Judas kiss

Chapter 74 - Please keep them away from me

Chapter 74 - Please keep them away from me

It had been a long day that turnt into a long night. The doctors were not saying anything, they kept

going in and out. Della was frozen, she didn't know what she was feeling..?fear, guilt??She held onto

Andre with all her might. She loved the comfort and warmth his body provided. He whispered things


'Are you hungry?'

'Everything will be fine, Ma belle.'

'Whatever happens, I'm here for you.'

He even accompanied her to the bathroom. He didn't care that the sign said 'ladies' as he waited for

her inside while browsing through his emails. He gave her a small smile when she returned in his arms.

With his oversized Armani blazer on her shoulders, Andre thought she looked adorable. He was

concerned, the eyebags under her eyes..?she looked tired.

When they returned to their ward.

"Della, Dr. Schmidt said he wanted to talk to us. I decided to wait for you." Garreth paused. "Whatever it

is we can go through it together."

Andre decided to distance himself. He wasn't sure how Garreth felt about him but he was here for

Della. He didn't care what anyone thought of it but he did respect their privacy.

"Is it bad?" She questioned in a panicked tone.

"I don't know, he just said he need to speak to us in his office."

"Can Andre come, I want him beside me." Della said almost immediately.

"Of course dear, he is family."

For some odd reason Della smiled, even though the fear still ate at her. The fear of whatever the doctor

had to say. Andre was relieved, it was a good feeling finally getting her father's approval.

They waited in Doctor Schmidt's office anticipating the worst. The nurses had told them that he said he

would be back shortly. Della could only think about the words she had relentlessly said out of anger.

She did mean them and she had been wanting to say them for a long time but as of now.. she kind of

regretted it. Della was pretty sure, Marcela was listening.. if she wasn't then why did she react the way

that she did. Marcela has always been a drama Queen like a villain in telenovela.

"My apologies..." A bald man with a khaki envelope and white coat entered the room. "There was a

patient, I had to attend to almost immediately. I hope you didn't wait too long?"

"Not at all.." Garreth said.

Andre was quietly running circles on Della's hand with his thumb. Yes, he was allowed to be in the

room but he wasn't going to push it by saying something unwanted. He preferred to be quiet and

comforting towards Della.

"Well, I guess I won't beat around the bush." He sighed. "I have good news and bad news—"

At this point, Garreth and Della were shivering with anticipation. Garreth didn't want to show any

weakness but his right leg was shaking. He wouldn't be able to handle it—

Della had Andre.

"The good news is we managed to save Marcela. She is stable, we were just taking a few tests on her."

There was a huge sigh of relief in the room. Della reached for her father's hand as Andre held her other

hand. She squeezed, Garreth's hand. Garreth felt very overwhelmed, taking out his handkerchief

dabbing softly on his eyes. He didn't know where the tears were coming from. Della had cried so much

in her life time that now the time she should be crying with joy... she didn't have any tear.

"The bad news is.. whether someone fully returns to normal after being in a coma depends on what

caused the coma and how badly the brain may have been affected.."

"Is she alright?" Garreth rushed.

Doctor Schmidt continued. "Sometimes people who come out of comas are just as they were before—

they can remember what happened to them before the coma and can do everything they used to do.."

Della was silently praying..?'Oh God, please don't tell me she lost her memory.'

"Other people may need therapy to relearn things like tying their shoes, eating with a fork or spoon or

learning to walk all over again. They also have problems with speaking.." He paused, a sign of

disappointment. All eyes were on him. "I managed to get some blood samples and X-rays. All seems to

be well but when I decided to speak to the Patient. She seemed disoriented and that's perfectly normal

for someone who just got out of a coma. My concern is when I asked her to speak, she struggled. I also

asked her to raise her arms which she did very well but when I asked the same for her legs... she failed

dismally. I could tell she was struggling. I'm not sure about her memory but I would like you to visit her

room and to maybe ask if she knows or remembers one of you then we can go from there.."

Garreth was utterly speechless. Grateful that she is alive but speechless. Della felt bad, yes she did

this to herself but Della couldn't help but think who would care for her? She was expecting and she

really had no plans for this. How would Lyle take this? Her husband?

"I suggest physiotherapy, I will refer you to one of the best in that field and well as a speech therapist..

to help her talk. You have to understand, she is back to being a toddler. You have to have a lot of

patience. She is learning how to walk and talk.. she might not even know how to tie her shoes like I

said. Patience is all I ask."


"I have had a few patience who have been through this and I assure you with time and patience. A lot

of progress will be made. They may not be exactly the way they were before the coma but... they can

still do many things and enjoy life and the simple things with their family and friends."

"When do you think she will be discharged?" Garreth questioned with concern.

"As of now, I can't really tell but I will give it two weeks. As long as she attends the sessions I

suggested with the Physiotherapist to help her walk and a speech therapist."

"What if she never recovers?" Della questioned, this made Andre give her a tight squeeze and a

reassuring smile.

"Rarely the case.. I'd love to think she will be able to walk and talk perfectly within two months or so. I

presume another reason why this coma has had some major side effects is because of her previous

coma and her drug abuse problem.."

"Can we go see her?"

"Ofcourse, I left her with the nurse. They were trying to see if she still remembers how to write or read

so maybe we find a way to communicate.."

This was awful.?Della thought.?Once again Marcela is a burden, when will she ever give Della a break.

She was tied of taking care of her.

When they made their way into the room. Marcela was writing something down then she handed it to

the nurse who gave her a quick smile.

"Any progress?" Doctor Schmidt asked.

"She write the name Lyle, nothing more doctor!" She replied.

Right there and there, Garreth, Della and Andre knew that she remembered.

"How are you doing Marcela? Feeling much better?"

She nodded.

Garreth, Andre and Della stood in the far corner of the room. Examining the room and everything that

was happening in front of them. Marcela has definitely lost weight, her wrinkled skin making itself

visible after being hidden under all that make up for a long time. Her lips seemed dry, her black silky

hair that had been dyed streaks of red was tied in a pony tail. She looked so different and vulnerable.

Her knuckles looked very bony so did her collarbone.

"I'm doctor Schmidt, do you remember me? I came to see you a few minutes ago. Marcela is your

name and that's your family.. do you recognize them?"

Marcela immediately made eye contact with Della then she turned to look at her white sheets.

She immediately shook her head.

"How about the man on her right side?" He asked pointing at Garreth. "This is your right and that is

your left." He said softly.

Marcela seemed stunned. When she looked stunned. She immediately grabbed the notebook the

nurse had given her scribbling down—

'I want to see my husband and my son... I don't know these people. Please keep them away from me.'

She shoved the paper at the doctor who quickly read through. He was surprised, he could tell the anger

that radiated even from her handwriting. Doctor Schmidt decided not to say anything. This seemed

offensive, he remembered how these were the only people that had been concerned with her through

out her coma. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I suppose the patient is tired. I will allow visits as soon as the other tests are out."

Something told Della that Marcela knew everything. The look she had been given by her mother

confirmed it. Whatever Marcela has written on that paper must have been really ungrateful and

unthoughtful to have a doctor choked off his words.

"Atleast she is alive." Garreth said as they left.

"I guess, we should probably all go home and freshen up." She suggested.

"That's probably best even though, I would rather be here."

Della smiled. "I have something really important to tell you but I don't think now is the time.." she

paused. "Isn't That right Andre?"

"Yes.." André's phone immediately rang making himself excuse himself to answer it.

Garreth was now extremely curious.

"Is Spencer bothering you?" He quickly questioned.

She shook her head. Andre decided to look away and distance himself from Garreth, he didn't know

what his reaction would be.

"No.." she sighed. "I'm expecting.." instinctively her hand touched her stomach.

"Expecting what?" Garreth asked not seeming very overjoyed.

"A child."

Garreth chuckled.


Della frowned.

"Please I'm begging you Adela, please tell me it's not with the same... man."

Della felt bad. Why had she expected him to be happy? He did after all day Andre is family. It seemed

many people were against the idea of her and Andre being together. She knew Mila felt the same way

about her relationship with Andre.

"I love him." She defended.

"Is that any reason to.." He paused thin lines immediately appearing in his forehead. "Was this a

mistake because there a many alternatives darling. You don't have to tie yourself to a Amman unworthy

of your love for it."

"It wasn't a mistake.. we planned it."

"At this point, I can't tell who you take after because I happen to be very smart. I can't say the same

about Marcy since she tried to kill her self and now she is dumb and bedridden."

Now that Marcela wasn't dead or dying. It seemed Garreth had also went back to being his old self. He

wasn't as nice or vulnerable as he was during her coma. Della was genuine hurt, she expected

anything but this from him. Was he right? Maybe he was. Maybe they rushed things.. it felt right but

now she had her doubts.

"He makes me happy." She reasoned.

Garreth seemed defeated watching how sad his daughter looked.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have said that. I suppose I'm overly protective of you."

"It's okay!"

"If you're happy then I'm absolutely happy. I didn't get to have as many kids but it brings me joy to know

I will have more grandchildren."

Della smiled widely immediately giving him a bone crushing hug. All her life she felt alone but now she

had Garreth, Andre, Leo and Lyle. It was a small family but it meant so much to her.

She didn't yearn for Marcela's love anymore. That ship had long sailed.

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