His'(Crazy Erotica)



Pain. Ache. Sore.

That was the only thing Sophia was feeling all over her body and her eyes snapped open. She tried to comprehend where she was as she stared up at the ceiling even though she couldn’t see it because of the darkness clouding the whole room she laid on a bed in.

Was she kidnapped again? Had she been taken away from that vile man?

Her thoughts and little hope were squashed into the mud the moment the familiar scent of sandalwood wafted through her nostrils and a small sob escaped her lips at the realisation that she was still in Chase’s captivity and bedroom after being fucked thoroughly.

She had a vague memory of Chase claiming her body and drilling his length in her hole so many times she couldn’t even take it and fell unconscious.

Was that what her life had turned to? Was that how her life was going to get destroyed? She didn’t want that type of life. She didn’t want the type of life where the same man who murdered her parents would be the same person to do horrible things to her.

She had dreamt of a life where she would be a successful nurse and find a man to sweep her off her feet. They would have a beautiful and less problematic love story and live happily ever after with their kids.

Wasn’t that where she was foolishly naive?

She was definitely naive and innocent, having such fairy-tale dreams because Chase Romano had waltzed himself into her life to destroy her dreams.

Sophia’s small hands searched for the lamp on the bedside table, but she could only feel a fabric on her palm. Still, she was able to switch the lamp on, dimly lightening the dark room. She slowly sat up and looked down on her body. All she could see was the upper half of her body because the large, warm duvet filled with sandalwood scent was covering her lower half. At least, she didn’t wake up to the horrifying sight of her nakedness; she wasn’t sure she’d be able to look at her body again. Slowly, she peeled off the duvet and got down from the bed, slightly wincing at the cold tiles beneath her feet and throbbing pain in her core.

When she was on her feet, Sophia looked down at herself again.

She was clad in a black button-up shirt. One that swallowed her petite frame, directly stopping on her knees, which she was sure belonged to Chase; complete proof of the same sandalwood scent on it. The tip of her fingernails could barely reach the arm length of the shirt. And its collar was even slightly grazing her cheeks. That was enough proof of how her body swam in the shirt.

Sophia accessed the room to be sure Chase wasn’t in there, and she breathed out in relief before walking towards the door. She turned the doorknob and the door opened, leaving her happy that he hasn’t locked her in there to come back and fuck again.

Once Sophia got out of the room, she made her way down the stairs. She wanted to go to the kitchen because she suddenly felt like taking milk.

Once she reached the foot of the stairs, she tripped. But before she could reach the ground, a pair of warm arms gripped her by the waist firmly.

“Be careful, sweet cheeks. You don’t want to harm yourself, do you? “Luciano helped her settle down on her feet before he hesitantly pulled his arms away from her waist. “Are you okay?”

Sophia nodded and peeked at Luciano through her lashes. “T-thanks,”

Luciano passed her his mega-watt smile. “What are you doing down here so late?”

“Is it late? “She asked. “What’s the time?”

Luciano looked at his wristwatch, then back at her. “It’s three minutes past four. You should be in bed,”

So, she slept the remaining day off only to wake up in the middle of the night?

Sophia smiled. “Thanks. I guess I’ll just have what I want quickly and go back to bed,”

“What’s that? I’ll help you get it,” Luciano asked.

“It’s just milk I need from the kitchen,” She replied.

“Oh sure then. Come and sit, I’ll get it right away, “He said.

Sophia made her way to walk past him but the sore between her legs made her stop and wince. She bit down on her lip.

“You don’t look like you’re in the condition to walk. I’ll walk you to the couch. Are you okay with that?”

Sophia nodded. “yes, please,”

Luciano wrapped his arms round her shoulder and walked her towards the couch in the living room till she was seated. “Okay now?”

“Thanks, “She nodded. When Luciano turned to leave, she grabbed his wrist and looked up at him, maintaining eye contact. “I-,”She let go off his wrist. “I want it warm please. I hope it’s no trouble,”

“Sure, “Luciano smiled and walked towards the kitchen.


“Here, “Luciano passed Sophia a warm glass of milk. “Have your milk. As warm as you want, “He sat on the coffee table opposite her.

Sophia collected the milk. “Thanks, “She then took it to her lips. When she took a sip, she pulled it away and locked eyes with him. “Why are you still awake? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”

Luciano tried all he could to avert his eyes from her innocent ones. He couldn’t. They were drawing him in and he could do nothing to stop it. “I-I-, “Dammit. He stuttered for the first fucking time in his life. “I’m waiting for Don. He’s out late and I have to talk to him about something important,”

Sophia’s heartbeat increased at the mere mention of Chase and tears stung her eyes as memories of how he forcefully took her flashed across her mind. She broke eye contact with Luciano and looked down on her thigh.

Luciano, however, noticing how her mood changed at the mention of his cousin, internally cursed himself. He shouldn’t have answered her truthfully. He should’ve just lied instead. It would have been better because she suddenly seemed uncomfortable. He clearly understood what she was feeling at the moment.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

To ease the tension in Sophia, Luciano blurted out the words that had been on the tip of his tongue since he saw her for the first time. “You know, you remind me of my mum,”

Sophia’s head snapped up, and she smiled a little. “How?”

Luciano smiled, proud that he had been able to shift back her mood. “Your kind of look like her loti don’t know if it’s because I’ve been thinking too much about her since I met you. You both have similar hair-,”His eyes flickered to her hair and then, her eyes.”-and similar eyes. You have a similar eye and hair colour with her. As stupid as this may sound because it’s rare, you seem to have freckles just like her. Dammit, you also have that innocent and naive aura she used to have, “He then chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t mind me, though. I think I’m talking like this because I miss her a lot, but it doesn’t change the fact that you both have a few similar features. Since I met you, I always remember how she would hold a crying Valerie and tell us stories, “His eyes glistened with unshed tears and he looked distant with a sad smile, as if remembering something. “She was the best mum on earth,”

Sophia frowned. “Was?”

Luciano blinked, and a lone tear dropped from his eyes before he looked back at her and nodded. “Yahweh lost her when she was birthing our second sister. They both died. They didn’t make it out of the ICU alive, “Another tear rolled down his cheeks, and he let out a sad laugh. “sorry. I didn’t mean to say so much. It’s just -”

Sophia cut him off with one of her small hands through the fabric of the shirt she had on, on his cheeks. She passed him a small smile and wiped the tears. “It’s okay. My Nana tells me it’s good to let out your emotions rather than bottling them up,”

Luciano held her wrist and smiled at her. “Thanks a lot,”

Their little moment was cut off when a cold, loud, and angry voice sliced in through the air. “What the fuck is going on?”

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