Its Too Late To Forgive

Chapter 7: 7. I AM JASON MORRIS

Chapter 7: 7. I AM JASON MORRIS

Claire returned to her office in the evening. Bella's appointment letter and ID along with the original ID was kept on her table.

She casually took a glance but her eyes were wide opened. She couldn't believe in what she saw. This was an ID card of a girl whose beauty was beyond what words could describe. NôvelDrama.Org content.

Her pure spotless white skin, her rosy cheeks, lusty pink lips, God's own creation of beautiful eyes that can make anyone sink into them , black silky smooth hair flowing as if they were telling a story. In total her beauty was like of an enchantress. Claire being into this business has seen plenty of beautiful girls but this one was unbeatable.

Then she saw that this ID which was not made by any government agency or by any company plus it was made only 4 years back. It seemed as if it was made for some special purpose.

Then she recollected the looks of 'Bella', whom she meet in the morning. A humble girl, who even though was just 22 years old but my the condition of her face skin, which was full of wrinkles, she looked like in her late 30's. She had yellow dull hair. A hideous scar on her right forehead. Broken skin. Papery thin body.

Claire got goosebumps when she recollected her looks.

Just 4 years. What has happened to this girl in these 4 years that she changed so much!!

She doesn't know why but she really wanted to know more and more about Bella. She reminded her of someone close.

"Bella, What are you?"

Another four months passed since Bella started working in the club LAS DEUX.

When night fell, the city would lit up in thousands of neon lights and another era of pleasure will start.

Even though Bella was slow in her work but she worked very efficiently and Claire was very happy with that. Bella was never distracted from her work and always did what everyone told her to do.

She was always quiet and withdrawn, and she did everything that she was asked, even if it was not her work. She never retorted and never talked back, even if they purposely gave her a tough time.

Bella did everything, from sweeping the toilets, to cleaning the dustbins and disposing the garbage. From cleaning up all the vomiting to all the trash made in the private booths.

She cleaned all the private booths and set them up daily before starting of the club. She made sure that each and every corner is well cleaned.

Before going home, she always opened the thick curtains of these booths so that sunshine can come inside and freshen up the rooms.

Bella returned to her utility room and neatly placed her cleaning supplies there.

She has just cleaned booth no. 709 where a young miss has thrown up. She pardoned all the guests and asked them politely to move outside the room for 10 minutes as the entire room was full of foul smell of vomit. She cleaned up the booth thoroughly and even lit few fragrant candles.

Within minutes, entire room was full of Jasmine smell. The owner of the booth was very pleased by her and gave 50 dollars as a tip. Bella whose head was already down, said thank you and left.

Her utility was so small that only two buckets can be kept in it. But it was very orderly and neatly kept by her.

Bella was now used to sleeping in a small cage, that's why Bella could manage to take rest in this room whenever she was free.

Bella never slept as she was scared that as soon as she will close her eyes, her nightmares will start. Its almost 4 months that she has left that hell but the shadows have not left her alone. Bella knew very well that she can never ever come out of those nightmares, not in this life atleast.

More then three and half years back :

When Bella opened her eyes, she was tied to a toilet seat. Yesterday was a nightmare for her. She, never ever in her life was bullied and beaten by anyone. But yesterday, she was almost beaten to death by more then 10 people.

Her entire body was painful and hurting. She was unable to open her eyes properly. She knew that her face must be badly swollen.

She doesn't know when she passed out but now when she has opened her eyes, she realisied that her hands are tied at the back, her legs are tied and her neck, with a help of dog's collar and chain, is tied to the toilet seat.

As she was struggling to get free, she was in horror. One by one the jail convicts came and started using that toilet. Bella could not tolerate this yuckyness and felt sick and started vomiting.

Bella was already weak by yesterday's torture and with this disgusting smell and so much of vomiting, she felt more dizzy and she passed out. She did not even realised that she feel on her own vomitus.

The jail mates seemed to be pleased with this. They took few snaps of her's and sent to a number, named Mr. Jackson.

Bella was woken up by splash of cold water. Her body started shivering. She was no more in the toilet but inside a small dark room. Bella was scared but eventually in coming years, she became habituated with this cell. Cell no.16.

It was a small room with smell of rottening walls. This prison never had any cell with number 16. This particular room where there was no source of sunlight was actually a dumper room for garbage. But now this room had one more function. From now onwards this was Bella's house for 4 years.

Bella woke up suddenly and found that her legs and hands were free but her neck was still tied with the dog's collar and a stainless steel chain. Her clothes were already ripped by yesterday's beatings.

The gang leader, gave a look towards the cemented wall's corner, approached Bella with strong and heavy steps. Bella's heartbeat almost stopped and she was so scared that she urinated in her clothes.

Everyone laughed so loudly as if something amazing had happened. Bella was embarrassed...

Bella was out of her gaze with a loud noise. She was sweating all over body. It was Sheela, one of the attendants of private booths, who was standing infront of her utility cubicle and was watching Bella with so much of shock.

She asked her with amusement in her voice, " How can you sleep in a filthy toilet? and that too in such a small space?".

Sheela was looking for Bella for a quite a long time. She never ever imagined that she will find Bella in the toilet, curled up into a small ball with her head buried between her knees. Her hands holding her knees so tightly as if, if she loosens them them she might fall off the cliff.

Sheela was little surprised and little annoyed. She is been looking for Bella from last 20 minutes and she found her in the least expected place.

She got irritated and scolded Bella, " I have been looking every where for you, and you like a rotten mouse is sleeping here. Come on, move your ass up and come and clean booth 1001" she paused and then arrogantly said....


It was no secret that whenever anyone was in a bad mood, they would take it out on Bella as and when they wanted.

Bella didn't say a word. She picked her cleaning stuffs and slowly followed Sheela.

They both entered the elevator. But instead of stopping at the 10th floor, elevator was stopped on the 6th floor by Sheela.

Bella was not surprised when Sheela shoved her out of the elevator. Bella looked at the attendant with confusion, and the attendant gave her a look utter contempt and said, "What are you staring at??"

"Listen babes, no hard feelings, but you know that the 10th floor is the Boss's floor and ofcourse when you are called to clean the vomit there then surely some party must be going on and Bosses must be there too."

She gave Bella a harsh look and continued," and walking with you out of the elevator,... offfff.. i can't describe, it will be so insulting.

And please I don't want to spoil my image because of you ugly aunty." Sheela didn't care about Bella's feelings at all.

Bella was just 22 years old where as Sheela was around 27. But in today's scenario, Bella looked like an aunty and Sheela was like a radiant beauty.

Sheela glanced at Bella contemptuously, "Take the stairs and do not delay."

She was not at all guilty and added, " actually you should use stairs more often. You see we gals work and you sleep in the cubicle."

As expected, Bella did not fight back. She just dumbly said, "Oh, Okay", and it only made the attendant look down on her even more.

"Ya... Whatever !!" saying that Sheela pressed the close button and left. Bella was not upset. These words does not affect her anymore. She has gone beyond these insults.

As the attendant thought, Bella obediently began to climb the stairs.

This was the emergency staircase, so most people did not come here. The only sound reverberating in this dimly-lit staircase was Bella's unsteady footsteps. People usually came to this section of the club only to have some secret rendez-vous.

Bella's legs already hurts plus she has to carry entire cleaning equipments for 4 floors. She was a little tired.

Someone has vomited in Boss's room ofcourse it has to be cleaned thoroughly.

Bella was walking slowly and was in her own thoughts regarding the cleaning and all. This was her 1st time that she will enter this floor in the night hours. She has only visited this floor during her routine cleaning during the day time.

Bella was in her thoughts and was very tired.

She did not pay attention to the couple who rushed out of the door, towards the staircase. They were kissing very passionately. Their movements were very hot and heavy.

Bella stopped and stood like a statue at the same point. She inwardly cursed her luck. What a thing to encounter.

The girl suddenly pushed the door hard, Bella was caught off guard and because of her old leg injury, when she backed up too abruptly, her leg stumbled and she lost her balance. By now, she was fully

prepared to take the tumble.

However, a large hand suddenly appeared at her waist and caught her in time.

Jane's heart was still pounding, but before she could feel relieved, she suddenly realizied that a man she did not know had his arms around her.

Even though it was not the first time that an unknown man held her but she felt uncomfortable.

Bella quickly got herself free from those arms, with her head down, she apologised in her hoarse voice, "Sorry Sir".


He smirked and bent down, and while moving right hand for a handshake, he said in an angelic and seductive voice, "Hii.. I AM JASON MORRIS."

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