I Claim Your Love

Chapter 40: A Friendly Advice

Chapter 40: A Friendly Advice

A few days back This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Callan’s black shoes made a gentle pitter patter on the uneven ground filled with pebbles. The wind

carried the broken leaves with itself to travel a long journey before piling up in front of the man. He

curled his fingers to and fro to ease the tension which was now refusing to go away. The calm and

serene environment around him was making him nervous.

He watched the man in front of him oscillating his steps in a fixed path.

Archer was pensive throughout. He occasionally groaned, scowled and even fisted his hands tightly.

On other occasions he knitted his brows and took deep heavy breaths to calm himself. Callan sat there

waiting, constructing scenarios in his head for how the immediate future would look like. More

importantly he was concerned for the reaction of his best friend. His head raised in a jiffy when Archer

halted his strides and stood in front of him.

“Are you sure Einar is your mate?”

Callan huffed in surprise “Seriously!” he looked at the man in front of him in bewilderment “Of all the

things I have told you the only thing which is bothering you is Einar being my mate!”

“Yes.” Archer innocently nodded “Cause that’s the only thing that surprises me.”

Callan narrowed his gaze in amazement “Your not surprised by me being some mystical being..?”

“Not actually.” he shrugged “You may not see it for yourself but I have stayed with you for long. I always

knew there was something wrong with you. Not in a bad way though.” he paused for a moment “To be

quite honest, I have seen the display of your powers first hand.”

The revelation took Callan by surprise “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought you wanted to keep it a secret. Maybe you would’ve told me when you were ready.”

Callan sighed and slowly shook his head “You are equally dumb as you are witty. I have never spared

any details from you however personal they may be. Among the few people I have in my life I trust you

the most.”

Archer smiled and rolled his eyes “No need to be dramatic on this course.” However in the very next

instant his smile faltered and his stance was grim. He intently looked at his friend as his jaws tightened

“Now lets talk about this alpha of yours.”

Callan sighed “I don’t want to talk about him?”

“We have to talk about him.” Archer roared his voice “How dare he hurt you! I never liked that man.” He

hissed through his teeth. He held one of Callan’s hand and forced him to stand on his feet “Lets go and

tell the world what you really are to him..”

Callan forcefully swung his hand to release himself from the hold “And what would it accomplish?” his

eyes welled up with the sadness that was deeply rooted within him. There was anger in those eyes. He

narrowed his gaze at Archer “Don’t you understand..! He doesn’t want me!”

Archer saw the emotional turbulence brewing in the head of his friend. Callan was sad and he was

definitely hurting. It felt like he had lost everything. The silence in his cries was eerie for his destiny had

pitied him against this unwanted predicament. He was no more than a third wheel in the happy life of

his fated mate. He felt expendable; he felt torn. Like he wasn’t allowed to wish for something or have

expectations for himself.

Callan’s shoulder slumped and he slowly sat on the boulder wiping his quite tears. He sighed in his

dejection and lowered his head.

The state of his friend unnerved the bear. He sat besides the man and waited for Callan’s sorrowful

tears to die down. After about a few torturous moments when Callan was composed, Archer broke the

deadly silence “What do you want to do then..?”

“I am going to leave him Archer.” Callan slowly raised his head to look at his best friend. His eyes

showed determination and somewhat hatred for his alpha “Let him live his perfect life with his luna and

his pack. I will find my own happiness.. away from him.”

Archer anxiously wanted to say any soothing words to his friend. He wanted to firmly stand with

Callan’s decision but his mind was unwilling to follow the blind love for his friend. The infraction of his

brain was sure to go on untrodden paths which could bring in more pain and grief to his beloved friend.

He wanted to support the man but he also wanted him to think rationally.

Callan was hurt. He was betrayed by the very being who was made for him. In his tryst to leave Einar,

he unknowingly was infringing the same pain to his tormentor. It was more of a retaliation than a

thoughtful decision. Sure he could have a life of his own. He may find love somewhere else and have a


But Archer knew his friend better.

Callan’s conscience would always curse him for the missed opportunity. The regret would swell up with

the growing years and ultimately he would only find himself with more sorrow and a silent pain deep

inside his heart.

Archer slowly tilted his body to have a better look at his friend and exhaled deeply “You should go back

to him.”

Those words aggravated Callan’s sour mood “You are unbelievable!” He huffed in astonishment “I

thought you would understand me! How can you even suggest such a thing!?” He stood from his place

and stared at his friend “He has hurt me Archer and I am never forgiving him..” He said with finality.

Archer followed suit and levelled the man “Please just listen to me once.” he spoke in a low, calm voice

“It has always been a dream of mine to give that wolf a beatdown of his life but things have changed

now. He is not just your alpha anymore. He is your mate..!”

“A mate who doesn’t care about me.” Callan derided.

“Are you sure he doesn’t care about you?”

The question took Callan by surprise “What are you implying?”

The werebear sighed “As a shifter I can understand the thirst for the want of a mate. He has a wolf in

him who must have been craving for your company. For Einar to deny him his feelings there must’ve

been a reason.”

“The reason being that he hates me Archer..” Callan spoke lowly with sad eyes.

“He cannot hate you even if he wants to.” Archer retorted “The bond will always overpower his hate.

Who knows he may even like you deep down..”

“As my best friend you should be advising me to leave that douche of an alpha..”

“As your best friend its my job to stop you from making bad decisions.” He smiled “I know you more

than you do yourself. You may be denying it now but you have always wanted to be paired with

someone. Remember those times when you were desperate to have a mate whoever the person

might’ve been.” He smiled after a pregnant pause “This is your chance at life; at happiness. Einar is the

one who was meant for you. He is the one who is supposed to make your life complete.”

Callan got thinking for what he heard. There cant be any replacement of your soul. There cant be

anyone who could love you more than your mate. But did this rule apply to Callan as well? Since his

birth he had always been an exception to everything. Maybe he would also be an exception to the

blessing of the moon. Moreover Einar seemed happy with his life. He was the alpha. He had the pack

to back him up. There were people who loved him; his friends, his parents.

And then there was Rosaline..

There was a pang of hatred towards the woman but Callan knew that she didn’t deserve it. Rosaline

was a good natured girl with a pure heart. She was good to him and had supported him throughout.

She even went against the pack to appoint him as her guard. She had all the qualities to be the perfect

Luna the pack deserves. She could be Einar’s everything..

These thoughts broke Callan’s heart as he sighed in his disappointment “He already has someone to

make his life complete. I don’t want to ruin what they have.”

“What they have is not genuine; its a sham!” Archer rose his voice as he gritted his teeth to suppress

his anger “If you are worried about that lady than let me tell you that she volunteered in this fake

arrangement all by herself. She knew the risks involved and besides you have the right to be called as

the alpha mate and not her.”

Archer intently looked at his disturbed friend who was pensive yet again “I know you have a lot to think

about but this is your only chance! A chance bestowed by the goddess herself. Einar may not like you

but I can guarantee this that the beasts inside him can bring the world to you if you so wish.”

Callan sighed as his chain of thoughts drifted to Einar’s beasts. He knew for a fact that the demon

wanted him, he wasn’t sure about the wolf though. However, he had observed mate pairs since his

childhood. He never heard about any wolf who did not want his mate. On the contrary every wolf

craves the company of its other half. It could give a certain leverage to the bonding between him and

the beasts. Moreover the beast were not at fault for Einar’s doing. It would be morally wrong to punish

them for Einar’s deeds.

Callan nodded firmly “You are right Archer. I overlooked the other side of this situation. I need to find

out what Einar feels about me. I need to make him understand that I am worthy of a mate; that I can be

everything he wants.” He paused with a perplexed look on his face “But how? How do I even approach

him? How do I know what he feels for me?”

Archer looked at his friend and chuckled. He folded his hands to his chest and smiled in a conceited,

smug way.


The present

Einar was always successful in hiding his emotions. In the excruciatingly torturous years of his training

he made himself tough on all fronts. He figured that his heart could cause his enfeeblement and his

stature would always be questioned. So he worked day and night to bury his emotions and be the

tough, domineering man the world knows him today.

But this moment was different.

From seeing Callan after almost two weeks, to his stay in the alpha house as the luna’s guard; Einar’s

heart fluttered in a good way. The excitement in him poured in like the rays of the morning sunshine.

The smile that crackled his face made his heart fluffy. He was sure of something good coming his way.

“You seem elated.”

Einar raised his head and looked at the hard lined face of his friend standing at the door “What are you

talking about?”

Garrick gritted his teeth as he forcefully elongated his lips “Callan has finally agreed to stay with the


Einar nodded as his unexpressed joy was finally released through his lips “I don’t care if he lives here

as long as he stays within my sight.”

Garrick forcefully jammed the irritation and angst within him. At the moment he felt angry but he had to

contain himself. He marched ahead and stationed himself in front of the alpha “This is not right Einar.

Callan staying here is the opposite of good.”

“Why?” Einar knitted his brows in confusion.

“Are you really asking me why?” Garrick huffed “Callan living here would only create problems for you.

The beasts would crave him more and you would eventually give in to your temptation.”

“I have full control over myself.”

“For now.” Garrick retorted “You may be blind to it but I can see it clearly.” Garrick lowered his voice as

he gazed at the alpha with intensity “Your resolve is breaking Einar! The look on your face says it all.

You seem content; you seem happy. You don’t look this way when you are with Rosaline..”

Those few words from his best friend shattered the feel good emotions which were floating in Einar’s

head. In a way Garrick was right. For the entire world Rosaline was his mate and he had to behave as

one. It was no secret that him and Rosaline did not act as any mated couple would behave. They were

in their primary years of bonding, still they touched each other barely. In fact Einar hardly even cared

for what Rosaline did or what he was needed to do as her mate.

On the other side, the mere presence of the green eyed man had his world upside down. The more

worrying aspect of it being that Callan would stay in the alpha house for a very long time now. Einar

realised that the mate bond was hampering his motives, creating roadblocks for him. He had to create

a separation from Callan to strengthen himself. Be the cold, domineering man that Callan hates. At the

same time he had to strengthen his bond with his now mate Rosaline. But how was he supposed to do


“What do you suggest I do?”

“Make Ashton leave the place at once.” Garrick replied with a grim face.

Einar immediately shook his head “You know I can’t do that.”

“Callan staying here would increase the chances of you loosing your control. People have eyes Einar!

They would get suspicious. Your demeanour would always change whenever you are around him. The

jealousy, the love, the pull you have towards him; people will notice it all.”

Einar got slightly offended by the lack of trust his friend displayed “I haven’t let my guard down over the

years and nothing as such will happen in the future as well.” he said in defiance.

“What about Callan?”

“Huh..” The name paused Einar’s brain process. For a moment he was stunned as he had not thought

this through.

“Can you be completely sure that he wont be dubious about your abrupt behaviour around him, that he

wont observe the fondness, the affection in your eyes..”

Indeed. What would happen when Callan came to know the truth!? Einar’s palpitations increased as he

sighed to calm himself “He.. He wont know.” He said with withering confidence, unsure of himself.

“The beasts could only hold themselves for as long as you are strong. What would happen if you falter?

What would you do when Callan knows the truth?”

When Callan was staying in the western boundaries it was comparatively easy for Einar to survive the

day. However things had changed monumentally. Einar could no longer deny the charm, the fascination

he has for his mate. The very first night of his stay Einar was almost close to rip open the door and slid

in besides Callan to sleep with him in comfort. He also had to go for a run every now and then to

soothe his senses and compel his wolf to be hostile.

But how long would this trickery work?

Controlling himself was becoming a strenuous task as the days passed by. The faint aroma which

lingered in the vicinity was maddening enough. Einar had the urgency to glance at Callan whenever he

was around. Most importantly it was becoming difficult for him to not develop feelings for the handsome


Einar looked helplessly at his friend “What should I do?”

Garrick screeched the chair and sat across the table “Spend more time with Rosaline. You have

chosen her and not Callan. Think about the reason you are doing this in the first place. You have to get

a hold of yourself Einar or all will be lost.”


The once energetic group was tired throughout their bones. Never in their life had they travelled on

their feet for such a long distance. Headed by their leader they walked for a distance which could have

been easily covered in all their fours within a stipulated span of time. They occasionally grunted,

groaned and huffed looking at the culprits behind responsible for their apathy.

All this while Callan looked ahead at the congregation in amusement, feeling slightly apologetic

towards them. It was because of him that the wolves were forced to walk all the way to the prides den.

Rosaline was a constant companion for the trip to the pride. She was the only one who acknowledged

Callan’s presence. Even now she was blabbering about some past funny event to gain Callan’s

attention. However the one whose attention Callan wanted the most had neglected him throughout the


Einar kept a static distance away from Callan. He did not even glanced at his mate for a moment.

Callan also noticed that Garrick was constantly thriving to be close to his best friend. Every now and

then he used to whisper in his ears which turned the softened expressions of the alpha into the one of

a tough, cold exterior.

Callan had had it enough for the day.

He resolved to get Einar’s attention any which way. He halted his motions all of a sudden and warned

the luna to keep silence. He slowly held her hand and detached both of them from the rest of the group.

Callan pierced through the bushes into a narrow pathway inside the dark green forest.

All this while Rosaline was clueless and watched the man in amusement “Where are we going?”

“Aren’t you tired?” Callan asked without looking at her.

“Yes I am but that doesn’t answer my question.” she chuckled a bit.

“We are going to relax our bodies.”

Rosaline wanted to interrogate further but decided against it and went with the flow. After walking for a

few distance she could hear some commotion from afar. She could hear voices laughing, screaming

and also hear the splashes of water.

The narrow path soon started expanding its breadth. The once close knitted trees were distancing

themselves as they reached ahead. On reaching the brink of the forest line Rosaline saw an area of

still water. The water body was surrounded by large boulders on one side. The arrangement was such

that no water dripped out of its confines. However her eyes sparkled when she saw some members of

the pack relishing their body and minds in the water. Splashing the colourless liquid on each other

merrily or jumping from the highest rock for thrill. People were enjoying themselves.

“This place is amazing!” The enthrallment in her eyes was not missed by Callan.

When the people nearby saw the Luna of the pack standing on the shore they halted their activities and

bowed to her in respect. They felt honoured that the Luna of the pack had blessed them with her

presence. The already delighted Rosaline became more happy when the people asked her to join


Rosaline shed her clothes in the next instant and displaced a large amount of water as she jumped in

the liquid with all her might, unable to contain herself. She motioned her body like a fish and roamed

the available space. The very touch of water soothed her mind as she visibly relaxed. She slowly raised

her head above the water and saw Callan stationing himself at the same place as she had left him.

“What are you waiting for? Come on join us.”

As the words left her mouth the once continuous murmur was silenced all of a sudden. All the people

pointed their gazes at the man in front of them.

The stares all around were making Callan wary of jumping in “I think I am fine here.” he awkwardly


“No you are not. This is really fun! Besides you were the one who brought me here. Don’t you want

your body to relax?” Rosaline saw the hesitation in Callan’s eyes. She looked around and saw that

everyone was looking at the poor man with judgemental stares “No one would dare say anything to

you. Now come in fast or I will pull you in.”

Callan just smiled at the statement. He slowly shed the square woven fabric from his shoulders and

reached for his waist coat. Unknown to Callan the people around were thoroughly engaged to watch

the man undressing himself. Nudity was a norm in the werewolf community but Callan was always an

exception to it. Though he came near this water body a number of times he never enlisted in the

merriment with the others. It wasn’t because he was shy but mostly because the wolves did not like his


As he got rid of the waist coat he slowly made his way to the entangled lace of the top of his shirt. He

ever so slowly untied every knot as the gaping width made way for his gleaming skin to peek out of the

fabric. Everyone stared at him as if he was the only being around. Callan sighed and slowly held the

end of his shirt to roll it upwards before finally sliding it out of his body. The very next moment he

unlocked the knot of his trouser and undressed himself of the material.

People lay stunned for the exquisite beauty they saw in front of them.

It was like an angel had descended from heavens to the earth. The flawless skin of the man stood out

from the rest as it shined in the beauty of the night. The skilled lines of his abdomen, the decorated

muscles of his arms and the perfectly sculpted legs were adding to his manly charms. However,

everyone was sexually evoked when they saw the length the man was hiding all along.

As he walked his way to the waters he saw eyes full of lust staring at him with desire. Unintentionally,

Callan was sexually attracting everyone towards him. Nobody was untouched by the pull, men or

women. Even Rosaline was heaving long breaths to control her carnal desires.

He slowly entered the water and like a moth to a flame; everyone around followed the man in a daze.

Trying to touch him, trying to be close to him, trying to fulfill their covet for the handsome man. It wasn’t

their doing but they couldn’t control themselves any longer. They wanted to have a taste, just a taste of

the divine beauty..

A deep growl of rage shattered the ear drums as the voice bellowed throughout the sky. The people in

panic looked at the danger which stood on the shore. It was their alpha! His canines elongated. His

eyes were red with fury. He fisted his hands to withhold all the self control he possessed but it was not

helping. The red mist surrounding him was making him terrifying even more.

He looked at all the fearful faces and thundered his voice “NO ONE DARE TOUCHES HIM OR I WILL



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