Just One Night (The Kingston Family Book 1)

Just One Night: Chapter 3

Linc braced himself as he and Jordan pulled into the parking lot of Dare Nation in the Ford Mustang convertible Jordan had rented for them. He appreciated both her practical and fun sides and enjoyed the convertible in the warmth of Miami. It was a nice change from New York, which still had cooler temperatures.

Jordan had enjoyed it as well, her face tipped up to the sun and the wind as they drove. Having her by his side calmed him, but the closer he’d come to their destination, the more rattled his nerves.

He turned off the engine and faced Jordan. “Ready?”

She treated him to a reassuring smile. “Whenever you are.”

Drawing a deep breath, he nodded and stepped out of the car, walking around to her door and helping her out.

A few minutes later, they were led to a desk where a beautiful woman with black hair and red lipstick sat.

“Can I help you?” she asked, looking from him to Jordan.

“We have an appointment with Austin Prescott,” Linc said.

“Mr. Kingston?”

He nodded. “And this is Jordan Greene, my personal assistant.”

“Hello,” Jordan said.

The woman smiled. “I’m Quinn Stone. It’s nice to meet you both.” She picked up the phone beside her on the desk and tapped one button. “Austin? Mr. Kingston is here to see you along with his assistant, Jordan Greene.” She listened and hung up, glancing at them. “You can go right in.”

Linc gestured for Jordan to precede him and stepped forward, opening the door to the office behind the desk. They walked inside, and a tall, muscular man who’d obviously once been an NFL player, a wide receiver for the Miami Thunder, greeted them.

“Mr. Kingston, Ms. Greene. Welcome.”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Please, call me Linc.” They shook hands and Jordan did the same.

“Have a seat. Can I get either of you a drink?” He indicated the bar in the corner of the room.

Jordan shook her head. “No, thank you.”

“I’m good, thanks,” Linc said.

“Before you tell me why you’re here, I have a question.” Austin spoke as he strode around his desk. “I have a cousin in Florida who is married to Grey Kingston. He used to be the lead guitarist for the band Tangled Royal. Now he’s more of a songwriter. Any relation?”

Linc shook his head and laughed. “No, but my brother is Dash Kingston, also a musician, so we’re asked that a lot. Mere coincidence.”

Austin nodded. “Just curious. Now let’s take a seat and you can tell me why you’re here. He lowered himself into his chair. “I have to admit when I heard you wanted to see me, I was intrigued. I’m aware of you … well, your family company by reputation.”

In other words, he’d taken the appointment due to Linc’s name. He could live with that.

Once he and Jordan were settled in chairs across from Austin, he replied. “I came to talk to you about someone who works here. Aurora Michaels.”

“What about her?” Austin asked. He didn’t flinch or otherwise react, which told Linc what a good negotiator the man must be.

Linc hated discussing personal issues with anyone, let alone strangers, and he resented having to lay out his family skeletons to this man. “I’d really rather tell Aurora myself.”

“Yet you came to me first, not her. Why?” Austin pinned him with a direct glare.

Linc sat up straighter in his seat. “Because I’d rather not shock her with news until I learn more about her. I already know she has a relationship with your family, which is why I’m here talking to you.”

Austin nodded. Picking up a pen, he rolled it between his palms. “My family is very protective of her, so you’re going to have to be more specific about what you want.”

Linc gripped the arms of his chair. “You do realize I could walk out this door and call out her name to find her?” he asked, annoyed at being stonewalled.

Jordan put a brief calming hand on his arm, and he forced himself to relax and think. He wanted answers and this man had them. If he was to learn about his sister before meeting her, he had no choice but to open up.

“Fine. I recently discovered Aurora is my half-sister courtesy of my father.”

This time Austin didn’t hide his shock. “She grew up in foster care and you’re just here now? Where was your parent all these years?”

“My father was a bastard,” Linc said. And he proceeded to fill Austin in on everything from finding the checks, the surprise bank account, to ultimately tracking down Aurora’s mother and then Aurora herself. He had no choice.

The whole time he spoke, Austin rolled his pen, and Jordan subtly slipped her hand back onto Linc’s arm. Though he could handle Austin, having her here gave him peace and the strength to dig in to his ugly family truths.

“Jesus,” Austin said when Linc had finished his story. “A bastard is right. And Aurora’s mother? What kind of human being abandons her child?”

Linc swallowed hard. “My thoughts exactly, which is why I want to fix things.”

“So you’re here to meet your sister?” Austin asked.

Linc nodded. “Is Aurora here now?” Anticipation built inside him at the prospect of seeing her.

Austin met his gaze. “She’s out to lunch with my sister, Brianne.”

Linc was disappointed. “I see.”

“My brother Braden and his friend Willow have basically taken Aurora in. Made her part of the family. She means a lot to us.”

“I’m glad she found good people to help her after the way she grew up, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for her. But I want to do the same thing. Make her a part of our family and bring her home to New York.” To make her feel welcome.

“And I want to check out your story before we drop this bomb on her.”

Linc ground his teeth in annoyance. “I flew down here to meet her. Now you’re asking me to wait? It’s not like she’s your sister. What gives you the right to make decisions for her?” He rose up from his seat, and Jordan stood, grabbing his arm.

“Linc, you know you’d do the same thing if Austin showed up in New York claiming someone you cared about was his long-lost sister.”

The soothing sound of her voice along with the sweet aroma of her floral scent acted as a balm, and the tension riding him eased. Her words calmed him and allowed him to think clearly, and dammit, she was right.

“Fine. We’re staying at the W Hotel. Your assistant has my number.”

“I’ll be in touch.” Austin stood and walked them to the door.

Linc waited until they were outside in the parking lot before letting his temper go. “Who does he think he is?” He clenched his hands into tight fists at his sides, wishing he’d given in to the impulse to take a swing at Austin Prescott with his arrogant I know best attitude.

Jordan smiled and shook her head, and all the anger seeped out of him.

“You’re right.” He gave in to her knowing grin. “I would do the same thing if the situation were reversed.” He pulled the car keys out of his pocket. “I just don’t have to like it.” He pressed the button on the key fob and opened the passenger door, waiting as she slid in.

Resting a hand on the top of the windshield, he leaned down. “I’m very glad you came with me.”

She tipped her face toward his, her pert nose with freckles wrinkling as she looked up at him, the sun on her skin. “You know I always have your back.”

Just as he’d always had hers. So if he needed her now, she would be there.

No questions asked.

*     *     *

After leaving DareNation, Jordan let Linc brood on the way to the hotel. He needed to get his frustration with Austin Prescott out of his system, and she hoped the convertible ride to the hotel cleared his head. They had time to kill while they waited to hear from Austin, and she refused to let Linc spend all his time making business calls and working. Not when the sun shone outside and they were right near the beach.

They checked in and headed up to their suite. As she stepped inside, the nine-foot ceilings and glass balcony with a view of the ocean struck her first, along with the teal and white décor. A large television was mounted on the wall, and she knew there were two bedrooms, one with a king-size bed, the other with a queen.

“This is gorgeous,” she said, walking to the windows and looking at the white sand and blue water.

“It is.”

A knock sounded on the door, and Linc let the man with the luggage inside. He set their bags in their respective rooms, not without an argument about Linc wanting her to take the king and her insisting she was fine with the smaller bed. Linc tipped the man, and he left them alone.

“Do you want to take a walk?” she asked, hoping to keep Linc distracted.

He nodded. “Sounds great. Let’s change and get comfortable.”

A little while later, they were strolling on the sidewalk. She took in the shops. High-end clothing boutiques, trinket stores, and food places lined the street. Her sundress and flat sandals were comfortable, and her hair lifted off her back and shoulders from the light breeze.

Linc walked beside her, sexy as always in his sunglasses and a pair of khaki cargo shorts paired with a light blue collared tee shirt.

“I love the seasons in New York, but I can’t say this sucks,” she said, glancing up at him.

“Far from it.” He grinned and she knew he’d finally unwound.

They walked another few blocks in silence and he spoke again. “You know, when I was telling Austin about my father, I had this thought. I didn’t always hate the man. When I was younger, I actually looked up to him.”

“I think that’s normal,” she mused. “Most little kids idolize their parents, and then they become human beings, with flaws and imperfections. Just like us. And we decide whether any of those traits are things we can’t accept.”

“Makes sense. I drew a hard line at cheating. Hurting my mother. I thought those were the worst things Dad could do until he died and I found out he was a man with a secret he never should have kept.”

She nodded. “And you’ll never be able to ask him why.”

“It’s more like I can never ask him how. How could he abandon his own child?” He let out a disgusted grunt and they kept walking.

A gelato store was on the corner and she stopped. “Want to get ice cream?” At the thought, her stomach growled.

“Love some. Come on.” He held open the door and walked to the counter.

After ordering cones, a mint chocolate chip for him and a chocolate cookie dough for her, they headed outside and were lucky enough to score a small table with two chairs.

They settled in, and she licked the cone, closing her eyes and moaning at the delicious taste. “God, I love ice cream.” She darted her tongue out and slid it over her upper lip to capture the remains.

A low rumble sounded in Linc’s throat, and their eyes locked in awareness. Those blue eyes darkened, taking her off guard. He’d never looked at her with sensual awareness before. She didn’t count his cloudy drunken gaze. His intense stare focused on her lips, and her body responded, her nipples puckering, and arousal trickled through her veins. Considering her tight dress, he couldn’t miss her reaction, and she had no way to hide the evidence.

His eyes slid downward, zeroing in on her chest. Mortified, her cheeks burned, and she took a deliberate bite of the cone to distract herself.

An intense, sharp pain shot to her forehead, and she squeezed her eyes shut tight. “Brain freeze!” she cried, her hands pressing hard against her temple, poking herself where the stabbing continued.

He pulled his chair over to hers. “Are you okay?”

She glanced at him through slitted eyes. “It hurts.” Since she was a migraine person to begin with, brain freeze was ridiculously painful and sometimes didn’t subside as quickly as it did for other people.

He took the cone from her hand and placed it in the extra cup the girl behind the counter had provided, doing the same with his.

Concern on his face, he held out a hand. “Come here.” He pulled her against him, and she rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes as she waited for the pain to subside. He pressed his fingers gently into her forehead, massaging the aching spot.

She drew a deep breath and inhaled his familiar and arousing woodsy scent, allowing herself to relax into him.

“Better?” His arm tightened around her.

She nodded, forcing herself to sit up and slide her chair away from his. “I am. Thanks.” She blew out a long breath, ignoring the residual pain.

“Do you want any more?” he asked.

She looked at the cone melting into the cup and shook her head. “No.” After the unexpected searing pain, she was wary of eating more. She felt guilty about the wasted dessert but knew she wasn’t going to risk a real migraine by putting something cold into her mouth.

He rose to his feet and scooped up the uneaten treats, tossing them in the nearby trash. “Come on. Let’s go back to the hotel. I have to make some calls and you can lie down for a little while. This isn’t a business trip, and if I need anything, I can always let you know.”

She nodded. “Sounds good.” She could use the break for her headache. The sharp pain had subsided but left a dull throb in its place. And she also needed a breather and time alone, away from Linc and his heady presence.

*     *     *

Linc hung upfrom his last call. A glance at his phone told him it was almost six p.m., and it had been a long day starting with their early flight to Florida.

While he worked, he’d been constantly aware of Jordan’s presence. She’d disappeared into her room to unpack, then returned to sit outside on the terrace, wearing a bikini bathing suit as she walked past him. The scent of coconut sunscreen wafted behind her, leaving him in a painful state of arousal.

He’d set up his laptop at the table by the sliding glass doors, taking advantage of the ocean view. But instead of watching the waves, he’d been distracted by Jordan’s sexy curves.

She’d surprised him by ordering them a late lunch, which he ate while on the phone, and she took hers to her lounge chair. She’d remained outside for an hour, then came back in and said she planned to take a shower and lie down for a nap.

Only then had he been able to concentrate on business.

He shut down his laptop and rose to his feet, stretching with a groan. He’d wanted to crash early, but they needed to eat a decent meal. Mr. Chow was downstairs, and if Jordan was in the mood for Asian cuisine, they could eat in the hotel.

He walked to her room and knocked on the closed door. When she didn’t answer, he let himself into the darkened room, the only light coming from the sheer drapes covering the sliding glass door leading to the terrace.

She lay on her side, her body covered by the white fluffy hotel robe, her long legs peeking out from beneath the hem. Her hair was damp and her lips slightly parted. He couldn’t deny the emotional tug in his heart as he looked at her or the kick of desire rushing through him. None of which was appropriate for a man who valued their relationship above all else. But he was drawn to her in ways well beyond friendship.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and slid the back of his hand over her cheek. “Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.”

Her eyelashes fluttered and her blue eyes met his. “Hey,” she murmured. “What time is it?”

“A little after six.”

“I guess I needed that nap.” She pushed herself up against the pillows behind her, and the sudden move shifted her robe. The tie had loosened in her sleep and the sides parted, revealing the swells of her breasts, creamy skin and full mounds he was dying to hold in his hands.

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat to alleviate the pressure of his erection against the stiff material of his shorts. “How’s your head?” he asked in a gruff voice.

“Better, thanks.” She smiled and it reached her eyes, telling him she was okay.

“Good. Are you hungry? Because I was thinking we could go downstairs for dinner.” If he could stand without showing her his hard-on, he thought, swallowing a groan.

“I’m starving,” she said.

So was he. Starving for her.

He met her gaze, unable to look away or break their connection. She stared back with what started as curiosity and turned to something more the longer it went on. Desire now pulsed hot and heavy through his veins, and from the flush in her cheeks, she felt the same way.

This time they were both sober. And this time they wouldn’t stop at a kiss.

“We really shouldn’t,” she said into the heavy silence surrounding them. Her tongue darted out, sliding over her bottom lip, and he groaned.

“Probably not.” Still, he leaned closer. The scent of the hotel shower gel, a different floral aroma than her usual fragrance, reached him and caused his dick to stiffen further.

Her eyes darkened, and she lifted a hand, placing it on his chest but not pushing him away. “But I want to anyway,” she whispered.

He swallowed hard. “So do I.” Regrets, recriminations, and putting things back together could come after.

Never breaking eye contact, her hands went to her robe and she released the tie, letting the top gape open and giving him a full view of those breasts and peach-colored nipples he was dying to pull into his mouth.

“Take off the robe,” he said in a gruff voice he barely recognized.

“I guess that answers one question,” she said in a teasing voice. “You’re bossy in bed, too.” But she didn’t hesitate to separate the robe and reveal the rest of her completely naked body.

He sucked in a shallow breath at the sight of her well-groomed pussy.

Then, she sat up and shrugged off the robe, pulling it out from beneath her and tossing it onto the floor. She lay back on the white bedding, her pale skin glowing and her dark hair falling, grazing her shoulders.

“Fuck, Jordan, you’re gorgeous.”

Her eyes glittered with appreciation. “Thank you. Now how long do I have to wait to see you?”

“Not long.” He undressed, aware of her watching him, her gaze taking in his body and zeroing in on his erect cock. Grasping himself, he pumped his hand up and down his shaft, doing his best to get hold of his desire.

“Linc,” she whispered, reaching out and swiping her fingers over the pre-come on the tip.

He jerked at her touch and dove onto the bed, pinning her onto the mattress with his body, his dick pressing against her belly. He consumed her mouth with his, sucking on her tongue and sweeping around inside. Her nails scored down his back, and his hips jerked at the good kind of pain.

He continued to kiss her, pausing to taste her. He trailed his lips over her cheek, nibbled along her jaw, and licked behind her ear until she was writhing and moaning beneath him, but he wasn’t finished. Not yet.

Moving downward, he pulled one tight nipple into his mouth and teased her mercilessly, tugging on the tip and grazing it with his teeth. She gripped his head in her hands and yanked on the strands, so he soothed her with gentle laps of his tongue before turning his attention to the neglected breast and giving it the same treatment. Tasting her was the answer to many of his dreams, and he still had more of her to indulge in.

Without giving her warning, he rolled off her and rose to his feet.

“What are you doing?” She sounded panicked at the thought of him stopping, and he chuckled, grasping her legs and pulling her to the end of the bed.

He lowered himself to his knees. “I’m getting comfortable,” he said, and spread her legs wide before settling himself between them. Then, dipping his head, he slid his tongue along her slit and was rewarded with her prolonged moan.

She tasted delicious, and he continued his assault, licking around her folds and teasing her everywhere but where she needed his touch the most. He held her open and dipped his tongue inside her, keeping her legs wide with his hands. Her soft sighs and moans had him pulsing hard, dying to plunge into her and give them both relief.

But first he intended to make her come.

Switching his focus to her clit, he sucked on the tiny bud, and she began writhing on the bed. Never alleviating the pressure, he slipped one finger inside her and began pumping it in and out, her slick walls coating him in her juices, her warmth clasping around him.

“Oh, God.” She arched her back, her hips lifting against his mouth, and he inserted a second finger, thrusting faster, the pads of his fingers finding the sweet spot inside her.

He rubbed there and she detonated, coming apart, grinding herself against his face, calling his name.

*     *     *

Jordan struggled tocatch her breath as Linc eased up on the bed and helped her slide to the center of the mattress. Tremors still rippled through her, and from the heated look in his eyes, they weren’t finished. Which was a good thing, because as hot as her orgasm had been, she still felt empty and needed him inside her.

He lifted himself over her, his erection hot and hard. Enticing. She spread her legs and he nudged against her. She was wet and he’d slide in easily. Except … “Condoms,” she said, meeting his gaze.

He stilled. “Shit.” He dipped his head and groaned. “I didn’t come here expecting to … expecting this.”

She swallowed hard. She couldn’t believe they’d come this far, and she had a feeling they wouldn’t be doing this again. If she let him go now, she’d go home with a whole host of regrets and what-could-have-beens. She’d lose the opportunity to experience one time with Linc.

“I’m not on birth control,” she said. “It wasn’t good with my migraines.”

“It wouldn’t matter because I won’t skip condoms. Not after what my father did.”

Getting his secretary pregnant. She got it. When she’d become pregnant, she’d been careless. She’d been trying the pill, but she’d had a migraine and skipped a day.

“Let me check my Dopp kit.” He climbed off the bed, and she watched him go, his firm ass a sight to behold.

When he returned, triumph lit his expression, and he held a foil packet between his fingers. “Success!”

She blew out a relieved breath.

He ripped open the older-looking wrapper, pulled out the condom, and rolled it over his still-solid erection.

Finally he came back, his cock poised at her entrance, and looking at his handsome face had desire pulsing through her again.

“Ready?” he asked, a sexy grin on his face.

“God, yes.” She drew up her legs at the same time he thrust hard and deep, filling her completely.

She groaned at the invasion, stars flashing behind her eyelids as she took all of him and adjusted to his size. “God, you feel good.”

She hadn’t realized how much she needed him just like this. Pulsing inside her, and she wanted to remember him after this was over. She needed him to take her hard. To make her his. At least this once.

“Fucking perfection,” he said, as he withdrew and slid back, testing her wetness.

“I’m good,” she assured him. “And I won’t break.”

His eyes glittered with desire, and he treated her to a brief nod, a sensual smile, and then he began to take her in earnest, pounding into her in a way no man had ever done before.

She raised her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust, wrapping her legs around his waist, and letting him take control, something he was exceptionally good at doing. And he was so good at finding the right spot inside her. Nobody had ever made her come this way. It always took work, more than most men were willing to put in.

Not Linc. Somehow he knew her body already. His strong arms held his upper body as his hips did the work, thrusting into her, taking her, consuming her. With every plunge, his pubic bone ground into her clit and brought her higher and closer to completion. She shut her eyes and gave herself up to sensation. The feel of him overpowering her was heady.

She wasn’t prepared when he slid his hand between their lower bodies and pressed his finger against her clit. She gasped and cried out, shocking herself with the sound.

“Oh, God, Linc!”

“Yes,” he ground out. “Again. I need to hear you say my name when you come.” The pad of his finger rubbed against her, and when she couldn’t take another second, he thrust back in, hitting her G-spot and sending her soaring.

“Linc!” She shattered into a million pieces, glorious waves of sensation overtaking her, her orgasm going on and on.

Above her, he pounded into her, seeking his own release, and when he came, he took her up and over once more.

Suddenly he stilled, the sound of his low, guttural groan bringing her back to herself as he collapsed on top of her, his breath labored in her ear.

She wasn’t sure how long he remained there, his big body covering hers while they each attempted to catch their breath. Finally he rolled off her, and she felt the loss as he pulled out, and suddenly reality came crashing back.

She’d slept with Linc. Her boss. Her best friend. Her everything. She closed her eyes and tried to pull herself together, searching desperately for the best way to handle things between them now.

What could she say? Thanks for the best sex ever, no other man will ever compete with how you made me feel, but this can never happen again?

She winced.

The thought of never experiencing such a sense of overwhelming completeness hit her hard, but what choice did she have? Nothing fundamental between them had changed. He was Linc Kingston, real estate mogul and a man of immense wealth and privilege, and she was his assistant.

She was also his best friend and he was hers, and she didn’t want to lose their connection. He’d never had a long-term, serious relationship before. Not one he’d mentioned, anyway.

He typically steered clear of entanglements, and if he ever married, Jordan wouldn’t be the woman he chose. Her stomach cramped at the thought of their friendship changing because he found someone he loved, and she pushed aside the painful possibility. With all those thoughts circling around and around in her brain, she was making herself dizzy with anxiety.

Beside her, he removed the condom, wrapped it in a tissue he’d grabbed from the side of the bed, and placed it on the nightstand.

Way before she was ready to face him, he met her gaze.

“That was incredible,” she blurted out first and wished she could snatch the words back. Talk about awkward.

He reached out and caressed her cheek. “It sure as hell was.”

Relief washed over her at his words, and she leaned into the comforting feel of his touch.

“But you know it can’t happen again,” he said, his voice gruff.

She blinked at the unexpected words, swallowing the lump in her throat. Although she’d had the same sentiment going through her mind a few seconds before, hearing him say it crushed her anyway.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out before answering. “Don’t worry. I’m not the type to confuse sex with something more.”

The bed still smelled of them, and she couldn’t lie by his side and stare at him any longer. Turning, she slid off the mattress, bending to grab her robe from the floor.

After wrapping the heavy material around herself, she forced herself to look at him. “We’re good,” she assured him, hoping saying the words out loud would make them true.

“You sure?” he asked, concern in both his voice and his expression.

She nodded. He’d stretched out on the mattress, and his gorgeous face and muscled body had arousal rising once more.

Nope. Not going to happen.

Shower time, she thought, and walked away, closing herself in the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

*     *     *

Son of abitch. What had he been thinking? Linc thought in disgust. The answer was clear. He hadn’t been. One look at Jordan, her defenses down from sleep, looking so beautiful, the robe gaping and revealing her gorgeous body, and all rational thought fled. Gone was the man who’d been able to keep their relationship strictly in the friend zone. In its place was a heady desire he hadn’t been able to fight.

He knew they were in agreement about where things stood. Their professional relationship and friendship were more important than sexual need. But he hadn’t anticipated how good she would feel when he entered her. How perfect her body would mold to his, clasping him in tight, wet heat, cushioning his dick like she was made just for him.

Worse, he hadn’t counted on the rush of emotion that had filled him, either. He wasn’t supposed to have those kinds of feelings for his best friend.

Linc’s views on life and love were complicated. They’d started with his parents, who, to hear his mother tell it, had begun their courtship with love before things had gone wrong. Next came an experience in college that had left Linc bitter and feeling used. And now, becoming aware of his father’s affairs and discovering a half-sister courtesy of his dad’s cheating with his secretary… Linc shook his head. He was wary of it all.

He’d learned not to believe in the word love. To keep to himself except for the occasional need for release or a date to a party. And above all, he counted on his friendship with Jordan. He didn’t want anything to mess with their relationship, especially sex. No matter how intense the act between them had been. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her feelings by saying they couldn’t sleep together again.

He’d have a hard enough time living with his pronouncement.

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