I Claim Your Love

Chapter 19: The Known Secret

Chapter 19: The Known Secret

It seemed that the clouds had gotten a sudden fascination to the cottage as they hugged each other

and hovered above it. The sky which once was swept away by flickering stars entirely, now could no

longer hold its place. The clouds had banished the illumination of the celestial bodies.

The heavens were restless tonight.

Sabinus tapped his fingers to the curved silvery top of his walking stick. He occasionally glanced at the

coruscation of the clouds, the way they were moving around the cottage and rumbling against each

other as if threatening the mortals beneath.

Elder Odulf was restless while Aurora could not keep her emotions at check.

"Will you please say something!" she glanced at the man who was pensive looking at the sky. He

rested his stick to a nearby tree and turned to face the duo. Aurora could extrapolate the gravity of the

situation when she saw the grim face of the healer.

Sabinus sighed in defeat "I'm afraid there is little we can do."

"There has to be a way!" Aurora almost choked while her eyes could no longer delay the tears.

The sharp loud cracks from above were making matters even horrifying.

"The wounds are too deep for any shifter to bear let alone this human form. The canines have ruptured

his skin entirely. You can even see his bones!" Sabinus caught a moment and sat on the nearest

wooden log. "His powers have not fully manifested yet which makes it even worse. The minimum

powers which he has activated are keeping him alive but barely."

"I don't believe I am saying this.." Odulf whispered and sighed "but if the arm is the real culprit then why

cant we just get rid of it. Rip off his arm!?" Elder Odulf asked unsure of himself.

Sabinus shook his head "That would not help elder Odulf. Their race can survive only when every part

of the human is intact. Think of it as a circle where the soul is the centre surrounded by the body; any

part missing and the circle is broken, the energy flow lost."

"So we are back to square one. I cannot think of any more possible solutions. My medications and

potions work differently on him; but I cant keep on experimenting. Its dangerous!" elder Odulf said in a

low voice.

"Your right elder Odulf. We should not take the risk."

"So you are saying that there is no way to save Callan." asked the lady.

Sabinus stood from his place and looked at the motion of the wind which was gaining strength. "I can

think of only one way." he turned to face them and said indifferently. "His true mate.."

Skeptical of the solution Aurora and Odulf looked at each other helplessly. It wasn't as if they had not

thought about it. Even as a child Aurora had tricked Einar to save Callan, but tonight was different.

Einar was not a child anymore; he could not be tricked or forced to do anything against his will.

Moreover he had detached himself from his mate for a long time now so they were unsure if Einar

would help.

"The fact is, Einar has not accepted Callan as his mate. From what I can gather, even his wolf has

some issues regarding Callan. So I don't think he will agree to do it." Aurora reasoned with Sabinus.

She knew for some reason Einar has not been accepting of his mate and keeping a safe distance from

him. Aiding his process was his wolf who showed no sign of marking his mate as any normal case

would be.

"Here is where you are wrong my love. The bond they share is way too stronger for the wolf to not

acknowledge. However its not the wolf we need here." Sabinus whispered the last words.

Perplexed by the statement elder Odulf interjected. "As far as I remember Einar's wolf cured Callan

when he was thirteen so it should not be a problem now."

Sabinus smiled curtly and nodded. "Back then Callan was a child and barely had his defences. Now

the situation is contrasting, Callan's powers will repel every attempt made by the wolfs bond to claim


"So you are suggesting...." Elder Odulf tried to understand what the healer was trying to say.

Sabinus crossed his arms to his shoulders and said "We need the shedim spirit's power to cure him."

Elder Odulf could not form any words to speak while all Aurora could do was to stare at nothingness

remembering the last time the shedim spirit had unleashed itself.

It was a brutal mayhem.

The problem was, that if the spirit was released from the enchantments than it would become

uncontrollable. It would crave the company of its mate and unleash its wrath on anyone who came their

way. It would be disastrous..!

But they seemed to have run out of options. If saving Callan would require a higher price to pay; than

so be it.

"How much time does he have?" the helplessness and utter fear for her beloved friend had made

Aurora cautious.

"The clouds have gathered already. I would say Callan has until midday to revive himself." Sabinus

dejectedly lowered his eyes.

"Einar would never agree to such a request. He will not jeopardise his lineage by giving control to the

beast." Elder Odulf stated as a matter of fact.

"He will agree elder Odulf." Aurora spoke with a resolve "He has to agree.." she almost whispered as if

reassuring herself of Einar's affirmation.


Inside the Alpha house everyone was sitting on the dinner table sharing each of their stories. The

elongated large table had space enough for every higher adherent to eat with their families. Today's

main attraction had been the new going to be pack member. Rosaline had charmed everyone around

the table. Ragnar and Zelda were extremely joyous to finally meet their son's mate.

Einar was sitting in between Garrick and Rosaline. He was certainly not enjoying himself being in this

situation. The constant chatting and muttering made the event even more unwanted for him.

Einar's thoughts were drifted to todays events. How he reached the field in the nick of time to save his

mate. Not only were the culprits killed but Callan was also out of harms way. The reassurance that

Callan was fine made him less worrisome but his beasts had the mind of their own. Their anxiousness

made Callan more suffocated in the confined space. The beasts wanted to have a look at their mate

with their own naked eyes. They wanted to confirm Callan's safety.

After dinner everyone headed for their respective accommodations. Garrick followed Einar in his room

to discuss some pack business. Their interaction was disturbed when a guard knocked on their door.

The guard bowed his head and said "Sire, lady Aurora wishes to see you."

Both the friends were bemused at the healers presence at such an ungodly hour.

"Is father not present in the house?" Einar asked the guard.

"He is sire."

Einar sighed and turned his back, returning to do his work. "Then ask lady Aurora to take up her matter

with him. I have some unfinished work to do."

The guard hesitated "But sire she insists that it is important and is adamant to meet you."

Einar furrowed his eyes and processed his line of thought for why the healer wants to meet him. For

any other reason the healer was to report to the delta of the pack. Only in cases where the packs

integrity was at stake was any healer required to handle the matter with the beta; in any which case

Einar did not fit in the picture.

However, Einar also noticed that this healer was different. She had defied orders in the past and

certainly doesn't care for the packs functioning procedure.

Garrick looked at his friend. What could possibly bring the healer here at this time? Garrick asked with


I am as clueless as you are. Einar shrugged. He than faced the guard "Bring her in respectfully."

Aurora entered the room quivering, shaking and a little disturbed. The first thing both of them noticed

were her wet clothes. It looked liked she was caught in a rain, but how could that be possible when the

sky was clear outside.

She stood at a distance and looked at Einar firmly contemplating on how to broach the subject. Einar

discerned her hesitation and spoke himself "I believe you have something to discuss healer."

"Yes I do." She opened her mouth but ate her words when she realised Garrick was there too.

"Actually.. I-I wanted to talk to you alone."

Garrick raised his brow while Einar sighed "Don't be hesitant. Garrick is a friend and I trust him with my


"ITS ABOUT CALLAN." Aurora uttered at a go with her fidgeting thumbs.

All color drained his face when he heard the healer talk about his mate. The beasts could sense that

something was wrong with him. Unbeknownst to Einar, Garrick witnessed the tension surmounting and

the glowing of the locket.

"Garrick would you mind giving us some space." Einar said without looking at his friend.

"But Einar.."

"Please Garrick.." Einar almost pleaded.

Garrick huffed and left the room with much reluctance.

Einar locked the room and appeared normal; his façade to hide his emotions. "So you were saying..."

"Callan u-uh." She sighed and took a deep breath. "Callan needs your help."

"What are you talking about?" His beasts knew there was something wrong with his mate but Einar

dismissed them thinking that they were overly anxious.

"His injury is talking a toll on him."

With every passing moment it was becoming difficult for Einar to control his emotions and have a

straight face. To avoid Aurora, he turned his back and pretended to search for something. "I suppose Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

he was recovering when mother visited him before sunset." he grabbed a seidel and poured some

liquor to it.

"Yes but his condition deteriorated thereafter and he is now barely holding up."

"But you are the healer. How could you possibly think that I-I can help." he gulped glass after glass to

ease his pain.

"If there is anyone in the world who can help Callan right now its YOU."

He put the glass with a thud on the table. "W-What do you mean?"

"The bite from the ferals has poisoned Callan's bloodstream. You know as well that his healing power is

that of a normal human. The situation has gotten so worse that even amputation cannot give him his


Hearing about detaching his mates arm made him furious and he growled at her. Just the sight of blood

earlier had made his beasts insane so how could he imagine him to be amputated.

Einar got hold of his locket, took deep breaths and calmed himself.

"I'm sorry about that." he poured another glass of liquor through his throat.

"Its fine." she almost whimpered.

"So what do you expect me to do."

Aurora sighed "We have tried everything in our power, every magic that I knew has failed. We are

running out of time to experiment anything on him. We don't want anything to backfire you know."

"I still don't get it. How do I fit in this proposal?" Einar was getting irritated by the healer's beating

around the bush nonsense talk.

Now was the time. Aurora composed herself and took deep breaths of credence "If a higher power

comes to play than we can hope that Callan's life can be saved."

Einar faltered in his stance and spoke his words carefully slow "What you mean is that I use my.."

"Shedim spirit. Yes."

He turned to face her with wide eyes. "IMPOSSIBLE." he said with conformity. "I am not releasing the

beast ever. The last time I had it, it ate me up from the inside. The horrors I faced; the sufferings I put

my family, my pack through. I cannot fathom any more harm coming their way."

Aurora half expected this answer but she had to try. She supplicated her request by pleading "Please..!

he needs your help."

"I will not risk it. The pack comes first."

"Even before your own MATE??"

Einar's mouth hung open while the liquor bottle shattered into pieces as it slipped through his hands. To

say he was shocked was an understatement. Einar's brain stuttered for a moment and his eyes took in

more light than he expected; totally stunned by the revelation of the healer. He lost the ability to

process things.

How could the healer know? He had been careful to remain unnoticed throughout these years. He had

gone to such an extent as in to neglect Callan and insult him every chance he got. It blocked every

thoughts of suspicion there could arise. So how could've he be caught?

"W-What a-are you saying?" Einar gulped "You know that putting such false allegations on your going

to be Alpha can put you in a lot of trouble." he stuttered through his unmasking.

"I am ready to face any punishment to speak the truth. Lets just put this in theory. How about I inform

everyone about your bond and let the council decide on the matter for itself."

The council was a bad news. It wont be hard to prove that indeed Callan was his mate. His position as

the going to be alpha would be jeopardised or worse he could be banished from the pack.

It was as if Einar's face was splashed with cold water. His worst nightmare would become reality.

Everything he worked for to keep his semblance would vanish just like that.

"You wont do any such thing..!" Einar whispered threateningly.

"Then help me please! I know you will always put your pack before anything else but let it slide just this

once. I promise to do anything you ask but please just help me save Callan.."

What other option did he have. He never liked the healer, her proximity with his mate always made him

jealous which led to his dislike for the lady. He never treated her right and she knew that. She had

every reason to do what she says; besides the pack safety would now be up on her.

Einar nodded while contemplating a possible escape route.

The going to be Alpha and the healer made a backdoor exit to evade suspicion.

The easiest way to the cottage was through the woods. Both of them decided to walk as Aurora would

not be able to keep up with Einar's wolf. Halfway through Einar could hear rumbling of the clouds. He

looked at the sky and thought storm was nearing. The blazing winds and the haphazard walkway made

the journey time consuming.

Einar realised that Callan was been treated in the lone isolated cottage which was far away from the

rest. What Einar did not expect were the brittle showers which strangely surrounded just the cottage.

They made their way only to discern that Callan was already accompanied by Sabinus and elder Odulf.

Einar raised his brow. "Do they know too!?"

"Yes son of Ragnar; we know too." Elder Odulf said nonchalantly.

This was not good; this was the last thing Einar wanted. The more the people knew the more chances

of him getting exposed. He growled furiously at Aurora "How many more people have you told?"

"Don't worry Einar its just us." she replied in assurance.

Yes they knew about Einar and Callan being mates but up to what extent. Einar thought about grilling

the healer later. First he must do the said job and go back to the pack house before anyone gets


"I'm here now. What do I need to do?" he sighed.

It was Sabinus' turn to speak. "You have to connect yourself with your shedim spirit. Summon it. Once

you feel the energy surge let the beast take charge and he will do the rest."

"What about when the job is done? The spirit goes at its will and I wont have any control over it." by the

looks of the three humans Einar deduced that they have contemplated the outcome already.

"I have a plan for that as well. Now we must leave." Elder odulf glanced at Aurora and Sabinus and

looked back at Einar. "Just make sure we go far away before you strip your locket. Aurora will be here

after an hour."

The trio made their way out and went straight to Auroras place where they all waited impatiently when

suddenly Sabinus chuckled looking at Odulf's features. "You really don't have any idea how to put the

beast back in his cage right?"

Aurora was shocked and surprised at the revelation.

Elder Odulf replied calmly. "I'm working on it."

"This is absurd. We haven't thought this through. The spirit once unleashed will not relieve its charge.

Moreover it would be revengeful for every wrongdoing and misery Callan had to go through." Aurora

voiced her concern.

"How many people are we talking here." Sabinus asked out of curiosity.

"The entire pack." she gulped nervously. "Almost.."

"What! I cannot believe this! The entire blue moon pack wronged the boy!" Sabinus was dumbfounded

to say the least.

"Yes. People always considered him an outsider since he could not shift. Never appreciated him, never

acknowledged him. He was put to a lot of strain since his childhood, burdened by expectations from his

family, a struggle to make a name for himself. It has been just too much for him." Aurora had tears in

her eyes.

"We have to do something before the spirit has its way."

"Callan was born with a destiny. One we cannot deny." Elder Odulf whispered with a sigh

Sabinus rubbed his forehead and yelled at him "But at what cost! We cannot put an entire pack at

danger." he exhaled "How do we stop this! his absolute obsession with his mate will be our doom."

Sabinus looked at both of them for any possible solution but elder Odulf replied helplessly "Only Luna

can save us now."

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