His Possession

Chapter 47

Her eyes would not shift from the luxury polished window before her. The beads of the rain were as clear as a crystal, and the pitter-patter sound of the drizzles was giving her a bizarre comfort, as the raindrops battered on the glossy window. It had been raining all day, the day was breezy and boisterous. She glanced around the clock and found out it was 2 p. m.

How long has it been raining? She thought to herself. It was not a usual thing to rain all day but she liked it. She liked looking out at the rain. But, she wished she could get out of the house, into the garden, just to feel the drizzles on her hand. It was not possible, she works there, and she could not just think about enjoying her time in the rain when there are tons of work due.

However, she perked up and walked towards the window. She could at least watch closely, right? Her palm involuntarily touched the window and she could feel the moisture on her skin and the coldness of the breezy weather. How delightful sight was it! The droplets of the rain were freely pouring from the heavy dark clouds and small puddles were forming in the garden, they began to plink as the rain became heavier. She giggled softly when her eyes landed on a baby bird that dried itself while sitting on the tree branch after flying in the rain. She began to think how free they were. How carefree those birds look? How liberated the drizzles were? Was she liberated? Did she have the freedom like those birds and the drops of the rain? Her smile dropped and her heart was clouded by the sudden gloominess.

“What are you doing!” She recoiled. Turning, around Emma found Ela furiously glaring at her with her hands tightly gripping the vacuum cleaner. She gulped the big lump in her throat and quickly moved away from the window.

“Are you crazy, girl? What were you thinking putting your dirty hand on the window? The maids have spent hours cleaning it! Oh goodness, the master will kill me.” She muttered the last sentence as she began to rub the already-cleaned surface with a rug.

But, I did not get any dirt on the glass… She thought to better not utter her thoughts to Ela, she did not want to get any more scoldings.

“Master loves to keep his house neat and clean. So, never keep any of his belongings untidy. Do you get it?” Emma timidly nodded her head, agreeing with Ela. She hummed and walked out of the living room. It was almost 2:20 the noon and all of the maids would be leaving for their house soon. They would be leaving for their vacation. But, Emma’s letter was still not approved by anyone, well by Alexander. He was the one who approved all the maids’ letters, she thought he would show her some mercy and let her spend Christmas with Caroline. She thought to ask Ela again. She followed her to the kitchen.

“Uh, Ela, can I ask if my letter has been approved or not? I was not informed about it.” She asked hesitantly. Ela did not respond for a few minutes and continued doing her work. Emma was feeling nervous while standing behind her. She waited a few more seconds for her response but got none. So, she thought Ela was not in the good mood to speak to her. She turned around and was about to leave the kitchen.

“Master did not inform me anything about your letter of leave.” Emma’s heart sank deep. No no, please. Why would he do that! It’s Christmas!

“But, he will be arriving here soon. You can try talking to him.” Emma did not want to go any near Alexander, but she wanted to give it a try. She hoped that Alexander would allow her… she did not want to stay there!

“He phoned me and informed me that he will be arriving here in less than three hours,” Emma muttered okay and quickly rushed out of the kitchen. What was she thinking? She thought Alexander would be kind enough to let her go at Christmas. In reality, he was nothing but a cold-hearted monster. Tears pooled out of her eyes, she bit on her lips to suppress the sob that was about to leave her mouth. Emma knew there was no point in crying, she was stuck there… And she had to wait till the Devil arrived.


The journey was long and tiring, only an hour left and he will be in his house, relaxing on his bed. He received emails from Ela, displaying the letters that the maids have written to him. They all want to leave for a few days for Christmas. He smirked when he received the letter of leave of Emma.

Silly girl, how could you think I’ll let you go? Even if it’s Christmas, I’ll never let you go. You will not step a foot out of my house.

Viciously, he approved everyone’s letter and allowed them one week’s leave, but he did not say anything about Emma’s letter. He wanted her to be in the dark, he wanted to give her a little hope of freedom and then snatch it away. He could do any vicious thing to see her scared face and quivering lips. Alexander felt himself getting aroused at the thoughts of her squirming body underneath him. He called his assistant and told him to inform Ela about his arrival. He could not wait to see his Emma. Alexander did not care that he was being heartless for not letting a girl visit her family, but did he care? No, he did not care. He never cared about anyone besides him. His avoidance of Emma’s feelings and happiness was a shred of great evidence to prove it. He felt something for her, but he refused to accept it. He kept telling himself that he was not in love with her, and that he only wanted her body, that he only wanted to touch her. But, was it the truth? Did he only care about her body? He refused to answer, he had only avoided the questions that his consciousness had kept asking him.

One hour had passed and the plane was about to land at the Florida airport, and very soon he will be at his home. After the plane had landed, his luggage and other bags were taken out by his guards. He got up from his seat and flexed his muscles, he could sense the stare of his female employees and the air hostess from behind him. He smirked, ignoring them and their sexual fantasies about him.

If it was any other day, he wouldn’t have minded making their fantasies come true, but he was not even attracted to them. Those women were beautiful with their stunning barbie figures and faces caked with makeup, the fake was written all over their bodies, unlike his Emma who was beautiful just the way she was. And once again he smiled, his eyes sparkled at her thought, it always does but he never showed it to her or anyone.

However, by the time he reached his home, it was five o’clock. He was seated on one of his luxury couches with a glass of wine in his hand. He finally had a relaxing time in his bedroom, he was also thankful for being able to wear his casual clothes. After a few minutes, he heard a knock on his door. He groaned in annoyance.

“Come in.” He said. The door opened revealing the woman he was yearning to see. He was surprised to see Emma coming into his room on her own, she never did that unless she had to clean his room or bring his meals. He hid his expression and asked her.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Do you want something, Emma?” Her body shuddered when he uttered her name and it did not go unnoticed by Alexander. He smirked in victory, he enjoyed the effect he had on her.

“I-I wanted to ta-talk about t-the le-” “You are not going anywhere.” He blankly said, without even looking at her. She frowned. How can he do this?

“B-but the other gi-girls have the per-permission.” She whispered. “I do not want those girls with me. I want you, Emma. I want to spend this Christmas with you.” His face beamed in happiness while her face was clouded by distress. She looked down at her feet and responded,

“Please master, I want to see my aunt, I have never spent any holiday without her. She would be expecting me.” Please let me go. He did not say anything and walked to her, standing at least two feet above her. She felt even smaller in front of him. He leaned over to her ear and placed a gentle kiss on her head, she shivered at his touch and tried to move her body away from his, but she could not move a single muscle. He, then, wrapped his arms around her small figure and pulled her closer to his chest, embracing her. She was dumbfounded and scared, she feared him more than anything. Unknowingly, her eyes filled with tears and they brazenly dripped from her eyes, she did not know the exact reason her eyes watered. Was it the fear that she was feeling by his embrace? Or was it the fact that she could never get away from him?

“I said no, princess. It means you’re not going. You’ve spent enough of your life with your aunt. Now, it’s going to me. Always and forever. I’m never letting you go, Emma. You’re mine.” Nonetheless, he touched her lips with his, as he moved them with the rhythm of his kiss.

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