It Comes In Three's

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Lottie’s POV

“Ready?” Anna calls down the hall, as I inhale a long slow breath staring at myself one last time in the mirror.

I had managed to cover the majority of the marks using a range of different beauty products, and to top it off, I decided to place two skin coloured plasters over two of the deeper cuts in order to help hide them

I guessed that nobody would question a small plaster so hopefully the plan would work out ok!

I stare at myself, seeing the small uniform hugging my body perfectly revealing mostly everything – which made my stomach twist into knots at the thought of being noticed in it.

Luckily though, the skirt and top left only a small gap for my stomach, similar to the gym set I had worn for the auditions. The small gap seemed to comfort me slightly – knowing that I at least had one less problem area to worry about!

“Jace is around the corner!” Anna calls one more time, as I sigh, knowing I had to get on with it now… no turning back!

My hair sat in bouncy long curls, as I attempted to fix my lipstick with one that Anna had given me.

I’m not very good at doing this whole normal girl thing!

I almost felt like an imposter, staring at the well put together girl facing me in the mirror… I felt like I was living a lie… pretending to be normal for once in my life.

“Ok he’s here!” Anna chimes, as I dust off my skirt and head downstairs for the main door.

I make my way down the steps, seeing Anna rushing around and shoving some last minute things into a handbag.

“We need a picture together in these uniforms! We look so freaking good!” Anna turns to me, squealing excitedly, before she grabs my hand and pulls us out of the house.

Jace’s car is parked up, as my stomach churns the second that the fresh air hits my bare legs.

“Ok I’ve locked up let’s go and get drunk girl!” Anna hooks her arm in mine after locking the door, gaining my attention as she skips us towards the car – opening the door for me to climb in.

Anna follows behind me in to the back, as I immediately suffocate under the intense atmosphere – instantly noticing that Alex was beside Jace in the passenger seat…

“You both took your time!” Alex states bluntly, his eyes darting back to us in the mirror, as Jace laughs starting up the car.

“Where’s your own car then dummy? You didn’t have to wait on us!” Anna argues back, as I remain silent – playing with the ends of the skirt in an attempt to control my breathing.

He makes me so damn nervous!

“In the garage!” He grumbles back, as Anna scoffs.

“Well that sounds like a problem for you not us!” Anna grins over at me as I force a smile back – deciding to turn my attention over to the passing streets outside of the window.

Jace thankfully turns on the radio, filling the car with loud music as I relax slightly from the distraction.

It doesn’t take us long before we turn down a street seeming to be full of what I would consider mansions. The houses were all huge yet very different in shape and style as I admired each and every one on the way by…

The car began to slow, as I instantly noticed a few people standing out front of a large white home – as they stagger around and laugh.

Is this seriously where Del lives… f**k!

I gape out at the home, before my thoughts are confirmed the second that Anna’s voice reaches my ears-

“Come on Lottie! Let’s go in and have some fun!” Anna squeals, as I shake out of my thoughts and clammer my way out of the car.

The two boys had already gone ahead, as Anna comes around to link her arm with mine – leading me towards the upbeat music and staggering teens. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Don’t worry we will have a great time! I can tell you’re nervous!” Anna whispers softly to me, as we pass by people – who might I add do not hide the fact that they are checking us out!

I gulp, reaching the main entrance, as we push open the door only to be greeted with the busy hallways.

People are moving, dancing, drinking and laughing as we push our way inside, following Anna’s guidance.

We soon enough reach a kitchen, with patio doors leading out to a huge back yard with a pool!

“This place is incredible!” I admit, as Anna nods in agreement.

“Yeah and to think it’s all his!” Anna shakes her head looking around briefly, as my mouth hits the floor.

“You’re kidding? Does his parents not live here too?!” I practically scream, as Anna moves around the area efficiently – grabbing us cups and pouring us what I’m guessing is our first drink of the night.

“They did live here, but then they moved into somewhere bigger for his younger siblings… I mean not that this place was already big enough! But Dels parents are rich, rich! It’s pretty much just Del, Alex and Jace who live here most of the time now. But I can’t complain about it because Del really does look after the place and he keeps it nice!” Anna informs me, as she pops two straws into the red plastic cups before handing me one.

“Yeah that’s fair enough I suppose!” I nod, having always sort of liked Del out of the three… he didn’t seem so scary compared to the other two at times.

“Let’s go find the birthday boy then shall we?” Anna links our arms again, as we head out to the back yard…

I decide to lift the straw to my lips – wanting to find out what alcohol tastes like as I take a slow sip of the pink liquid.

“Oh!” I pull back In surprise, as Anna stops and eyes me excitedly.

“Nice isn’t it? That’s a pink gin with lemonade! Not your typical shit vodka – that’s the good stuff girl!” Anna laughs loudly, as I join in nodding my approval.

I’m surprised I like it!” I admit, taking another long sip as she laughs more.

“Just don’t drink it too quickly! It may taste good but it’s strong!” She confirms, before her eyes grow wide and she points across the yard.

“There he is!” Anna perks up, as my attention turns towards the decking area where I instantly spot a topless Del as people cheer for him

to finish his drink

His body though…

I follow Anna, as she leads us towards him, as he continues to entertain the small crowd. As we grow closer, I notice Jace and Alex who are both seated on chairs – drinking from their cups and laughing at him.

This is going to be a wild night…

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