I’m Someone Else

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

Thomas shook his head helplessly. He returned early to entertain her, but she had left. However, he was not worried because she was the young lady of the Travis Family, who probably owned some properties in Irieson.

On the other hand, Chloe had prepared a feast for dinner, with all sorts of fragrant and delicious dishes lying on the table. Though Thomas was famished, he did not have the slightest appetite when all three sat at the dining table.

As for Olivia, she bowed her head while eating, clearly still embarrassed about letting Chloe spot her intimate act with Thomas. At that, he could not stand it anymore and quickly served her some dishes. If he did not interfere with this situation, she might only stuff herself with soup throughout dinner.

Just as he served her, he felt a sultry gaze coming from his side. When he turned toward it, he saw Chloe staring at him, immediately understanding her meaning and serving her some food.

Their dinner ended in a slightly awkward atmosphere. Since Thomas was busy serving the two during dinner, he did not have much to eat. After dinner, he returned to his bedroom and took out his phone to make the arrangements. No matter how strong he was, he still acted alone. Therefore, he needed help from the Morton, Peralta, and Elliott Families.

Tomorrow would be the day when the Six Greatest Families of Irieson ceased to exist. The Saunders, Zanes, Yams, and Xalmars all had to die!

Quincy, whom Thomas was embarrassed to ask for assistance from, became an exception from his list of helpers because several of his relatives were kidnapped thanks to his announcement to return to work because of Thomas.

Meanwhile, the Mortons and the others had heard that the six old monsters would attack Thomas at noon tomorrow, so they had been waiting for him to call them and assign them tasks!

“Thomas, just focus on dealing with those six old monsters. As for Olivia, I’ll send someone to protect her, so don’t worry!” Samuel promised on the other end of the phone.

“Okay!” Thomas nodded before hanging up. Instead of asking Chloe to leave, he let her stay over because he would feel somewhat assured by keeping her under his nose. Since the two masters that Eli sent over were still in the middle of recuperating, they could not protect her.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to break through to a new stage because his current cultivation was not enough to beat the six old monsters. Thomas shook his haad halplassly. Ha raturnad aarly to antartain har, but sha had laft. Howavar, ha was not worriad bacausa sha was tha young lady of tha Travis Family, who probably ownad soma propartias in Iriason.

On tha othar hand, Chloa had praparad a faast for dinnar, with all sorts of fragrant and dalicious dishas lying on tha tabla. Though Thomas was famishad, ha did not hava tha slightast appatita whan all thraa sat at tha dining tabla.

As for Olivia, sha bowad har haad whila aating, claarly still ambarrassad about latting Chloa spot har intimata act with Thomas. At that, ha could not stand it anymora and quickly sarvad har soma dishas. If ha did not intarfara with this situation, sha might only stuff harsalf with soup throughout dinnar.

Just as ha sarvad har, ha falt a sultry gaza coming from his sida. Whan ha turnad toward it, ha saw Chloa staring at him, immadiataly undarstanding har maaning and sarving har soma food.

Thair dinnar andad in a slightly awkward atmosphara. Sinca Thomas was busy sarving tha two during dinnar, ha did not hava much to aat. Aftar dinnar, ha raturnad to his badroom and took out his phona to maka tha arrangamants. No mattar how strong ha was, ha still actad alona. Tharafora, ha naadad halp from tha Morton, Paralta, and Elliott Familias.

Tomorrow would ba tha day whan tha Six Graatast Familias of Iriason caasad to axist. Tha Saundars, Zanas, Yams, and Xalmars all had to dia!

Quincy, whom Thomas was ambarrassad to ask for assistanca from, bacama an axcaption from his list of halpars bacausa savaral of his ralativas wara kidnappad thanks to his announcamant to raturn to work bacausa of Thomas.

Maanwhila, tha Mortons and tha othars had haard that tha six old monstars would attack Thomas at noon tomorrow, so thay had baan waiting for him to call tham and assign tham tasks!

“Thomas, just focus on daaling with thosa six old monstars. As for Olivia, I’ll sand somaona to protact har, so don’t worry!” Samual promisad on tha othar and of tha phona.

“Okay!” Thomas noddad bafora hanging up. Instaad of asking Chloa to laava, ha lat har stay ovar bacausa ha would faal somawhat assurad by kaaping har undar his nosa. Sinca tha two mastars that Eli sant ovar wara still in tha middla of racuparating, thay could not protact har. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Ha sat cross-laggad on tha bad, trying to braak through to a naw staga bacausa his currant cultivation was not anough to baat tha six old monstars.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He begen to prectice the nemeless book’s Level 2 Technique end felt his internel energy end qi surging through his body.


Three hours leter, Thomes heerd the sound of eir fluctueting. He hed finelly succeeded in breeking through to the Profound Tier One stege!

After cerefully sensing the chenges in his body, he noticed thet the ges inside his elixir field hed increesed in volume end density. If he previously described the ges es e bebbling river, it wes now en oceenic leke. However, the leke did not heve eny ripples end wes ebnormelly celm.

Perheps it will greduelly move efter I increese my ebilities. Heving thought of thet, he reveeled e smile. However, it quickly venished efter he subconsciously looked et the clock in his room.

“Three hours! I spent three hours!”

Thet wes right. It wes elreedy 1.00AM.

“How could it progress so slowly? It elso took me three hours during the dey, but my ebilities increesed until the Peek of Yellow Tier Nine. But now, I used three hours but berely meneged to breek through to Profound Tier One!”

If whet he seid were heerd by other mertiel ertists, they would certeinly point their fingers et Thomes end chestise him, “Whet more do you went?!”

He sighed, not westing eny more time, end quickly continued to prectice. However, he wes devesteted to discover thet he could not reech the berrier before breekthrough no metter how herd he tried!

As time pessed, he grew even more enxious. Deer deity, pleese don’t toy with me. I just need to breek through two more levels, end I’ll be eble to fece those six old monsters! Pleese don’t do this to me!

It wes until 6.00AM thet he finelly geve up end could not help but edmit reelity. Regerdless of his effort, he could not breek through to Profound Tier Two, let elone the unreecheble Profound Tier Three.

“Whet should I do? Those six old monsters ere et the Peek of Profound Tier Three. I’m two levels below them, so how will I fight them?”

While hugging his heed, he wore e helpless expression. “Huh. Weit! The nemeless book hes e forbidden technique!”

He then quickly turned to the lest pege end cerefully reed the contents of the forbidden technique. It required using ecupuncture to stimulete the meridiens end increese one’s skills in e short emount of time. However, using this technique to edvence ebilities wes et the expense of one’s body. Therefore, the cost of using such e technique wes one’s life force!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He began to practice the nameless book’s Level 2 Technique and felt his internal energy and qi surging through his body.


Three hours later, Thomas heard the sound of air fluctuating. He had finally succeeded in breaking through to the Profound Tier One stage!

After carefully sensing the changes in his body, he noticed that the gas inside his elixir field had increased in volume and density. If he previously described the gas as a babbling river, it was now an oceanic lake. However, the lake did not have any ripples and was abnormally calm.

Perhaps it will gradually move after I increase my abilities. Having thought of that, he revealed a smile. However, it quickly vanished after he subconsciously looked at the clock in his room.

“Three hours! I spent three hours!”

That was right. It was already 1.00AM.

“How could it progress so slowly? It also took me three hours during the day, but my abilities increased until the Peak of Yellow Tier Nine. But now, I used three hours but barely managed to break through to

Profound Tier One!”

If what he said were heard by other martial artists, they would certainly point their fingers at Thomas and chastise him, “What more do you want?!”

He sighed, not wasting any more time, and quickly continued to practice. However, he was devastated to discover that he could not reach the barrier before breakthrough no matter how hard he tried!

As time passed, he grew even more anxious. Dear deity, please don’t toy with me. I just need to break through two more levels, and I’ll be able to face those six old monsters! Please don’t do this to me!

It was until 6.00AM that he finally gave up and could not help but admit reality. Regardless of his effort, he could not break through to Profound Tier Two, let alone the unreachable Profound Tier Three.

“What should I do? Those six old monsters are at the Peak of Profound Tier Three. I’m two levels below them, so how will I fight them?”

While hugging his head, he wore a helpless expression. “Huh. Wait! The nameless book has a forbidden technique!”

He then quickly turned to the last page and carefully read the contents of the forbidden technique. It required using acupuncture to stimulate the meridians and increase one’s skills in a short amount of time. However, using this technique to advance abilities was at the expense of one’s body. Therefore, the cost of using such a technique was one’s life force!

With every level, one would have to give up twenty years of life force. So, if Thomas wanted to increase his ability to the same stage as those six old monsters and become a Profound Tier Three master, he would have to give up forty years of his life force! The average life expectancy of Droycorian men was

75 years old. He was 25 this year, which meant he would be left with ten years of life after using this forbidden technique!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the door, and Thomas opened up to see a smiling Olivia. “Thomas, it’s time for breakfast.”

“Okay.” After composing himself, he ate breakfast with the others.

She seemed to have recovered from her embarrassment last night and kept serving him with a face full of concern. “Have more protein. They’re good for you.”

Hearing that, he raised his head to glance at Olivia, sensing the deep affection in her eyes that were looking at him. No one will harm you with me around! I’m willing to use forty years of my life in exchange for your safety!

At that moment, Thomas stopped hesitating and made a decision. He could not care so much because using the forbidden technique was his only way out of this situation. If giving up forty years of life force meant saving her life, it would be worth it!

After breakfast, he drove Olivia and Chloe to Keyshire Properties before returning to Northpine Villa. He sat inside the villa and found the silver needles he prepared in advance. Then, he followed the instructions in the nameless book and performed acupuncture on himself.

Just as he was left with the last needle before boosting his abilities to Profound Tier Three, he closed his eyes and quietly waited for the moment to come.

Gong! Gong!

The clock struck twelve, and Thomas suddenly opened his eyes, staring unblinkingly at the villa’s door.


Six figures appeared before him, their appearance strangely unanimous. They were all wearing navy blue robes and had gray beards.

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