I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 81


It’s my coronation as queen today and I’m a nervous wreck. I’m sweating from anxiety and my heart refuses to calm down, no matter how many breaths I take, no matter how many times I count from one to one hundred, it just seems to make things worse.

Aiden is arriving with the rest of the pack today, trucks have been arriving with people’s things all day and in the last three months, I had to learn everything to become a Queen and how to rule and on top of that…my son has been born and my mate wasn’t even there.

I had to go check every three days on the building on homes for my people on the far side of the land where there was space to do that, there are still a few homes busy being built, but Roman and Penelope agreed that they could live in the castle.

I had to make a list of how many people get to stay in the castle for another month or two, but one thing that did go my way, was the pace of the house buildings. There were hundreds of men building each and everyday, and they did three homes in a day, a second team did the interior and painted, also hundreds of people and they are standard homes, meaning, every single one looks the same and just has different numbers.

Aiden told the pack they could decorate when they’re settled in at their own costs, but for now, it was just a copy and paste situation.

I missed my pack and I can’t wait for everyone to arrive.

Stefan and Rosie are going to stay in the castle permanently, put aside the fact that they are our best friends, they are our beta’s after all.

A knock on my door makes me stand up from behind my dresser where I have been picking at my nails for the last ten minutes instead of doing my make up.

“Come in.” I try to stay calm and I blow out a breath of relief when Penelope enters with a warming smile.

“What’s going on?” her eyes trail my body, I should have done my make up and hair already and I am standing in a robe, unable to think straight.

“I need help.” my chin wobbles and Arlen starts to cry, making my eyes fall shut in disbelief since I put him down only twenty minutes ago before I took a shower.

“Relax dear.” Penelope waves it off as she marches over to Arlen and picks him up. She puts a bib over her shoulder and starts to tap his lower back gently.

He burbs and settles down, quickly falling asleep in her arms.

“See? It’s not always a big problem, just one tiny one that’s stuck.” She stares at Arlen in awe.

“Why don’t you have kids?” I blurt out and I clamp my hands over my mouth, not believing that I just asked that.

“I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to…” I shake my head and she smiles at me, “It’s okay Eleia, it just wasn’t in the books for us…probably because the Moon Goddess knew she had bigger and better plans for you.” she strides over to me , “Come sit.” her hands rests on my shoulder and she turns me towards my dresser before sitting me down in front of the mirror.

“I believe you’ll do great things…” She picks up my brush and starts to comb my hair gently, “A lot of people said that your father should have been king, no matter if he was the youngest…He had great power, good leadership goals, but he did not want to hurt Roman, so he left with his mate to her pack.” I blink the tears from my eyes as I stare at Penelope through the mirror.

I never knew that..

“Don’t worry, we’ll always be here for you.” she continues to brush my hair and I just sit in silence, looking at her.

“Was my parents good people?” I finally ask as she braids the top of my hair into two dutch plats.

“The best, even though your father stepped down, he always helped Roman when in need.” she smiles and I feel like I actually knew them.

“Is it impossible to miss someone you don’t remember?” I scoff, my chest falling as I let out a shaky breath through my nose.

“No, it’s not impossible. Your body knew them when you were a baby, a body always remembers.” she smiles


I’m learning a lot today…

“How would you like your make up?” she asks when ties my hair with small elastics at the middle of my head before grabbing the curling iron and she curls the lower part of my loose locks.

“Not something too much..” I pack my make up out in front of me, I’ve learned about it over the years, but I’m no good at anything.

She glances over my head at my things and sighs, “Oh dear, is this what they brought you?”

“It’s what I asked for..” , “Hold on.” her eyes cloud over as she mind links someone and smiles when she’s done, “We’ll fix this.” she giggles and I frown, but I shrug it off and take her word for it.

After an omega rushed in with a bag filled with make up, Penelope was done with my hair and I sat on the bed with my legs crossed while she stood in front of me, doing my make up.

I wanted to glance at myself every five seconds, but she repeatedly tells me to be patient and trust her, but the only other person I trust beside Rosie, is Aiden…

“All done.” she smiles down at me and I stand in a hurry and walk over to the mirror, audibly gasping at the sight of myself…

I have done make up before…but I never once looked like this.

“Is that too much?” Penelope takes my side and I shake my head, “It’s perfect.”

I stare agape at the smooth foundation applied, how my face is contoured to perfection, how beautiful my smokey eye look has been done… I love this look.

I turn to face Penelope with a smile, “I think make up should be our next lesson.” I grin, making her laugh, “Of course, but first, you need to get dressed.” she demands and I nod, feeling much more lighter.

It might be the fact that I know I’m not alone in this, but I don’t feel scared anymore.

I get dressed in my beautiful maroon dress, it hugs my upper body and curves out by my waist, it has a slit and I match it with the same color stilettos.

Penelope comes into the room with the nanny , “Your pack has arrived just in time.” she smiles and I start to feel all giddy inside.

“Can I go say hi?” , “Not right now, but after the ceremony. Aiden already showed them where to stand.” my smile threatens to fall, but I fight it, “Where is he?”

She smiles at me with a knowing look and fully opens the door and steps aside only for the love of my life to enter the room with a black suite on, looking dashing as ever…

“Aiden.” I breathe out, a big smile overtaking my face as he marches over to me.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hi.” he breathes out with a small smile and I couldn’t stop myself from just marching into his arms and hug him.

His arms wrap around my waist tightly as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent and I could his muscles relax under my touch.

I pull back, smiling at him, “I missed you,” whatever has happened between us, I want to fix it and I could see it in his eyes, he wanted to fix it too.

“I missed you more.” his eyes scan the room and they light up at the sight of Arlen laying in his crib, touching everything around him.

“Oh, my boy.” he smiles and marches over to him. Another nanny took Felix to get dressed in his little suit and this nanny will be taking care of Arlen in here.

Felix is old enough to join the ceremony and I really want him there.

“Where’s Felix?” Aiden frowns as he glances around as Arlen holds his finger.

“He’s with the nanny in the crowd. He’s joining the ceremony.” Aiden nods and turns his attention back to his son, smiling.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to get going. Arlen will be here when you two settle in and get back.” Penelope has a guilty look on her face and I nod.

Aiden takes my hand and we head downstairs.

Once we arrive outside, I gasp at the large tent that’s set up for the ceremony, the outside is decorated in red and black balloons, the sky is cloudy and dark, but there is a bright light coming from the inside of the tent, soft music playing all around…

“Wow.” I breathe out and Aiden squeezes my hand, “Shall we do this?” he grins at me and it makes me nervous all over again.


Penelope tells us to wait outside the entrance that leads to the stage steps and she goes inside, informing us we should enter when we are called and I feel like it’s a short time Aiden and I could talk.

Before I could say anything, he takes both my hands, “Eleia.” his breath is shaky and his eyes wide when I look up at him, “I miss you. I don’t want to fight..I’m sorry…” my heart expands with joy. “I’m sorry too…I don’t want to fight either.”

Our names are called before we could say anything else and we head inside…I thought we’d have a few more minutes, but I guess not.

Aiden and I take our place in between Roman and Penelope, both of them wearing their gold crowns and we start to ceremony. After b***d rituals and linking with our new and old pack, everyone is now one and Roman steps forward , “Our niece, princess Eleia will now be queen, along with her mate, Aiden , he will be king. Bow to your new rulers!” Roman bellows and everyone begins to bow, one by one I watch as they bow in front of us and I stare in amazement.

My jaw falls when someone bursts through the back, it’s that man from the woods!

People immediately turn their gaze to him, standing as his panting is heavy and loud.

“Guards!” Roman bellows , “Stop !” I command and everyone freezes, “Make way for him.” I stand forward and even if the crowd is confused, they make way. Aiden tugs on my hand, making me glance at him, “Who’s that?” he grits out irritably.

“Someone who saved my life.” I explain before drawing my attention back to the unknown man.

He limps towards us, “Get a medic.” I lower to my haunches as he stops in front of the stage, “You’re the new queen.” he grins before his eyes roll to the back of his head and he falls over, the tent is filled with gasps and mutters.

“Oh goddess!” I kick my shoes off and jump of the stage to take a look at him, but when my hand touches his abdomen, it’s wet and I glance down at my hand, looking at the red crimson liquid all over my skin.

“Someone, he needs the hospital!” I call out and Aiden is beside me, picking him up and hauling him over his shoulder.

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