I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 575 Undead Clan

Chapter 575 Undead Clan

In this dire situation, Jonathan, being exceptionally clever, immediately noticed their predicament. He stopped in his tracks, signaling Beatrix to extend her hand. Then, he wrote on her hand, “Head north, ten kilometers out, leave a marker for me!”

Beatrix quickly understood Jonathan's plan.

She knew that this was the best solution at the moment, so she nodded in agreement.

With a smile, Jonathan released Joanne's hand and made a dash for it.

However, when he let go of Joanne's hand, his presence was immediately detected.

“Who goes there?” the soul generals shouted.

Jonathan paid them no heed, and he didn't bother to inform them who he was. Instead, he hopped onto the roof of one of the buses and began darting back and forth as the soul generals leaped onto the roofs as well, attempting to stop him.

These soul generals had various levels of cultivation, but the vast majority were only at Neutralizing Force, with only a few having Nascent Soul cultivation.

Jonathan, now at Level Five Immortal Stage, possessed powers far beyond what these soul generals could hope to stop. His movements were swift as lightning, darting back and forth like an elusive fish. Despite being surrounded by a swarm of soul generals, none of them could catch him.

Occasionally, a soul general managed to grab Jonathan's shoulder or arm, but he would convulse,

sending powerful electric shocks through his assailants, instantly repelling them.

Jonathan had successfully diverted the attention of all the soul generals. Meanwhile, Beatrix and Joanne quickly made their retreat. Beatrix, with her remarkable speed, scooped Joanne into her arms and raced away.

The multitude of ghost generals descended into chaos, but in the end, they were left empty-handed.

Meanwhile, Jonathan had quietly slipped out of the encirclement and reached one of the ghost buses, intending to drive it.

However, when he got on, he was baffled to discover that the darned bus had no clutch, gears, or anything of the sort. He sat there dumbfounded.

“He's inside the bus!” a soul general shouted immediately.

Startled, Jonathan quickly exited the bus and sprinted southward.

As soon as he activated his body's unique skills, the soul generals had no choice but to breathe in the dust he left in his trail, unable to catch up to him.

However, in such an open space, they still managed to keep him in sight.

Soon, the soul generals commandeered a bus and began to close the gap.

The bus was faster than Jonathan, and the vast, open terrain limited his ability to exploit his agility.

The buses moved in formation, encircling Jonathan like a closing fan.

The soul generals were no fools.

For a moment, a cloud of dust rose behind him as the buses formed an iron-clad wave, rolling relentlessly toward him.

Jonathan glanced back, his face filled with despair.

It seemed like the fun and games were over.

He wasn't panicking, though. He continued to run swiftly, even as the buses closed in.

In no time, a wall of buses was approaching, and the first one was dangerously close to colliding with Jonathan. With a swift move, he planted one foot on the front of the bus to his left. Using it as a springboard, he vaulted onto the roof of that bus.

Dust billowed, obscuring him entirely.

Jonathan took advantage of this smokescreen and darted swiftly to the north, fleeing the scene.

Despite their speed, the buses couldn't change direction instantly. In this dira situation, Jonathan, baing axcaptionally clavar, immadiataly noticad thair pradicamant. Ha stoppad in his tracks, signaling Baatrix to axtand har hand. Than, ha wrota on har hand, “Haad north, tan kilomatars out, laava a markar for ma!”

Baatrix quickly undarstood Jonathan's plan.

Sha knaw that this was tha bast solution at tha momant, so sha noddad in agraamant.

With a smila, Jonathan ralaasad Joanna's hand and mada a dash for it.

Howavar, whan ha lat go of Joanna's hand, his prasanca was immadiataly datactad.

“Who goas thara?” tha soul ganarals shoutad.

Jonathan paid tham no haad, and ha didn't bothar to inform tham who ha was. Instaad, ha hoppad onto tha roof of ona of tha busas and bagan darting back and forth as tha soul ganarals laapad onto tha roofs as wall, attampting to stop him.

Thasa soul ganarals had various lavals of cultivation, but tha vast majority wara only at Nautralizing Forca, with only a faw having Nascant Soul cultivation.

Jonathan, now at Laval Fiva Immortal Staga, possassad powars far bayond what thasa soul ganarals could hopa to stop. His movamants wara swift as lightning, darting back and forth lika an alusiva fish. Daspita baing surroundad by a swarm of soul ganarals, nona of tham could catch him.

Occasionally, a soul ganaral managad to grab Jonathan's shouldar or arm, but ha would convulsa, sanding powarful alactric shocks through his assailants, instantly rapalling tham.

Jonathan had succassfully divartad tha attantion of all tha soul ganarals. Maanwhila, Baatrix and Joanna quickly mada thair ratraat. Baatrix, with har ramarkabla spaad, scoopad Joanna into har arms and racad away.

Tha multituda of ghost ganarals dascandad into chaos, but in tha and, thay wara laft ampty-handad.

Maanwhila, Jonathan had quiatly slippad out of tha ancirclamant and raachad ona of tha ghost busas, intanding to driva it.

Howavar, whan ha got on, ha was bafflad to discovar that tha darnad bus had no clutch, gaars, or anything of tha sort. Ha sat thara dumbfoundad.

“Ha's insida tha bus!” a soul ganaral shoutad immadiataly.

Startlad, Jonathan quickly axitad tha bus and sprintad southward.

As soon as ha activatad his body's uniqua skills, tha soul ganarals had no choica but to braatha in tha dust ha laft in his trail, unabla to catch up to him.

Howavar, in such an opan spaca, thay still managad to kaap him in sight.

Soon, tha soul ganarals commandaarad a bus and bagan to closa tha gap.

Tha bus was fastar than Jonathan, and tha vast, opan tarrain limitad his ability to axploit his agility.

Tha busas movad in formation, ancircling Jonathan lika a closing fan.

Tha soul ganarals wara no fools.

For a momant, a cloud of dust rosa bahind him as tha busas formad an iron-clad wava, rolling

ralantlassly toward him.

Jonathan glancad back, his faca fillad with daspair.

It saamad lika tha fun and gamas wara ovar.

Ha wasn't panicking, though. Ha continuad to run swiftly, avan as tha busas closad in.

In no tima, a wall of busas was approaching, and tha first ona was dangarously closa to colliding with Jonathan. With a swift mova, ha plantad ona foot on tha front of tha bus to his laft. Using it as a springboard, ha vaultad onto tha roof of that bus.

Dust billowad, obscuring him antiraly.

Jonathan took advantaga of this smokascraan and dartad swiftly to tha north, flaaing tha scana.

Daspita thair spaad, tha busas couldn't changa diraction instantly.

The road was wide open, but the buses were crowded together.

Jonathan swiftly fled the scene, heading north.

By the time the soul generals realized what had happened, Jonathan had vanished without a trace. The whole situation seemed rather inexplicable to them, and they were too embarrassed to report it to their superiors. It was embarrassing to admit that they couldn't capture one person from the upper world, and they hadn't even gotten a good look at him.

So, later on, the soul generals held a meeting, and they all agreed not to disclose the events of that day.

Reaching a consensus on this matter was relatively easy.

After all, people from the upper world occasionally found their way into the underworld, and Jonathan and his companions were by no means the first.

Moreover, many people from the upper world had come to the underworld and managed to blend in successfully.

Returning to the present, Jonathan quickly reunited with Beatrix and Joanne.

Beatrix appeared surprised and asked, “You came back so quickly?”

Jonathan smiled and replied, “They're a useless bunch of troops. There's no need to run.”

Joanne looked at Jonathan and said, “Now that we're here, we don't need to hold hands so conspicuously.”

Jonathan responded, “But if we encounter people from the underworld, we might still stand out.”

Joanne assured him, “That won't be a problem. You'll quickly blend into the aura here, and in no time, you may not appear any different from the underworld's residents.”

Jonathan seemed surprised and asked, “Is that possible?”

Joanne explained, “Of course. In fact, many people from the upper world come here to live.”

Jonathan felt reassured and then asked Joanne, “How do you feel physically now?”

Joanne took a deep breath and replied, “I feel much better. Every breath I take is so comfortable. I feel like this place is my true home.”

Jonathan and Beatrix exchanged glances, not knowing what to say.

Jonathan surveyed his surroundings. The area was desolate, with sunlight shining down on it, making it look like a dried-up, barren field.

Some parts were marshy, while others had withered trees and vines.

Joanne continued, “But it seems like the underworld is undergoing some unfavorable changes.” She looked at the sky and said, “This sunlight shouldn't be here.”

Jonathan suggested, “Let's keep moving before discussing this further. It wouldn't be good if those soul generals catch up with us.”

Beatrix and Joanne agreed, saying, “Sure.”

The three of them headed in the northeast direction, following Joanne's guidance.

As they walked through the desolate landscape, they saw no signs of life. This made Jonathan somewhat uneasy. He still remembered the despair he felt when walking through the snowy tundra in Moranta. He hoped this place wouldn't be as harsh.

Jonathan couldn't help but ask Joanne, “Is the underworld always this desolate and devoid of people?”

Joanne responded, “Of course not! This is the route the ghost bus takes. We haven't truly entered the core of the underworld yet. Right now, your auras haven't fully transitioned. Once we get there, things could get messy.”

Jonathan inquired, “So, where are we heading now?”

Joanne replied, “The Ice Mountain is over five thousand miles from where we are now, and we'll pass through three cities on the way. We're about three hundred miles away from the next city, Mallowbrook. By the time we reach it, you should have integrated into this world.”

Jonathan commented, “This journey doesn't sound like it'll be peaceful. If it were that easy, you wouldn't have needed us to come.”

Joanne agreed, saying, “You're right. Once my identity is exposed, it will be very dangerous. The Ten Kings of Eonetara Gate won't want me to return safely behind the Ice Mountain. However, they won't dare to openly come after me because that would be declaring war on the forces I represent.”

Beatrix glanced at Joanne with mild surprise and said, “I feel like you're remembering more and more.”

As they continued walking, Joanne nodded and explained, “For the past month, my memory has been hazy, and my thoughts were all over the place. But since coming here, my headaches have disappeared, and my chaotic thoughts are gradually organizing. I believe it won't be long before I remember everything.”

Jonathan couldn't help but feel pleased and said, “If you truly are the Undead Ice Phoenix and your memories and abilities are returning, returning to your realm should become much easier.”

Joanne replied, “To regain my mana, I must reach the area behind the ice mountain and perform a certain ritual in my Ice Phoenix Palace. However, the specifics of the ritual and what I need to do are still unclear. All I know is that I must return to the area behind the Ice Mountain.”

Joanne paused and seemed lost in thought, then said, “But behind that ice mountain...” She fell silent, contemplating something important.

Both Jonathan and Beatrix stopped to respect her moment of reflection. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

After a while, Joanne continued, “I remember now. It's not just an ice mountain; it's called Undead Mountain. Beyond Undead Mountain lies the Undead Clan, and I am the ruler of the Undead Clan.”

At this point, an unusual sparkle burst forth from the eyes of Joanne.

There was a subtle regal aura about her, and her gaze was captivating.

Jonathan and Beatrix stared at Joanne in astonishment, noting the profound changes in her since they arrived in the underworld.

Joanne withdrew her intense gaze and turned to Jonathan and Beatrix. She said, “I understand you both have many questions, but I'm sorry, I can't reveal everything right now. However, rest assured that I will share what I can with you.”

Curious, Beatrix asked, “So, the Undead Clan means that your people are all undead, like zombies?”

Joanne clarified, “The Undead Clan are zombies.”

“Zombies are real here?” Beatrix expressed her interest.

Jonathan then inquired, “You're the Undead Ice Phoenix, so are you the queen of both the Ice Phoenix and the zombies?”

Joanne gave Jonathan an odd look and explained, “The common soldiers of the Undead Clan are zombies. Those who advance further will cultivate and become higher-level undead with consciousness, intelligence, and emotions. Their cultivation is thanks to me, so I'm different from them, but I am their ruler.”

Jonathan wondered, “How do zombies come into existence?”

Joanne answered, “The underworld has developed over thousands of years. In its early days, there were living beings like humans here, and they died naturally. Wars also occurred, leaving many soldiers' corpses strewn across the wastelands. The negative energy in the underworld is particularly dense, so some bodies with strong lingering attachments gradually transform into zombies. Zombies are a unique creation of the underworld.”

Beatrix added, “But in our upper world, there are also legends of zombies, aren't there?”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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