I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 39


Sitting on the couch , watching the snow fall slowly , it relaxes me .

I should have taken a nap because my eyelids are heavier than bricks , they are being dragged down by exhaustion .

I slowly blink , letting my eyes rest in the darkness .

A flash of lights makes my eyes ping open and a row of cars drive onto the grounds , making me smile in relief .

He’s home .

Unharmed and healthy .

I force my eyes open , gathering all the strength I have and I stand up , my belly heavy and I make my way to the bathroom , resting my hands on the counter as I stare at my reflection .

Poor old me , pregnant and tired , knocked up by my ex .

I shake my thoughts away , standing up right as I open the faucet of the tap , cool water falling into the basin and I cup my hands below the tap , capturing water in my palms before splashing my face .

Feeling refreshed , I head downstairs , the bump making me descend the stairs carefully .

Coming down the stairs , I halt at the bottom , inhaling a breath .

“Aiden ?” I call out , but there’s no reply .

The house suddenly feels cold and empty .

“Eleia .” Rosie comes out of the kitchen , her eyes filled with worry .

“They’re back , still outside .” I take the last step and her eyes flick to the door .

“Let’s go .” She strides towards the door , putting her coat on , staring back at me like she’s waiting for me to go out there , but the truth is , I don’t know if I want to .

I can’t help but wonder how many people died , how many kids he let die…

“I’m kind of tired , I shouldn’t go out in the cold .” I shrug and she stares at me with sorrow .

“It’s not really snowing , are you sure ?” Her eyebrows raise , her brown eyes looking so filled with love , love I wish I knew I had .

“I’m sure .” I force a smile , every part of me wanting to collapse and cry until it doesn’t hurt anymore .

I just want peace and love , maybe a little comfort , but who am I to ask when I’m carrying another man’s child ?

I feel like a w***e .

‘Don’t you dare , we thought we were going to be his forever .’ Crystal snaps at me and I sit down on the step , sighing as I watch my best friend run outside to her mate .

Stefan loves her so much , I can tell by the way he looks at her .

I feel that love when Aiden looks at me , but when he doesn’t want to love me the way my body needs , I can’t help but feel useless .

When minutes go by without anyone coming in , I march over to the door , putting on my coat and boots before walking out .

The snow is mostly melted , making the ground beneath my feet slippery as I walk , making sure to take steady steps towards the gathering of everyone in the open field .

Cars are parked everywhere and I hug myself as I walk towards them , spotting Aiden in the middle .

“And we obviously have rules , for those who would listen and respect are welcome to live here .” He bellows , making sure everyone can hear him .

I make my way through the crowded circle that surrounds him , smiling as I come out in front , seeing him standing shirtless in the cold .

Is he crazy ?

‘Crazy hot , yes .’ Crystal purrs and I feel ashamed that heat forms at the base of my spine in front of all these people .

“Eleia .” His eyes grow dark as he holds his hand out to me and my teeth dig into my bottom l*p as I walk towards him , holding my small bump .

I take his hand and he tugs me to him , “There are extra homes that are open and empty , filled with food , running water , heat , beds , anything you need and my warriors will lead you to them .” He smiles and I notice all the children and teens , some holding hands , others looking scared .

I gulp , stepping forward , “Some of you might recognize me , I was apart of your pack .” My mouth dries out from the cold , my nose and fingers numb , “And I know all of you probably loved your alpha , because you had to , but truth be told , I never did . I was wronged and I was the alpha’s first mate , but he used me and then rejected me and then I found my second chance and I thank the Moon Goddess every single day for the chance of a better life . I am not saying that you should appreciate us , but we are welcoming you with open arms , a chance to know this amazing alpha , my mate . He’s kind and generous , he’s fair , unlike the rulers of The Night Pack you all called home . So please , if you feel that you want to leave , come talk with us , you are children and we are not keeping you hostage , nor will we harm you. Sleep on it and het rest .” I smile as I glance around at some familiar faces .

Aiden’s arms wrap around me and the warriors take the kids , but I step out of his embrace , “Wait .” I stride towards the kids , especially the small ones .

“Do you guys want to have a slumber party ? Movies and popcorn ?” I kneel in front of them and they just stare at me with a lost gaze , confusion and terror in their eyes .

“It’ll be fun , we can make a huge bed .” I smile and some kid’s eyes light up , but others hide .

I’m at a loss .

“Whoever wants to come , just come forward , no one has to come , no one can make you do anything .” I smile and a few girls come forward before two boys join them .

“Okay , and the rest of you can go with those nice men and they will show you to homes .” I smile as I stand up and all of them part ways .

I hold my hands out , “Take hands everybody .” I smile and I take them to our home .

I mind link some maids to bring up mattresses and they do while Aiden and I move the furniture in the living move and when I say Aiden and I , I mean that I stand and watch my mate move the couches and tables .

“Why are you doing this for them ?” He grunts as he makes space and I shrug , still standing against the wall as maids lay mattresses next to one another .

The dinging sound makes me stand up right and I head to the kitchen , taking the mini pizza’s out of the cooking box and replacing them with frozen ones .

There are seven kids I need to feed and keep happy tonight and tomorrow is a new day , a day where we find them the perfect families .

Everyone in the pack is supportive of children who want to be here , but there isn’t much we can do for the older wants if they want to leave and it breaks my heart because this is a really great pack with caring people .

All of them are seated around the kitchen island , smiling as I had a maid make them some milkshakes .

“Are you all friends ?” I ask , taking the mini pizza’s off the baking tray and onto seven different plates before putting more frozen pizza’s on it .

They all glance at one another , “She’s my friend , we don’t know the rest .” The one girl holds her friend’s hand .

“Aren’t you all suppose to be in school ?” I ask with raised brows , knowing that I never had the chance to go because I was a little slave .

“We’re not allowed yet , we’re only eight .”

The rest tell me their ages and all of them are above six , meaning they should have been in school already .

Aiden comes to join us and they take them to the living room to choose out their own bedding and a movie while I continued heating the pizza’s .

After almost an hour , I plate all of the pizza’s and call the kids .

The bright cheerful smiles on their faces when they run into the kitchen are priceless .

They look so happy and that is my goal .

Maybe if we did these kind of things with all the kids once a month , they would be much happier here .

“Okay , go eat on your beds .” I clap my hands as I hand each of them a plate with at least ten pizza’s each .

It was exhausting waiting for them to cook in the oven .

“You are doing great .” Aiden k****s me and I take our plate that we are sharing and we join the kids in the living room .

Aiden and I sit on the couch , sharing a blanket while the kids watch this show called The Lion King , apparently it’s popular , but I wouldn’t know because I don’t remember watching this as a kid .

I sob when the father lion dies , “Poor Simba !” I cry into Aiden’s chest while all the kids glance back at us .

I guess being a crying woman is not the best role model , but I can not help the hormones , let alone stop them .

I smile as each kid fell asleep , their plates stacked on the side , each and every one of them are curled under their blankets .

“Shall we head upstairs ?” Aiden’s nose brushes against the shell of my ear , my shoulder raises as I try to block him from snuggling his face into the crook of my neck .This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“We should sleep down here too .” I smile and Aiden pulls back , looking at me like I’m stupid .

Aiden and Rosie have been in their room since they ate and there’s no worry of them , Stefan said what I was doing was sweet and kind .

“What if they wake up ? What if one of them wakes up and they are scared Aiden ?” I glare at him .

I know he lost his sister , but he never endured pain and real fear for his life as a child like I did .

I don’t know what these kids are thinking , but they are afraid and I want to be here to help .

“Fine .” He sighs , rolling his eyes .

“I’ll grab a blow up mattress and we can sleep on it over there next to that couch .” He smiles as he stands and I take his hand , staring up at him through my lashes .

“Thank you .”

I like this side of him .

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