His Identity

Chapter 44

A week after her visit to Theresa, Rita got the good news that Mateo was fully recovered. Theresa also informed her that she had told Marco about the baby and he was delighted to hear the news. Rita was happy that her friend’s life was getting back in shape after the bumpy episode.

Rita was currently in her office, going over the file that Yasmin had brought her earlier on. It seemed as if whenever she got to the office, she was loaded with files of different sort. Each file wanted to seek her permission about something ranging from a meeting to a party down to a contract.

Sometimes, she barely had time for herself and with the issue of Rodrigo which weighed her down, it was nearly impossible.

“Ma’am, an investor is here to see you”, Yasmin said.

Rita groaned, she needed a break from everyone who wanted to see her. It seemed as if she was the only one against all of them.

“Okay, please send him in”, Rita said.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. Rita instructed him to come in and soon, a well dressed man with curly hair and deep blue eyes walked in. Rita had never seen him before and wasn’t so sure if what Yasmin said about him was right.

“Hello, good morning. Please have a seat”, Rita said.

By now, her guard was up. She didn’t trust this man who seemed suspicious and strange. Though he was dressed for a meeting but Rita could feel a bad vibe coming from him.

“Good morning, my name is Nicholas Stuart”, he said.

“Okay… So, my secretary informed me that you’re an investor representing the petroleum company…”, she said.

Her hands surreptitiously creeped to the alarm button beneath her table. She would waste no time in alerting the security if this man tried anything funny.

“I am, just that I really don’t make my presence known that much”, he smiled.

The smile reminded Rita of a shark’s about to catch it’s prey. Her hands crept closer and closer to the button as she gave the man a fake smile. She didn’t quite understand what he said which made her all the more terrified at the evil things he could do.

“So, why are you here?”, she said.

She was tired of the game he seemed to be playing. She was in no mood to do that and the only reason she hadn’t kicked him out of her office was because she wanted to know what he was really up to.

“To give you this”, the man said.

Within the twinkle of an eye, a gun was pointed on her face. Without thinking, Rita pressed the alarm button as the shrill sound of the alarm filled the whole building. The man knocked her down with the gun, placing his foot on her back.

“What do you want?”, Rita cried out in pain.

“What should have been mine, this company. I should be sitting on that chair, I should be making the decisions here but here you are, a mere woman not worthy of this position”, he screamed.

He pushed the gun closer to her temple and Rita desperately wished the security men could hurry up.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t understand, who are you?” Rita sobbed.

This was the time she needed Rodrigo but he wasn’t here. She cried over his disappearance and the shooter thought she was crying over the pain as he laughed maniacally.

“I suggest you ask your father that is if you come out alive. When I’m done here, I’m going for him and everyone you love. I will destroy you all until the Anderson name is history”, he cackled.

He cocked his gun, ready for the final kill. Rita said a prayer to all of the gods listening above, she made a promise within herself to love Rodrigo even in death and as she waited for the pain to take over her, she felt a heavy weight pushed away from her.

Rita scrambled to her feet to see about ten security men fill her office. Ramirez tackled the shooter to the ground, knocking the gun away from his hands. The others helped him handcuff the man as they dragged him to his feet.

“Ma’am, are you alright”, Ramirez said, gripping her hands.

Asides from a cut on her head, Rita was okay just shaken a lot. She stared at the man who attacked her and she had never felt so much hatred for one person before.

She walked towards him but Ramirez drew her back. He didn’t want her close to him for fear of him attacking her again. He had a maddening look in his eyes and Ramirez could tell that this man was a hardened criminal.

“Please, don’t go to him. He’s a criminal and he might attack you again even though he’s restrained”, Ramirez said.

Rita nodded as she watched them lead him away. Yasmin rushed towards her, hugging her as tears streamed down her eyes.

“Oh gosh, I’ve never been so scared in my life”, she sobbed.

Rita patted her back, smiling at how lucky she was to survive this. She had no idea who the man was but what he said stayed put in her heart.

“Any idea who he is?”, Rita asked Ramirez who still stood by.

“No, we’re handing him over to the police now for proper investigations. Ma’am, I suggest you leave the office for some time. The police would be in here soon, looking through the damages”, he said.

“But I have tons of things to do”, Rita said.

“Trust me ma’am, it’s for the best. We also need to have a look at your head, it’s bleeding”, he said.

Rita sighed, she knew he was right but she found it hard to leave her office when there was so much pending work needing her attention. She packed the few things she would be needing before following Ramirez out.

“I’ve put the whole building on lockdown for about twenty four hours as a precautionary measures against further attacks. I’ve also instructed the staffs to leave the premises until further notice”, he said, leading her to an SUV.

“Thank you Ramirez, that was really thoughtful of you”, Rita said, climbing into the car.

“You’re welcome ma’am. Henceforth, I’ll be driving you anywhere you want to go. This is not the first nor second time this is happening, we need to take your security more seriously”, he said, driving towards the hospital.

Rita sighed, she knew he was right. With the way she’s been getting attacked in recent times, one would wonder if she was living her last days on earth.

“Please, find out more about that man. I want to know who he is”, she said.

“I’m on it”, he said.

Her phone gave a shrill sound as dozens of calls and texts from her parents and Theresa filled her phone. No doubt, Rita knew that her parents were the first to hear of this since everything that happens within the building was reported to them straight away.

She placed the phone back on her lap. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone until she had her head treated. She wanted to be in the right shape before talking to anyone.

Her father had a lot of questions to answer and Rita couldn’t wait to begin. She had a feeling that she would discover a lot of secrets, secrets that might leave her scarred for life.

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