I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Lila’s POV “Hello, Lila. How was your weekend?” “Oh, hey, Miss Emily,” I said as I approached the art room. Miss Emily stood outside the door wearing a beautiful, dotted dress that rested just above her knees and a pair of knee-high boots. Her short curly brown hair was pinned out of her face and rested just above her shoulders. She also wore very light makeup; I liked Miss Emily because she always had such a natural and comforting look. She was very beautiful. Last year, I remembered she had an obvious crush on Enzo. He never paid much attention to her though and I knew it upset her. She was young, maybe in her mid-twenties. She was also mate-less. I know she will find her mate soon though; she’s way too kind-hearted and sweet to go without a mate for much longer. The moon goddess will bless her; I’m sure of it. But in the meantime, regardless of whatever crush she had on my mate, Miss Emily will always be my favorite art professor. “It was nice; I spent time with family,” I told her some of the truth, but obviously not all of it. “How are your parents doing?” “They are doing good. They say hi,” I lied, but she didn’t need to know that. “Well, tell them I said hello,” she said in return with a pleasant smile. “Would you like to have lunch together this evening? I’d like to hear about your summer as well. We didn’t get a chance to talk much.” “I would like that,” I said in return. “Oh, good,” she said, her smile widening. I went into the art room and found my easel; we didn’t really have any assigned seating. But I liked a particular section in the classroom; mainly because I could see the front perfectly and yet I wasn’t too close. It was also a little bit away from everyone else, so I didn’t feel smothered.

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Most students in the class had a particular easel they enjoyed the most and this one happened to be mine. When I sat down on the stool, I began to organize my brushes from smallest to biggest. Miss Emily already got the paint set up in their rightful places, so I didn’t have to worry about that. Usually, if I got here early enough, I would set up the paint for her. But it seemed she had gotten here way earlier. The class filled up soon after and I said hello to some familiar faces as they found their own seats. Miss Emily soon joined, standing in front of the class near her own easel, which happened to be facing the class for our viewing. “I know some of us already excel in this, but we are going to be doing portrait paintings today. Everybody is going to be painting a picture of me. It doesn’t have to be exact; you can be as creative as

you’d like. Just make sure it’s appropriate.” She sat down on her stool and did a little pose with a smile, making some of us chuckle. I got started on mixing some of the paint to make her exact skin color. Portrait painting was my strongest suit; last year I painted a portrait of Enzo, and it got featured in Cassidy-Ann’s art studio. Speaking of Cassidy-Ann, I needed to call her. I know she’s been busy since we’ve returned to redoing her art studio. She took the opportunity, while she needed to fix it anyway, to redo the entire studio and make it even better looking. It’s scheduled to reopen next month; but for right now, she halted business and hasn’t needed an assistant. But I can’t help but wonder if there’s more, I can do for her right now. I felt helpless and I have to admit, I missed her and the studio, even though I spent the entire summer with her. “How did you do that??” I heard someone asking; I turned to see the girl sitting on a stool behind me and she was staring wide-eyed at my pallet. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Do what?” I asked, furrowing my brows together. “Mix the paint to be her exact skin tone,” she asked. “Oh, it’s easy,” I said with a faint smile. “Here, let me show you.” I slid off my stool to join her at her easel, and I picked up the paint I used to create a new color on her pallet. She gasped as the color transformed and turned into Miss Emily’s skin tone. “If you make it too dark, you can always add white to lighten it,” I explained as I continued to mix the paint. I didn’t realize others were watching as well; apparently, everyone was struggling with the same thing because a nearby boy asked, “Can you do mine too?” I smiled at him and nodded. “Me too!” Someone else said. “Can you help me as well, Lila?” “Yes,” I chuckled. “I can help everyone. Give me a second.” Miss Emily watched me with wonder as I traveled around the room and showed everyone how to mix the paint to make her exact skin tone. She slid off her own stool and came to examine the color herself and her eyes widened. “Wow; I could use this as foundation,” she said, poking it with her finger and holding it up for all to see just how similar the color was to her actual skin tone. We all laughed, and she chuckled as well. “Nice job, Lila,” she said as she went back to her stool. Once everyone had her skin tone painted color, we all got to work on creating her. Everybody in the class was very talented. Nobody did Miss Emily in the clothing she was wearing; the girl who sat behind me painted Miss Emily wearing a cat costume. Someone else made her wear a wedding gown. There was another one that made Miss Emily in a purple princess gown with a Tiara. I made Miss Emily in exactly what she was wearing and exactly where she was sitting. I painted the easel

that sat beside her and on the easel, I painted the entire class. I had to use a very small brush to do that one. By the time I finished, it looked like a legit photograph. “Wow, these are incredible,” Miss Emily said by the time was ending. She froze when she got to mine. “You painted the entire class on that mini easel?” “Yes,” I answered, glancing up at her. Soon, I was surrounded by the other students all trying to glimpse themselves. “That’s me!” “Oh, my goddess! I look so cute!” “That’s really amazing!” “Thank you,” I said to them, feeling my face warm. “You all have great paintings,” I added. “I agree; every one of you did great,” Miss Emily said with a big smile. “Maybe if I get permission from the board we can put one or two of these paintings up in the school art gallery that just opened.” “Who’s painting?” Some asked. “Definitely Lila’s,” someone else said. I frowned and looked up at Miss Emily. “How about we all do one big painting for the school? Goddess knows this school could use some more color,” I suggested. I heard excited whispers from all around me. Miss Emily looked around at all the students. “Like a mural?” She asked, glancing at me. “Yes!” I said excitedly. “We could all contribute to it; that way no one is left out. I could gather meaningful pictures from each student around the school and we could paint them as a class. Everybody here is talented enough to do that.” “I love that idea! Lila could help us mix the colors for everyone’s skin tone,” someone else chimed in.

“It would be huge! Everybody in school would see it!” Another said excitedly. I looked back up at Miss Emily who had a smile on her face. “Let me speak with the school board and see what we can do,” she said. “I’ll let you know.” Everybody cheered happily and as we began to pack our things to leave for our next classes, some walked by me and told me they loved my ideas and that I did a great job. I felt my face blushing as I smiled at them. Just before I left, Miss Emily said, “Come by my office at lunch and we can eat together and talk.” “Sounds great,” I said with a beaming smile. On that note, I turned and left for my next class, Werewolf History. History wasn’t as fun as art class, but I was good at most subjects, so it was a breeze to get by. We read the first couple of chapters in our history books and then took a pop quiz. Mr. Edwards typically graded pop quizzes before class was over and it wasn’t a surprise to me that I got an A+. I heard a couple of others groaning from nearby and I looked over a girl and a couple of boys that were staring at their papers with upset expressions. “I can’t believe I failed,” one of the boys muttered. “I thought for sure I’d pass this time.” “If I don’t pass the next quiz, they will kick me off the football team and I might lose my scholarship,” the other boy said. “I got a C, but to my parents, that’s practically failing. They are paying a lot of money to have me attend this school and they expect perfect grades. What am I going to do if I don’t understand the history of my own species?” The girl said through her teeth. “I can tutor you,” I said, staring between them all. They all looked at me with shocked expressions. “What?” The girl asked. “I can tutor you,” I repeated. “I have some time around 4 pm. We can go to the library and study before dinner.” “Are you sure?” The football player asked, raising his brows. “Hey, wait… aren’t you Brody’s friend?”

I nodded. “Yes, I am,” I answer. “And yes, I’m sure. I’d like to help you however I can.” They all looked around at each other before looking at me with wide smiles. “4 pm in the library it is,” the girl answered for all three of them. I smiled in return and packed up my things to head to my next class, which was math. After Math was English and After English was lunch. Usually, I would go to the cafeteria and eat with my friends, but Miss Emily wanted to eat together. So, I grabbed my lunch hand and went straight to her office which was evidently on the top floor of the cafeteria building. Miss Emily sat at her desk, eating a salad, when I arrived. “Oh, good! You are here,” she said with a kind smile. “Sit down.” I nodded, shutting the door behind me, and sat in the seat in front of her. “I feel like we haven’t really spoken in a while. I wanted to hear all about your trip and your new job with Miss Cassidy-Ann. But mainly, I wanted to hear about your trip to Monstro. Did you and Alpha Enzo have a nice time?” Crash!

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