I Claim Your Love

Chapter 28: To Heal A Heart

Chapter 28: To Heal A Heart

Garrick paced from wall to wall with his eyes glued to the door. It had been hours since Callan's

departure but still no sign of the remedy. Everything hinged on what Callan did in the mountains to

retrieve the grass. Garrick could not think straight today. His panicked face just made everyone around

him nervous. He was distressed to look at an immobile Einar. He wanted to find a way to ensure that

Einar was still there, to know the extent of his pain and find a solution to lessen it.

Einar was becoming quite gaunt as the moments passed. His heavy breaths were alarming while his

occasional grunts were keeping Garrick on his toes. His skin was changing its usual color to a shade of

blue which was gleaming darker and darker. What petrified Garrick though was Einar's sudden jerk and

shuddering which occurred at any moment. Einar shivered with a jolt for some time and became normal


Garrick could not take it anymore. He looked at a pensive Aurora and lashed out "Your decision to send

him out to fetch those grass was completely pathetic. He is just a human! He does not have the skill or

the speed to reach there on time. What if he takes too long? I don't trust Callan. In fact he could have

done a lot more if he just stayed here with Einar."

Aurora sat upright when she heard the last words. Garrick was adamant for the part of keeping Callan

inside the house. Perhaps he wanted to keep a close watch on Callan or perhaps he wanted his help

with Einar's case. But why a sudden change of heart? Aurora knew that since his father's death Garrick

had been bitter towards Callan and could not bear him in his proximity. So what changed now? She

looked at Einar and then at Garrick. The future beta wanting Callan nearby only meant one thing-

Callan could aid his true mate and ease his pain. That meant Garrick had unfolded the truth. "You

know...!" she whispered.

Garrick raised his brow accusingly "And how do you know?"

Aurora relaxed her stance "I have known for a long time son of Umberto." She sighed "It is finally good

to talk about it with someone from the pack. An actual wolf."

Garrick nodded "So you do agree that Callan being here would have been more beneficial rather than

wandering in those mountains."

"This is where you are wrong Garrick. The location of the tree is not easy to find, your wolf senses

would have been useless once you were up there. Besides Callan has a fair judgement about the

area." As also no one would be able to retrieve the grass other than Callan.

Garrick huffed in annoyance "Even if I agree with you, don't you think Callan was needed here more

than at the mountains. He could soothe Einar's pain and maybe even help him in his recovery."

Aurora chuckled in amusement "It doesn't work that way. Callan would only accelerate the rate of his

recovery but for that we need to start the curing process first."

Garrick sat on a chair and hunched his arms running fingers around his hair in frustration. He knew that

the healer was right but he was too consumed in Einar's deprivation. Add it to the burden of concealing

such a vital information from Einar's parents and the entire pack. Moreover, Arthur had just linked him

that he and Rosaline were headed their way. For the next few days he had to come up with a

believable excuse about the Alpha's absence and since the initiation did not take place he was not

conferred the title of the beta. Hence he could not help Einar in managing the pack even if he wanted

to. These thoughts would've only bothered his mind and busted his head after a point of time. He

needed a distraction. The only person who could divert his mind right now was the lady in front of him.

Garrick realised that she has been living here for ages but he knows nothing about her. Maybe it was

time to break the mould.

"How long have you been in this pack?"

Aurora could see what Garrick was trying to do. She curtly smiled "I was born at the time of your great

grandfather. We have to master our powers as a witch before being assigned to any pack. I was part

healer, part witch- a rare combination in our world. I was awarded the blue moon pack after a few years

of the coronation of the previous alpha."

Garrick was dumbfounded on the information he received. The witch did not look even a year older Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

than himself. Moreover if she was that old why didn't she have any friends before Callan. "You are

close to only Callan in the pack. Why?"

"That is not true." she shook her head in negation "I am close to most of the elders and people from my

clan who are scattered around the world. My work keeps me busy hence I don't communicate much,

that doesn't mean I am unreachable." she sighed with a smile "I have travelled a lot. I was carefree and

reluctant to join the pack duties no sooner. Lady Odile did a fabulous job in handling my absence.

However it all changed when Callan was born. I knew the boy was special, so much so that he glued

me to the pack forever."

Understanding Aurora and Callan's relationship was hard. Firstly they were the loners no one

associated themselves with. Secondly one could observe that they were really close given their age

gap "D-Do you love Callan?" Garrick asked hesitatingly

Aurora just smiled and shook her head. "I do love him but not the way as you think. I have my own

mate to love you know." She winked "For others, mine and Callan's relationship is that of friendship but

for me he is like my own son."

Garrick gulped in embarrassment and lowered his eyes in shame. He was abashed for the straight

forward talk "I.. I am sorry. I just spoke out what was on my mind without even giving a thought."

"It is all right." She waved her hands "Communication is the key. It is good that you cleared up things

with me."

It was satisfying for Garrick to know that Callan had a protector. This would keep Einar's worries at bay

up to a certain extent. Otherwise Callan could bring a side of Einar which would be catastrophic to

everyone around. But how long would Einar avoid the inevitable? There will be a time when his beasts

will reign supreme and make his resolve weak. They will crave Callan more and more and may even

hurt Rosaline in the process. So what was the right thing to do? Should they abstain from seeing each

other as they have done up till now or should Einar give his fate a chance? He rubbed his temples and

sighed before looking at Aurora "What about them?"

"What about them?" She asked in confusion.

"What do you think would happen when Callan knows about being mates with Einar?"

Aurora had imagined this scenario hundreds of times- The moment when the truth was revealed to

Callan. However, everytime the outcome was devastating! Owing to their closeness, Callan had

deduced that Aurora had been hiding something important from him. He trusted her and he knew that

when the time was right his friend would come to him and let him know what the matter was. What he

did not knew was the fact that Aurora had been keeping the biggest secret of his life from him. Callan

may never forgive her when he comes to know that she was aware about his mate all along "This

thought has plundered my ease for years now. I dont know if he will be acceptive of the bond and even

if he is, Einar has closed all the doors for them to be together!"

"He had his own reasons.." Garrick defended his friend. Einar had already chosen a path and now he

could not back down. Rosaline was his mate for all purposes. People would never accept Callan and

may even reject Einar as their alpha. Thus it was important to keep things as they were "Can't we just

do anything to keep them away from each other without Einar's beasts getting agitated."

"You don't understand." She gasped "There is no power in the entire world which can keep them away

from each other." She whispered, worry clear in her face.

"What do you mean?"

Aurora just faltered and shrugged. She realised that she had revealed more than what was necessary

"Don't think too much about what i just said. Just remember that Einar's beasts will accept no one if it is

not Callan; so we have to find a way to keep them together."

"Sometimes I feel pity for Callan and annoyed at my friend. He has moved on with his life, has his own

'mate' now but he refuses to acknowledge anyone pairing up with Callan."

The obvious reason for that being his possessiveness. Whatever claims the alpha may make but one

thing was for sure, Einar could never tolerate any other person with his mate. "As you said, he must

have his reasons but let me warn you.." she sternly looked at Garrick ''He can't avoid Callan for much

long. The more they stay together the stronger the bond grows and the weaker will be his resolve."

And only Luna knows what havoc would arise when it happens.


Without even taking his views into consideration Callan was forcefully accorded the task of

accompanying the alpha for the night. What bothered him though was the fact that he had to stay with

him in his own bed until sunrise with no one being around. It was no secret that both the men despised

each other but the situation before them demanded that they keep their animosity aside and help the

alpha the way he can.

But what was he supposed to do exactly?

Sleeping in the same space with Einar was out of question. If somehow Einar's conditions deteriorates

he could be of little help because these were Aurora's expertise to handle such situations. It was

common knowledge that a mate could soothe the pain of their beloved so Callan's presence near Einar

was absolutely pointless.

With these thoughts in mind Callan strolled around in his own room. He occasionally watched the rise

and fall of Einar's chest. He did not miss the abrupt grunts and flaring of Einar's nose. Callan sighed in

annoyance and decided to take a walk to clear his mind. As soon as he was close to the door, Einar

snarled a low threating growl. Callan was surprised by this but assumed that the alpha might have

been having a bad dream. He shook his head a little and lifted his leg again. The moment he crossed

the door, Einar growled again. Callan could not understand this unruly behaviour of Einar. He thought

that maybe his subconscious mind wanted someone to occupy the empty space with him. He gruffed

and reluctantly retreated his steps to sit beside the alpha.

Callan supported his chin by one hand and the other was resting on the bed where Einar was sleeping.

He constantly watched the pained features of Einar's face which changed its expressions dramatically.

Sometimes it was serene while other times he looked like he was agitated. Callan realised that Einar

was distressed.

But what could he possibly do to ease his pain?

Einar was disallowed to eat or drink anything until he has his theriac so feeding him was out of option.

Callan did not knew if Einar likes to hear lullabies. He wanted to sing a song but thought against it as

his plan could easily backfire and Einar would be angry even more. There was simply no pleasing the


All of a sudden Callan gasped as Einar grabbed his hand which was lying besides his unconscious

body. Soon Einar's mien changed as his eyebrows relaxed to its original position and a sweet smile

plastered his face. "I knew you would come for me my love."

The guttural voice brought chills to Callan as he knew it was not Einar but his demonic spirit taking

charge. Einar was lying motionless but his eyes were slightly ajar while a faint mist was surrounding his

exterior now. Callan opened his mouth in utter disbelief but no word came out of it.

"I never imagined we would meet this way again but I am glad for you are with me."

Callan did not know how to respond. In his defence he only managed to utter. "You.. You should take

some rest."

Einar smiled a little more. "I have told you before. Of all the people in the world you are the only one I

can never ever think of hurting. Alas! I cannot imagine you in pain! So don't be afraid of me. I don't like


But Callan was frightened. Einar's beast was the last being he thought he would encounter on such an

eventful day. However he knew that he had to calm himself for Einar was in suffering. He took deep

breaths and calmly uttered. "Are you feeling alright? Should I call someone for help?"

"I will always be alright when you are around me. So don't leave me. Ever."

Callan slowly jerked his head back. He was confused with the spirits words once again. "Sometimes I

feel that your words mean more than what you say." Callan gasped as he said out loud what he was

thinking. He embarrassingly lowered his eyes. "I- I am sorry. I never meant to..."

"You don't have to be sorry for anything. I mean every word I say."

This conversation was making Callan slightly nervous. It was like the other day when they met where

all the cryptic talk made Callan all the more confused and slightly frustrated. He also knew that when

Einar wakes up he would not like it if he knew Callan spoke with the spirit again.

"Say something! Is anything bothering you?"

The spirits abrupt question took Callan off guard and he came out of his thoughts. "Einar would not like

it if he knew that we had a conversation."

The spirit growled "He has no control over his body now. Besides both the human and the wolf are

reeling heavily from the effects of the poison."

"Are you not affected by the poison?"

"No." Einar smiled "In fact I am the one who is keeping this body surviving."

Callan thought that Einar should be really grateful to have a spirit power in him. Or else he would have

been done for and the pack would have lost its precious alpha. What bothered him though was the

mighty spirit lying low and not healing itself like he did to Callan when he was attacked by the wolves

"Why cant you heal yourself like you healed me?"

"Its not that simple. To begin with, the locket is restraining my powers and even if the locket is removed,

the spirit of the wolf will take control and it will suffer irreversible damages from the poison."

"How long do you think you can hold up?"

"I can keep them breathing for eternity. However.." The smile on his face grew larger "I don't intend to

use up my energy on them as I have something else planned."

This completely surprised Callan. What could be more important than saving your own life? His

curiosity piqued and he hesitatingly asked "Ohh.. May I know for what other purpose you would using

that power of yours?"

In his low guttural voice the spirit chuckled weakly "Its your birthday on the full moon this month.

Right?" Callan hummed "I have a special surprise planned for you that day. Just wait for me."

Words failed to form when Einar replied Callan's question. What surprise could he be talking about and

why him? He did not remember anyone at receiving end of the spirits gift giving side. Even then,

shouldn't it be Rosaline to be addressed about any gift. What was so different about Callan? There was

only one thing he could think of

He was human.

So were the legends true? Does the spirit wants Callan's soul because he was the only human in the

entire vicinity. If this was true than that meant Callan's birthday would be his last day on earth! These

thoughts petrified Callan more and he needed clarity to think straight "W-what surprise?"

"All in due time my love. For now I need to rest.." The spirit made a low, steady continuous sound and

exhaled holding his mans hand firmly "Do you promise to be my side tonight?"

Those last words took Callan's breath away. His mind was once again boggled with the uncertainty of

the beasts moves but his childlike request to hold him hostage just melted Callan's heart. An unknown

smile formed on his face "I promise.."

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