Ice and Fire

Chapter 955 They Still Love Each Other Like Before

Chapter 955 They Still Love Each Other Like Before

Derek arrived earlier than the others and had now been enjoying his cup of tea with Mond. Mond

wouldn't sit still and kept pacing back and forth since Derek arrived.

"Cherry said she was coming here, to my home, right?" Mond asked Derek. Before Derek could

answer, he continued, "Why isn't she here yet?"

"She's the boss, you know that. She'll arrive when she wants to. No one can make her hurry up!" Derek

reminded Mond, in case he forgot who they're talking about.

"And Wilson and Selina are late, as well," Mond noticed. He couldn't wait to see his friends and wanted

them to be there already.

"They're quite busy lately, too. Take it easy, Mond, sit down. Just prepare for your guest of honor

today," Derek reminded Mond and beckoned him to the chair, which he took.

"Of course, I've already prepared everything for Miss Cherry, my favorite sister-in-law!" Mond said, with

pride in his voice.

The doorbell rang at that moment and Mond jumped up. He ran towards the door to check the monitor.

His face fell when he saw Wilson and Selina by the door. He opened the door to let them inside.

"Who rang? Is it Cherry?" Derek, who stayed in the living room, asked.

Mond chuckled, "Nope, you guessed wrong!"

Wilson and Selina followed Mond into the living room.

"Mond, why didn't you have the door open waiting for us? You're the one who invited us here. You even

had us ring the doorbell!" Selina complained, her arm linked with Wilson's.

"Didn't I open the door for you as soon as you rang the doorbell?" Mond quickly replied.

Wilson simply smiled but didn't say a word. He knew his wife's straightforward character and doesn't

think much of it anymore. But Mond still hadn't gotten used to it.

Selina discovered that Derek was the only other person in the room. With her eyebrows scrunched up,

she asked Mond, "Where are Jackson and Cherry? They're not yet here?"

"They're probably on the way and should be here any minute," Derek answered while he stood up to

shake Wilson's hand. Selina plopped herself down on the sofa followed by the three men, while they

wait for Jackson and Cherry.

"I don't understand why Cherry hasn't been able to visit me since they got back. She's seen all of you

already. Is she mad at me or something?" Mond whined to his three friends.

"They just happened to visit us first. I was the first one. Selina was the second. And you're third," Derek

provided as a way of explanation.

"Derek's right, Mond. Jackson and Cherry are paying you a special visit. And since you asked us to

come, we'll make it a party!" Selina added, a huge smile on her face.

"It's because you're all in couples. And I'm not. I'm the only one who's alone!" Mond pretended to pout.

"But listen, before they get here, I want to announce something."

"What is it?" Wilson asked, who became more curious when he saw Mond's serious look.

"I'm planning to leave for a period," Mond announced with a determined look on his face.

"How long will you be gone? When will you come back?" Derek asked. He was surprised about Mond's

announcement but he didn't mind. Mond needed to take time off to relax, after all.

"I'm not sure yet. I want to spend more time with my family," Mond told them the truth. He didn't want to

commit to a return date because he wasn't sure what could happen.

"But what about the ZM Group?" Selina asked, a worried look on her face.

"I'm going to give it to Lawrence," Mond replied almost immediately. "My only precious daughter does

not wish to be in business, so I have no choice but to leave it to Lawrence."

His three friends gasped and glanced at each other.

They say birds of same feather flock together and that great minds think alike. Because they all thought

of the same plan.

"What? What's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Mond was confused at his three

friends' unusual grinning reactions.

"I was also planning to hand over JS Group to Lawrence," Derek said.

"Me, too. I was going to give H King Group to my nephew, Lawrence," Wilson added.

There was silence before all four of them laughed out loud.

"Lawrence is a lucky man, winning all four of the biggest groups in this city," Mond joked.

"He really is. He's going to be taking over so many assets without paying a single penny," Selina

agreed with a laugh.

"With four assets under his belt, he's going to be so stressed out," Wilson predicted.

Derek nodded in agreement and sighed. "I wonder if he'll be able to handle all the stress and pressure.

Plus with the JC Group, he'll be controlling all the field operations in the city."

Selina agreed with Derek, "You're right, Derek. Lawrence is going to be stressed out. Jackson and

Cherry would not want Lawrence to exhaust himself too much."

They all nodded in agreement. All of them were worried about the same thing. Cherry loved Lawrence

and she would never want him to get worn out.

While they continued their discussion, the doorbell rang again. It must be Jackson and Cherry now.

Mond rushed to the door and saw Jackson and Cherry on the other side.

"Mond," Cherry greeted him as soon as she stepped inside. She had a big smile on her face and in her


Mond smiled at Jackson first before he turned to Cherry.

"Cherry, should we give each other a hug?" Mond turned to Jackson as soon as he asked, "Is that

okay? You won't get jealous, Jackson?"

Jackson rolled his eyes and trudged to the living room without saying a word.

Mond enveloped Cherry in a tight hug, eager to see her after such a long time.

Mond and Cherry joined the others in the living room and it felt like old times when they were still


They all started their businesses at the same time with similar struggles. They'd get together regularly

to get support from each other. Back then, they were all young and energetic, full of vigor. Now, they NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

had definitely matured in their middle age, now that they had experienced lots of success in their

careers. They had definitely developed a stronger will together and their friendship had deepened over

time. And they were very happy that their sons and daughters had become good friends with each

other and they were happy to have developed such a big family with each other.

"This is the first time we've all been together since we got back, right? Cherry asked her friends.

"We haven't spent time with each other like this in a long time. It makes me nostalgic about the past.

We were so energetic and spirited then. And we were always together," Selina replied.

"If I knew all of us were going to be here, I would have asked Amy to come, too. Then we'd definitely be

complete," Cherry added. Amy was the only one missing.

"She had a few kids to teach piano in her schedule this morning, anyway. That's why she's not with

me," Derek explained.

"Derek, we already have money, we're set for life. Can't you ask Amy to retire?" Selina asked Derek.

"You know how Amy is. She likes being busy, always doing something. I have no choice but to support

that. And she's happy. It's hard not to support that," Derek explained. "Besides, she's a very dedicated

teacher, ever since she started teaching Lawrence when he was younger. She's still that dedicated until


Cherry smiled at the memory of Lawrence playing the piano when he was younger. She agreed with

Derek, "Amy really is dedicated. It's because of her that Lawrence became such an excellent piano

player. And besides,"

Cherry turned to Derek, a naughty smile on her face, "If Amy didn't teach Lawrence piano lessons, how

could you have met her?"

Her words made Derek smile at the thought of Amy.

Time really flew. He could still remember when they just started dating. It's been 20 years but he

remembered the exact moment when he met and fell in love with Amy. Their daughter, Alice, was now

grown up but they still had the same shine now that they had when they first got married. Their love for

each other still ran deep. And they had never fought a single fight since the start. When they had a

disagreement, Derek always made it a point to understand her and spoil her. He just wanted to see

Amy smile every day.

Selina and Wilson shared a smile with each other.

"Cherry," Selina turned to her. "We should all thank you and Jackson for being our role models in

finding our other half."

"Yes, I definitely agree with Selina," Derek echoed.

Wilson nodded, "So do I. Jackson, Cherry, without you two, I would not have been fortunate enough to

find and marry such a great woman."

Wilson wrapped his arm around Selina's shoulder and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh, stop! If you're so grateful to us, get a room and stop being so touchy-feely in front of us!" Cherry

teased Wilson and Selina.

After all these years, Cherry was still so innocent and simple. She had not changed. She may tease a

lot but her teases revealed her true character.

"Cherry, we're already in our middle age and Lawrence is already getting married, why are you still so

bashful? You are still the same Cherry 20 years ago," Mond asked, curiously.

"Do you want to know why?" Cherry asked.

"Because Jackson spoils you. And no matter what you say or do, Jackson always supports you. If

anything happens, Jackson is there to handle it. And if there is any trouble, Jackson fixes it. You don't

need to worry about anything. You just have to enjoy your life," Selina analyzed.

"Oh, Selina, you know me so well," Cherry stretched out her hand for Selina's hand with a big smile on

her face.

"Cherry, we'll always be each other's best friend," Selina declared. In her heart, Cherry was the sister

she always wanted, the one who knew her thoughts and her mind.

"Of course! I will always protect you. You don't have anything to be afraid of," Cherry promised Selina

like a queen promised her people.

"But I'm always under Jackson's protection," Selina mentioned.

"How can that be?" Cherry asked. "My husband protects only me. But since you are his sister, I will

allow you to receive some of his protection sometimes."

Cherry pretended to look at Selina from head to toe to size her up.

Derek and Wilson laughed at the two ladies. Jackson kept silent and soaked up the moment. He had

not seen Cherry so relaxed in a long time. She really needed to be in the company of friends again so

he could see the indulgent and cheeky Cherry he's missed. He kept silent to enjoy this moment.

Selina played along, curled her lips and teased Cherry, "Cherry, you're so naughty! Jackson loves you

and I will not take him away from you!"

Cherry snickered at Selina's reaction. She stopped teasing her and said, "Okay, I'll stop now. I know

Wilson loves you the most!"

"You two still act like teenagers!" Derek and Wilson clutched their stomachs from laughing so hard.

"Cherry, you keep teasing me," Selina pouted at her.

"I am not, my dear Selina," Cherry argued. She turned to Jackson and, with a soft voice, said, "Darling,

you be the judge. Am I teasing Selina?"

Selina pretended to plea to Jackson the judge, "Jackson, help me out this once, will you?"

Jackson had a choice to make, side with his beloved wife or with his precious sister.

Jackson took his time but finally made his decision after a few seconds. He turned to Cherry and said,

"It doesn't matter if you keep teasing Selina. She has Wilson to take care of her. And I only care about

you," he hugged Cherry and kissed her on the cheek.

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