His Identity

Chapter 37

“How have you been Camille?”, Rita asked.

She had been in her house for a while now and she was glad that she was better and more healthier. Rita knew what made her Ill, it was simply stress and she planned to take that away from her as much as possible.

“I’m just here, hoping and praying that Rodrigo comes back to me soon”, she said.

She was dressed in a wool sweater and a long skirt. The weather had dropped which was ushered by more snow. The news forecasted that it might get heavier as the day goes by, hence everyone had to cover up if they didn’t want to catch a cold.

“He will Camille, trust me. Rodrigo would always find us”, Rita smiled sadly.

She was holding on to his words. Those words had been her anchor ever since his sudden disappearance, it was the last thing he said before he left her house.

“Yes, I know my boy will come home, I just know it”, she said.

“Have you had anything to eat?”, Rita asked.

“Not really, I just had some tea in the morning before the maid left. I really don’t have much appetite”, she sighed.

“I think you should eat. Don’t worry, I can whip up some spaghetti in no time”, Rita smiled.

“You take care of me too much when I’m not even your family. Thank you for everything Rita”, she said, a lone tear sliding down her eyes.

“You don’t need to thank me. I love you and Rodrigo so much and I wouldn’t hesitate to help you in any way I can. My only prayer now is Rodrigo comes back hale and hearty then my joy would be complete”, Rita said.

She made her way to the kitchen, gathering the ingredients for the meal. She was glad that she took her cooking classes seriously. Her mum was never good at cooking and Rita took over that aspect of the house. As she cooked, she hummed lightly to a song that Rodrigo had thought her during the early days of their relationship.

It was an old folklore, one that she was happy to learn. Soon, the food was ready. She dished up a healthy portion for Camille since she hadn’t really eaten.

She made her way to the living room, balancing the tray of food in one hand.

“This smells so good”, Camille smiled.

,”Wait till you have a taste”, Rita laughed.

Camille took a bite and hummed in satisfaction. Rita watched as she ate more of the food, happy she was eating. She was getting more leaner and she wanted to put a stop to that.

“I know about your relationship with Edmundo”, Camille said, suddenly.

Rita sighed. There was hardly anyone who didn’t know about her relationship with Edmundo. The tabloids made sure that the public had a full dose of their relationship. She was disgusted to know that her name was associated with a pig like him.

“And I really know how you feel, trust me I know”, she said.

Rita whipped her head up, staring at her. Camille had a far away look in her eyes and Rita could tell that she was thinking about an event that had taken place a long time ago.

“It’s choking to be honest. Sometimes, I can’t breathe. I don’t know what I’ll do, I can’t marry Edmundo I just can’t”, she said.

“In due time, everything would work out for your own good. One day, maybe I’ll tell you my story but first, let’s work on finding Rodrigo”, she said.

“Okay”, Rita smiled.

A little while later, she left the house promising to come back soon. She drove towards Edmundo’s house, listening to an old song playing from the car’s radio. Rita barely listened to the song as her whole mind was focused on what she was going through.

She soon got to the house soon, greeted by Louis who had a wide grin on his face. His white house shirt was fitted on his body as he bowed slightly to welcome her.

“Welcome ma’am”, he said.

“Hello Louis, how are you?”, Rita said.

“I’m fine. Ma’am, Senator Brabra would like to see you”, he said.

Rita stared, it had been so long since she saw him. It’s true he usually travels round the world due to the nature of the job with the President. His arrival here coincided with the dinner party which would be held this weekend.

“Okay, where is he?, she asked.

“Come with me”, he said, walking towards the house.

Rita followed him, looking around the house. She had never been to this part of the building and was quite surprised to see how beautiful it looked.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

They soon got to a room with wide double doors. Lous knocked lightly before walking in. Rita followed and she was in awe at the murals that decorated the walls.

“Good evening Sir, Miss Anderson is here”, Louis said, bowing slightly.

“Good… Great, you can leave us now. Thank you Louis”, Senator Wilson said.

Rita took a seat opposite him. The last time she had seen him was when he stopped by at her office which seemed like a long time ago.

“I’m sorry for calling you here when you just got back”, he began.

“It’s okay… Is there a problem Senator?”, Rita asked.

“It’s not a problem per say… I just wanted to know if you’ve cemented your relationship with my son”, he said.

Rita stared at him incredulously. She couldn’t believe he was seriously asking her that question knowing fully well that she had just got back from the office bone tired. The only reason she summoned his call was because she thought he had something important to say but not this.

“With all due respect sir, I think you should ask your son that question. I’m not the problem here but your son”, Rita seethed.

She was tired of being patronized this way. She was past caring about what they thought, she couldn’t believe he really thought this lowly about her.

“My son isn’t really the problem… Rita, just be patient with him. I’m sure he’ll change, I’m really sure of it”, Senator Brabra said.

Rita stood up, snatching her bag from the table. She was tired of this, tired of being talked to this way.

“With all due respect Senator, you’re wasting my time. I’m tired and I need to go. Maybe some other time, we can talk about this”, Rita said as she made her way out of the office.

“Don’t forget you’re still living in my house and you must go by my rules” he chuckled.

Rita whipped around, giving him a death glare. At that moment, she hated everything about him. It seemed as if they had made it their life duty to frustrate her but she vowed never to be.

“I won’t be any longer. As soon as you’re done with your dinner party, I’m going back to my father’s house. To be honest, I don’t even know why I’m here in the first place but that’s by the way. All that matters is that I’m going back and I would never get married to your son”, she seethed.

“You’re playing with fire girl”, Senator Brabra said with a steely look in his eyes.

“If you’re fire, then I’m water and I wouldn’t hesitate to quench you and watch you reduce to a shadow of yourself, you can trust me on that”, Rita said before making her way out of the office.

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