Journey to Happy Ending

Chapter 1710 An Engagement Ring (Part One)

Chapter 1710 An Engagement Ring (Part One)

"Annie, come on. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You're beautiful, unique, really one of a kind."

Fred looked at Annie straight in the eye. He held her hands in between his own. His hands even

trembled a bit from all the emotion he was feeling. Without a doubt, Fred loved Annie with all his heart.

He had also grown to love the twins. He'd treat them as if they were his own children -- if only Annie

could find it in her heart to let him inside her life.

"Fred, please stop. I'm already in love with somebody else. I'm so sorry." Annie lowered her eyes, Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

feeling embarrassed. She couldn't bare to look at Fred as he confessed.

"Is it because of Mr. Xia?" Fred asked, his voice sad and low. 'If only I had met Annie before that

bastard Rain did, ' Fred thought to himself.

Annie flushed, her face got hotter. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you," Annie looked up at Fred

through her lashes. She gave him a weak smile as some comfort at the very least. But right after she

had finally told him the truth, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The weight of the burden she

carried was finally lifted from her entirely.

"But how can you even be sure that he'll love you back! What if he becomes unfaithful to you, Annie?

Have you ever thought of that? That maybe he doesn't love you as much as you love him?" he cried.

He let go of Annie's hands, and ruffled his hair in his frustration. 'Come on, Annie. Think! If he really

loved you, he wouldn't have left you and the kids!'

"I-I..." Annie stammered. Fred's questions had her stumped. She herself did not know why she was still

so drawn towards Rain.

"See! You can't even back him up. But you can count on me." Fred held on to her hands once again. "I

can assure you that you will be the only woman I will ever need and want in my life. Please..." Fred was

not about to give up. This was the first time he had been so vocal about his feelings; this, to him, was

his chance to take the next step with Annie.

"Fred, I don't want to talk about it anymore," Annie said, drawing back her hands from Fred's hold. She

was getting much too overwhelmed from Fred's confession. Her head spun, and right now, the best

solution she could think of was to avoid the conversation altogether -- even though it didn't really solve

her problem.

Fred looked at her, looking defeated but still hopeful. "I understand. But I hope you'll consider

everything I have said." He stood up and walked over to the twins, leaving her behind. He thought that

at least he was able to let his feelings be known to her. All that he could do now was to give her some

space and time to think it over.

Later that evening, Joyce complained that she wasn't feeling so good. Perhaps it was because of the

cold weather, or maybe because of exhaustion. For whatever reason, she was starting to get a high

fever. Annie panicked; they had just moved to S City, and did not know which hospital she should bring

her daughter to. She had already spent hours washing Joyce's body with a sponge dipped in cold


"Mommy, why don't we call daddy? Maybe he'll know what to do," Huey suggested anxiously. He didn't

sleep -- instead, he stayed beside his sickly sister as he held her hand. Although their personalities

were different and they didn't get along as well as they should, Huey loved and cared deeply for Joyce.

"I'm sorry. Daddy's on a business trip right now, sweetie." It was true, though. Belinda had informed

Annie before that Rain would be out of town for a whole week.

"Well, maybe he came back early?" Huey pressed.

"I don't think so. If he came back early, he would have visited you and Joyce." Annie bit her lower lip,

trying to figure out what the best thing to do was. She dipped the sponge in the basin of cold water

beside her, wrung it, and ran it up and down Joyce's body once more.

"I can call daddy to check if he's back," Huey said as he ran to get his mother's phone.

Annie was about to stop Huey, but thought otherwise right after. There was nothing she could do -- not

on her own at least. She had thought of calling up Fred instead. But he, too, was a stranger in this city.

On top of that, given their latest conversation and surprising confession, Annie really didn't want to

bother him again.

Huey looked for Rain's number on Annie's phone. He dialed, waiting intently as the phone rang. After

only a couple of rings, Rain picked up the call.

"Yes, hello? What is it Annie?" Rain asked. He wondered why Annie would call at such a late hour.

'What is she going to say?' he thought to himself. He was really anxious. He had gone away in such a

rush without even telling her, and had been busy during his entire trip. Now, he wondered if she called

because she missed him... or maybe it was the complete opposite. His heart beat loud and quick in his


"Daddy, where are you? Joyce has a high fever. Mommy's been crying because she's so worried for

her, and so am I," Huey said over the receiver.

Then, Rain felt as if his heart had come to a sudden stop. He didn't expect to hear Huey's voice, and he

certainly didn't expect what he heard. "What? Where are you now? In the hospital?" he said, his voice

suddenly stern and urgent. He was already putting on his coat and had grabbed his car keys in one

swift movement. In just seconds, he was already running out his apartment.

"We're at home. We don't know what to do," Huey explained. Just like Justin, Huey was ahead of his

years, a lot more mature than he should be for his age.

"I'll be right there soon. Wait for me." Rain hung up and got in his car. He started the engine, and in no

time, was on his way to Annie's house. He drove as fast as the traffic would allow him, intent on getting

there as soon as possible.

'Daddy said he'll be right here soon. Does it mean he's in S City now?' Huey thought as he ran towards

his mother.

"Mommy, Mommy! Daddy said he'll be right here soon and asked us to wait for him," Huey exclaimed in

a cheerful voice.

"Really? He's back?" Annie said, surprised. She let out a long sigh of relief. Although she wasn't so

sure why, she trusted Rain. She was confident that he would know what to do.

"Yeah. I told him Joyce has a fever, and he said he is on his way." Huey was elated. From their short

phone conversation, Huey could tell that Rain loved him and Joyce very much.

Annie said nothing more, and continued to give Joyce the cool sponge bath. Although she didn't want

to bother Rain, she felt happy that he seemed to still care for them.

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