Its Too Late To Forgive

Chapter 45: 45. SLEEP WITH ME

Chapter 45: 45. SLEEP WITH ME

New York

"Splash ~ ~ "

... with a loud noise the crystal ashtray banged the wall and turned into broken glass.

"Thud ~ ~ "

... the photoframe went flying and hit the opposite wall and broke into pieces.

"How dare he??"

"Spat ~ ~ "

... yet another flowerpot turned into trash.


... said the angry furious man while clinching his teeth together. How dare he! How dare did Jason claimed Bella to be his woman!

Henry's eyes were blood red with anger and jealousy. Even though he knew that there was no reason to be angry so much. Even though in these past four years, he did sometimes think about Bella but he never really missed her.

But today when he saw her helpless face and those empty eyes at the time when she had almost drowned in the glass container he suddenly recalled the mistake he had done years back on the beach.

....... After bitting Bella's nipple, Henry almost tore her panties too. At this moment he wanted nothing else except to make her his at any cost. He wanted to mark her and may be that's why in rage he bit her hard.

But as soon as he saw her crying and her frightened face, he stopped his action. He was too proud to admit his mistake which he has already realized. He left Bella and swam towards the other side of sea.

He must have swam for 5 minutes or less when he heard girls screaming and boys calling names. He stopped and turned around and saw their entire group gathered at the same place, same rock, where he was with Bella few minutes back. Few of their group boys were diving in the sea.

He somehow felt disturbed in his heart. His eyes started scanning of Bella. But to his fear he couldn't see her and then reality struck him that he forgot that Bella can't swim at all and he had taken her to the deeper part of the sea and left her without anything to hold on to.

Suddenly her empty eyes came infront of him. He immediately started swimming towards the rock. Everything was a Chios. Girls were screaming , boys were taking turns diving into the sea. But his Bella was no where to be found.

He saw Vivian , who was crying on top of her voice. Even though she was not a very good swimmer but she also jumped into the sea to look for Bella. He was unable to find Cindy though. But at this moment nothing was important for him then to save Bella.

Fifteen had already passed and Bella was no where to be found. Then suddenly Brandon came out of the sea holding a delicate and petite figure in his hand. Seeing that Henry approached towards Brandon. He wanted to hold Bella in his arms and tell her how much he was sorry for his action and how much he loved her.

Other boys started approaching towards Brandon to help him carry Bella but Brandon suddenly screamed and told everyone not to come close to him and waved at Vivian. Vivian understood at once and immediately went and bought a beach towel. Inspite of Brandon's refusal, Henry approached Bella but was stopped by Vivian.

He wanted to take Bella from Brandon's arm but when he saw in what status Bella was he stopped. Vivian immediately covered Bella and gave a threatening looks to Henry.

The mighty Henry stopped and lowered his head. He understood that Vivian knew what he has done.

Just then Cindy came running towards Henry and held his hands in fear. Brandon carried Bella , accompanied by Vivian , towards the ambulance and left the beach without even talking to Henry. Before the ambulance gate closed , Brandon turned and saw Henry holding Cindy's hand while Cindy was leaning on his shoulders.

Henry immediately removed her head from his shoulder and her hand but he knew that it was too late as he had already seen disappointment in Brandon's eyes. He had already seen Bella's condition. And he knew why Brandon stopped other young masters to come close to her.

Bella's left breast was completely exposed, as he had torn her bra completely from that side, with prominent bite mark on it. Her panties were half torn too. She was almost naked when Brandon took her out of the sea and Henry knew that it was all

his fault.

He knew his anger sometimes controls his mind more then what it should. But what he didn't know that because of his this anger one day he will destroy his life and someone else's too, forever.

Bella didn't speak to Henry for almost for one month following that incidence. She was now sure that he doesn't love her. Unfortunately Henry's 21st birthday was next week and Bella had no choice but she had to face him again. Finally on his 21st birthday they saw each other but Henry never came to her or spoke to her once.

"Young master Jackson, what's your next order?"

Henry was brought out of thoughts when he heard Martin calling for him.

"Prepare the plane, we are going back."

"But young master, it's your enga......"

Before Martin could speak further , he was stopped by the looks of those two furious eyes.

Henry also doesn't understand why is he acting like this. He was sure that he broke all his ties with Bella the day Cindy died. But still after that he kept going back to the prison to feel her.

He already had a good share of females in his life. But since he had sex with Bella , he felt something missing everytime he was intimate with other girls.

He raised his hand and continously looked at them as if he can still feel her soft body on his fingers. He closed his eyes and he could see her smiling face.

After a while when he opened his eyes they were once again blood red in colour. He was still remembering the scene when he saw Jason tearing Bella's already soaked shirt and exposing her upper body completely to him. He clenched his fingers into a fist and hit the near by table aloud. The voice even made Martin shake a bit.

'Bella is mine and only mine. Jason who can't claim my woman. I am coming back Bella and I will make sure you keep in mind to whom do you belong to.'


It's been two days since that incidence and Bella had been in peace since then. Young master Jason has also not appeared infront of her and due to her bad health even Claire has not appointed any task to her.

Without any work as an attendant, Bella is working in the kitchen and helping Mrs. Potts with her cooking or washing utensils. Just then Mrs. Potts received an order but with instructions Bella was suppose to deliver the food to private floor 30th, the BOSS'S DEN.

Bella didn't think much, she picked up the order, placed it in the trolley and left. She suddenly remembered that all the elevators need passcode to reach the private floors especially 30th floor. To her surprise as soon as she entered the elevator, the later started and reached the designated floor in no seconds.

Bella was little dizzy because of the speed but soon she calmed down. The door of the elevator opened and Bella entered the private floor. She crossed the living room and reached the dinning room, which was small but exquisite. Black and Grey Italian furniture, Persian carpet and antique paintings on the walls were all reflecting Henry of what Bella remembered.

She smiled a bit when she saw one of the painting of two youngsters, the boy was teasing the girl while pulling her pony tail and the girl was eating an ice cream. Seeing that Bella remembered how she and Henry used to fight over ice cream and always in the end Henry would give up seeing her cry and give the ice cream to her. While thinking about the past did make Bella sad and she immediately gained her senses back when she heard someone clearing his throat from behind.

Bella turned to see Henry stack naked only wearing his towel on his waist. His hair were still dripping water that was flowing luxuriously on his well built eight packed abs. Fresh smell of lily and sandalwood was emitting from his body. If it was past then surely Bella would have jumped on him and kissed him but now she dare not even breath in the same room as him.

"Why are you standing here?" Henry spoke in an authoritive manner. He heard the elevator opening around 10 minutes back and was expecting Bella, by now, must have set the table and waited for him on dinning table.

"S.... sir, your breakfast." said Bella while keeping her focus on the floor.

"Arrange it on the table and wait for me."

Saying that Henry left for his room. After a while Henry came back and sat on the main chair of this luxurious table. He looked at the breakfast and was happy to see how appetizing it appeared. He knew that Mrs. Potts always puts extra love while making food for him.

After settling himself , he looked at the woman standing at the corner of the room with her head down. If someone saw this gesture of her's in the school they would think that she is been punished for doing something wrong. Henry was some what not comfortable seeing her standing like this.


"Y...yes sir!"

Bella replied while keeping her head down.

"Hmmm ... come sit and have breakfast with me."


Bella could not say a word and infact was very confused if she heard it correct or not.

"I don't like repeating my words.. come and have breakfast with me." Henry spoke casually.

Bella left with no choice moved forward to sit on the table. It was a table for six. In place of sitting on the chair next to Henry, Bella sat on very extreme corner sit, little away from Henry.

Another 10 minutes nobody spoke. Finally Henry said,

"Aren't you going to serve?"

"Y.... yes sir..."

Bella said. She immediately got up and walked towards Henry. One by one she started serving the food in Henry's plate. Through out the process her hands were shaking. Her frightened and scared emotions were clearly visible from her face, which did not escape Henry's eyes.

After finishing it, she once again went and sat on her chair and waited for her next orders.

"Start..." Henry commanded.

He then noticed that Bella has not taken much to eat. When he said start she took a small bowl of porridge, not more then two spoons. She didn't touch anything else which were suppose to be her favorites.

Her every move , her expressions didn't go unnoticed by Henry. He saw how she was forcing herself to eat this small portion of porridge. She took a small bite - as small as possible, and then to gulp it she would drink atleast half a glass of water.

"Don't eat if you don't like it."

said Henry who was still looking at his plate and eating. Bella didn't answer anything, actually she didn't have any answer and continued to eat. After finishing her bowl she kept still.

"Don't you want to eat anything else?"

"No sir, my tummy is full."

Henry noticed that she has not even looked at any other food and what he really didn't like is that she didn't even look at him once also since she is on his floor. Henry clearly knew that Bella was lying.

After returning from US , Henry made sure that all the cameras for the club is also connected to either his phone and in that he saw that as Bella didn't have any PR work since last 3 days, she was helping Mrs. Potts in the kitchen. Same like yesterday and day before, she landed in the kitchen at 5 in the morning and without any break or eating anything she was working till 10.

Somehow Henry didn't like it so he purposely called for breakfast and made sure that all the dishes are her favorites. But was very upset that forget about eating, Bella didn't even look at the dishes.

After finishing the food, Bella cleared everything. Asked for his permission and left. It was in the elevator that Bella could breath properly. Ofcourse Henry saw this in his monitor and was very upset thinking that Bella was so scared of him that she couldn't even breath properly in his presence. Shouldn't he be happy. This is what he wanted.

Henry continued with this routine for almost a week. During this time Jason never came back to the club. Even though she somewhat missed his presence but dealing with Henry and Jason at the same time was difficult for her. Same week none of her club mates caused any trouble for her, Sheela was also no where to be seen. She was told that Sheela has left for her hometown and shall return after some days. For this, Bella was surely relieved.

Bella was once again sitting with Henry in his dinning room where they were suppose to have thier breakfast. As usual Bella took a small portion of porridge and plenty of water. Seeing that Henry couldn't stop himself from asking,

"Since when you have developed habit of drinking lot of water during the meal. "

Bella immediately stopped her hand which was about to take the glass. Henry ofcourse noticed this. Henry was not happy that Bella never ate anything with him so he started looking at the footage of lunch and dinner hours.

He was initially surprised to see that every day Bella would sit alone in an extreme corner with a bottle of soy milk and one big bottle of water. Her diet never changed weither it's dinner or lunch. Later he recollected what Mrs. Potts and Sophia had said in Claire's office that Bella never eats anything in the canteen and neither she goes out with anyone for meal.

Henry really wondered how Bella lost so much of weight and seeing her daily routine he guessed that it's surely related to her diet. But as food is free for the club employees then why doesn't she eat well.

May be she doesn't like the taste of the food that's prepared. But Henry never heard any costumers or employees complaining about the quality of the food served in the club. But he also wondered that why Bella never even touched or picked up a plate to serve herself. He really wanted to get some answers.

"You have not answered me yet Bella."

Henry asked again. Bella wanted to laugh at this point. 'Why was he asking such thing? Doesn't he remember it was his orders to destroy her voice box. Probably he wanted to spoil her voice and accidently destroyed her food pipe.' truly Bella was still naive. In so much of horror also she felt optimistic.

"My throat hurts."

then she again became silent like before.

"Hurts.. why?"

Henry was not actually surprised by hearing this answer as he

remembered clearly that even Mrs.Potts said that Bella’s throat hurts while eating. But why? that's what he wants to know now.

After getting no answer from Bella , he got more frustrated and walked out. He actually doesn't understand why was he acting like that. Was it because of what Jason said the other day or because he still has feelings for Bella.

As usual Bella didn't get any work for today also. it's been almost a ten days that nobody has asked her for company. She knew very well that no one really wanted her company but like everyday, she waited today also for someone to call her.

At around 01:00 in the night when nobody called her, she finally picked her rugged bag and signed out of the club and started walking towards her dorm.

For once she actually missed Tiffany, Jenny and Sheela. Even if they played dirty with her, she atleast earned because of them. She knew she was still far away from making 8 millions. She has to work harder. She was so engrossed in her thoughts and in this dark lonely night that she didn't realize a black Maybach following her.

The man sitting on the back seat could clearly feel the girl in front of him could not walk properly as he could for the first time see that she was actually limping while walking and time to time she moved her right hand on her tight leg as if to support it and give her strength.

He suddenly recollected that when he chased her out of the taxi and asked her to come to him, she couldn't walk and he believed that she was acting. Then again after the dog act when she got up, their was sharp pain on her face and she was actually hammering her right leg with her right hand. Is something really wrong with her leg? He wondered.

After walking for 20 minutes or so, Bella eached her dorm gate and opened it. It was as usual empty as all the other girls were working in the club. After switching on the light, she changed her shoes into a worn out slippers and was about to close the door when it was held by someone and was opened forcefully.

Bella lost her balance and fell on the ground. She was so scared that as Henry brought his hands to help her get up, in place of looking at him, Bella rolled herself into a ball , hid her head in between her legs and started trembling.

"Noooooo, please Noooooo. Don't hit me,,,, please don't hit me."

Bella didn't look at him and was continously repeating the same thing over and over again while shaking her head.

Henry was shocked to see this. 'Did I really scare her so much? or is she acting?'

Henry felt confused, he grabbed her hands and shook her hard. After a while Bella calmed down. She knew that due to sudden encroachment of a man she was scared and got her hysteric attack. Seeing her normal, Henry asked,

"Which one is your room?"

Bella honestly pointed on to the one which was on extreme right end.

"Sir, would you like to have some water?"

Bella asked out of courtesy as she was sure that Henry will refuse. Henry was a clean freak and eating or drinking at somebody else's place was out of question.

"Yes, sure."

Before Bella could finish her sentence, Henry agreed. Bella looked at him in shock but as she had offered, she has to make it. While Bella was in the kitchen, Henry entered her room and started looking around Bella's room.

There was nothing special about the room decor. A single bed attached to the wall which had a small window on it, a small table and chair and one wardrobe. The room itself was also small but clean. Her window and bed were covered with same pattern cloth. Though the print was flowery but the material was rough.

He then opened her wardrobe. To his surprise it was almost empty. There were only two pairs of clothings kept inside along with two cleaning lady's clothes. One pair of woolen clothes and a worn out coat. Henry was surprised because he remembered that once Bella's wardrobe used to be full of designers and latest clothes. She was a princess for her family.

On name of makeup items , there was only a simple comb. No cream, no mascara, no lipsticks nothing. Even though Bella never applied makeup earlier also but she surely had a collection of all makeup items.

Then he saw a small pouch. He opened it , there were few documents inside. First what came in his hand, brought back hundreds of memories of the past in a flash of a second. This was an identity card which had Bella's photograph taken 5 years back. He touched her photograph in which she was in her peak youth , pink chubby cheeks, plump lips, sparkling smile and pair if eyes for which any guy can die for.

He remembered how her body used to react to his touches. How she used to close her eyes and her body trembled whenever he kissed on her earlobes and neck. He smelled the photograph as if he was actually smelling Bella’s natural lily and rose smell. Her juicy plump lips which he really wanted to taste but never could. Her eyes full of love, full of him and him alone.

Then he suddenly remembered those eyes full of despair , pain and fright. He remembered how Bella always begged him to leave her when they had sex. He was still confused why Bella always refused and protested him for not touching her.

He knew on the very same day that Claire lied to him that Bella had slept with many young masters before and was pretending to be innocent. Initially he believed it but when he saw massive blood stains on backseat of his car when he had sex with Bella for the first time. Her tightness, her struggle and her flim proved that she was a virgin and ofcourse the way her body was trembling on his touch, he knew that nobody has touched her like how he did before.

For a minute he felt guilty for what he has done but that guilt didn't last for more then a second when another face came infront of him. And this beautiful face was of Cindy, his woman, a woman who was carrying his baby. And was brutally raped and killed by Bella.

Henry held his palm in a fist and crumbled the ID card into a ball and threw it inside the drawer. It landed on another set of documents, a file, a hospital file - Civil Hospital. Henry was about to pick it up when his focus was shifted to another page which was kept below the file.

His eyes darkened and were now filled with anger, rage and destruction. He wanted to destroy this woman.

Just then Bella entered the room with a glass if warm water in her hand. In anger, Henry threw the glass away which immediately broke in hundred of pieces. Before Bella could react, She was pinned on the wall by her neck. Henry was pinching hard on her neck. Bella couldn't really understand how did she anger this man again!

Henry shouted in anger, “Struggle! Ask me to stop! .... Why not struggle ha!... Why not beg me! ... Don’t you love to kneel down and beg for mercy the most! Ah! Fight back dammit!!”

He was angry, but he did not know why! He was frustrated but did not know on whom!! What he knew was the minute he saw 'Al' written on the envelope he was in anger.

"Whom did you write this letter to? Ah... Al! Now you want to communicate with him through this mode..." Henry said while pressing his hands with more pressure on her neck.

"M.... my l...l...letter...." Bella tried to move her hands and take the letter back from Henry's hands. But she was quite shorter then Henry and ofcourse weaker.

Henry was now even more irritated. Firstly by reading what was written in the letter,

'Al, I miss you. Give me some more time and we shall be together forever. I love you Al and I will surely come to you.'

This woman was so ready to leave him and go.with Alen now that rather then struggling for her life, she was now struggling to get that letter back. Has Alen become so important to her.

“I said, struggle! I tell you to struggle to get free from my hold!”

'Does she want to die than struggle to be free? No! She cares about Alen so much that she would rather die than show her weakness to me!'

Henry didn’t realize that he was been eaten by Alen James's jealousy and his crazy behavior was more like a kid who was throwing tantrums but still was not able to get the toy he wanted.

He didn’t even realize that by doing this, what he wanted was not Bella's 'struggle' and 'begging for mercy' or even her 'showing weakness'. What he wanted was her to show that he still held that place in her heart that cannot be replaced by anyone else. Be it Jason Morris or Alen James. just one of her attitudes—one in her heart.

Suddenly, he let go of his hand and looked at her condescendingly, as if looking at an ant, his thin lips outlined a sneer,

“Two million, SLEEP WITH ME for one night.”

'Bella, you love money so much don't you. Then let me see whether Alen is more important or money.'

Bella suspected that her ears had misheard. She raised her head,

"What did you say?”

“Don’t you love money? You risked your life for two million? Sleep with me for one night, two million, I will give them to you."

Bella didn’t speak for a long while, as if her movements were frozen. She just opened her eyes and stared at the tall man without blinking.


Danny Shen narrowed his eyes,

“What... you said…no?”

“Yes, that's right,” she looked at him,

“No, I said no.”

For Alen? …For Alen James!

So this woman who loves money refused two million? Was Alen James really that important!

A touch of evil fire surged in his heart, suddenly! He lowered his head, his thin lips pressed hard against Bella's rough lips.

These damn lips keeps saying all those things that irritate him! It’s these damn lips that make him angry over and over again!

He kissed the lips fiercely, even though the flaps of the lips were as rough as linen, he still savored them with sweetness that went deep into his bones!

It seems that these lips always belonged to him, to Henry Jackson alone!

He opened his eyes… Yes, this woman had always belonged to him too!

Bella was struggling to be free. As she was trying to get free from his hold, he was exerting more and more power in his kiss.


There was a sound of a loud slap and all of a sudden the world went quiet. Henry looked at the woman pinned under him in disbelief. Her hands were shaking violently as she looked at him in utter terror.

Was she really that averse to sleeping with him? Who would she rather sleep with then? Alen James or Jason Morris??

He had just calmed down a bit but now his temper flared again. For him, Bella was practically pouring a bowl of cold water into a pot of boiling oil.

Henry kept his hands on either side of Bella,

"two million for one night." His thin lips calmly offered that sum.

"No" Bella spoke while keeping her head down.

"Three millions"

"I refuse"

"Four millions"

Bella started hesitating. The man's eyes narrowed.

"Think before you make a decision."

"No" Bella raised her head and looked at the man who had caged her in between his arms.

"Bella, aren't you crazy about money?" was it because of Alen again?

"Yes, I am. I am crazy about money. I love it more then my life. As you already know I risked my life for two million and if you are willing to give me two million now, Young master Jackson, I'll once again jump into water without hesitation."

"Are you playing hard to get, then? To protect your virtue as a woman?"

Henry semi raised his eyebrows while looking at the beneath him.

Bella chuckled softly, her eyes filled with self depreciation. Virtues? Hers ?

"You misunderstood young master. I am just an ex-convict with no past and certainly no future. I am a woman with no family, no friends and no education background.... Virtue? Who gives a damn about my virtue??"

"Good.. in that case come with me and stay with me tonite."

Bella slowly raised her head and looked into Henry's eyes. She parted her lips gradually,

"I still refuse."

Henry's hand on the wall suddenly clenched into a fist, veins popping on the back of his hands. The way Henry saw it, Bella technically refused him twice for Alen James. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Bella Evans , you don't want to cross me."

His eyes held a warning and a deep arctic cold. 'So she was willing to stay with any man rather then him?' He thought.

"You've forgotten something Young master Jackson sir. I am a despicable, shameless woman and I will be happy to spend the night with any client who's willing to pay me two million for it." Bella said while trying to keep her posture strong.

"You... Filthy... But Why??"

Before Bella could finish her sentence, the angry Henry stormed out of room, he held the knob and opened the door but before he could close it he was frozen at the point when he heard Bella answer his question.

"I don't sleep with rapist."

Henry held the door knob as tightly as possible. Then with smirk without turning back he spoke his last sentence before slamming the door hard.

"You deserved it."

Once she heard the door slam shut, Bella slid limply to the floor. Leaning against the wall, she hugged her knees to her chest, feeling the bitterness fill her mouth.

Anyone would do but not Henry Jackson. Otherwise what would those four years mean? He is my rapist. Bella closed her eyes hiding away the rage and pain in her gaze.

'Anyone will do. After all she was nothing better then a whore in the prison. Anyone will fact everyone will do too. After all I don't have anything else to loose more. Anyone.. everyone.. except him..."

A woman was curled up into a tiny ball repeating these words to herself over and over again as if she was trying to hypnotize herself..

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