His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 660

Chapter 660 They Were A Couple After All 


+5 Pearls 

Nilou and Rhizone didn’t fully grasp the subject matter of the adults‘ conversation. Nevertheless, while the adults discussed, the two children remained at the sidelines, attentively listening without interrupting. curbing their enthusiasm in deference to the ongoing discussion. 

It was only when Josiah initiated a query, posing the question. “Is this the only road to drive through?” that Nilou succinctly offered her insight

“This is the best route, she explained. “Previously, some visitors attempted to take another route, but unfortunately, they found themselves stuck in the mud. The villagers from nearby had to assist them in pulling their cars out of the mud.” 

Josiah, contemplating this, could not help but visualize himself navigating this route, the vehicle becoming ensnared. 

More alarming than the mere inconvenience of being stuck was the peril of sinking swiftly and profoundly into the mire. In such dire situations, abandoning the vehicle and swimming to safety might be the only recourse, a perilous endeavor particularly for tourists unacquainted with these treacherous road conditions

After a brief period of introspection, Josiah accessed the vehicle’s navigation system to inquire, “Is this route easy to locate?” 

The navigation screen was a convoluted mess, displaying the lake’s location but surrounded by a labyrinth of complex paths, some of which disconnected from the village entirely. Even for someone as analytical as he, deciphering the map was a considerable challenge. 

Nilou reflected on this, noting. “Locals here find it easy to navigate, but outsiders might struggle without guidance. Without a local guide, I doubt outsiders would even know there’s a lake here, let alone find their way to it.” 

Lysander, observing Nilou’s mature demeanor, noted how appropriately she spoke despite her youth. neither overstating the difficulty of the route nor overlooking to credit their guidance. 

She then gestured toward the car door, inviting the children, “If your home is near that little boat, how shall we ger here?” 

With a clever grin, Nilou clasped her younger brother’s hand and feapt from the vehicle, “Follow me, there’s a bridge nearby.” 

Lysander and Josiah, prompted by her assurance, trailed behind, leaving their car somewhat carelessly parked beside the road. Given the absence of other vehicles, proper parking seemed unnecessary and posed no obstruction. 

After spending enough time in such a leisurely and comfortable village, even the most composed individuals would find themselves drawn to the call of freedom. 

They soon approached the bridge Nilou had mentioned, which starkly contradicted their expectations. It was merely a collection of large stones in the lake’s shallowest part, crudely topped with wooden planks bound by ropes and iron chains. 

Nilou and Rhizone scampered ahead, soon noticing the adults lagging behind. They turned, puzzled at their slow pace. 



Chapter 660 They Were A Couple After All 

+5 Pearls 

Lysander gingerly stepped onto a creaking plank, pausing before moving forward, while Josiah cautiously supported her, ensuring her safety. 

Witnessing this cautious progression, Nilou called out, “Wait here, Dr. Thorne. I’ll go get my dad!” 

However, from afar, Lysander spotted the villagers tending to the boat and promptly reassured, “No need to trouble them; this is our first time on such a bridge, so we’re just proceeding with care.” 

With renewed resolve, she briskly crossed the makeshift bridge, her steps reminiscent of youthful exuberance, while Josiah, heart racing with apprehension, dared not glance down at the water, focusing solely on following her safely to the lakeside, paved with blue stone slabs. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

This area, where lakeside villagers resided, presented a stark contrast to the central village, appearing notably less affluent. 

Josiah’s perception of their surroundings deepened, recognizing the relative prosperity of the central village compared to the surrounding areas. 

Prepared for this, Lysander masked any discomfort to avoid unsettling the children, instead warmly greeting the curious villagers. 

The villagers led a life marked by simplicity, laboring from the early hours of dawn until dusk. By this point in the day, they had already spent considerable time engaged in their daily tasks. Men were out on the boats, diligently digging up lotus roots and fishing, while the women busied themselves with slicing open lotus pods and laundering their garments. 

The appearance of two unfamiliar faces wandering through their routines was a rare and intriguing spectacle for them. 

Laughter broke out among the villagers as one of them initiated a conversation with the visitors. “Are you two Dr. Thorne and Mr. Guerra? We’ve heard about the doctor and philanthropist who’ve come to help our village. Everyone’s excited, but we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you until now.” 

“So these are the two wonderful people! They’re really good–looking, such a perfect match at first glance!” 

“What do you mean, a perfect match? They’re a couple after all, another villager added, showing the villagers‘ straightforward and outspoken nature. Their expressions were filled with a genuine curiosity and warmth that made the atmosphere welcoming. 

Josiah, somewhat taken aback by how widely his name had spread, agreed calmly, “Actually, I’m merely here to do what I can to assist; formalities really aren’t necessary.” 

As the conversation was about to delve deeper into their reasons for visiting, Nilou, with a flair for the dramatic and eager to impress, quickly interjected, “Today, they are honored guests in our home.” 

She enthusiastically continued, “Josiah, Dr. Thorne, please come with me. Our house is just up ahead. If we sit by the entrance of the courtyard and look at the lake, not only is the view stunning, but when the breeze picks up, you can enjoy the refreshing aroma of the lotus flowers.” 

Despite her young age, Nilou was full of schemes. She was concerned that Josiah and Lysander might discover more appealing options elsewhere, potentially jeopardizing a potential business arrangement. 

Seizing on his sister’s subtle cue, Rhizone, though usually quite reserved, quickly took a few steps ahead to lead the way. He escorted the two guests back to their residence, only pausing once they had reached they destination. Breathless from the exertion, he hurried into the house to fetch a drink of water. 

08:46 Mon, 1 Jul 

Chapter 660 They Were A Couple After All 


+5 Pearls 

Their home was positioned directly across from the lake, providing an excellent vantage point to admire the lotus leaves reaching upwards toward the sky. 

Lysander and Josiah momentarily paused within the enclosed simple picket fence of the courtyard, taking in the serene beauty of the lake. Their eyes then drifted to their immediate surroundings. 

The scene epitomized a quintessential farmhouse, complete with a corner devoted to raising chickens and ducks. Dried chili peppers and beans, used in their daily cooking, dangled under the caves. Yet, this self- built home could not compare to the more refined houses at the village center, as the plaster on the exterior walls had long peeled off. 

“Mom, I brought back the people I mentioned to you last night!” 

As Nilou spoke, she did not follow her younger brother inside. Instead, she descended the steps in the courtyard and headed straight toward the lake. There, she called out to a woman who was in the midst of doing laundry. 

The woman, not much older than Lysander, showed clear signs of a life filled with hardships. Upon noticing the visitors, she first wiped her hands on her garment before nervously addressing them, “You must be Dr. Thorne and Mr. Guerra, right? Our Nilou mentioned you were interested in our straw origami. Please, come inside.” 

She hurried inside and quickly fetched two coarse clay mug. After scalding them with hot water, she grabbed a jar and explained, “We don’t have much tea leaves at home, just mint leaves. They make a particularly refreshing drink when steeped“. 

Soon, two cups of mint water were prepared and offered to the guests. 

Lysander, taking a sniff of the water, chuckled lightly and commented, “Thank you, it really smells wonderful.” 

The woman, now slightly more relaxed, wanted to ensure she presented the best their home had to offer but was unsure what would best represent that. Ultimately, she brought over a bamboo basket filled with freshly harvested lotus seeds. “These were just taken from the water this morning. The lotus seeds are especially tender this season. Please, have a taste.” 

The snacks provided were indeed fresh, adding to the authenticity of their hospitality. 

Josiah, having tasted lotus seeds before but never having peeled one himself, picked up a lotus pod with interest and began to peel it. 

The woman gestured toward the window, where strands of straw origami hung. She proudly explained, “Whenever my husband finds some spare time, he crafts small items from straw to sell at the market, which helps supplement our income, He’s quite skilled and can create anything from crickets to kittens, puppies, and flowers, just by looking at a model.” 

“I told you last night, my dad’s craftsmanship is truly exceptional,” Nilou said with pride, though her tone carried a melancholic note. “It’s just that lately, there are fewer strangers at the market, and even fewer who are willing to spend money on such crafts.” 

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