I Swear, Let Me Love You Again

Family Dinner (2)

Nathaniel’s POV:

“Welcome, Mr Nathaniel. The family is waiting for you.” I nodded muttering ‘thank you’, heading straight to the dining area.

“Ohhhh, he is finally here. We have been waiting for you.” My mom announced in excitement standing up from her seat at the head of the table.

Everyone stared at me with a smile, the people at the table consisted of Jason’s two parents, a man who looked like an older version of Jason who had a mug plastered on his face, and a young lady who kept her gaze on me staring at me with seductive eyes from head to toe. Then Jason who had a sly smile staring at Rachel who looked rather uncomfortable but tried to keep a smile on her face. We made eye contact and she instantly looked away.

“I would like to introduce you to the Wilist family. I think you all have met before, though it wasn’t the best encounter. These are Jason’s parents, and that’s Jason’s younger cousin, Frank and his other cousin who is SINGLE and SUCCESSFUL, Emily.” She introduced me, laying emphasis on Emily’s ‘qualities’ and I simply gave a nod to everyone.

“My son is such a gentleman. He bought me flowers.” My mum attempted to take it but I moved it away. I was honestly not trying to be rude or petty, but it just wasn’t hers.

“I got them for Rachel as I doubt her boyfriend buys any for her.” I spoke taking a seat next to Rachel handing her the bouquet of flowers. Jason scoffed and looked at me amused, then stretched out his arm to hold Rachel who was sitting in between the both of us.

“Correction, she’s my fiancée. You need to get with the program , dear brother in law.” He smirked, speaking arrogantly.

“Plus, I have a lifetime to buy her as many flowers as I can and treat her however I like.” He chuckled darkly until his mother cautioned him.

I turned my attention to my mother who was eating and smiling with no care in the world then reverted my attention to Rachel who was battling with tears. His parents were discussing and laughing with my mother, and his cousin, Emily or whatever her name is, was batting her lashes at me.

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, nodding slowly and fixed a napkin on my lap. I was livid at his words held double meaning and just one more strike from him and I’m shutting this whole clown show down.

“So Nathaniel, how did you feel about your ex-wife’s book, The Clap Back which basically dragged your mother? I heard she was going on tour next week.” Mrs Wilist always tried to engage me in a conversation that was so pointless. My mom scoffed and baffled at the piece of information.

It felt like deja vu of the first meeting with the Wilist family except things were way different, I doubted their relationship from the first day and turns out I was right. And Mrs Wilist’s questioning.

“She’s literally thriving from dissing your mother. That’s hilarious, don’t you think so hon?” Jason spoke to Rachel who was just playing with her food.

“I’m actually proud of her. Her book has been selling out all over the country and it’s not exactly easy to write all about your pains and even publish it. So yeah..” My mom had turned red and she shook her head in utter disappointment at me. But I was way more disappointed with her.

“What a son.” Jason commented and his cousin, Frank, sighed, dropping his silverware on the plate making a sound.

“What a man.” I responded and a stifled laughter was heard from Frank.

“I have one question for you, Nathaniel, are you in favor of this marriage?” Mr Wilst asked and I laughed humorlessly then stopped after a second reverting my attention to Rachel.

“Next question since I’m in some type of interview. Any questions, mother? Mrs Wilst?” They just kept discussing amongst each other and so did everyone on the table.

“You’re still into your ex aren’t you?” Emily whispered and I glanced at her through the corner of my eye.

“Yes, I am in love with her.” I responded and she sighed in defeat.

“Well…she’s lucky to have such a handsome, wealthy, educated man like you. I hope things work out for you two and ….” She spoke closer into my ear. “I hope your sister doesn’t get married to my cousin at least until he goes to Rehab or something.”

She smiled and l chuckled dryly, she was a pretty woman and transparent. It was rare to see these days, I wished Jenny could have just been supportive like this rather than going crazy and meeting her demise.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Thank you.” I told her and she nodded, and elegantly continued to eat while watching the events unfold.

“Smile.” Jason whispered in Rachel’s ear and held her arm when he assumed no one was looking. Or did he just want me to see and get angry? Well, it worked because I abruptly rose up from my chair and dragged Rachel to the side making everyone look at me with shock.

In a swift motion as everything had happened in less than a second, I threw a punch right in Jason’s baffled face.

“You must be crazy if you think you can keep messing with my sister.” I was about to throw another punch on his face as he was now grinning but everyone except his cousins who were enjoying the scene stopped me.

“Nathaniel! Stop, I’m fine ….” Rachel spoke shakily and I shook my head. Jason began to laugh standing up.

“Is he threatening you? What’s going on?” I questioned Rachel but she just shook her head saying nothing.

“Nathaniel, what has gotten into you? If I knew you were going to ruin this, I wouldn’t have invited you. Oh my, can’t you see everyone is happy but you keep trying to start something.” I looked at my mum crazy, this was one of the few things I had acted wild and abruptly.

I nodded slowly gazing at everyone before holding Rachel’s hands and surprisingly she didn’t fight as I dragged her out.

“I’d rather die than to see my younger sister getting abused and unhappy.” I said then led Rachel who was sobbing out of the house. I was furious but glad she was no longer in this place.

“Wait, I need to grab some things.” She spoke in urgency.

“No need to get your things. We need to talk and get you out of here.” I spoke sternly but she looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Please I just need to get one thing.” I sighed looking at her. I let her go back and she rushed only to return back with the bouquet of lilies I had gotten her along with her phone.

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