In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78:

Happy Rotting In Hell The rest of the time is a blur. I vaguely heard that Katherine made a short speech about herself but I couldn’t understand a single word that she said. My mind seemed to be shut down all of a sudden.

Katherine, my best friend in Boston, the girl I’ve known for almost 4 years, is Eason’s mysterious fiancé?!!!

But how is the even possible? So when did this thing settle? Ms. Griswold talked about finding Eason a marriage partner three years ago, so did Katherine already know that she was going to marry Eason back then? Why didn’t she say anything to me? Even if it just became serious recently, she still had plenty of chances to tell me today!

Why the fuck did she keep her mouth shut?!!

I look up numbly, trying to find Eason in the crowd and see his reaction toward this. But he is not standing by the piano anymore. He’s nowhere to be found now.

The buzzing conversation around me becomes louder again as I finally realize that Mr. Ramirez’s opening speech is over. A few people approach where we sit and try to congratulate Katherine on her engagement.

I suddenly jump up, heading towards the front door.


Someone shouls behind my back. I don’t know if it’s Katherine or Alex. But 1 didn’t look back.

I push open the heavy wooden door with all my might and rush outside. The winter wind in Boston is freezing and I’m only wearing a tube-top dress. But weirdly I can’t feel the cold, probably because all my senses were shut down all together with my mind.

Someone catches up me from behind and grabs my shoulder, “Nat where are you going!”

It’s Alex.

I shiver looking at him. He sighs deeply before asking me bluntly, “you and Eason were together for a while three years ago right?” I close my eyes helplessly. I’m not surprised that he knows. He was already suspecting a long time ago.

“Natalia, what are you thinking? Eason is not a nice person. You know as well as I do. I assume you guys had already ended it, which is great. So just ignore him, let him marry anyone he wants and kick that asshole out of your life one thing for all. Isn’t it what you want right now?”

I grab his arm, almost clinging on him to stand straight because I’m shaking like hell. “No, no you don’t understand…yes we ended it. But why does he need to marry Katherine? Of all people, why Katherine!” If his fiancé is a total stranger, I can probably act calm about it and send them my blessing. But knowing that person is Katherine opens a gate to all my dark feelings.

There’s a hint of pity in Alex’s eyes. “I’m shocked, just as you are. Katherine managed to keep us all in the dark. But I heard that her family is really well-off, especially her dad’s side. So it also makes sense.”

Yes it makes sense. Because all those girls, Katherine, Valerie, and all Eason’s exes, they are are pretty, rich, privileged and smart. They are all perfect matches for Eason. I have nothing to compare to them. Those girls make me feel little.

“Just like it go Nat,” Alex tightens his grip on my shoulder. “The business with those upper-class people…it’s messed up. Why make your hands dirty meddling it? You deserve something much better.”


Before I get to say anything else, a slim figure appears behind Alex’s back. Katherine elegantly approaches us smiling, “There you are. Alex, can I have a moment with Nat?”

Alex hesitates but eventually lets go of me. He gives me a worried look before leaving

Me and Katherine stand face-to-face to each other in the cold wind. The smile on her face is warm and sincere as usual, but it suddenly makes me wonder if she ever treated me like a true friend.

“You rushed out before congratulating me first,” she slowly begins. “What’s wrong? Are you not happy for us?”

“How long have you known?” I ask staring at her. I’m tired of circling around and just went straight for the point.

She blinks, innocently. “That I’ll probably marry Eason one day? A long time, actually. That’s why I asked to be transferred into his school, because I want to get to know him before everything finalizes.”

“What?!” 1 gasp, stunned and furious.

She knew the first time she met Eason?

“Of course I knew,” she giggles lightly. “Why else do you think we became close so quickly? Don’t get me wrong Nat, i like you a lot. But I never make friends for no reason.” Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

And then suddenly, everything clears up for me, like a fog being lifted over the hidden secret

She knew she was going to be Eason’s fiancé. That’s why she chose my side, determinedly, when I got singled out by Valerie’s little group. That wasn’t because she really liked me, but because she also hated Eason’s girlfriend.

I also remembered our little trip to the beach house, the time when she invited Eason without asking me first. She said that it was an honest mistake. But now I’ve realized that she probably just wanted to spend more time together with Eason.

I stare at her pretty face and feel goosebumps appearing on my skin. For all these times, she stays close to me and Valerie without saying anything about her relationship with Eason, because she knew she’s going to the final victor.

She terrifies me

“What’s that face?” she is still smiling briskly. “Are you mad?”

“…A little, yes.” I say sternly.

“Well, I’m sorry for keeping it from you. But that’s why you are mad at me, right? And not for some other reasons?”

I clench my jaw and stare at her warily. Does she know what happened between me and Eason? Surely if Alex can find it out, so can she.

As if knowing what I’m thinking, she chuckles and grabs my hands with hers. Her fingers are icily cold, like a snake licking my skin. “Gossips fly quickly in this town,” she says fondly to me. “But I never let those gossips bother me, because I know that some of them aren’t true and some of them are already ancient histories. We can still be close friends, Nat. And you are still Eason’s sister, which basically makes us family. So are you willing to give me

your blessing? As my family?” I gaze at her, silently. She is a calculated and manipulative hypocrite. I have no doubt that if I say no to her now, she’ll tell Mr. Ramirez and everyone else on me right away.

This is a battle I don’t stand a chance winning. “Fine, I forgive you. And you have my blessing.” Yet before her face lights up completely with a smile, I continue, “Because you are a mean and vicious person just like Eason, which makes you guys a perfect couple. Happy rotting in hell.”

With that said, I shake her off firmly and walk to the house without looking back.


It takes me a few days to fully accept the fact that Katherine and Eason are going to be engaged.

And the worst part is that Katherine starts to show up frequently at our house after the announcement. Oftentimes, when I come downstairs, there she is, sitting in the living room with Ms. Griswold and Mr. Ramirez, talking enthusiastically about the engagement ceremony that’s about to come up.

Eason, on the other hand, showed very little interest in this whole engagement thing. He acts as if Katherine is still his old classmate from liigh school and not his fiancé. I don’t know what he has been thinking, and quite frankly I don’t think I should let myself care anymore.

If he’s fine with marrying an evil hypocrite, why should I care?

I plan on leaving Boston sooner to stay away from this whole mess. A day before my departure, while I’m sit in the kitchen having breakfast with the whole family, Katherine shows up unannounced again.

She says she wants to go shopping for engagement ring.

Mom cheers enthusiastically, “Oh great! I can come with you and give you some advice if you like. People have said that I have very good taste in jewelry.” I sigh internally staring at my coffee. Poor mom, she’s probably the only person in this room who has absolutely no clue about anything,

“Actually…” Katherine looks over to Eason, who is checking his email and showed no interest what she has been saying. “…I was thinking maybe Eason could come with me?”

Mr. Ramirez agrees with a nod, “Of course. He should be the one buying the ring.

Eason, please go with Katherine today.” Eason keeps his eyes on his phone and says flatly, “I can’t. I have things to do.” “Eason, this is the engagement ring. It’s kind of a big deal,” mom says disapprovingly. “Surely you can take some time off and go with Katherine?”

Eason slightly raises his brow, giving no comments on what mom said. The room lapses into an awkward silence. And right at this moment, Katherine speaks up smiling, “It’s OK. If Eason can’t come, maybe Natalia can accompany me?” What? I snap my head up from the plate and glare at her. Why is she dragging me into this? “I just need a shopping partner,” Katherine continues lightly. “Nat, you don’t have anything else to do today right?” That little bitch deserves a round of applause. She knows how to put on an act. I don’t know how she can still smile at me, especially after what we said in the yard a couple days ago I want to scold at her, tell her to fuck off. Yet before I do that, I suddenly notice Mr. Ramirez staring at me, his eyes deep and dark like an X-ray.

He wants to see my reaction on this.


I quickly swallow back those cursing words and puts on a casual smile, “Sure. Why not.”

If that little bitch can act, so can I.

“You know what?”

Eason suddenly puts away his phone and turns around to me smiling, “I’m actually free today. I’ll come with you two.” “Oh great!” mom claps excitedly. “Go buy something nice and pretty dear.” I sigh again, this time out loud.

This is not great. This is the opposite of great,

This is like hell.

After breakfast, we go to the largest shopping mall in town together. This is the weirdest shopping team ever. Katherine has been trying to talk to Eason the whole time, but he just keeps ignoring her, like what he did in the restaurant to his ex.

It makes me laugh seeing how hard Katherine tries, but it also makes me wonder. Apparently Eason has no feeling for Katherine. Can he really stay married to someone he hates for 50 years and more?

Or maybe rich people’s marriages just work very differently than ours.

Upon arriving at the mall, Katherine drags us to the largest jewelry store, probably the most expensive one too. She shows a great enthusiasm in everything she sets eyes on in that store. And pretty soon it occurs to me, she’s not only shopping for engagement ring, but also necklace, earrings and brooch.

I take a quick peek at those price tags and almost faint. God, if we are buying off everything she asked to see today, she might max out Eason’s credit card…or not. Eason has more money than I can possibly imagine. He is the last person I should be worried about right now.

I glance sideway at the future groom, who is sitting in the corner checking his phone, not giving a damn about the fact that his fiancé is looting the store.

OK that’s it. I need air.


I stand up quietly from my seat and exit the VIP lounge. There’s a private restroom for customer in the store so I don’t need to go outside.

Just when I close the door to my little stall, the restroom’s door opens up again. Two people come inside talking. Judging by their conversation, they are salespeople in this store.

“So I heard Ms. Booth come in today?”

Ms. Booth? My ear perks up. That’s Katherine’s last name. Are they talking about Katherine?

“Yes. And who would have thought?” the other says in a voice of contempt. “I can still remember the ugliness when she got forcefully removed from our store last time. She’s got big nerve coming back here.”

I cover my mouth in shock. Oh iy god.

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