His Identity

Chapter 33

After getting the tape from Harold and once again reminding him to keep this a secret, Rita and Camille left the Mart. Luckily for her, Camille had a tape machine that could play the file. They got to her house soon and Rita was a bit nervous at what they would discover.

Camille noticed this and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Rita was really glad that Camille was on board with everything they had done so far. She couldn’t imagine if they had opposing views about this. It would prove much more difficult for her to handle.

Rita brought our the tape, inserting it into the machine. They sat back as they watched it play to the time Rodrigo walked into the Mart.

“That’s him, that’s my son”, Camille said.

Rita’s heart seized as she saw the man she loved. She was once again in awe at his handsomeness and how beautiful he looked.

They watched as he made his way into the Mart, indeed getting the groceries. He left the Mart soon, hailing a taxi that drove by that moment. The taxi drove away and that was the last thing they saw.

Rita’ couldn’t believe that was the end of everything. The tape proved to be of little to no help but one thing was clear to them now. Rodrigo had indeed gone to the Mart to pick up groceries. A sick feeling grew at the pit of her stomach. If Rodrigo wasn’t missing in the Mart then the only explanation about this was the taxi he boarded. Rita knew that something must have happened in that taxi between his point of take off and the journey to the house.

“The taxi, something happened in that taxi”, Camille croaked.

“Yes, we need to find out what really went wrong but the problem is there are so many of them. We won’t know which one of them it was”, Rita sighed.

They were getting farther and farther away from finding him. The tape which thy thought could give them the answers they were looking for just proved to be of little help.

“I think our best bet is to meet his friends. Even though we saw how he left the Mart, I think we should still meet his friends maybe they might know a place he could be”, Rita said.

“Yes but dear, I’m getting weaker. I haven’t taken my drugs today could we go soon”, Camille asked.

She felt suddenly weak and tired. Rita rushed to side, feeling her pulse. She shuddered when her pulse gave a weak beat. Camille needed to rest or she would break down faster than she could say her name.

,”Please rest, don’t worry about it. As from now on, I want you to leave everything to me. I’ll take it up from here”, Rita smiled, sadly.

She couldn’t imagine the pain the woman was passing through with her ailment and knowing that her son was missing.

“But I can’t leave you to do everything yourself, I need to help you”, Camille said.

“The only help you’ll be giving me is by resting and taking your drugs, please do this for me”, Rita begged.

“Okay but if you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to come to me. I love Rodrigo as much as you do and we’re going to find him together” she said.

“I promise I will. I’ll call the matron as soon as I leave here, please don’t think about anything else everything would be fine”, Rita said, giving her hands a gentle squeeze.

“Okay, I’ll write down the addresses of Rodrigo’s friends so you could go see them. I’m sure they’ll know his whereabouts”.

“Yes, I’ll go see them as soon as I’m a bit free from work. I’ll also come to check you from time to time”.

“Thank you for all you do Rita, I won’t forget this”.

Rita smiled, giving her a hug before she left the house. She made her way to the car, driving off. She decided to go to her private place. She needed a neutral place to think and restategize on the next line of action. She also needed to call Theresa. Lord knows she had missed her friend more than ever before and this was the time she really needed her.

If she was the find Rodrigo, she needed all the help she could get and Theresa was one person she knew who wouldn’t hesitate to help her. Oddly, she didn’t plan on informing Edmumdo about everything that was happening. She didn’t trust him and his behaviors and attitudes in recent times proved that he couldn’t be trusted.

Rita decided that if she wanted to find him fast, she needed to go alone and also needed all the help she could get from her close allies.

As she drove towards the private place, she secretly hoped that she would meet Rodrigo there. She couldn’t explain that would fill her if she discovered he was there.

She soon got to the private place, putting her car to a stop in front of the huge double doors. She got down from the car, making her way towards the building.

When she got in, she was sad when there was no sign of Rodrigo. The building was empty save for the birds that fluttered in the garden. Rita walked towards the balcony, dumping her bag on a nearby table.

She rested on the railings, feeling the gentle breeze on her skin. As she looked out, she remembered she wanted to call Theresa. It’s been two weeks since the incident at the club and she never heard from her which left her sad and dejected.

Theresa was her friend, a very close one at that and she’ll be a fool not to salvage their relationship. She wouldn’t allow what her father said to cause a rift between her and her friend, they were stronger than that. Picking up her phone, she decided to call her at that very moment.

She waited for Theresa to pick up the phone hoping that she doesn’t get ignored. She wouldn’t be able to live with it if she ignored her.

“Hello?”, Theresa said.

At that moment, Rita could have weaped for joy. For several minutes she remained quiet, fearing that she would cut the call.

“Theresa, it’s me Rita”, she croaked.

“Oh my God! Rita, is that really you. I thought you’d never speak to me, oh gosh I’m so relieved”, Theresa sobbed.

“I would never do that. Our relationship is too strong for me to do that, I love you like the sister I never had”, Rita smiled.

“Gosh! I’m so sorry Rita. If I had known, I wouldn’t have dragged you to that stupid club. I’m sorry”, she choked.

“No no, you don’t have to apologize. In fact, I should be the one apologizing. Knowing you’re a married woman, I should have just let you be. I hope Marco wasn’t angry”.

She hated to think what would have happened as at the time Theresa arrived home. No doubt, he’ll be so angry about the whole incident.

“No, he wasn’t. In fact, he was dead worried and he had to send most of the body guards to search for me just before I came home. There’s one thing though”, she said.

“What? Please don’t tell me he cut off our relationship”, Rita groaned.

“You know I would never allow him do that. He said I’m never attending any club again”, she chuckled.

“Whew, that’s better because I’m not ever going to one again. It seems as if I’m the subject of attacks. I can’t stand it, it’s driving me crazy”, Rita said.

“I think you should be more careful Rita. Be careful of the places you go to, I’ll suggest you take Rodrigo whenever you’re going out. The streets are no longer safe”.

“Theresa, Rodrigo is missing”, Rita said, calmly.

There was a heavy pause as Rita waited for her response. Theresa remained quiet for a long time, taking in her words.

“What do you mean he’s missing?”, Theresa said.

“The last time I saw him was on the day of the attack, two weeks ago in my house. Theresa, he’s missing”, Rita sobbed.

She made her way to a cabinet, drawing out tissues. She dabbed her eyes as more tears streamed down her cheek. Somehow, speaking with Theresa seemed to draw out all the emotions she’s been keeping ever since.

“Shiit! This is not good, this is so not good. This is the time you really need him the most and now this had to happen”, Theresa said.

“I know which leaves me so confused. I’ve called his numbers but they aren’t going through. Just the other day, his mum came by to the office with the same complain. Theresa, Rodrigo is truly missing”.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh my God! Baby girl, please you need to calm down. Crying won’t solve anything, this is the time you need to be strong for him and his mother”, Theresa said.

“I know and I’m trying but the pain of loosing him is too much, it seems like I’m loosing my mind”, Rita sobbed harder.

“Please calm down. Have you found out anything about his whereabouts, anything at all that could help?”.

Rita narrated all they had found. Thinking about it now, she knew they had done little to nothing in finding him which made her all the more depressed.

“Okay, that’s a start. I’m going to help you. Don’t worry about it, I know he’s fine and I’m sure he’ll be fine. Please stop crying”, she said.

“Thank you, I knew I could count on you”, Rita croaked.

“Anytime baby girl. I’ll stop by at your office so we could put heads together on the next step to take”.

“Okay, thank you. See you on Monday”, Rita said before cutting the call.

She felt a bit relieved knowing there was someone there to help her. She only hoped that this relief wasn’t short-lived.

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