I’m Not Just A Human


The guys went back to the pack house after our fight and I haven’t spoken to them since then. Our fight was 3 weeks ago. The girls and I left the vacation house the day after the fight. I stayed in Noah’s room the first two days and then I was told the boys arrange a house for me to live in. So the day after me and Noah moved into the big wooden house. It was still on the pack lands but at least 15 minutes away from the pack house. I guess this was their way of getting rid of me. Layla and Jenny came almost everyday. Sam cames twice a week. The first we times we would talk about my mates but we don’t anymore.

I told Noah wat was going on and we just cried together for a few hours but he has been like my own little superman. He always ask me what I need and helps me with everything. He has even used a cystoscopeto to listen to the baby’s heart. I have also made some baby clothes. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl but that’s by choice. I want to call the babe : Nolan if it’s a boy and Natalie if it’s a girl.

That’s if the twins don’t end up choosing another name after I am gone. I have made Jenny the babe’s guardian and Bilbo as well. I wanted to make sure that someone was taking care of them after I was gone and I doubt that the twins will look after them.

The babe was currently the size of a lemon. Witch was big for only 9 weeks. My due date was over 12 weeks . The doctor was not joking when they said that Werewolf babies grow fast.

Noah and I was currently in the kitchen eating and playing cards games.

“Where the pregnant woman at?” I hear Jenny call. A smile spreads over my face.

“In here.” I call out to her.

“Are we playing card games now?” Jenny says as she walks into the kitchen. She gives Noah a kiss on the head and me a hug.

” I’m kicking her butt. She isn’t very good.” Bilbo jokes. I gasp dramatically.

“I am letting him win!” I say back. He laughs and stands up to put our two plates away and Jenny sit next to me.

“I just came to check in see how your doing?” She asked with a smile.

“I am doing great. I just get tired easier and my clothes are a bit tight, but that’s okay, I just wear baggy clothes. ” I say and show down at what I am wearing. The black sweatpants and white top sits loose on my frame.

“Maybe we can go shopping for some pregnant woman clothes or something?” She says and I laugh.

” Their is a reason I came today. There is a dinner with the packs alliances. You have to come.” She says in a soft voice and holds my hand.

“Do the twins know that I will be attending?” I ask and she nods. She gives me all the details for toning and then leaves. I hate that I need to go tonight, because I know I am going ton be so happy to see my mates but they are going to hate seeing me. To them I am already dead. I knew that the moment they send me to this house. Even our bond hasn’t been the same.

I try to forget about them and start to get ready. I call Sam arellreadynd arrange that he will pick me up and then I get dressed into a light blue dress with matching wedges.

I put my hair in a loose low bun and i only place a little makeup on. I play with bilbo until his babysister comes and I need to leave for the dinner.

Sam is already outside standing at his black car. He helps me in and I thank him.

“Thank you for picking me up.” I say to him

“It’s not a bother. You look great Sophia. How was your day?” He ask with a smile.

“I had pancakes with bacon and donuts for breakfast and I had 3 naps today.” I say and we both laugh. The rest of the car ride is fulled with small talk.

We arrive at the pack house and I instantly feel nauseous and nervous.

“It will be alright. You know we all are here for you.” Sam says with a hopeful smile. I nod and get out of the car. I walk up the pack house stairs and open the doors. All I smell is my mates. My eyes land on a man in a cream suite. grayson.

He turns around and a growl leaves his mouth.

“Mate!” He storms towards me and my body freeze. He grabs my wrist and slams me into him. He lips touch miné and he kisses me with need. My lungs start to burn for the need of air and gray pulls away. I gasp for air and my eyes lock with his.

“Sorry. My wolf took over.” He says with and strained voice. I nod in understanding. He starts to move away.

“Grayson, wait maybe…”

“I have to attend to something.” He cuts me off and leaves. My heart burns with sadness. I leave to find Layla but my eyes move to the staircase. William he is wearing a grey and black checker suit

“William.” I say and his eyes turn dark before returning to their normal colour.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Sophia. You look good. You look like you.” He states.

“Meaning, I don’t look pregnant. ” I snap and he nod. I decide to walk way before I say something I will regret. I move to a bathroom and into a stall. I could not break down in the first 5 minutes. I place my hand on my bump that is hidden by the dress. I take a few short breaths and focus on my baby’s haertbeat. After a moment or two I leave the bathroom and walk into the dinning Hall. Everyone is already seated and chatting. The only open spot is between Grayson and William. My spot. I move to them and keep my head high. William pulls out my chair and I sit down next to them. As I sit William and Grayson stand and all eyes are one them and everyone keeps quite.

“Welcom everyone. We are so glad that all of you could come. We are here to celebrate our alliance with one another and to discuss any problems or news that any of the packs have. We are here to make sure the alliance is strong. Any pack that feels they can no longer be apart of this alliances, please speak up now.” Williams voice booms throughout the hall. Nobody answered and the alliance is renewed.

“I am glad to see the alliance is going strong. Al though this is a happy moment, we have a problem to discuss with you guys.” Grayson says and everyone’s ears pirk up.

“Our mate has fallen pregnant. As all of you know she is a lucan and it should not be possible, but it is. The only problem is our mate wil not survive the birth of our child. She will die. As all of you know when a mate bond is destroyed, it takes a toll on the persons wolf. In the time our mate dies we ask that our alliance will assist our pack in making sure the pack is safe and protect, when we cannot make sure of that ourselves.” Grayson continues to speak. My head spins at his words. This is why I had to come. They wanted me to see this. They wanted me to hear how they will suffer. They wanted to bring pain to me.

“We will help.” Some random alpha says and a few more alpha’s agree.

“How could this have happend.” An alpha asked.

“I guess we joke to many time of having an heir for this pack.” William says sarcastically and I can’t taken anymore. I feel like I might die right now. Everything in me burns with pain. I stand up and walk out of the hall. All eyes on me. I storm out of the pack house and run down the steps. Tears start to run down my cheek and I feel weak. I start to walk home. My legs wobble and my feet hurt so I stop and remove my wedges. As I start to walk again I smell them.

“You can’t walk home?” Grayson says.

I ignore him and continue to walk.

“Sophia stop.” William says and I ignore him as well. The both growl and I loose all my sense. I turn around and fling my shoe’s at them. The doge them and stair at me.

“How dare you! How dare you leave me and not speak to me for three weeks and then do that..”

“How dare we? Your the one that’s putting us through this pain?” Grayson shouts.

“Your in pain, I get it. Your angry, I get it. But what about me! I am the one that looses everything! I loose Kendra. The person that has protect me everyday! I loose you both! After so many years of abuse I find you and then just like that I loose it! And worse of all I loose my child! The child I will carry for 6 months, will never see me! I will never see her or him smiling or crying or falling in love! I will not even be able to hold her once! He or she will never know how much I loved her! How much I loved their father! You get the change to see the life that you created grow and evolve! You get to love it. I don’t!” I scream and breakdown into tears. I just feel sadness and pain in my heart.

“Sophia, you..”

“No, I’m not done. You don’t get to be mad that I didn’t tell you sooner, because just as soon as you find out. You left! You send me away! You shoved my death and the birth of our child in my face! I have been doing everything on my own! And no matter how mad you are at me, I would never change my decision, because I would have never been able to live with myself if i chose my life above of my own child! I know you hate me….. aaaaaagggg” I scream out as a sharp pain shoots through my stomach. I grab my belly as if I could protect my baby from the pain. I scream out again as more pain runs through me. I feel warm hands on me and I know it’s my mates. I feel them gently lay me down but I just see black spots.

“My baby… my baby…” I say through greeted teeth. I hear a ground shaking growl from one of the boys. My pain intensive and i soon can’t keep my eyes open.

“Save…. baby..” I whisper out before the darkness takes me

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