I Claim Your Love

Chapter 33: Jealousy Thy Name

Chapter 33: Jealousy Thy Name

It was a sunny day, perfect for a day at the fair. The entrance could be seen from a distance while long

ques edged forward slowly. People were excited and impatient as they moved ahead. Faint music

could be heard from beyond the gates while occasional screams of joy were a norm. It was once in a

year event and everyone was looking forward to it.

Among the people standing in que were humans and different shifters from all around the vicinity. Einar

stood awkwardly besides Rosaline for he was dragged to this event in the pretext of having fun. He

initially had no plans to join Rosaline and Arthur but he was forced by his mind to pierce through this

massive crowd to just have a glance at his beloved.

It had been almost a week since the competition and Callan had gone missing. Hardly anybody cared

about his whereabouts but the alpha was getting insecure and more restless as the days passed. He

did try for anonymous reasons to connect with the head warriors son but all the reply he got was that

the handsome man was recuperating alone and did not want any disturbance.

As the wolves entered the gates, they were welcomed by a swarm of people spread in places where

the eyes could roam. A number of stalls of all varieties conducting different activities were lined up on

both the sides. From a distance in the crowd Einar could see a beautiful tall human girl waving her

hands in the direction of the wolves. Rosaline imitated the gesture and responded with a smile.

Fayette came running towards the group and hugged the lady "I am really glad you showed up."

"Oh I had to. This place is amazing!" Rosaline said in wonderment.

Fayette looked at Arthur and bowed, welcoming him but when she saw Einar her face was sour and

she diverted her attention to the lady wolf "Lets go quickly or it will start already."

With a confused look from the guests, the human compelled them to follow her within the depths of the

fair. They stopped right besides a huge tent and Fayette urged them to enter the shelter.

They were taken by surprise by what they saw.

The aroma of berries and nuts wafted all around, tantalising their noses. People had gathered around a

large circular table where a round savoury which resembled a bread was laid in a circular form. A

single candle was lit in the middle of the sweet food while people had surrounded a certain individual. It

looked like they were celebrating. But what exactly?

Just then Fayette cleared her way to reach the significant spot and hugged that individual. Einar was

happy and relieved for the person in front of him was none other than his own mate.

"Where have you been?" Callan asked in surprise "People are waiting you know."

"I am really sorry. I had to attend some guests.''

Archer gave a small playful tap to Fayette and cleared his throat in a large voice "Attention everyone."

He gestured to Fayette "Since the latecomer has finally arrived lets begin the celebrations." The people

around cheered in unison.

"Don't just look, blow the candle stupid." Archer scolded a stunned Callan as everyone laughed.

Callan looked happily at his friends before bowing his spine to puff the candle. As he did the motion

people clapped, cheered and congratulated him.

For the first time in his life, Einar could see his mate this happy. He now understood why Callan was

always so adamant to visit his friends in the village for his birthday. He was acknowledged here. People

loved him, cared for him and they actually celebrated his birthday!

Callan was all smiles. He occasionally hugged his friends while offering them the piece of the savory.

He was carefree and was himself. He slowly made his way to the extreme end until his legs halted and

his smile faltered. The grim look on his face made Einar more shameful and apologetic. Thankfully

Rosaline came to his rescue when she hugged the man and diverted his attention "Happy birthday my

saviour. Why didn't you tell me? I would have come prepared with a gift."

"It is not such a big deal actually." Callan said with an awkward smile.

"It is your birthday. It is a big deal! it is the most happiest day in one's life. if I had known earlier we

would have celebrated happily." she looked gleefully at the alpha when she realised something. Her

eyes widened in surprise when it finally occurred to her that both Callan and Einar shared their special

day "On second thoughts, why don't we celebrate with Einar today."

This startled the men and both of them looked at each other uncomfortably "I don't celebrate my

birthday in the pack."

"But why?"

"There are some.... unavoidable reasons." An awkward silence followed as Rosaline got the hint.

People disliked Callan in the pack and hence he avoided them on his birthday "I hope you guys enjoy

yourselves, I will just leave to attend to my other friends." Callan rushed his way to meet his human


"Why did you invite them!?" he whispered accusingly.

"Rosaline said she never went to a carnival so I thought I should invite her. I never thought that the

alpha would show up too. I was just being polite."

Callan hatefully sighed "Since you have created this mess; you will entertain them." and he left, leaving

the girl bewildered and glued to the spot.

It was already difficult for Callan to come out of the trauma. Einar had killed his bird, crushed his dream

and demeaned him in front of the entire pack! He did not had the heart to forgive him. On the contrary

he did not want to share the same space as the alpha.

Fayette did as she was told and she parted ways with Callan to play the host for the wolves.

"Take these." The human handed some flat disc metals to every wolf "These are coins we need to

trade at the booths. Every gold coin is worth fifty bronze coins. Use it when you feel like doing anything

interesting. Eating, playing, chit chats, entertaining yourself; anything." She played a good host and

enthusiastically showed them the stalls which were in exhibition. Arthur and Rosaline were awed by

what they were seeing. Though the humans were ranked low in species they were quite creative and

fun loving. All this while Einar roamed his eyes uninterestingly everywhere and followed the Luna like a

lost puppy. He cheered a bit when he saw his best friend approaching them from a distance.

Garrick waved at them but he grinned from ear to ear when he saw his mate standing with his wolf

buddies. He greeted everyone and bowed before Fayette with a smile.

"Congratulations on being the beta. I heard it was quite a fight." Fayette said with a smile.

Garrick's chest swelled with pride for his mate had appreciated his valor "I wish you were there to

witness the match." Fayette smiled awkwardly before shifting her body towards the luna. Garrick than

acknowledged the wolves and linked his friend. You seem upset.

You think.

If it is bothering you so much maybe you should have stayed home and enjoyed the pampering.

I tried but I couldn't. He took a long deep breath How are the preparations going on?

Everything is going as planned but we need to leave early for the feast.

Einar nodded at Garrick and they moved in a group a bit further when suddenly Einar saw Callan with a

bunch of other females standing, enjoying some mass of fluffy pink substance near a stall. Callan was

cheerful while his laughs boomed the ears of the alpha. It was all he could hear; it was all he could see.

"You should try this." Fayette startled Rosaline.

"This looks strange. What is it?"

"It is called a candy floss. It is an item of sweet food made of sugar. It tastes amazing! You should try


Fayette handed over the savory to everyone. The food enriched their taste buds as all of them ate in

delight. Rosaline was happy to consume it all when suddenly her eyes roamed around to see a bunch

of ladies and a few men staring in their direction in a very odd way.

"Why are all of them staring? Is something wrong with us?"

"Don't worry." Fayette chuckled "It happens every year. They are all staring at the ultimate prize." She

browed her eyes to Callan who was standing near the booth.

Fayette explained that the people who were nearby Callan were considered as people of importance

because the man keeps little contact and hence the curiosity.

''It must be overwhelming for him." Rosaline whispered in awe.

"It was initially but now he is used to it."

Though the conversation was between the two ladies only, the strong ears was making it difficult for the

wolves to not intrude. The admiration and lust for his mate was making Einar crazy from within. He was

fuming but was desperately trying to maintain a stoic posture.

Amazed by Callan's popularity Rosaline followed another booth just behind Callan and Archer. All this

while Einar sent death glares to everyone who was staring at his mate.

It was now a usual scene where females followed every booth alongside Callan and giggled and

cheered for him. Some were even calling his name to try and get his attention. Callan was unaffected

by all this but the alpha was getting agitated every now and then. He was thankful that for some reason

his wolf was quite but at the same time he wanted his wolf to take charge and kill everyone. His

thoughts were interrupted when he heard Arthur in his head.

Garrick, my wolf isn't responding.

Don't worry Arthur. It is just the defence mechanism of the humans. The place is protected for any

magic and against any shifters.

Relax your mind or else you will struggle to contain yourself. Einar added

As you say alpha.

Callan interrupted the mind sessions when he suddenly showed up before Fayette "I need more coins."

Fayette checked her small bag and shrugged "I don't have any left. Ask Archer.."

"This idiot has used up all of his coins in food and is shamelessly asking for more." Annoyed by him

Callan hit Archer's head with his palm.

"Hey! I was hungry." He was eating a roasted fish when suddenly an idea popped up in his mind and

he raised his brows in excitement "I have a solution to the problem."

He held Callan's arm and made his way to a nearby tree. He carefully placed a few flat boxes of wood

one above the other and asked Callan to stand on it. Rosaline was fascinated by the playful banter

which Callan shared with the werebear. She had never seen Callan so childlike and playful with anyone

in the pack. In fact she had seen him happy for only the number of times which she could count by her


"Archer looks really close to Callan."

"Yes." An innocent smile plastered on Fayette's face "Both have been best friends for a very long time

now. They are like shadows of each other; almost inseparable when together."

"That I can see." Rosaline nodded with a smile.

"Did you know that they celebrate their birthdays together every year."

"Really!" the Luna exclaimed in surprise "That's unusual."

"Archer's birthday was yesterday but he celebrates it with Callan to make him happy. So that he doesn't

feel lonely." Fayette said with a happy glint in her eyes while Rosaline nodded in understanding.

However it was the alpha whose soul was burdened with the heaps of shame. Einar had never

acknowledged his mate in the entire pack. In his quest to distance himself from Callan he failed to

realise that he was leaving the poor man all alone, making him lonely and isolated. And Callan's fault-

cause he was the Alpha's unwanted mate.

Archer was making Callan more presentable by brushing his hair and cleaning his face of any residual

food. His actions perturbed Callan "What are you doing?"

"Just wait and watch." Archer whistled boomingly. Soon a large crowd gathered around the tree where

Callan stood. He cleared his throat and raised his voice "Ladies and gentlemen and all the beautiful

females. It is a chance of a lifetime for you all." He gestured his hand to a confused looking Callan "We

have with us the most attractive; the most handsome; the man crafted by the deities themselves -

CALLAN!" Archer clapped as the audience mimicked his action and rooted for the handsome man

while Callan stood their awkwardly, smiling coyly.

"We all know that many have tried to charm him, make their way to his heart and miserably failed. But

worry not. We give you a chance to make it right today. Hold your breath people because we are going

to auction the MAN HIMSELF."

The crowd erupted in murmurs and cheers. Desire to have the handsomeness for themselves arised in

many. Callan's breath got stuck and his eyes widened in shock. He pulled Archer with the hem of his

shirt until his ears were at a proximity to Callan's mouth "Have you gone mad!? What are you saying!!"

In response Archer just laughed and blinked his eye "I would like to put a stop to the dirty thoughts in

your minds cause we are going to auction a kiss from the very man." The excitement in the crowd was

overwhelming. All the young girls were exhilarated with the thought of having a kiss with Callan. The

females adjusted their breasts and flashed their assets all to be a viable candidate and charm the

handsome man. They giggled and screamed while some even counted the coins they had in their


"Bidding starts at one gold coin."

Einar had now imagined the werebear's head on a platter. He was hating him with all the blood in his

body. He was fumingly mad at the so called friend. He was already finding it difficult to contain his

emotions. The jealousy which flooded his mind was taking away his rationale thinking. He was already

bothered by the ogling eyes of the crowd and now he had to suffer the pain of helplessly watching his

mate as a piece of an exhibition getting sold to a stranger.

The bidding had begun with several suitors raising their bids. "Two gold coins"

"Three gold coins."

"Five gold coins."

The entire crowd was silenced when a young lady with long curls on her forehead and a beautiful smile

appeared from the crowd. Her apparel looked exotic while the way she carried herself showed that she © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

was a person of importance.

"Fifty gold coins." She said with her gaze holding the eyes of Callan. The entire crowd lay stunned at

the amount of bid put forward by the female.

"Who is she?" Fayette was startled when Arthur suddenly stood beside the lady. Though the question

was asked by his gamma, Einar was thankful to Arthur for he himself was intrigued and highly curious

to know who the woman was.

"She is Julia. She was in a relationship with Callan a long time ago.."

Einar was shocked; sad and heart broken. He could see the longing in the eyes of the couple. Their

yearning and their unshed tears were proof enough that they had loved each other deeply. He could

see the affection in Callan's eyes which Einar wanted to see for himself.

Einar's thought was interrupted when Arthur asked Fayette "What had happened?"

Fayette sighed and took a pregnant pause "They both wanted to marry each other but his father did not

allow the union fearing that Callan would lose his place in the pack. Therefore with a heavy heart they

both parted ways and she married the young chief of the Grador village."

"That is sad to hear."

Though it was sad to hear the fall out, Einar was proud of the former head warrior for he did save him

in a way. He was relieved that Callan would not pursue the woman in the near future.

"Don't be." Fayette smiled at Arthur "Everything in his life is going to get better from now on."

"Why do you say that?"

She gave a knowing smile to Arthur "He has finally decided to leave his miserable life and settle with

us. I have also arranged a few meetings with some beautiful girls. Hopefully he gets lucky this time and

finds love."

Einar was firmly rooted in his spot when he heard that his mate was planning to leave the pack forever.

In the depths of his minds he knew that there could be a possibility when Callan would eventually leave

him. However he could not believe that it would be so soon. He was not prepared; he was not ready!

He cant keep him away from him but it cant be denied that Einar can never make his mate happy. The

burden of his guilt had been increasing year after year. With every passing moment Einar cursed

himself for the treatment he meted out to the handsome man.

It was finally the time when they bid their goodbyes. But then why did it hurt so bad!? Why was Einar's

heart constricting in pain!? Why did it felt so dark and heavy? It was like the air in his body was

betraying him and for the rarest of rare times his eyes shed the beads of his sorrow. He exhaled a long

breath and choked when he linked Garrick.

I'm leaving. I cant bear this anymore.


Darkness had taken over. The stalls and booths ignited its own illumination to the likes of the bright full

moon. Most people wandered from stall to stall to explore all the things that they might've missed

during the day.

Callan wanted to spend some time alone and so he went outside of the village in the far away distance.

He was at the opening of the forest and sat under the shadow of a tree looking at the brightened moon.

Callan was tired from all that had happened in the entire day. It was eventful and he was certainly

joyful. Tomorrow he would apply a formal request to Fayette's father for acceptance to his village. Tulio

had been thrilled when Callan desired his wish to move places. He even went further and offered

Callan his own house to stay.

Callan was happy, content that he would finally be living with people of his nature as the moon

originally intended. He no longer had to pretend to be a wolf or follow their useless traditions. He would

leave his pathetic life behind him and start afresh. The only regret he had was that he wont be able to

visit his parents and Aurora as frequently as he wished.

His thoughts were interrupted when the silence around him was killed by the rustling of some bushes.

He slowly stood up and looked at source of the sound. In his peripheral vision he could see a dark

silhouette from a distance approaching the man in slow measured steps.

"Who is there?" Callan took a defensive stance.

The figure kept moving ahead in its own painfully slow strides. Callan revealed his dagger from the

chest pocket and aimed at the person "Show yourself or this wont end good."

The silhouette carried its own pace which was making Callan slightly nervous and conscious of an

unidentified threat. "I had warned you." With that, he flew his dagger aiming the dark body.

However, he was left completely astonished when the dark figure caught hold of the metal in mid air.

Callan could see the grin while his own face was drained of colour when he saw a man approaching

him with a dark mist surrounding his body. There could be only one such person in the entire universe.

It was Einar! Or more correctly; it was the demon in Einar!

The spirit chuckled and threw the knife at a distance before levitating his body and flying all the way to

his beloved. "I see your aim is good."

Callan gulped in fear "Wh.. Why are you here?"

"Don't you know why I am here?" He tilted his head as he touched one of the hair strands on Callan's

forehead "It is your birthday today my love. How was I supposed to miss it! I told you before that I was

saving myself for you!"

This was more terrifying for the human. He suddenly remembered the conversation when Einar was

poisoned. The spirit had promised to show itself on his birthday and he indeed was here. That meant

he was certainly after Callan's soul and the man could be sacrificed anytime now. His heart drummed

at a fastened rate while drops of precipitation formed on his forehead.

"I..I am just a normal human...uh.. man." He gulped "I..I don't possess anything useful. I..I can't give

you a-anything.."

The spirit chuckled at Callan's innocence and closed the distance between them. Their torsos collided

and Callan's frightened gaze met that of the admiring eyes of the spirit before he placed his lips on the

lips of Callan. The kiss was soft and tender. Flesh meeting flesh; soul meeting soul!

They parted lips as Callan's mouth lay hung open in extreme shock and before Callan could even

come out of it the spirit lovingly said "You are everything I want and you can never be a normal human;

because YOU ARE MY MATE..!"


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