His Witchy Mate

Saved By Lover

As he pinned Ena back, his thoughts shifted to a solution. He needed to talk to Lucian about this, to ensure Alicia’s safety. Ena’s actions were far from rational, and Bryan feared that given the chance, she might escalate things further, even to a dangerous level.

His attention was drawn to the book on the table – “The Witches Spell book.” Alicia snatched it from the table before he could reach it. He raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

“What are you doing with that?” Bryan asked, pointing at the book, his tone a mix of confusion and concern.

Alicia’s response took him off guard. “I found it here in the Library, it looked interesting, and I thought to try it out,” she explained casually, her tone as if she was discussing an ordinary book.

Bryan’s mind raced. The situation had taken unexpected turns, and he realized he needed to address both the immediate conflict between Ena and Alicia and the enigmatic presence of the spell book. He exchanged a glance with Alicia, the unspoken question lingering in his eyes. What exactly had she stumbled upon, and how had it led to this chaotic confrontation?

Bryan’s patience was wearing thin as he listened to the exchange between Ena and Alicia. The bitterness and hatred in Ena’s voice were unmistakable, and Alicia’s outburst only added to the tension in the room. He had never seen Ena act this aggressively before, and he couldn’t understand the source of such deep-seated animosity.

He sighed inwardly, knowing he had to intervene before things escalated further. When Alicia mentioned her background and how she saw herself as part of the palace, he could sense her frustration and pent-up emotions. But her revelation also highlighted the complexity of her situation – a maid entangled in the intricate web of palace politics.

Bryan’s attention then shifted to the forbidden book in Alicia’s hands. He felt a sense of responsibility to clarify the situation, especially considering Alicia’s earnestness. “You do know you are not permitted to read that book in your hands, right?” he asked, his tone a mixture of concern and reprimand.

Alicia’s response confirmed his suspicion – she was unaware of the palace’s strict regulations regarding the spell book. Her explanation that she had been bored and simply picked up the book out of curiosity seemed genuine. As she hung her head in remorse, Bryan couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for her.

Ena’s derisive comment didn’t help matters, and Bryan’s patience reached its limit. “Enough!” he exclaimed, his voice carrying an authority he rarely exhibited. “Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This petty fighting is beneath you, especially considering the positions you hold here. Ena, remember your place as the Lycan’s woman and show some patience.”

He turned his gaze to Alicia, his expression softer. “And Alicia, ignorance is not an excuse. You should have been more cautious, especially when handling something as significant as that book. But it’s clear this was a mistake born out of curiosity, not malice.”

Ena’s laughter and her veiled threat about reporting the situation to Lucian rubbed Bryan the wrong way. He fixed her with a stern look. “If you think that reporting a misunderstanding will somehow elevate you in Lucian’s eyes, you’re mistaken. We all have our faults, but creating unnecessary drama will only reflect poorly on you.”

With that, Bryan turned his attention to Alicia. “As for you, I suggest you return the book and ensure you’re well-informed about the palace’s rules. And Ena, I strongly recommend you reflect on your behavior and motives.”

He let out a sigh, hoping that his words would make some impact on both of them. The Library had turned into a battleground of emotions, and Bryan wished he could resolve it all with just a few sentences. But he knew that the tangled web of emotions, rivalries, and misunderstandings ran deep, and only time – and perhaps some well-guided intervention – could mend what had been broken.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ena’s sinister smile and her audacious words sent a shiver down Bryan’s spine. He couldn’t believe the depths to which she was willing to sink in order to manipulate the situation to her advantage. As she taunted him, Bryan’s frustration and anger surged, and he knew he had to put a stop to this before it spiraled out of control.

“You will do no such thing, Ena!” Bryan’s voice came out as a snarl, his eyes narrowing as he locked gazes with her. He could sense the malice radiating from her, and he was determined not to let her scheme succeed.

Ena’s smile only widened in response to his outburst, as if she was savoring the chaos she was creating. Bryan’s jaw tightened as he realized the severity of the situation. Ena was manipulating the dynamics not only between herself, Alicia, and Lucian but also trying to exploit any remaining weakness in Lucian’s heart.

His mind raced as he considered his options. Ena’s threat was potent, and he couldn’t let her unchecked words potentially lead to disaster. But confronting her directly might escalate things even further. Bryan took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts and rising anger.

Ena’s confidence seemed to stem from her belief that Lucian’s feelings for Alicia would outweigh any rational judgment. But Bryan knew Lucian well – he was fiercely protective of the people he cared about, but he was also a leader with a strong sense of justice. If he saw through Ena’s manipulation, the consequences could be dire for her.

Bryan’s gaze hardened as he spoke, his voice filled with a mix of warning and determination. “Ena, you’re playing a dangerous game, and you’re underestimating Lucian’s insight and judgment. If you think he would allow you to exploit a situation for your personal gain, you’re sorely mistaken.”

He took a step closer to her, his expression unwavering. “I won’t let you tarnish Alicia’s reputation or use her as a pawn in your pursuit of power. Lucian may have his own feelings to manage, but I won’t let you manipulate him. So think carefully before you act, Ena.”

Bryan’s words hung in the air, a silent challenge to Ena’s audacious plans. He was determined to protect Alicia and prevent Ena’s sinister intentions from causing irreparable damage. But he also knew that the palace’s fragile equilibrium was at stake, and his actions in this delicate situation could tip the scales in ways he couldn’t yet predict.

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