In Ruins: A Dark High School Bully Romance (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

In Ruins: Chapter 19

After Fox’s strange display in his Jeep, he released me, leaving me stunned, before coming around to my door and opening it for me.

“Go home, Rosie,” he murmured as I stepped into the night air. “Before I do something I regret.” His gaze leveled on me.

I stared up at him, seeing no emotion on his face.

His hand moved out and cradled my cheek before he gently brushed my bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes locked on the movement.

“You have until the count of three, Rosie, before I hurt you.”

“It’s too late,” I whispered. Then I swallowed down the scared whimper in my throat, unsure what he meant by hurt me, but not wanting to find out. I pulled myself from him and scampered to my house. When I chanced a look back before stepping into my foyer, he stood there, watching me in the dark.

I hurried inside, locking the door behind me, my heart hammering so hard I wasn’t sure it would ever slow down.

I BARELY SLEPT, Fox’s face in all my dreams. When morning finally rolled around, I went outside to find he’d left already. Getting into my car and driving to school relaxed me. I parked in the back lot and walked into the school. The guys were gathered where they always did, all of them looking cheerful. With the exception of Fox, of course. He was still brooding.

Ethan scribbled in a black notebook, Cole reading over his shoulder, a grin plastered on his face. I had the feeling it was the same notebook I’d seen with the guys before, but them sharing a notebook seemed odd. I was probably overthinking the entire thing.

“Sunshine!” Enzo called out, a grin spreading onto his lips when he saw me. “Come here, baby girl.”

Despite my attempt to not feel anything for the guys, my heart couldn’t help but thrum excitedly in my chest as I stepped onto the sidewalk and made my way over to them, all their eyes locked on me.

“You look good today,” Cole commented, his gaze sweeping over me as he stepped away from Ethan who snapped the notebook closed and stuffed it into his bag. “I could gobble you up.”

I blushed at his words.

“Did you sleep well?” Ethan asked, concern on his face as he took me in.

I gave him a wobbly smile, glancing at Fox who stood still as a statue, his eyes fixed on me.

“Not really,” I admitted.

“Got you worked up too much last night, huh?” Cole winked at me, making me flush.

Enzo reached out and gave my ponytail a playful tug.

“You were supposed to pick me up this morning,” Juliet’s angry voice cut in before I could answer as she stormed over.

Fox tore his eyes away from me and stared at her like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Must have slipped my mind.”

That set her off. “What the hell is the matter with you?” Juliet snarled, getting in Fox’s face even more.

I backed away awkwardly as his gaze roved over to me. She followed it, her glare hardening.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she hissed, advancing on me.

Enzo wrapped his arm around my midsection and pulled me to him.

“I’d step the fuck back if I were you,” Cole growled, moving to stand in front of me and Enzo, effectively blocking Juliet.

Juliet halted in her tracks, her eyes narrowing.

“Is she fucking both of you now?” Her voice was like ice as her gaze swiveled to Fox’s. “Or is it the three of you?”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“Juliet, you’re making a fool out of yourself,” Fox finally spoke, his voice soft and impassive.

“You’re the one fucking freakshow—”

“You know I’m not,” Fox snapped back at her.

“Come on, Sunshine. Let’s let the lovers quarrel,” Enzo said, giving me a squeeze.

Fox shot a glare in our direction which made Cole chuckle.

“Good luck, Fox. Oh, and Juliet?” Cole called out as we moved away from them. She tore her stare from Fox’s and focused on Cole. “Fox isn’t fucking Rosalie. Not yet, at least.”

Juliet’s face reddened as Fox locked his eyes on mine. A shiver raced through me as a hunger flashed through those baby blues. He didn’t bother correcting Cole who only laughed in his dark way while falling in step with me, Enzo, and Ethan.

“You really enjoy screwing everything up, don’t you?” I hissed at Cole as we walked away from Fox and Juliet who were now having it out on the lawn. I managed to push the idea of Fox and me out of my mind.

Cole shrugged. “I’m just waiting for Fox to make his move. Sometimes he needs a little push.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about but don’t drag me into your drama. I already have a hard enough time with Juliet. I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t make it worse.”

“She’s right. Juliet is a bitch,” Ethan piped up.

I shot him a grateful look for sticking with me. He smiled back sweetly, giving me a wink.

“I’m with Ethan. Fox should’ve ditched Juliet ages ago. This is the kick he needs to do it,” Enzo chimed in.

“Not at my expense,” I argued, the guys flanking me on the walk to my locker. Students stared as we passed by, the nerd escorted by three of the school’s hottest and most powerful guys.

“Your expense?” Cole laughed. “Baby, you’re going to thank us when this is all over.”

“I’ll only be thanking you if the video disappears.”

“Hey, uh, Rosalie?” Jamie called out, stopping before she reached us.

I turned my attention on her, a pang in my chest. We’d barely spoken since the guys started hanging around, or rather, forcing themselves into my life.


“Uh.” Her gaze darted between the three guys. When none of them made a move to leave, she swallowed and focused on me. “I was wondering if you wanted to catch up after school. Things have been hectic lately.” Her gaze swept among the guys.

I knew what she was saying. Things had gone to shit since the guys’ arrival into my life.

Before I answered, I looked to the guys.

“You should go,” Ethan offered. “You really helped me out last night with that calculus. I think I might be getting it.”

“Yeah, what I want has to wait anyway,” Cole mused, his eyes sliding over my body, making me blush.

“We can meet up after you catch up with…” Enzo looked at Jamie. “What’s your name again?”

Jamie flushed. “Jamie.”

“Right, Jamie. Sorry, doll. I’m terrible with names.” Enzo let out a good-natured laugh. “You cool with that?” Enzo cocked his head at me.

“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.” I let out a breath of relief at the small amount of freedom given to me.

“Awesome. I’ll see you at lunch?” Jamie questioned.

I hated having to do it, but I looked at the guys once more for their answer.

Cole smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and nodded to Jamie. “Yeah, see you at lunch.”

Jamie cast one last confused look among us all before leaving us alone.

“You guys are ruining my life,” I muttered, opening my locker.

“That’s the point,” Cole said.

“No, it’s not. Don’t listen to him.” Ethan elbowed Cole who grinned widely.

“How much longer do I have to do this? Like, I want my life back. Now I’m a freakshow who has you guys’ attention. People are saying shit—”

“Sunshine, it’s all good shit from what I’ve heard,” Enzo broke in.

“The hell it is!” I yelped, staring at him in disbelief. “I’m supposedly sleeping with you and Cole—”

“And you don’t want to? Because last night suggested something else entirely.” Cole smirked knowingly at me. “So what’s really the problem?”

“You know what the problem is.” I turned on him, furious. “You know I don’t want any of this.”

“Again with your damn lies, Sunshine. Ease up on yourself. It’s perfectly fine to want us to run a train on you.” Enzo chuckled, tugging my ponytail.

I flushed furiously at his words, feeling like dirt in the process, even though everything inside of me was begging to admit his words held truth.

“Guys,” Ethan sighed. “Knock it off. She’s clearly uncomfortable.”

“Are you kidding me, Ethan? You want to be her first?” Cole’s grin widened as he teased Ethan.

“Be better than you shitheads. At least, I wouldn’t scare her to death.”

“No, you’d probably spout sonnets to her and make her dinner,” Enzo joked.

“Can we not talk about any of you screwing me? I’d like to not add orgy to my list of offenses here at this school.”

Cole grinned again. “Is that what it would be?”

“Shut up,” I muttered, shoving away from them. I was grateful they didn’t follow, their laughter enough to make me shake my head, pushing down the excitement in my chest at the prospect of their words and promising myself I’d never let it happen.

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