I Claim Your Love

Chapter 37: The Supreme Being

Chapter 37: The Supreme Being

In the expanse of blue that lay before him, the toddler gripped his undivided attention to the sky which

touched the earth. The surface of the lake was guarded by the lush green hills while the chorus of the

birds added to the bustling of the otherwise serene environment. The lake was brighter and a bit

glossy. However what attracted the child more was the reflection of the big orange globe whose image

was distorted in the unstable water body.

The small kid was accompanied by a pair of opposite gender adults. He seemed reluctant to

acknowledge the presence of his parents as his sole regard was for the nature's canvas which was

spread before him. The lady kept the conversation going as she introduced the kid to the various

earthly beings both living and non living while the male made it a point that the child physically came in

contact with things so as to make his understanding better.

Blind from birth the kid was all about tastes, sounds and touch.

Over the five years since he was born the parents desperately tried to make things better for their child

but all was in vain. More than his blindness it was the unresponsive behaviour of the kid that was

worrisome. He never reciprocated neither did he responded to anything said and done. His mute

behaviour depressed the couple as with passing years the theory of him being unable to speak was

cementing its way.

After spending some family time in the lake side the mother went to hunt some food for her family while

the male was in charge of looking after his kid. The minor was glued to the spot besides his father

where he sat and intently looked at the sun. Unknown to them from a comfortable distance to the lake

were two figures who were keeping a watch on the family from afar. They were keenly observing every

move the child made.

The father went into a slumber as he was assured that his kid was safe in the vicinity. Moreover he was

certain that the young one was not capable of any disturbance. A few moments later the scorching heat

irritated the male as he scrunched his nose and gripped his eyes even tighter. Whereas his features

relaxed when the clouds blocked the heat of the globe from reaching the ground. This intrigued the

child like anything. He slowly swayed his tiny hands and the sun was visible yet again as the clouds

moved. The heat made the man irked like before as he grunted his displeasure. The kid in his

innocence again swayed his little hands to move the clouds forward and again the man's feature was

tranquil. This odd behaviour of the man continued for a few more times until the child smiled and

eventually giggled.

The kid laughed, a sweet sound unblemished by the hurts of life. The melody of his voice reached the

desperate ears of his mother as she dropped the hunt in a jiffy and went straight ahead to her baby. It

was something new for the lady. She just stared at the child in awe as tears of long lost happiness

drenched her cheeks. The child's shoulders moved and his body bobbed a little as the laughter was

overwhelming him. He moved his attention to the lady "Mother look at fathers face.." The angelic voice

brought the father out of his slumber. With his half closed eyes he could see a small kid laughing his

heart out while slurring words in his amusement. The remainder of his sleep vanished as he sat upright

and hugged his child with love. Tears of joy were refusing to stop its flow. The parents rejoiced for they

never felt more alive.


"So you are saying that when I was five I moved clouds with my hands." Callan gestured towards his

hands and looked at Aurora as if she had grown two heads. He was trying to grasp what the witch was

implying to say.


The affirmation baffled Callan. He had been in close contacts with almost every mystical creature there

was but never had he heard anyone do a thing like moving a cloud. It was nonsensical. "How is that

even possible!? And how is anything of it related to me being the unfortunate mate of that jerk?"

"Everything is connected Cally." Aurora said with determination in her eyes "When we saw what you

did at the lake that day we were completely shaken. You did something that no one could ever imagine

and at that moment we realised that you were special."

"How am I special?" Callan furrowed his eyes.

Aurora took a deep sigh as she leaned her body ahead. She uttered some verse and out of thin air

some parchments of primordial times appeared out of nowhere. She handed them over to Callan as he

studied them. A slew of images were crafting itself on the material with random images of natures

beauty. It ranged from the mountains to the seas, from the ice lands to the desserts, from lush green

forests to the beautiful sky. What intrigued Callan the most was that with every portrayal of the physical

world there stood some men who had sharp, serene features while they wore a dazzling white gown.

Furthermore they had a macule on their forehead with different radiating colors highlighting the spot.

The same colors as that of his wristlet and the pots which he saw at Aurora's.

Callan looked at his friend in utter confusion. He shrugged in bewilderment for he did not knew what to

make out of the sheets. Aurora kneeled before Callan as she flipped the parchment towards her and

pointed finger on it. "The legends talk about a sacred species of living beings. Powerful beings who

could control the different components which make our universe; Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Sky. They

were known as the Elementals..! The more powerful the Elemental, the more components he could


"So you mean that.."

"You are an Elemental!" Aurora said in awe. The revelation left Callan staggered for a moment. If the

witch was true than he was bestowed with some mystical powers. He always thought that the strange

happenings around him were caused by the metal he wore for years but Aurora dismissed that theory

as according to her the metal had no part to play in the unusual events

Aurora continued "They were believed to have been massacred and vanished from the face of the

earth. Centuries ago however, a prophecy was made that the Elementals would be born again and

reign supreme as they once did."

Massacred!? Why would someone kill them? Slaughter to the point of extinction! And if they were in

plural it meant that Callan was not the only one. There were others like him out there somewhere.

Could this be a possible link between him and Einar..

"Is Einar also an Elemental?" Callan asked with curiosity and some hope in his eyes.

"No..." Callan's face fell when he heard the answer. This meant that he was truly alone in the entire


"Have you heard about the war of Jodatain?"

"Yes.. It was my bedtime story for years."

The war of Jodatain was a famous legend about the battle between the supernaturals. One side

powered by the vampires while the other was lead by werewolves. The ensuing battle was a result of

the want of supremacy by the vampires. The greed was such that they sacrificed their own and

conspired against various clans to take them down one by one. When the other clans came to know

about the devious plans of the blood suckers, they decided to step up and form an alliance. With a

large army befitting that of the vampires they marched towards their den and attacked them blindsided.

However their strategy backfired for they were in for a big surprise. The vampires were already

awaiting the footfalls of their enemy on their land and were prepared.

The battle went for months to come. The vampires were on the brink of victory as one by one the

greats of the other side were falling down. The umbrella of clans lacked leadership and coordination

which endangered their integrity. The vulnerable situation of the clans prodded them to seek divine

intervention. They were denied help everywhere they went. It was eventually the moon goddess Selene

who drove her moon chariot from the heavens to the earth and blessed the clans. A suitor was chosen

who was fuelled by rage, courage and determination. The goddess conferred the wolf with powers and

made him into an indestructible beast. The creature took the vampires by surprise as he annihilated the

entire army of blood suckers and their allies. The carnage forced the vampires for a cease fire and they

were reluctantly banished to the dark realms.

Callan came out of his thoughts and nodded at his friend to carry on "During the times of that war when

every supernatural being was involved in slaughtering each other it were the humans who stayed aloof

from everything. Safe from the chaos of extermination they hid in small settlements. They were

wanderers and never resided in one place. Whenever the war reached their doorsteps they used to

move places to keep their families guarded."

This didn't surprise Callan. Humans were the weakest link in the food chain. They were drowned in

their own apathy by shorter life span, comparatively weaker frames and life threatening diseases.

Mother nature balanced this shortcomings by increasing their procreation capability. However it was a

known fact that humans had no guarding system in place and were left vulnerable in the times of war

and otherwise.

"One such settlement travelled a long distance in a no mans land to enter into the forbidden forest. The

forest was known to swallow everything that moved. Though they feared for their lives the humans From NôvelDrama.Org.

decided to take refuge near the no dwelling land as they had no other choice. That was the biggest

mistake of their life..!"

"Why?" Callan's interest piqued.

"The forbidden forest was the place were an out of the world entity resided. A demon by the name of

Daragor." Aurora pursed her lips and leaned back with slight fear in her eyes "It was said that the

demon drew its life source from the soul of any breathing animal. You can imagine what would have

happened when the humans trespassed the place!" Aurora faltered in her stance as her lips quivered

"It was like a deer trapped in a lions den. Daragor wrecked havoc as he plundered the settlement and

randomly picked his food. The humans were left unprotected and helpless as after every alternative

day a life among them was forcefully seized by the demon. The humans of the settlement surmised

that there was no way escaping it, that one by one all the members alive would be devoured by the

spirit in his hunger. In that grim situation the brave of the clan negotiated a deal with Daragor and it was

finally decided that instead of the demon assaulting random humans, one person from the settlement

would present himself as the willing sacrifice!"

Callan gasped at the horrific agreement. "The elderly were to go first.. One by one every grey hair

comrade gave away their life just to protect their people. After every single one of them were dead, it

was decided to send in the weak! Soon, even they were depleting in numbers. The men were worried

for they wanted to protect their women and children. In a desperate resolution they considered

requesting help of the Elemental head."

"The head of the Elementals?" Callan narrowed his eyes. When she told him about the Elementals she

never mentioned any head or leader.

"Zaccio; also known as the Master or the Supreme one. He decided to help the humans and tagged

himself on the journey to the forbidden forest. The Elemental offered himself as the next sacrifice and

went away with Daragor. That was the last time any offerings were made to the demon. The humans

danced in jubilation for now they were free; they could breathe; they could live... They thought that the

Elemental had humbled the spirit once and for all but they were wrong!"

Suddenly Callan felt bad about the individual. His heart wanted this man to be safe and healthy. His

interest piqued and he asked in eagerness "What had happened to him?"

"The Elemental never returned...Nobody knew why." Aurora whispered the last part in trepidation

"Some said that the Elemental had caged the spirit and was guarding it while there were also rumours

that the spirit was feeding off the soul of the Master."

Feeding off someone's soul must've been harrowing. The very essence of life being taken away bit by

bit was painful punishment indeed. Callan gulped in sympathy "Then how did they find out about him?"

"The humans were unsuccessful in their trials to save the Master. On the other hand the wolves had

successfully defeated the large army of vampires and shunned them to the confines of the dark. Their

leader was the most powerful and dominating wolf among all. His name was Orcus. He was blessed by

the gods and created by the goddess herself.. When the war was over the humans of the forbidden

forest went to the alpha and lay down an appeal to save their saviour. The wolf agreed with some

conditions and marched for the prohibited land."

"Did he save him?"

"Yes.. And no" Callan narrowed his eyes on that contradicting answer. Aurora exhaled as she went on

"Orcus braved the consequences and marched ahead in search of the Elemental. The wolf was taken

aback when he realised that the man in question was actually his mate. That his mate was drenched in

enfeeblement, was weak with his powers drained. He saw all red as he blamed the only being present

there at the scene; Daragor." This revelation was only puzzling Callan even more as he looked intently

at the healer "The wolf started a dangerous battle with the other worldly spirit which resulted in utter

chaos and destruction. Both the beings were indestructible and equally powerful."

All at once Callan's mind wandered at the day when he visited Aurora and accidentally touched the

mystical book. Its pages had flapped randomly and it settled for a sheet which portrayed moving

images of two beings. A beast man and a ghost. It meant that the images he saw that day were

actually Orcus and Daragor! Callan took in more air to breathe as he absorbed the information. "The

image I saw in the book that day..." He whispered in horror.

"Yes." Aurora curtly nodded "It was the demon and the Alpha wolf. They fought for days to come,

eliminating everything, tearing down anything that came their way. They both struggled to throttle each

other. People all around were scared for their lives, they were tensed for what destruction these two

powerful beings were bringing. As an answer to their disastrous feud some stupid men thought of

getting rid of the root cause; Zaccai."

Callans eyes expanded "But that was insane! It would only make both of them even more furious."

"Your are right; that is exactly what happened.." Aurora gulped with a teary eye "The Elemental was

killed on the pretext of saving the world. People thought that the titans would be humbled by the

demise of the master, that the destroyers would be destroyed!

But they made it even worse!

When Daragor and Orcus came to know about it, their worlds came crashing down. The spirit and the

alpha in the quintessence of vengeance, coalesced as one. Their bodies now joined and their powers

multiplied in abundance. Thus started the brutal unrestrained killings of thousands and thousands of

innocents. The being was deranged and had lost its sense of rationale thinking. They were devastated

by their beloveds death and had sworn to destroy the very world which was responsible for their loss. A

mammoth of destruction was created by them. Everything surrounding them was in peril, in absolute

ruins! People had lost their lives, their homes and the will to live. The mayhem was such that eventually

the gods had to intervene to stop the brutality."

A sense of fright and worry caught Callan's mind at the magnitude of demolition the two beings must

have caused. All because of a single person- the Elemental.

"The spirit and the wolf demanded their love be brought back to life. However, bringing back someone

from death was against the formidable rules of nature. So the gods offered a middle path. They called

in for every deities of the world and foretold that the Elemental would be born in an afterlife; that he will

be reincarnated. Not just that, the spirit and the wolf will choose a body as their vessels to be reborn

again and reunite with their beloved."

"Why did they do that?"

"It was a compromise. Daragor and Orcus did not wanted to live in a world where Zaccai did not


With a stoic face Callan leaned back on the dais as his back was now supported by the tree trunk. His

thoughts were pensive as he slowly scratched his chin with his unfocused eyes. The story was quite

unbelievable, shocking really. His mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend the images of the

scenario from the past.

Callan stood up from his seat and walked at a distance for some time leaving a tired Aurora behind. He

admittedly was fatigued thinking about how his birthday had transpired. This day he would remember

till he died. A lot had happened, he celebrated his birthday with his parents for the first time. His friends

threw him a party, he met his former lover and by the end of the day he discovered that he was an

Elemental who had the alpha as a mate. An alpha who had chosen someone else rather than his true


With these thoughts in mind he strode back to where Aurora was sitting. With uninterest and a pinch of

disappointment he asked Aurora "When did you realise that Einar and I were mates?"

"The dragon incident."

It meant that Aurora had known the secret for almost a decade. This hurt Callan as he dejectedly

lowered his eyes. Aurora was apologetic as she spoke "It was just a speculation on how he was

reacting that day. He was confused and jealous. I could clearly see the admiration for you in his eyes.

My doubts were put to rest when he sneaked into your room and licked all your wounds."

"Wasn't it your potions that made it all happen?" Callan asked surprised.

Aurora shook her head "It was you who assumed that I was somehow responsible for your miraculous

recovery when in reality Einar has kept you alive time and again."

Things were now beginning to make sense. Einar's attitude towards Callan had changed after the

dragon incident. The constant growling and keeping a distance was all because he was afraid. Scared

for his outburst of hidden feelings or more probably his wolf's feelings. Callan again looked at Aurora

"You ran away from the feast on the birthday celebrations."

Aurora pursed her lips looking at the circle of radiating energy in the dark sky. She sighed and after a

pregnant pause she looked back at her friend with serenity "When I realised that Einar was your mate I

was really happy. It just proved the fact that you were important to the pack. To have you as a pack

mate was a privilege. Never before was any Elemental born in any wolf pack. You cannot imagine how

joyful elder Odulf was. He knew that you and Einar were mates and at some point of time, nature will

take its course and you would be recognised as the alpha mate. But I couldn't control myself! There

was an urgency within me; like I wanted to unite the both of you as soon as possible." Aurora lowered

her eyes in regret.

"Einar was miffed by my presence that day." Callan huffed.

"He was just confused." Aurora replied in a jiffy as if defending the alpha "He could not get why you

affected him so much. During the gift giving ceremony you touched him. Your touch ignited the raw

flames of desire within Einar. His beasts wanted you, they needed you. They revolted inside of him and

hence he was out of control."

"So the power of the bracelet did nothing to calm him." Callan snorted sarcastically.

Aurora shook her head and shrugged "You wore an adornment since you were a child. Every piece of

jewellery that we gave you was enchanted. You were naïve and we knew nothing about your powers. It

was an unchartered territory for us. We decided to curb you powers till you come of age and

understand things better. When you moved clouds we thought that your Elemental component was air,

that you can control the winds. But as you grew up, you showed signs of controlling water, fire and

earth as well. So I gave you the wristlet. The metal in your hand shined in different colors indicating the

different components you were in control of. White for air, Blue for water, Brown for earth and Yellow for


"But the metal also glows in Black..." Callan remembered that his bracelet shined in five different


"Yes I know.." she lowered her eyes as she whispered in fear "I was terrified when I realised that you

were more than what we were assuming."


"You and Einar are no ordinary pair. The story I told you before has significance for you play the most

important part in it. The wolf and the spirit in Einar are none other than Daragor and Orcus from the war

of Jodatain. Both the titans have chosen the body of Einar as their vessel and you my boy are no

ordinary Elemental. You are the person for whom the titans have come to life again. You are the

Master.. You are the higher being..

You are Zaccai; the Elemental Supreme..!"


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