I Claim Your Love

Chapter 52: In Heat

Chapter 52: In Heat


Rosaline sat on the chair with her hands folded to her chest and her gaze was completely stationed on

the sac which was swelling as the time passed by. She occasionally bit her lips and tapped her feet.

She was distracted by a deep voice “You seem nervous.”

Rosaline looked at a concerned Callan and nodded “When the alpha knew about my ancestors I

thought he would reprimand me. He didn’t say anything!”

“The alpha is not unkind. He understands your predicament and would surely come up with a solution.”

He turned his back and picked up a random shirt to fill in his sac “So..” He turned again to look at the Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

lady “This cousin of yours.. Have you met him?”

“A few times. When my pack was plundered I turned to him for help. He was ready to give me shelter

only if I practiced witchery.”

“That seems unfair.”

Rosaline smiled “They live in a cult where no outsiders are allowed. It is a prerequisite that needs to be

adhered to if you want shelter.”

Callan nodded in understanding and looked at Rosaline apologetically. How alone and afraid the poor

woman might’ve been when her pack was brutally attacked and she was left with no choice but to

wander from place to place for her survival. Callan felt lucky that though the pack didn’t like him he had

a place to live which could provide him protection.

“Will you be alright on your own?”

“I can manage myself. Moreover it is just a matter of a few days.”

“Why aren’t you coming with us?”

“I wasn’t called.”

Callan scowled “I didn’t get you.”

Rosaline stood from her place and helped Callan pack his things “Everyone seeks knowledge for their

own benefit but the seers chose who they disseminate that knowledge to. You have to write a letter

addressing them and burn it in fire. If the same letter returns to you in any which way than you are


Callan looked puzzled at the information “How did the alpha receive the invitation?”

“The letters which were bombarded to the alpha after Einar’s attack on the pack had one of them

written by the seer.”

“This is strange.”

“It addressed the Knight family and surprisingly the Ashton family with each individual names.”

“This also means that you should be with us, after all.. ” Callan pursed his lips “You are a knight as

well.” He spoke lowly with a withering smile.

“My name wasn’t on the list. Perhaps I seek no knowledge from them.”

“It goes the same for me as well. I don’t want to know anything.”

“This surprises me too. I can understand alpha Ragnar’s concern but what is your father worried


Callan was curious too. He wasn’t sure why his parents were dragged to this expedition. Besides what

did they want to know and about whom? The previous encounter with a seer didn’t bear any fruit for

that was the time since the rumours about him started. His parents’ secretive nature was getting on his

nerves while his frustration was growing.

He sighed deeply as he knotted the opening of his sac “I wish I knew.”


Callan watched his feet take steps across the patchy uneven surface. Though he balanced his stance

perfectly to move ahead he was vigilant throughout. On occasions he swiped his neck all around to

look if anyone was following him. He was walking in a hurry with no clear destination in his mind.

Soon he came across an open surface somewhere between the wide gap trees of the dense forest of

the mountains. He circled his fingers and the dried leaves covering the plain ground danced in the wind

before eloping to the sky. Callan again looked all around him and slowly retracted a crushed paper from

his pocket. He opened another pocket to retract an envelope and spread the fine dust over the plain

land. Without wasting any more time he muttered the verses encrypted on the crushed paper and the

land beneath came alive. The fine dust rearranged themselves constantly and levitated above the

ground only to form a human face. One particular face.

The figure thus formed slowly opened her eyes and smiled at Callan “I was desperately waiting for any

message. Now I feel relieved.”

“I am happy to see you too Aurora.”

“How is it going on with you?”

Callan sighed in a mock frustration and with uninterest he said “We have been travelling for the past

four days and are yet to reach the destination. I am not sure whether the alpha knows where we are


Aurora looked concerned. “The land of the seers is a hidden place whose whereabouts are known to

no one. The map your father has will constantly change its position and show only the path which is

necessary to reach till the sunlight diminishes.” She took a pregnant pause before asking “How are you

coping up with Einar?”

“He has been distant throughout the whole journey. He only talks when he wants to know something.”

The distinct sound of the rustling of bushes caught Callan’s attention and he moved his head in a jiffy.

He gestured the sand face to stay calm while he bravely marched ahead to the source of the sound. He

carefully looked all around but found nothing.

“What is it?” The grimes on Auroras concerned face were constantly rearranging themselves.

“I felt as if someone was watching me..” Callan scowled and looked all over again. He was sure that he

heard a certain noise and that his mind was not playing tricks with him. However he rebuffed the

thought of an intrusion and believed that the wind or an animal must have waved the long thick bushes

“Anyways.. I wanted to talk to you about something important.”

“Are you alright?”

“Not exactly.” Callan sighed deeply and wet his lips “Since the day I have started this journey my body

feels heated.”

“Heated as in?”

“I cant really explain but I am warm all of a sudden as if I am having a fever and then its nothing.”

“Its strange. Let me see what information I can come up with and during..”

Their talk was interrupted once again when Callan heard another sound coming from the tree leaves

above. It was strange but the handsome man was alert at once. He knew that this wasn’t his

imagination besides he was far away from his peers. He cleared his throat and almost whispered “I

think I am being watched. I need to leave.”

Aurora agreed with her friend “Take care of yourself.”

Callan nodded once again as the sand figure closed her eyes and slowly dispersed, scattering its fine

grimes all over the land while the handsome man looked all around in suspicion and walked away as

fast as he could.


A big land mass of thick wild grass, cold under the chilly winds of the mountains lay ahead as Callan

walked out of the dense forest. This place seemed strange to him. There was radiating heat on one

side while deadly chilly winds breezed a major portion of the mountain. However the plants of the

habitat were grooming themselves with the environment despite the harsh weather.

The handsome man walked further to the open ground. He saw two ladies sitting besides a big log of

wood while two men were standing at a distance from them busy in their own conversation. However

their attention was diverted when luna Zelda all of a sudden spoke “Where have you been? We thought

you were lost.”

“Just wandering around, looking for any way out of here.” Callan spoke uninterestingly. Frustration was

clear on his face. Justus and Ragnar soon appeared right besides him.

“Cally we have talked about this.”

“I don’t understand mother.” The handsome man raised his angry voice “Why have I been dragged to

this and who are we even meeting?”

Justus was upset by the way Callan spoke to his mother “I know you are frustrated from the strenuous

journey Callan but this is not the tone in which you talk to your mother.”

Callan knew that his father was right on this matter. Besides it wasn’t the journey but the changes

within him which were making him temperamental. Whatever may be the reason Callan knew that

pouring out his anger on his loved ones was wrong. He lowered his dejected eyes and apologised to

his mother “I am sorry.”

“Don’t be son.” Zelda put her loving hand on the back of the man and caressed him while Mary smiled

at him and nodded her head “We all are impatient and not knowing anything is not helping at all.” Zelda

looked at all the three men “Come, have something to eat.”

Callan agreed and joined the other men. They all followed the ladies and took their places besides the

wooden log. Callan was bemused for a second when he saw what was to consume for lunch. His face

twisted in revulsion but he kept his mum and sat besides the alpha. When Mary started serving the

meat she looked at her son apologetically. Being a human was certainly not easy. The wolves had a

strong system which could macerate the raw flesh within them easily but for Callan he had to rely on a

heated cooking so that his body could adjust to the meat and assimilate properly.

A nicely cooked meal looked impossible at this time for the chilly winds were making it difficult for the

wood to hold any large fire. Callan thought about using his powers but felt uneasy about it. Moreover

the sudden conflagration could garner unnecessary attention and alpha Ragnar could get suspicious.

Callan smiled at his mother and happily took the plate. He looked at the oozing blood from the cuts of

the meat loaf. It seemed as if the bison was hunted right in his plate. He picked up the part hesitatingly

and brought it near his mouth when he heard some approaching footsteps. Callan saw his mate

running towards them with a sac in his hands.

Einar stood besides his mother and smiled at her worried face. Zelda asked with concern “Where were


“I.. uhm.. I-I went for a walk. I-I mean to hunt.” he stole glances at the handsome man and to his father

sitting right besides him “I couldn’t find anything so I brought these.”

The muscular man emptied the sac right in front of his mother. As soon as he inverted the bag some

fleshy products of varying colors rolled their way to the available places. Mary picked one of the fruits

and a relieved, happy smile formed on her face “Cally look! These are all your favourite fruits.”

“It was just a coincidence Mary. I picked up all the fruits which were available on my way.”

A bright smile formed on Callan’s face. He had surveyed the area before hand and so he knew that

these fruits were not available here. Hence he concluded that Einar must have travelled a long way to

get them. However Callan was happy to know that Einar knew what pleased his mate. He brought the

exact same fruits which were Callan’s favourite. He looked at the standing man in amusement and said

with a low voice “Yes. What a coincidence!”


The minimal afternoon heat was slowly being replaced by the strong chilly winds blowing haphazard.

Ragnar decided that their convoy should take a break as moving ahead could prove risky. Besides he

was worried for Callan as his human form would not be able to withstand the harsh punishment of the


Ragnar ordered Justus and Mary to arrange for food while Zelda was in charge of creating light if at all

possible. Callan on the other hand kept gawking at Einar who was busy handling the large fabrics.

Callan watched as the muscular arms of Einar swiftly gripped the large iron rods and penetrated the

earth below. He affixed the large fabric firmly across the four rods.

He gave a quick look of bewilderment for he knew Callan was watching him. Einar hurriedly made his

way to his father and gave a swift nod “I am done.”

“Are the sleeping arrangements ready.?

“Yes father.” He gestured his hands towards the three tents on one side and one lone shelter fitted

between the two large trees stationed at some distance from the other shelters “I have set up tent for

the Ashtons as well.”

Callan wasn’t afar and he could hear what the wolves were talking about. He was content for the work

done by Einar but he wasn’t happy with the arrangements. He was well aware of the fact that the lone

standing shelter was meant for him. Though seclusion was not what Einar wanted for his mate, it was

the idea of a strongly built tent surrounded by a cover so as to keep Callan warmer and safer


On the other hand Callan watched the three tents lying besides each other in close proximity . The

middle one being smaller than the one at the ends. It was obvious that the middle tent was for a single

person; Einar.

Callan smiled devilishly when a mischievous idea stormed his mind. He curled the fingers of both of his

hands and rotated his right wrist while the left one was affixed aiming at the tent of his choice. The

once steady environment become tensed for strong winds blew out of nowhere. Einar and his father

looked at each other skeptically and even before they could discern the strange behaviour of nature,

the winds caught speed and thrashed the middle tent. The fixed knots could not face the brunt of the

strong breeze and the fabric left the iron rod.

Ragnar looked in horror “How is this possible! Your shelter is being blown by the strong winds son.”

Einar looked worried as well. He decided to save his little house and was about to make a dash when

his father held his hands firmly “You cannot win the forces of nature.”

“But I don’t have any more cloth left.” Just as he said those words the once built tent was swiped far

away to the sky by the strong winds. Einar and the alpha were amazed for the tent was built in such a

way that the cloth would be able to survive the rough beating of the winds but it failed in its purpose.

However the most astonishing fact was that the tents on both the sides were intact and stood the

ground firmly affixed.

Einar was diverted from his thoughts when he smelled a faint sweet aroma. His heart beat spiked when

he saw the handsome man standing right besides him with a happy face “You can share space with

me. My tent is big enough for the two of us and besides I am sleeping alone.”

“No!” Einar shouted. His flustered face confused the alpha while Callan pursed his lips in an

unavoidable smirk “I-I mean no. I don’t want to bother anyone. I will manage somehow.”

“Don’t be stubborn son. Trying to make another tent would consume your precious time and effort.

Weather will be extreme from here on. Our bodies wont be able to survive the strong chilly winds for


Callan stood right in front of Einar “We can share the tent. I don’t bite.”

“Shut up Ashton!” Einar muttered through his teeth. He was about to refuse the offer once more when

his father spoke all of a sudden.

“It is decided Einar. You will share the space with Callan.”


“No more arguments! You should appreciate Callan’s gesture and his willingness to help.” Ragnar

smiled at the handsome man in appreciation “Thank you son.”

“Oh! Its nothing alpha. I am glad I could help Einar.”

The alpha smiled at Callan one more time while he looked sternly at his son, warning him to not defy

his orders. Einar shook his head in defeat and watched his father leave the company of the two men.

Callan on the other hand felt victorious. He grinned from ear to ear and took two steps ahead towards

the man “So are you coming?”

“Do I have a choice.” Einar huffed.

Callan negated in reply and smirked again. Einar on the other side felt compromised. His tactics to

create a distance from Callan were failing while he felt helpless to design any more ideas to stay away

from his mate. Most importantly he was worried about what the night could bring for the two of them.

He wasn’t sure if he could control himself in the closed space besides Callan.

His palpitations increased and he gulped before uttering “I have to go for a run.”


A silver beam of moonlight entered through the open spaces between the upper leaves of the tree. The

stars above glittered in abundance while the icy chills were beginning to catch momentum.

Einar lay on the end of forest watching the tent from far way. It was his ultimate destination. A place he

could no longer avoid. Yet he wanted to take his own sweet time to be prepared. The environment

outside was punishing the stealth body of the muscular man and he for once knew that he could not

stay outside any longer.

Einar braved his heart and took heavy steps one after the other towards the shelter. Each of his steps

was burdening his resolve to turn back and leave. However the moment he entered the tent, he was

welcomed by the beautiful and serene face of his mate. Einar’s façade dissipated at that moment when

he watched the shiny black hair covering his mate’s forehead and the glow of his skin perhaps

brightening the entire room.

Callan’s entire body was covered by a thick blanket while his head rested on his left hand which he

used as a pillow. He looked more peaceful in his sleep. His steady heart beat and his steady breaths

brought in the confidence in Einar to move ahead.

“Are you awake?” Einar spoke lowly. When he didn’t get any response he slowly sat besides the

sleeping body of Callan “I guess you are not.”

Einar couldn’t help but feel pulled towards his mate. Callan oozed an effortless charm. Even when he

was sleeping he was making Einar all nervous. “Do you know how far I had to run just to keep my

senses calm for when I see you? It was frustrating!” he huffed.

“I have watched you sleep a number of times, in fact I used to slip in through your windows just to have

a glance at your beautiful face.” Einar felt nostalgic as he remembered his younger days before his

training when he used to slip in through Callan’s windows just to have a glance at him.

“I was mad back then.” he mentally smacked himself and laughed a little “Whatever difficulties and

struggles I face throughout the day are all evaporated when I see you smile.”

He snickered and sighed a long breath “How ironic isn’t it. I want to see you happy but all I do is hurt

you time and again.”

His heart pained at what he said and a treacherous bead left his eye “And I know you have hateful

feelings for me as well but I guess I deserve what is coming my way. I see the hate; the disrespect and

the struggle you face to stand me and honestly it hurts to watch you do it. It really does!”

He snivelled “But it is necessary.”

The wild winds from outside rumbled the fabric a little but the muscular man remained unfazed. He

lovingly gawked at the sleeping beauty and admired his handsomeness. “For some sick twisted fate

and a reason only known to the luna we have been paired as the alpha mates. We belong to each

other! Can you believe that!” he laughed in sarcasm.

“You have all the qualities to be the perfect luna and maybe more. You are selfless, caring and have

abundant love in your heart. You know how to bind people together and spread positivity. You have the

ability to protect yourself and your loved ones. You don’t make abrupt decisions like I do. You are not

impulsive as I am. When other people think from their brains you think from your heart. There is sense

of pride in me when you walk with your head held high even after suffering through so much!”

Einar’s dreamy smile faded “But there is just one problem. You are a male.” He scowled and bit his lips

trying to control the onslaught of his emotions.

“A sickeningly beautiful male. A non shifter to make matters worse. Had it been otherwise I would have

screamed through the top of my lungs that you are mine. We would have held hands and walked

around the pack with pride. I would’ve flaunted you to the entire world, tell everyone what a beautiful

mate I have been blessed with.”

He cleaned his wet cheeks “I guess I have to bury these desires deep within the depths of my heart for

we cannot be together. Not in this lifetime.”

Einar tilted his head a little and unknowingly played with the strands on the forehead of Callan. It was

as if he was in a trance, in a world of his own.

“I am trying. I really am trying.. but you are making it hard for me. Your constant presence is putting my

motives in jeopardy and at the same time I cant bear to keep you out of my sight. It takes the life out of

me. I become mad when your sweet smile is not directed at me. I want to kill all the bastards who

fantasize about you. I maybe one of the strongest wolf but when I see you in pain I feel as if I am going

to die!”

Callan’s even breaths brought a sense of calm in Einar. He considered himself lucky that he was

conversing with his mate the way he wanted and not adhering to the constant deceptive outward

appearance he used to keep to force Callan to hate him. “If not today I am sure you are going to make

me crazy one day.”

Einar kept gazing at Callan for the longest of the time. He was happy but he was scared too. There was

so much joy and pain in his heart at the same time. His mate was unique not because of his physical

features but because Einar’s eyes would look for no one else if it wasn’t Callan. He existed to be the

alpha but he lived for his mate. His every heart beat was celebrated by the grace of the handsome

man. The moment he was with Callan, he felt like rejoicing his life.

Einar tried to defile his mind, tried to defile his body so that his urges for the beautiful man would

subside but he couldn’t will his conscience. His heart beat spiked and an unknown anxiety fluttered

through his stomach. It was as if he had decided something in the spur of the moment “I know you are

sleeping and I know my confession would mean nothing for you wont remember anything when you

wake up tomorrow..”

He looked at the sleeping man with determination “But I want you to know something.”

He slowly leaned forward and brushed aside the silky hair which covered Callan’s forehead. He

caressed his cheeks with his thumb and genuinely smiled with teary eyes “I may lie to the entire world

but I cannot lie to myself. I have fallen deeply in love with you! My heart has no control over it. I wish to

wrap you in my arms and never let go. I want kiss your beautiful lips.”

Einar moved his thumb from Callan’s cheeks lightly to his beautiful lips. A myriad of emotions were

running through the brain of the stronger man. At this point of time his resolve had been broken

completely. He did something which he never thought he would do. He poured his heart out to his

beautiful man. It felt nice; it felt light.

A blow from the wind moved the shelter a little while the groggy dust changed its position making a light

sweeping sound. Einar deeply sighed as he retracted his thumb from Callan’s lips. He cleaned his

cheeks and looked all around him trying to gather himself. He cleared his throat lightly and spoke lowly

“I guess some wishes can never come true.” His voice vibrated while his eyes were refusing to hold

any more water.

The dejection in his eyes was evident. It was a never ending suffering for him. The man he loved was

right in front of him. He was destined to be his and yet he couldn’t be with him. Einar had made a

difficult choice for his pack and for his family. A choice which had to be made to keep his mate safe. He

wasn’t proud of himself but he was relieved that Callan would be protected throughout his life. He

would make sure of it.

“Sometimes I wish for a life where we could be together. Without any rules, without any conditions.

Without a care about the world. Just you and me. We grow old together and start a family of our own..”

He laughed at his thoughts while his lips shivered with his fluctuating emotions. He gathered his

strength when he realised that all his desires were futile. He painfully willed his mind and body to move

away for he knew he wont be able to control himself shall he stay any longer with his mate.

Einar slowly leaned ahead and kissed Callan’s forehead “Sleep well my heart.” he looked at Callan

lovingly for one last time before forcing his body up and making his way out of the shelter.

Just when the shutters of the shelter were closed, big fat water drops flew through the constricted

eyelids of the beautiful man. Callan’s eyes were wet but his smile was wide and his heart was full of



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