His Mafia Bride

Danger looms

Alina had her eyes glued on to the screen of the television, watching her favourite series in the living room whilst Mariposa and Naomi cleaned the house and prepared dinner.

It had been a week since she found out she was pregnant and ever since, she made sure to be very careful in how she did things.

Mariposa and Naomi were always at her beck and call, making sure she felt as comfortable as ever whilst Dante was away.

Her morning nausea increased rapidly and it irked her so much that every morning she had to throw up but whenever she remembered the life growing within her, it gave her bright and radiant smiles.

The baby growing inside her was a symbol of she and Dante’s love.

Alina couldn’t help but wonder how Dante would react knowing he was going to be a father.

She would always find herself lost in her thoughts and daydreaming, her mind conjuring the different reactions of Dante but nevertheless, she knew he would be so happy to know about it.

Probably happiness would be an understatement of what he would feel.

The thought made Alina giggle to herself.

Pregnancy did change some things about her.

She had already started having various weird cravings and little things made her cry.

It felt so strange.

When mariposa brought her orange juice instead of apple by mistake and Alina broke down in tears days back.

Mariposa and Naomi had to comfort her throughout the entire day.

If she wasn’t crying, she would get angry over little things and she had become extra picky in food. Her tastebuds switched every nano second.

But Mariposa and Naomi were still helpful towards Alina. They fully understood that all these were what came with pregnancy and so it wasn’t Alina’s fault.

Alina groaned within herself as she reminisced about her week and wondered when Dante was going to show up.

She didn’t love to always bother Mariposa and Naomi.

They had done a great deal of work for her throughout these last weeks.

Dante was the one she wanted but he was stuck in Cuba for work issues and he wouldn’t even divulge when he was returning.

A tired sigh left her lips and then a frown.

“Ma’am your phone is ringing” Naomi informed her. Alina turned to look at Naomi with a smile and her eyes darted to the phone in her hand.

“Thank you dear” Alina told her sweetly to which Naomi returned an even warmer smile at her before leaving.

On noticing the caller, Alina gasped.

It was her father. She could recognise that number.

After Dante had deleted all numbers from her phone in the past, she never bothered saving her father’s number back when she and Dante’s relationship began blossoming.

He married her off and never came to check up on her. He didn’t care about her and was only more focused on her two elder sisters.

Dante’s attitude to her had surpassed her father’s attitude to her throughout her whole life.

Dante loved her but she couldn’t say the same for her father. He never treated her like his daughter, he instead locked her up always, yelled insulting words at her and treated her like a piece of rag.

Alina stood and walked upstairs with the phone still in her hands, ringing incessantly.

She hastened her steps and went towards her room. Once inside, Alina at once picked the call with a deep sigh.

“Hello” she simply stated.

“Alina are you deaf that you couldn’t hear your phone ringing?!” His voice boomed from the phone.

She rolled her eyes at his tone. This man had not changed one bit.

“I’m sorry father” Alina’s acrimonious tone replied.

“I was busy” she added.

“Busy doing what?” He scoffed at her. Alina felt anger rising within her at her father’s insensitive question.

“Where you with that Italian man?” he said in a jeering tone.

“He is my husband and your son inlaw” Alina replied defensive.

How could he address Dante with such a racist tone?

“Bull shit. Spare me all that bullshit” Nikolia spat.

“Father don’t say that about my husband. I love him” Alina seethed at his wordings.

“Quit the acting Alina. We all know you don’t. If Dante is close to you then I suggest you move further away from him and stop acting because it’s really getting on my nerve!” Nikolia raged.

“Have you gotten any thing?” Nikolia suddenly threw another question this time.

Alina had her brows pulled together in confusion. “Any thing? How do you mean?”

“Are you serious now Alina? I sent you there to feed me on information about Dante and his fucking mafia. Have you gotten any useful information? Has Dante been able to fall inlove with you?

“Father please…” Alina said, disgust written all over her face.

She would never do that to Dante even if she hated him.

“Has he fallen for you?” Nikolia asked.

Alina remained quiet and chose not to speak. Her father was demanding the impossible from her and she wasn’t going to do any of that.

“Your answer says it all” Nikolia laughed.

“You’ve gotten the Italian man wrapped around your fingers. Why haven’t you done your job there then?! You were sent there to infiltrate Dante’s mafia not fall for him too or start a fucking relationship with him! That was the main reason I sent you there! Quit all these fucking act and find what I want!”

Alina felt her anger tighten around her throat. She had gotten enough of this.

She won’t be used as a tool for destruction especially not towards her husband and the only man she loved.

“Father I ca….” Alina yelled when her speech was suddenly interrupted by a distinct male tone.

“Alina” Dante gasped. Alina quickly spurned around to meet his shocked profile looming by the doorway of their room.

“Uhm Dante… y–you are b.. back” Alina heard herself stuttering, her breathing becoming erratic.

Anxiety creeped into her and her fear soared.

Dante heard her conversation with her father. It was very evident in his body language.

His brows were pulled together and his lips had a terrible scowl.

Alina felt her heart sink down to her stomach on noticing Dante’s features.

He was beyond angry.

His fists were so tight and balled up that his knuckles could turn white and his eyes had slits of fury and rage dancing in them.

“Dante it isn’t what it looks like….” Alina quickly spoke up for herself, trying to stop the jitters from spreading throughout her body but it was off no use now.

Dante was as red as a bull. He took predatorial steps towards her and Alina almost forgot to breathe whilst watching him.

Without saying a word, he yanked the phone out of her hand and spoke.

“Nikolia I was a fool to think that you could change from playing your tricks and I am an even bigger fool for letting your precious daughter stay alive for this long. Alina’s dead body will be sent back to you within seven days. Mark my word” Dante said in the most savage and dangerous tone ever before flinging Alina’s phone on to the ground.

Alina jerked and tears brewed up in her eyes.

“Wow Alina. So all these was a plan?” Dante asked her, his tone held pain it.

“I swear I wasn’t going to do it” Alina replied with all sincerity, traitorous tears slipping from her eyes.

“Liar!” Dante yelled which startled Alina again and he at once gripped on to her chin so roughly that his nails were buried deep in it.

A stinging pain burnt in Alina at how rough Dante was on her body.

“You fucking liar. Alina I fell for you. I loved you. I was ready to fight for you but you faked it all along. This was just your plan. It was another plan from you fucking Fedorovs to crumble me. Alina why would you do this to me?” Dante’s voice broke as he spoke.

His nerves had become a wreckage of emotions and his pain seared his heart.

“Answer me!” He raged.

“I promise I wasn’t going to do any of that. My love for you was never fake. I’ve always loved you Dante. I never faked any thing. My father wants me to do all that but I won’t” Alina tried convincing him of her innocense, her voice drowning in her tears.

Dante let out a maniac chuckle and pushed Alina to the floor roughly.

She hit the ground and instinctively used a hand to cover her stomach, howling in pain.

“This all makes sense now. Your father and you infact you both were fucking behind those attacks on us in Mexico. You also sent Diego to kill me yet you decided to take the poison yourself to make yourself seem like an angel of light. Diego was just a pawn in your game. Right under my nose you subtly managed to do all these. Wow” Dante clasped his hands as he spoke.

Alina shook her head, “It’s not true Dante. I don’t have a hand in anything that happened to us in Mexico and also concerning Diego’s betrayal. I swear on my life please” Alina bemoaned.

“You won’t have a life once I’m done with you” Dante gravelly threatened causing Alina’s tremor to rise to its summit.

“I was such a fool goddamit! I was a big fool to actually believe that you truly loved me. I forgot that once a Fedorov is always a Fedorov. I forgot that you are nothing but an enemy, your father’s little toy” Dante seethed, crouching down to Alina’s pale form on the ground.

He gripped on to her hair, his hands fisting right into scalp. Alina winced and cried even more, the pain clogging her chest.

“Now Alina, I’ll show you what I do to people who betray me” Dante seethed, his emeral orbs as cold as ice as it bored deep into her.

“I didn’t do anything… I’m innocent please…” Alina choked out the minute Dante dragged her up from the floors with his iron grip still fisted in her hairs.

“Bitch” Dante gritted dragging Alina through the doors and taking her down the stairs.

“Please Dante believe me I truly love you. I have no hand in any thing” Alina beseeched, crying so bitterly all through the way.

Her cries echoed through the walls of the mansion, reverberating but Dante paid no heed.

On hearing her cries, Mariposa and Noami rushed out of the kitchen but were shocked to see Dante gripping on to Alina’s hairs whilst Alina pleaded with him.

None of them had the courage to talk as in Dante’s eyes burned a ravenous anger and he frothed on the inside.

“Dove sono i miei uomini!?” Dante thundered in Italian.

In an instant, about a dozen of armed men came rushing towards Dante.

Fear gripped Alina more the moment her eyes landed on Dante’s underbosses and she quaked terribly.

“Escort this whore to the cellar. Lock her in there until I decide when to kill her” Dante balefully ordered pushing Alina to the floor.

Alina stared at him, fear and shock rocking her features. Her teary eyes were all red and swollen.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dante please I beg you…” Alina pleaded trying to reach out to his feet but Dante stepped back.

Quickly, one of the men dragged Alina up causing her to shriek in fear.

“Please don’t kill me. I’m innocent. For the love we shared please don’t kill me. I’m innocent of all your accusations” Alina cried at the top of her hoarse voice as she was being led away.

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