His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Chapter 335 Unspoken Words


After cleaning and dressing Logan’s wound, I sat back, studying his face for any sign of discomfort. The room was still, save for the quiet rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. Warm light from the garage lamps washed over us from above, casting a soft glow that etched out the angles and curves of his face. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I never thought that I would find a garage comforting, but something about this place made me feel warm and surprisingly safe.

“Thank you,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. “For everything. You’ve placed yourself in danger time and again for my sake.”

Logan shook his head, his deep blue eyes, though filled with pain, glistening with intensity. “Ella,” he began, voice gravelly, “it’s you who ventured into the lion’s den, not me. I never wanted you caught up in this mess.”

I frowned, the weight of his words sinking in. “Are you saying you regret oür arrangement?”

He looked away for a moment, collecting his thoughts. When he finally spoke, there was a rawness to his words. “If you wish to end our one-year contract, I won’t hold it against you. You’ve seen the dangers, felt them first-hand. If you want to leave, go ahead. But know this,” he leaned in, locking his gaze with mine, “I’ll make sure you’re safe, whether you’re with me or not.

And I won’t let anything or anyone ruin your career.”

His declaration took me aback. Was he offering me an out? The idea of being free from the danger of our arrangement was tempting. But then again, was it only the danger I was bound to?

Inside, there was a tug, a gentle pull from my wolf, Ema. She whispered, stirring emotions I hadn’t allowed myself to fully grasp. There was a yearning, a connection that neither of us could deny. Yet, here was Logan, giving me a choice. A way to get out of this.

My fingers trembled as I considered the weight of the decision before me. I remembered the touch of his hands, the intensity of his gaze, and the way he always seemed to put my safety above all else. It wasn’t just about a contract. It was about trust, and perhaps something more.

I took a deep breath. “Logan,” I began, my voice steadier than I felt, “I entered into this arrangement fully aware. Yes, there’s danger, but I can’t back out. I made a contract with you, and I’ll be damned if I don’t stick to it.”

A look of bemusement crossed Logan’s face, followed by what almost looked like a hint of relief. His lips curled into a wry smile. “Ever the professional, aren’t you?”

Feeling a bit bolder, I nudged him playfully. “Well, one of us has to be.”

He chuckled, the sound deep and warm. “Is that why you were in my garage when I got back? Planning on stealing one of my cars?”

I blushed, quickly looking away. “No.”

Logan chucked again and gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before I had the chance to pull away. “It’s alright. I would’ve done the same if I were in your position.”

“Would you have?”

He nodded, a gentle smile playing on his lips. “Yup.”

In the vast silence of the night, I lay sprawled on the lavish bed, the foreignness of my surroundings preventing sleep.

The room, though opulently furnished, felt strangely stifling, as if the walls whispered secrets of forgotten tales. I had never been one to easily sleep in a new place, ever since I was a kid. And especially tonight, after everything, restlessness tugged at my core and urged me out of the embrace of the silk sheets.

I wandered through the echoing halls of the mansion, the glow from the moonlight spilling through ornate windows guiding my path. My steps were soft against the cool marble floor, but the mansion seemed to absorb every sound, rendering my journey a silent one. Drawn to a faint glow emanating from a doorway, I edged closer.

Through the gap, I caught sight of Logan, settled deep into a leather armchair, a glass of amber liquid cradled in his hand. The room was bathed in the soft light of a solitary table lamp, casting warm shadows that danced gently on the walls. The scent of aged wood and whiskey hung in the air, mingling with Logan’s distinct musky aroma, a heady blend that set my senses alight.

Curiosity compelled me to push the door open wider. He glanced up, eyes widening in surprise, as I stepped inside. “Couldn’t sleep either?”

“Not in that unfamiliar room,” I admitted, my gaze lingering on his glass. “No offense.”

He shrugged. “None taken.””

I paused, then eyed the glass of inviting amber liquid in his glass. “Mind pouring me some of that?”

He chuckled, a sound that rumbled deep in his chest. “Of course.” Filling another glass with whiskey, he handed it to me, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. “Not your usual drink, I presume?”

I took a tentative sip, letting the warmth of the whiskey coat my throat. “Not usually, no. But tonight seems like a night for exceptions.”

There was a brief pause, one laden with unspoken questions and emotions. The silence, however, was shattered when I finally asked, “How can you be so sure my sister is safe?”

Logan exhaled, his gaze locked onto the rippling contents of his glass. “I’ve sent word to some of my trusted men in your city. They’ll watch over Daisy.”

I frowned, taking another sip of the whiskey, its warmth spreading through me. “Why would they do this? Threaten Daisy?”

Logan leaned back in his chair, shadows playing across his features. “This… this was more of a warning for you than a direct threat to Daisy. My guess is that they want you gone, out of the picture. They probably hoped the threat would push you away, ruin whatever this is between us.”

My heart thudded in my chest. “And you suspect it’s your brother behind this?”

Logan’s jaw tightened, and he gave a curt nod. “Yes. It’s his style-underhanded, sneaky. He’d do anything just to bring me down a peg or two He’s always been this way. Although like I said earlier, even I’m a little surprised that he would take it this far.”

The weight of his words settled heavily between us. I moved toward the window, staring out at the sprawling grounds bathed in moonlight, the scenery mesmerizing. “Your home, it’s beautiful,” I murmured. “The view especially.”

“Yes,” Logan responded, his voice a low drawl, “the view is quite…captivating.”

But when I turned to face him, his gaze wasn’t on the landscape outside; instead, it rested squarely on me. A blush crept onto my cheeks, the intensity of his eyes leaving me breathless.

I finished my whiskey in one gulp, the liquid fire bolstering my courage. “I should get some sleep.” The unsaid words hung in the air-words filled with longing, confusion, and a hint of regret. Ema stirred

within, a playful smirk in her voice. “Or maybe not just yet?”

Suppressing a groan, I shot back, “Now’s not the time, Ema.”

Logan rose from his seat, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “Goodnight, Ella.”

“Goodnight,” I replied softly, retreating from the room, my heartbeats echoing the rhythm of unsaid desires.

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