His Sexual Addiction

Chapter 39: Is He Ejaculating?

Chapter 39: Is He Ejaculating?

As he turned the key in the ignition, the engine roared to life with a subtle purr, a sound that seemed almost comforting in its familiarity. The car vibrated beneath us as we set off, the tires rolling smoothly over the asphalt. However, it didn't take long for me to notice that he was taking an unfamiliar turn, steering us away from the usual route that led to the bustling wet market, which puzzled and piqued my curiosity. Furrowing my brows, I glanced at him, trying to hide the growing concern in my voice. "Where are we going? This isn't the way to the wet market," I said, my words tinged with a mix of confusion. He spared a quick glance from the road, meeting my gaze with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry," he said, his voice calm and collected, "I checked Google Maps, and it's suggesting an alternate route to the mall." He pointed towards the sleek iPad mounted on the dashboard, its digital display showing a glowing blue line, snaking through different streets. "Mall? But we only need to go to the wet market, Kiro!" I couldn't hide my anxiousness as I questioned the unexpected change in plans. "Um... Let's just check out the mall instead, how about that?" Kiro suggested, trying to find a compromise. However, I knew it wouldn't be practical for us. The supermarket in the mall had pricey goods, and our current situation called for more budget-friendly options. "Please, Kiro, just head to the wet market," I said with determination, my voice unwavering in its request. Kiro glanced at me, seeming uncertain about what to do. I could see the conflict in his eyes. He probably had good intentions, wanting to treat me to something nice after everything we had been through. But my practical side knew that we needed to prioritize our necessities over unnecessary indulgences. "Why don't you want to go to the mall? It'll be more comfortable," Kiro's voice held a hint of worry as he attempted to sway my decision. "Just the market," I held my ground. I understood his point, that the mall might offer convenience and amenities, but I couldn't overlook the fact that it would also burden us financially. I mean, it will burden me financially, obviously he can’t be burdened financially. They are hella rich.

He sighed softly, a touch of disappointment in his expression, yet he respected my choice. "Market it is," he relented, finally giving in to my insistence. He navigated the busy streets with ease, searching for a parking spot as we made our way towards our destination. As we stepped out of the car, I could see a hint of hesitation in Kiro's eyes, as if he was still grappling with our decision. I appreciated his genuine desire to make things easier and more comfortable for me, but in my heart, I knew that being practical was essential right now. "I know you meant well, Kiro, and I appreciate it," I said gently, reaching out in reassurance, "but right now, we need to be mindful of our spending." He nodded, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he absorbed my words. "I understand, Lyka," he replied softly, "I just wanted to do something nice for you and your family." My heart swelled with gratitude for his kindness. "And I am truly grateful for that," I said, smiling warmly, "but we must be wise with our finances for the time being." His smile mirrored mine, a blend of understanding and affection. "Thank you, Kiro. Your help means a lot to me, and I'm grateful for everything you've done for us," I expressed sincerely. His gaze softened, and he gently squeezed my hand. "You don't have to thank me," he said tenderly, "I care about you, and I want to help however I can." The liveliness of the market greeted us with a wave of energy. Bustling stalls lined the streets, each one brimming with an array of goods and fresh produce. The air was infused with a medley of aromas, from the enticing scent of ripe fruits to the inviting fragrance of sizzling street food. A sense of urgency overcame me, and I hurriedly started walking, with Kiro close behind. As he walked alongside me, I noticed people stealing glances at him. With his strikingly handsome face, he stood out amidst the noise and commotion of the market. I quickened my pace, determined to finish our shopping as swiftly as possible. "Sorry, Kiro, I'm in a hurry right now," I said, trying to explain my hurried demeanor. I went to the vegetable vendors on the roadside and started picking up the vegetables we needed. The place was crowded with many other shoppers around. Just as I was about to pay for the vegetables, Kiro surprised me by grabbing my hand and placing a thousand pesos in it. I frowned at his gesture. "I will pay for these, Kiro. We still owe you for theBelonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

hospitalization expenses," I insisted firmly, unwilling to let him shoulder the financial burden alone, especially with our food. "But—" he tried to object. "No buts, Kiro," I interrupted. "It's on me, tss," I said with a mix of determination and frustration. After that, I proceeded to buy fresh fish and continued our shopping, picking up ready-to-eat meals and other necessary items at the grocery store. However, even amid the bustling activity, a loud commotion interrupted the market's usual buzz. "Oh! I'm sorry, young man! I didn't mean to!" a voice apologized, filled with concern and regret. I turned my head to see a man from a nearby loader, who seemed to be the cause of the disturbance, quickly leaving the scene. And my heart sank as I saw Kiro clutching his leg in pain. He was hit in the leg by a loader carrying steel. I rushed to Kiro's side, my heart racing with worry. "Are you okay?" I asked, concern evident in my voice as I checked on him. "I'm fine," he replied with a nod, trying to reassure me. But I could see the discomfort in his eyes, and I knew his leg must be hurting. "Yeah, that would definitely hurt," I thought to myself but I stupidly said it out loud. After the incident in the market, Kiro helped me carry the rest of the groceries, being mindful of his leg, and followed me back to his car. We carefully packed everything I had bought in the backseat, making sure nothing got squished or spilled. I couldn't help but worry about the lingering smell of fish in the car from the market, but there was no other option. By the time we finished, both of us were feeling a bit tired. The combination of walking through the crowded market and carrying the heavy bags had taken its toll. I turned to Kiro, concerned about his well-being, especially since he wasn't accustomed to buying goods from the market. "You must be tired too," I said, wanting to ensure he was okay. "It's okay. I actually enjoyed it," he teased playfully, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, "You have an amazing ability to pick out fresh vegetables and fish." I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment at his compliment. "Oh, well... thank you," I stammered, not used to receiving praise for such ordinary things.

"That's how it should be when you're buying groceries. You have to choose the best ones," I added, pointing at him jokingly. Kiro smiled warmly at me. "Everything you do, I notice," he said softly, his words causing my heart to flutter. I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, his caring and observant nature touching me deeply. Trying to hide my flustered feelings, I quickly changed the topic, feeling a bit bashful. "Let's just go. I still need to cook," I said, attempting to regain my composure. He nodded understandingly, and we settled into the car, ready to head back home. As we drove back, the weariness from our day's activities began to catch up with us. The car's interior felt comforting and familiar, and I found myself stealing glances at Kiro when he wasn't looking. During the trip back home, I couldn't shake off the words Kiro had said earlier. ‘Everything you do, I notice’. His sweet compliment replayed in my mind like a broken record, and I couldn't help but wonder what he truly meant by it. "Act normal, Lyka!" I suddenly blurted out, surprising even myself. Oh no, did I just reveal my inner thoughts? Kiro turned to me, his brows furrowing with concern. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked, his worry evident in his voice. "Huh? N-nothing! H-HAHA!" I quickly stammered, trying to cover up my slip of the tongue. My face flushed with embarrassment, and I closed my eyes, mentally scolding myself for my lack of composure. Thankfully, Kiro didn't press further, and we continued our journey back home in comfortable silence. Yet, I couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was something more to his words. My heart couldn't help but flutter at the thought, and I found myself daydreaming about the possibilities. Once we arrived home, I quickly busied myself in the kitchen, wanting to distract my mind from overthinking. I decided to prepare a delicious milkfish soup, a favorite dish in our family. Dodong, my little brother slash trusty helper, assisted me with setting the table as I cooked. We made sure to cater to the needs of Mama and Papa, delivering their dinner to their room, along

with Mama's much-needed medicines. I also took care of feeding my younger sister, Datdat, in our room. Finally, everything was ready, and the three of us - Kiro, Dodong, and I - gathered around the table to enjoy the meal I had prepared. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, filled with laughter and the clinking of utensils. "You really enjoy cooking, sister! The food tastes delicious!" Dodong exclaimed with his usual playful tone, and I couldn't help but smile and laugh while enjoying the meal. Turning to Kiro, Dodong asked for his opinion, "Bro Kiro, my sister's cooking is delicious, right?" Kiro nodded with a grin, "Absolutely! Lyka is an amazing cook." The praise from both of them made my heart swell with happiness. There was something special about preparing a meal for my loved ones, and their enjoyment made the effort all the more worthwhile. After our satisfying meal, Dodong insisted on taking care of the dishes, leaving me free to prepare our beds in the room. However, as I arranged the blankets and pillows, it suddenly struck me that I hadn't thought about where Kiro would sleep. I felt a bit silly for not considering this earlier. A little while later, Dodong came into the room and noticed my contemplative expression. "What's on your mind, sis?" he asked curiously. "I just realized I didn't plan where Kiro will sleep tonight," I confessed sheepishly, feeling a touch embarrassed by my oversight. Dodong chuckled, always quick with ideas. "No worries. We can bring a mat and pillows to the living room. Kiro can sleep there," he suggested. I nodded, relieved that Dodong had a practical solution. "That's a good idea," I replied gratefully, "Let's do that." So, together, we fetched a cozy mat and some soft pillows, creating a makeshift bed in the living room for Kiro. Dodong settled into his bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin with a contented sigh. I gathered a soft mat and some fluffy pillows for Kiro, intending to set up his makeshift sleeping spot in the living room.

As I walked towards him, I noticed that he had turned his back to me and was moaning while massaging something on his front. His moans puzzled me, and I couldn't quite grasp the context. Wait, is he ejaculating?

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