His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Chapter 306 Right Place, Right Time


The dark alcove where the stranger had pulled me offered a deceptive sense of security, but every fiber of my being screamed danger.

Before I could make sense of how I knew this man, his fingers tightened around my wrist, and his other hand came up to rest on my lips, silencing any potential scream. The soft glow from a distant chandelier created a play of light and shadow across his face, emphasizing his intense gaze.

My wolf growled inside of me, a low rumble of warning that vibrated through my core. “Fight,” she whispered, urging me to attack the stranger and make a break for it. I could feel my muscles tensing in preparation, every instinct primed to obey the primal voice inside my head.

But just as I was about to make my move, a hauntingly familiar voice echoed down the corridor, freezing me in my tracks. Harry and his men. They were headed our way.

“…don’t know why you trusted him in the first place,” one of the men sneered.

“That’s why he’s dead now,” came Harry’s voice, dripping with casual malice. The sound of footsteps grew louder, echoing the dread that rose in my chest.

My heart raced as I pressed myself deeper into the shadows of the alcove, the stranger’s hold unyielding. Straining my ears, I picked up more of their conversation.

“This ‘W’ drug is our ticket to the top,” Harry said, the sinister undertones in his voice making me shiver. “That rat had to be dealt with.”

“Yeah, boss, but how did he manage to get the intel to the rival gang? We’ve been careful,” another voice chimed in.

Harry laughed, the sound sending chills down my spine. “There are always rats in the shadows. But they’re not as clever as they think. They’ll slip up, and when they do, we’ll be waiting.”

Listening intently, the magnitude of the situation became painfully clear. The man they’d killed was an informant, a mole who was feeding information to a rival gang. The ‘W’ drug, something I had only first heard whispers of that night, was now at the center of a dangerous game, and I had inadvertently stepped into its path.

“They’ll show their faces soon,” Harry continued confidently, “and when they do, they’ll wish. they’d never crossed me.”

The stranger’s grip on me never wavered, even as Harry and his goons passed by our hiding. spot. Every second felt like an eternity, and all I could think of was the very real danger that loomed nearby. The temptation to bolt was overwhelming, but the stranger’s firm hold kept me anchored.

When their voices finally faded, a thick silence enveloped the alcove. I could hear my own ragged breathing, the rapid thudding of my heart threatening to give us away.

Moments later, the stranger released me, taking a cautious step back. I instinctively reached for my wrist, feeling the faint imprints of his fingers. Turning to face him, I was met with those same intense eyes, searching mine for any sign of recognition or understanding.

In the dim light, I could see him more clearly now. His chiseled jaw, sharp cheekbones, and tousled hair gave him an air of ruggedness. But it was the depths of his eyes that held me captive-a swirling mix of mystery, danger, and something I couldn’t quite place.

The familiar eyes that bore into mine sent shivers down my spine. They almost seemed to dance with mischief, but there was a depth to them, a guarded story that intrigued me.

“Who…who are you?” My voice trembled, echoing the rapid drumming of my heart.

The stranger’s lips curved into a half-smile, revealing a dimple. “Devon,” he whispered, his gaze never leaving mine. “I thought I recognized you at the party. You’ve got a knack for finding trouble, don’t you?”

I blinked, trying to process his words while still grappling with the fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. “You’re the man from the park, aren’t you? The one who helped me deal with those other guys.”

The stranger nodded, but said nothing.

I swallowed, wondering how this man was connected to Harry… and how he had somehow stumbled across me twice now in a row. “I… I didn’t mean to witness…whatever that was. I just needed some fresh air.”

He quirked an eyebrow, his gaze steady and surprisingly calm given the situation. “Lucky for you, I happened to be here. Another couple of steps, and you might’ve been the next ‘traitor’ going overboard.”

Swallowing hard, my mind raced and my heart pounded like a war drum in my chest. “Thank you,” I finally managed, feeling a hot flush creep up my cheeks as I realized just how close our bodies were in this small alcove. “I owe you, really.”

He chuckled softly, releasing me fully. “Just being in the right place at the right time.”

As the reality of the situation sunk in, I couldn’t help but take a moment to really look at him.

Devon was undeniably attractive. His chiseled features, framed by a mop of tousled dark hair, seemed to come straight out of a romance novel. The realization made me suddenly very self-conscious.

“I should, uh, get back to my room,” I stammered, taking a cautious step back.

Just as I was about to leave, another shadow appeared around the corner. My pulse spiked again, heart thudding loudly in my ears. But the figure that emerged from the darkness wasn’t another henchman or an assassin-it was Logan.

“Ella!” His voice was thick with relief, but his eyes darted suspiciously between me and Devon. Logan’s broad frame stood protectively in front of me, his gaze narrowed at the man who had just saved me for the second time.

“What’s going on here?” He demanded, the edge to his voice unmistakable. “Logan,” I started, feeling torn. “This is Devon. He… he helped me.” C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Logan’s jaw clenched, and he grabbed my arm, pulling me behind him. “Let’s go.”

I allowed him to lead me away, but not before stealing one last glance at Devon, who watched us with an unreadable expression.

Inside our luxurious room, the silence was almost palpable after I explained what happened to Logan. Logan locked the door behind us, and it was then I felt the weight of his gaze. “What were you thinking, Ella? Wandering around alone at night?”

“I just wanted some fresh air,” I murmured, refusing to meet his eyes.

Logan closed the distance between us in two long strides, his hands gently cupping my face, forcing me to look at him. “It’s not safe.”

My eyes dropped to his chest, wanting to avoid his gaze, but he caught my chin, lifting it. As he moved, his fingers brushed the outline of the gun tucked beneath my shirt. “And you shouldn’t have this,” he whispered, anger and concern warring in his voice.

“It was just for protection,” I protested weakly, but even to my own ears, it sounded foolish.

He let out a sigh, rubbing his temples. “Don’t be naive, Ella. Even if they were willing to overlook you witnessing a murder, finding this on you? They’d have a reason to do away with you.”

The weight of his words settled heavily on my shoulders, and I felt my resolve crumble. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. This world was foreign to me, fraught with danger and deceit at every turn, and I felt utterly lost.

Sensing my distress, Logan pulled me into his embrace, cradling my head against his chest. The rhythmic beating of his heart soothed me, and I let out a shaky breath. “I didn’t mean to see it,” I murmured. “H-His body was so limp.”

With a sigh, Logan gently stroked my back. There was a long silence as I sniffled quietly into Logan’s shirt, the images of what I had seen replaying in my mind.

After a while I pulled back slightly, still nestled in his arms. “And that guy, Devon,” I began hesitantly. “He helped me tonight, and… it’s ironic, but he’s the same guy from the park.”

Logan’s eyes widened in surprise. “That’s the guy who helped you in the park?”

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