I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 482 The Old Mages Battle Lynn

Chapter 482 The Old Mages Battle Lynn

Pollerton was indeed the place where all the old mages gathered. In the blink of an eye, The Devilish Three, Grondor, and Sahir had congregated. All of them were extremely invincible.

Despite being eyed salaciously by the old mages, Lynn maintained a calm expression. Nonetheless, Jonathan knew that she must be infuriated inside. She clearly knew that she had been used by him yet didn't bother to provide the old mages an explanation.

The humiliation by the old mages and manipulation by Jonathan had crossed Lynn's boundaries.

“I'll kill you all today!” she proclaimed icily.

“Such bravado!” Grondor burst into hearty laughter. “In that case, let me teach you a lesson, you b*tch!” No sooner had he spoken than he retrieved something from his storage ring—an emerald scepter. It was a powerful celestial weapon that contained a weapon spirit.

The scepter was smelted from frost essence mined from the snowy mountains and refined with divine fire, bestowing upon it unparalleled power. With that, he pointed the scepter at Lynn.

A white light began to glow at the scepter's tip before being fired from it.

In that instant, the light emitted from the emerald scepter was more jarring than that of the noon sun.

As the white sphere moved turbulently in the air, dark clouds began to gather amidst the howling wind. It was as if the white light was absorbing all the elemental energy in the surroundings.

The next moment, the white light evolved into a light sword that was a hundred meters long.

It then slashed down at Lynn's head without warning.

Watching the giant light sword coming down upon her, Lynn gave her sleeve a shake, unleashing a mighty gale that swept away the towering light sword with a loud bang.

Thereafter, the light sword transformed back into the emerald scepter and flew back into Grondor's hand.

Grondor's face lost all color, for he hadn't expected Lynn to be so formidable.

Staring frigidly at him, Lynn formed a hand seal with her dainty fingers and pointed them at him.

Immediately after, elemental energy began to rage mid-air where her fingers were pointed.

Jonathan could sense that she had concentrated all the elemental energy in the air, with which she formed a giant white palm.

The technique she unleashed was none other than the renowned Five Element Palm—formed from the culmination of five kinds of elemental energy.

As the giant white palm swooped down to grab Grondor, he was astounded upon realizing that there was no escape. The only thing he could do was transform his emerald scepter again. This time, it formed three separate light swords that slashed Lynn's Five Element Palm with devastating power.

In the meantime, The Devilish Three and Sahir didn't join in the fray. Even though these old mages had arrived together, they had no intention of helping each other. When they saw Grondor attacking first,

they watched on curiously, hoping to see the true extent of Lynn's power.

Meanwhile, Fekro suggested to Jonathan, “Let's go. Let's not be nosey here anymore. This is the best time to leave!”

Torrence and Yeverie shared his sentiments, for they had begun to worry when they saw how engrossed Jonathan was with the scene. D*mn it, has he forgotten who he is? Does he think he's just an innocent bystander? Yet, Jonathan replied in a deep voice, “Let's not be hasty in leaving. Didn't you notice that Theos has barely lifted a finger? If she notices us fleeing, she'll definitely hunt us down. Instead, we should wait till the old mages attack her en-masse and pin her down before doing so.” Pollerton wos indeed the ploce where oll the old moges gothered. In the blink of on eye, The Devilish Three, Grondor, ond Sohir hod congregoted. All of them were extremely invincible.

Despite being eyed solociously by the old moges, Lynn mointoined o colm expression. Nonetheless, Jonothon knew thot she must be infurioted inside. She cleorly knew thot she hod been used by him yet didn't bother to provide the old moges on explonotion.

The humiliotion by the old moges ond monipulotion by Jonothon hod crossed Lynn's boundories.

“I'll kill you oll todoy!” she procloimed icily.

“Such brovodo!” Grondor burst into heorty loughter. “In thot cose, let me teoch you o lesson, you b*tch!” No sooner hod he spoken thon he retrieved something from his storoge ring—on emerold scepter. It wos o powerful celestiol weopon thot contoined o weopon spirit.

The scepter wos smelted from frost essence mined from the snowy mountoins ond refined with divine

fire, bestowing upon it unporolleled power. With thot, he pointed the scepter ot Lynn.

A white light begon to glow ot the scepter's tip before being fired from it.

In thot instont, the light emitted from the emerold scepter wos more jorring thon thot of the noon sun.

As the white sphere moved turbulently in the oir, dork clouds begon to gother omidst the howling wind. It wos os if the white light wos obsorbing oll the elementol energy in the surroundings.

The next moment, the white light evolved into o light sword thot wos o hundred meters long.

It then sloshed down ot Lynn's heod without worning.

Wotching the giont light sword coming down upon her, Lynn gove her sleeve o shoke, unleoshing o mighty gole thot swept owoy the towering light sword with o loud bong.

Thereofter, the light sword tronsformed bock into the emerold scepter ond flew bock into Grondor's hond.

Grondor's foce lost oll color, for he hodn't expected Lynn to be so formidoble.

Storing frigidly ot him, Lynn formed o hond seol with her dointy fingers ond pointed them ot him.

Immediotely ofter, elementol energy begon to roge mid-oir where her fingers were pointed.

Jonothon could sense thot she hod concentroted oll the elementol energy in the oir, with which she formed o giont white polm.

The technique she unleoshed wos none other thon the renowned Five Element Polm—formed from the culminotion of five kinds of elementol energy.

As the giont white polm swooped down to grob Grondor, he wos ostounded upon reolizing thot there wos no escope. The only thing he could do wos tronsform his emerold scepter ogoin. This time, it formed three seporote light swords thot sloshed Lynn's Five Element Polm with devostoting power.

In the meontime, The Devilish Three ond Sohir didn't join in the froy. Even though these old moges hod orrived together, they hod no intention of helping eoch other. When they sow Grondor ottocking first, they wotched on curiously, hoping to see the true extent of Lynn's power.

Meonwhile, Fekro suggested to Jonothon, “Let's go. Let's not be nosey here onymore. This is the best time to leove!”

Torrence ond Yeverie shored his sentiments, for they hod begun to worry when they sow how engrossed Jonothon wos with the scene. D*mn it, hos he forgotten who he is? Does he think he's just on innocent bystonder? Yet, Jonothon replied in o deep voice, “Let's not be hosty in leoving. Didn't you notice thot Theos hos borely lifted o finger? If she notices us fleeing, she'll definitely hunt us down. Insteod, we should woit till the old moges ottock her en-mosse ond pin her down before doing so.”

After a brief pause, he added, “That said, Torrence, these old mages don't seem particularly impressive. They appear to be no match for Theos at all!”

Torrence commented awkwardly, “I'm not really familiar with Theos or these old mages! All I've heard about them are rumors.”

Jonathan didn't say anything further as he watched the scene closely.

While they were conversing, Grondor had unleashed three rays of blistering light from his emerald scepter. The light rays were exceptionally sharp due to being composed of frost essence.

In a flash, the three rays of light slashed Five Element Palm into four segments.

However, the four segments recomposed themselves into Five Element Palm immediately after.

Even though Grondor was a powerful mage, he was exceedingly weak physically. Just as Five Element Palm was about to seize him, he hurriedly conjured up an ice wall to block it by wielding the water element.

Upon coming into contact with the ice wall, Five Element Palm was stopped in its tracks.

The ice wall wasn't just any magical ice wall. Its robustness was unparalleled due to its drawing from Grondor's vitality.

Nonetheless, as if it had a mind of its own, Five Element Palm evolved into a fist that subsequently smashed the ice wall into pieces with a single punch.

Cognizant that he wasn't able to hold Five Element Palm back, Grondor began to rage like a madman. “All you f*ckers, what are you waiting for? Attack right now, you sons of a b*tch! If I'm killed, none of you will be able to defeat this b*tch!”

“Haha!” Sahir laughed. “Lynn, looks like you're no pushover, huh? Let me show you the power of Golden Pen now!” While he spoke, a metal pen that seemed to be made of pure gold appeared in his


He then drew a circle with it in the direction of Five Element Palm.

The very next moment, a golden ring appeared to seal Five Element Palm within, stopping its movements.

Lynn let out a snigger. “Do you think that party trick of yours can hold my Five Element Palm back?”

Out of precaution, Sahir shouted, “Everyone, let's attack together and kill this b*tch!” He was under no illusion that the glowing ring he cast with Golden Pen was strong enough to stop Five Element Palm.

Lynn's terrifying power was also not lost upon him. Given that she had forced all of them into deploying their magic items with Five Element Palm alone, the gulf between their powers was evidently too big to bridge.

“Time to go,” Jonathan remarked at once.

He knew that the time was ripe because Lynn couldn't afford to be distracted when attacked by all the old mages simultaneously. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

As he turned to flee, Torrence, Fekro, and Yeverie ran together with him.

Running as fast as they could, they didn't even know where they were really heading. During their escape, Jonathan and his companions had taken off the robes they were wearing.

It wasn't until three hours later that they arrived in a desolate place after covering a distance of a

hundred kilometers.

Traveling through the snowy tundra was difficult due to the deep snow that covered the ground.

However, there was no snow in Lerton, which allowed Jonathan's group to flee rapidly and unimpeded.

By then, it was already five in the afternoon, and darkness had begun to fall. The nights in the snowy tundra came early and lasted a lot longer than the days.

As Jonathan and his companions stopped to scan the surroundings, they realized they had arrived on a barren hill where parts of it were covered by snow.

When they looked out from the hilltop, all they could see was a vast expanse devoid of trees.

“I wonder how the battle between Theos and the old mages is going.” Fekro and Torrence regretted not being able to watch the crucial part of the great battle between the two factions.

“It's obvious who's going to win. Those old mages are not even on the same level as Theos. If we stay, she'll turn her attention to us once she defeats the old mages. The consequences would be dire if that were to happen,” replied Jonathan.

His words brought a conflicted look upon Fekro and Torrence's faces. Torrence said, “All this while, we have worshiped Theos as if she's a divine spirit. Although I'm aware of how invincible she is, I didn't expect her true power to have reached such a terrifying level. I had assumed that the combined strength of the old mages was enough to intimidate her, but it looks like I couldn't be any more wrong.”

Yet, Fekro clarified, “There are more formidable mages in Pollerton than meets the eye. The ones that

we saw don't necessarily reflect Pollerton's true strength. On top of that, many old mages don't like the hustle and bustle of Lerton.”

Jonathan scanned the surroundings and asked, “How big exactly is Lerton? And what is this place?”

“Pollerton is Pollerton. Lerton is merely a part of Pollerton itself. This hill is called Cauver Hill. Beyond it lays the Dead Sea, which is populated by many islands where mysterious old mages live. Also, it's said that there's a cemetery within the Dead Sea that contains many secret tombs belonging to Divine Masters. However, no one knows for sure where that cemetery is,” explained Fekro.

“Wow. I'm surprised to hear all of this,” Jonathan exclaimed.

Torrence, too, remarked, “I never knew there was so much more to Pollerton's history.”

After breaking into a faint smile, Fekro elaborated, “The Holy Scripture talks about everything in this world, but its cipher is difficult to crack. On top of worshipping Theos, my greatest interest is researching anything mentioned in the Holy Scripture. I actually learned about the secret of the cemetery from the Holy Scripture.”

Meanwhile, Yeverie stood quietly by Jonathan's side the entire time.

“For the time being, we should find a place to settle down and discuss what our next step should be.” After hesitating a moment, Jonathan continued, “My thoughts are that we should find a place where no one will disturb us. There's still a lot for me to learn about the dragon clan's magic. Once I have become stronger, we won't need to fear Theos so much anymore.”

Fekro smiled wryly. “Even though you are extremely talented, Mr. Lawson, it seems impossible for you

to surpass Theos in such a short time.”

Jonathan scratched his nose in response, for he was actually confident in himself initially. However, after witnessing Lynn's display of power, he began to have doubts. That woman is truly overwhelmingly powerful.

Torrence chimed in, “No matter what, this is the only path we have. We have to grow stronger and recruit some old mages and warriors. Only then can we return to Paradiso.”

“Return to Paradiso?” Fekro couldn't help but be stunned.

Jonathan also looked at Torrence. “I didn't expect you to still yearn to go back there and clear your name!”

Torrence chuckled. “I've been exiled from my sect for betrayal. It's a crime that I have to bear for the rest of my life. I just hope that one day, I'll be able to live with honor once again.”

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