Chapter 25

Bryan’s POV

I storm into the house in a rage. I thought my anger had dissolved as Kelvin drove me home but I am wrong as it intensifies the moment I burst into the mansion.

The living room is empty as I hasten my pace towards Jason’s room, after dropping my removed suit on the sofa in the living room. Emily had stripped it off me and dumped it in the car before we entered the club.

I don’t want to think of the disappointment I saw written all over her face and the consequences of my actions. I no longer care about what she is going to do anymore.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Helena is dead already and I have no reason to be scared that she is going to tell her one day that I cheated on her. The least she can do now is to tell my father.

I grasp the door handle and push it open with full force, entering the room to see Celine in her nightwear already, curled up beside Jason who is sound asleep.

She jolts upright in terror and our eyes meet. Her hair is in a messy bun and her red cheap lipstick is off her lips.

My eyes are on her stiff figure in the bed. I sigh with weariness and she stands up instantly.

I don’t even know where to start. She looks sober already and innocent like someone who can’t hurt a fly but it’s all a lie. She can hurt more than a fly with her deceitful look. She hurt me deeply and that says it all. She is not innocent like she looks.

“What the hell were you doing…” I trail off, debating within myself whether to ask her the question in my mind or not.

“I am sorry”, she apologizes again, shocking me.

Why the hell is she apologizing again? I wouldn’t have believed it was Celine back there if I hadn’t seen her with my two eyes.

“Shut the fuck up”, I shout at her and tears begin to trickle down her cheeks. I don’t give a damn about her fake tears.

“I’m so sorry, Bryan. Please don’t send me away. I promise this won’t repeat itself”, she says.

“I said shut up!”

She sobs, trying as much as possible to keep it low and making me guilty. “Is this what I employed you for?”

She shakes her head in reply. “Why then were you at that f***king club? Is that your duty post? Are you a whore?” I yell and her sobs increase.

I squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them, she is crying with her head bent downward.

“Celine, this will be your last warning”, I say calmly. I didn’t employ you to gallivant about the way you like. You were employed to look after my son and care for his welfare. It seems your job isn’t stressful enough to keep you busy so you can barely have time for frivolities.”

She is quiet and I am debating on what sort of punishment to give to her. Sending her out of here by this time of the night is totally out of it and I can’t deny the fact that I was relieved to see her back in the house.

I was scared she won’t return home safely and I will have to put up with Jason’s tantrums all over again. Jason is making her presence to be needed in this house.

“Will you stop crying?” I groan in irritation.

She clasp her hands over her mouth and silence ensues. I glance at Jason and stare back at Celine’s tears-filled face.

“Let’s get things straight”, I begin with a tone of authority. “I am your employer and you have to do as I please. You can’t leave this house without my permission, ok?”

She nods firmly.

“Good. To punish you for your crimes, I am going to add to your duties henceforth. Today is your first day and you have proven to be unworthy”, I say and continue, after deciding to threaten her lightly. “If you don’t do all your duties well, I will have no choice but to dismiss you and place a restraining order on you so you will never see Jason again. Is this clear?” She nods again.

“Great, your new duty is to take over Camilla’s early morning role of getting my office wear ready for the day and that means waking up as early as possible because I usually leave for work by half past 5 am.”

She is not looking surprised by my choice of punishment and I ask myself inwardly if the punishment is too light.

“If you wake up late, consider yourself dismissed”, I finalize and she nods weakly again.

I throw her a cold glare before walking to the door. “Stop crying so you won’t wake my son.”


Celine’s POV

I wake up to the ringing sound of my phone. My red puffy eyes hurt so much the moment I tried to open them sharply. The rays of sunlight added to the pain as I squeeze it shut.

My phone rings again and I search for the phone with my hands and flicker my eyes open eventually. Paxton’s name flashes across the screen and I heave a sigh of relief.

I have been dead with worry since the previous night wondering what must have happened to him and the reason for his sudden disappearance.

I gave the thought that Bryan had something to do with his disappearance a chance but after much thought, I realized there was no way Bryan’s men could have dragged Paxton out within a few seconds of closing my eyes at the club last night.

I didn’t even hear Paxton’s cry for release or help. It was evident that Paxton left on his own accord. Seeing his call right now has added to the fact of my presumptions about Bryan’s innocence.

I couldn’t sleep last night because of the sadness in my heart. I didn’t want anyone to ruin the night for me because of how I was experiencing genuine happiness after so many months of self-pity. I was sad because I couldn’t stop myself from crying in front of Bryan.

In fact, I am angry with myself for doing that. Bryan resents me and seeing me in tears won’t bring out his soft side, instead, he will derive joy from seeing my discomfort. I couldn’t hold back my tears because of what he referred me to. A whore.

I am not a whore but the word stings like hell. I felt like a whore even though I have never had sex with any other man but him. Bryan was my first man. I haven’t gotten a second sex from another man since the day he pumped the seed of Jason into me.

I could have turned myself into a whore just to earn a living when Jason arrived and I was too broke to feed myself but I didn’t and I would never be a whore.

As soon as the clock ticked 3 am, I began to feel sleepy. I know nature could not be cheated but I didn’t want to sleep because of the warnings of Bryan ringing loudly and clearly in my ears.

I didn’t want to lose the opportunity of making it up to him by ensuring that his dress is ready, ironed, and clean for work by the time he is prepared to go to the office.

When I began to doze off, I sat up, trying Paxton’s number till it was 4 am when I stood up and walked to Bryan’s room so I could get his dress out and ready. I was careful not to wake him.

His closet was in a different room entirely and I was able to iron it in the room before leaving.

I haven’t seen him this morning but I am sure he is satisfied with my work and he has gone to work already since he didn’t wake me up with his usual yellings.

The third ringing of the phone booms into my ears and I pick up. “Celine.”

“Goodness, Paxton. Where have you been?”

“Can you come out? I’m outside”, he says instead and drops the call. I scurry out, without remembering Bryan’s cautious warning and without checking my miserable appearance.

I get to the gate and tell the guard to let me out. I tell him my brother is out waiting to see me and he can’t come in since Bryan is not aware.

He allows me to go out and I rush to Paxton’s car with a thumping heart, searching for signs of bruises on his face but I see nothing.

“What the hell happened to you?” I query him the moment I am inside his car.

“I’m sorry…”, he apologizes.

“Spare me that”, I glare at him.

“What happened to you? Did that idiot lay his hands on you?” He asks with a concern-filled tone.

“No”, I defend sharply. “He is not a woman beater.”

“Then what happened to you?”

“You left”, I remind him, feigning annoyance. “So don’t bother about me.”

“I said I am sorry.”

“Why did you leave?” I ask him and he shrugs. I study his expression and I see fear.

When it dawns on me that Paxton is also afraid of Bryan just like I am. This is probably because I am always emphasizing how dangerous and cruel Bryan is.

I chuckle lightly and he furrow his brows in confusion.

“Why are you laughing?”

I can’t find my voice. I laugh again.

“Celine”, he groans in dissatisfaction.

“You look like a scared puppy”, I mutter with a broad smile. I have never seen Paxton this fearful and it amazes me.

“What? No!” He denies.

“Your ego won’t be bruised, buddy. You don’t need to be embarrassed about how you feel. Besides, I am your friend and I understand the fact that you were scared for your life…”

“What?” He exclaims loudly with disbelief.

“That is not true, Celine.”

“Of course, it is”, I say and begin to laugh again.

“Celine, I am not a coward…”

“True”, I cut him short. “But in Bryan’s case, you are a scared puppy.”

He throws me a glare and I start to laugh again. He watches me for a while, debating whether to join in or not. I keep laughing so hard till he can no longer hold his laughter too.

And we laugh together, as a way of hiding our embedded fear.

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