Inevitably Yours

Chapter 72

I ended up in the basement under every blanket we had down there. Michael talked to me until he fell asleep, and I stayed on the phone after listening to his breathing. Sapphire was silent, and of course, I couldn’t sleep. Listening to Michael talk then sleep calmed me enough to not claw my skin off. If he suspected anything was wrong, he didn’t say anything.

Eventually, I hung up the phone, knowing it was creepy to listen to him snore softly. It took me a while longer, but I mustered up the strength to go back upstairs when the sun was coming up. My parents never came home, so I could only assume they stayed somewhere after the reception.

First, I went to the bathroom to assess the damage. At first, I couldn’t look in the mirror. I was afraid of what would be looking back at me. Before I could bring myself to turn around, the doorbell rang.

I took a shuddering breath and headed to the door, still not looking in the mirror. I couldn’t tell who was standing on the other side through the glass, but they began ringing the doorbell insistently. Something cold slid down my spine. I opened the door and regretted it immediately.


All the air left my lungs. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak.

“Babe, that wasn’t how I wanted that to happen,” Jaxx said. His eyes were wide, his face scared. I took a step back, tripping over my own feet. The door opened more, and Jaxx stepped in, reaching for me as my butt hit the ground. I scrambled back until I hit the wall.

“Don’t run from me. I’m sorry. We’ve been together so long and….” he trailed off, looking at me with a hurt expression.

“You didn’t give me time to think!” I shouted, surprised that I had gotten out a whole sentence. He stepped forward, and I pulled my knees up to my chest, stopping him from moving closer.

“I’m so sorry. My wolf has been pushing for control lately. You just looked so good; you always do. I’ve wanted to take things further forever now but you are always so shy. I pulled you on top of me, and I could feel the heat. Goddess, I didn’t mean to do it; I just completely lost my senses,” he explained.

My l*p trembled. I didn’t know what to say; I wanted to run, but I couldn’t make myself move. Jaxx took another step closer and crouched down. I couldn’t move further away.

“Please, babe. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I have to do, but let me fix it. I love you; you know that,” he said.

“I-I wasn’t ready….” I stuttered.

“I know. I f****d up so bad. I’m so sorry, more sorry than I have ever been. I love you,” he repeated.

I shook my head. “I…I…” I had no idea what to say. I wanted him to go; I couldn’t think straight.

“I love you so much. Please. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Just give me another chance,” he begged. My phone rang from the kitchen counter. Jaxx looked toward the kitchen, but I didn’t move. With a sigh, he stood and walked to the kitchen. He returned only a moment later. “It’s your dad,” he said, holding my phone out to me but otherwise keeping his distance.

With a shaking hand, I reached up for it. I answered, Jaxx holding my gaze. “Quinny?” my dad’s voice said.

“Hi, Dad,” I said quietly.

“Oh, you were probably sleeping in. I just wanted to check on you. Your mom and I will be home in a little while,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

“Don’t eat anything; we’ll bring donuts,” he said. “See you in a bit.”

Jaxx continued to watch me as I slowly lowered the phone. “I don’t have to be here when your family returns, but I don’t want to leave until you talk to me.”

I shook my head and looked away from him. I wanted to shower again. “Please, go,” I whispered.

Jaxx moved, kneeling in front of me. His hand grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I love you. We can work through this,” he said. My breath caught in my throat. “Don’t push me out. I can fix this.” I swallowed, trying to make myself breathe again. I wanted my wolf.

Jaxx’s eyes bore into me, and he didn’t let go. His grip was firm, but he wasn’t hurting me. I searched for words, but I had nothing. Finally, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

“I really mean it. I’m so, so sorry, and I love you. I’m going to call you tonight so we can talk, okay?” he said. All I could do was nod my head fractionally. “We’re gonna be okay,” he said, letting go. He slowly stood and stepped back. When I didn’t move, he held out his hand.

I realized he was waiting for me to get to my feet too. I pushed myself up slowly, using the wall to help. When I was upright, he dropped his hand.

“I’ll call you tonight,” he said. With a tight smile, he turned and left the house, closing the door behind him.

Christy called later, begging me to go prom dress shopping. I went with her, not wanting to sit at home for Jaxx to show up again. Luckily for me, she was in a chatty mood and did all the talking.

It got awkward momentarily when she asked if I had gotten my dress yet. “Why would I get a dress? I’m a sophomore; we have to be invited to prom,” I said stupidly.

“But you’re dating a senior. Aren’t you going to his prom?” she asked. My stomach knotted, and I didn’t answer right away. “Wait, he hasn’t asked you yet?”

I shook my head, and she looked perplexed. “I guess maybe he assumes you know,” she said, worry still in her voice.

“Maybe,” I said, wishing she’d move on.

“Maybe we should find some things for you to try on,” she suggested.

“I’m okay,” I told her. “If we go, I can just wear something I already have.” How was I supposed to think about prom when I couldn’t even figure out how last night happened?

“Alright,” she said. “If you say so. Okay, so I’m torn. Rainbow or pink?” I sighed in relief at her subject change.

On our way home, Christy got a call from Aubree, asking if she wanted to come over. She excitedly accepted and asked if I could tag along. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I wasn’t really up for more social interaction, and I didn’t want to explain why. Aubree told her I was always welcome and that he would give Jaxx a call so we could all hang out together. I tried to insist that it wasn’t necessary.

When we got to Aubree’s, Jaxx was waiting on the front porch for us. Christy smiled and waved, heading around the back to where her mate was waiting for her and giving us some ‘alone time.’

I lingered on the walkway, not sure what to do. I didn’t want to make a scene and have to explain what happened. I didn’t think I could say it out loud, let alone tell my best friend. Jaxx approached me slowly.

“I didn’t plan this,” he said quietly. I just stared at him silently. “Can we just get through tonight? We can talk after or maybe I’ll take you home. Christy will probably stay with Bree tonight.”

I just blinked, not sure what to do. Jaxx reached forward and grabbed my hand. “Babe, I’m so sorry,” he said again.

“Okay, cut the make-out short. Parents incoming,” Christy linked. Aubree’s mom came around the house.

“Jaxx and Quinn! I’m so glad you guys came. Please, go on back. There is plenty of food cooking!” she said excitedly as she approached us.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jaxx smiled his usual cheery smile. He interlaced our fingers and tugged me to follow. I did, not knowing how else to get myself out of this.

We came around the back of the house and started across the yard where a small firepit was already going. Pans were propped over the flames, and I could smell peppers and onions cooking. Christy was giggling about something.

“Let’s not project our problems to everyone tonight,” Jaxx whispered in my ear. “We’ll work this out, but we don’t need to involve our friends.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Hey guys, hungry? We’re about to put the chicken on,” Aubree called.

“Starving,” Jaxx replied. He squeezed my hand and looked down at me.

“I-I’m good. You guys go ahead,” I said quietly. I wanted to be anywhere but there.

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