fraley Medical started a couple of years back! We pitched in some cash for that. They owed us one. Lea added and turned to Christian. 

“Oh yeah, we loaned them over 2 billion dollars, and they still owe us over 600 million, Christian said. 

Two years back, the Fraleys were riding high, and Henry promised Christian that everything in the Fraley family would eventually belong to Matikka, which meant also to Helen. Being the stand–up guy he was, Christian didn’t hesitate to lend them a hand when Matilda asked. 

Matilda had managed to tum over 2 billion dollars herself. 

Matilda’s lips trembled, torn between anger and fear. In her mind, asking the Fraley family for money felt like bleeding her whole family dry 

Though the Fraley family appeared to be on top of the world, boasting a massive 4 billion in net profit on last year’s financial reports, it was all a facade aimed at inflating their stock prices. 

In reality, the Berry Group’s growth was fueled by hefty borrowing in its early days. 

There wasn’t any real profit to speak of 

Gening the company’s stock hack on track wasn’t going to be a cakewalk. 

Lea could almost read Matilda’s mind now. “Hey, come on, Helen’s innocent, right? Once the cops cut her loose, the stock’s gonna bounce back, and we can quickly pay back the Fraleys Lea argued. 

Christian nodded. “Exactly. Let the Fraleys know we need a bit more money, then we’ll buy back the shares. 

In business, it was all about give and take. The Berry family had lent a hand to the Fraleys before, so it was only fair to expect the same in return. 

Matilda felt a knot form in her stomach as she looked at Lea, feeling trapped. All her escape routes seemed blocked, leaving her with no choice but to ask the Fraleys for a hefty sum–no longer just millions, but billions 

Locked in a silent standoff with Lea, Matilda struggled to find her voice. 

Finally, Christian broke the silence, looking concerned. “Matilda, what’s the holdup? You’ve been quiet for a minute.” 

Taking a deep breath, Matilda forced out a response. “Alright, I’ll shoot the Fraleys a message for the cash Inside, she was fuming, but on the surface, she kept her cool. 

Christian’s expression softened with relief. Thanks, Matilda. I’ll do everything I can to sort this out for you.” He reassured her. 

Christian knew it would be tough for her to stabilize the stock price using money from the Fraley family. Her willingness to go to these lengths for the Berry family not only showed her dedication but also solidified Helen’s innsernet- 

TII have Mr. Fisher bring a lawyer to help with the police, and I’ll call the police leaders now, Christian said. 

Thanks, Christian, Matilda replied, her eyes showing renewed determination. “But No need for Mr. Fisher; you’ve got enough on your plate. I’d feel better if he stayed by your side. 

Christian was in the dark about the full extent of the situation and Matilda couldn’t risk involving Victor 

Christian replied, “I don’t need more people, I just need a lawyer for the company. But I’m swamped and time’s tight. I still need you to talk to the police and buy us enough time” 

Christian nodded and started making phone calls right there. “Mr. Brown, about my granddaughter Helen, she’s been wrongly accused. The Berry family will provide evidence, but it will take some time. Please look after her while she’s there,” 

Captain Knox, my granddaughter has been wrongly accused. Can you help look after her for now? 

Christian said into the phone. “Mr. Yoel, about my granddaughter Helen….. 

Chapter 26 

Matilda listened and glanced at Lea with a smirk. Christian has pulled strings with the higher–ups, she thought confidently. With their backing, my next steps should be a breeze. 

She then mused. And what about Helen framed for murder? Does Lea really think that would destroy her! How naive! I’ll make damn sure Helen walks free. And forget about the Fraley fortune–Ill own everything the Berrys have soon enough!” 

Meanwhile, Lea was also glaring at Matilda coldly. They locked eyes for a few seconds before Lea looked over at Christian, still on the phone Judging by his demeanor, he completely believed Helen was innocent. 

With the so–called evidence in front of him and Matilda’s words, he had no more doubts. It all came down to his favoritism towards them. Lea felt a chill in her heart, seeing how easily he was swayed 


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