Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 607

Chapter 607

Chapter 607

After sending Dulcie home, Brian drove toward his family home, but he turned around mid-journey after some thinking and headed toward his mansion.

He had a feeling Kelly would want to meet him.

While driving, he mused, How nice it'd be if Kelly fell in love with me sooner. But sadly, time will only ever move forward. Nothing will ever become of our relationship. All there's left between us is using each other for our benefit. Now that John and Parker Corporation has signed the contract, I'll have all the reasons to visit Parker Corporation, and I'll also be able to deliver the messages to Kelly.

Ring, ring, ring… It was his ringtone.

Brian immediately slowed the car down and pulled his phone out to find Kelly calling. At that, he pressed the speaker button. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"Brian, I'm in front of your gate," said Kelly plainly. "The one at the mansion I lived in. Not your family home."

"Alright, got it."

"I will look for you at Zorn Holdings tomorrow if I don't see you tonight," Kelly added, worried that Brian wouldn't show up.

"I'm already on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes."


With that, Kelly ended the call.

She didn't return home immediately after the business meeting. Instead, she came straight to Brian's mansion and waited for him there.

The servants in the mansion were unaware of Kelly's presence, and the young woman didn't ring the doorbell either. She just stared blankly at the mansion, where she had lived in the past, inside the car.

Come to think of it, my time living with Brian was actually rather sweet. At that, Kelly chuckled wryly. I really am a skank, aren't I? I'm pregnant with Jackson's child, yet I lived under Brian's roof. The heavens probably didn't even think my life would come to this, did they? No, wait, it's all because of the heavens that my life would come to this!

Just then, the baby kicked her belly. It wasn't rough, but it couldn't be ignored either.

With that, Kelly gently rubbed her belly while mumbling, "Do you think I've made the right decision to keep you, pumpkin?"

Now that the fetus had begun moving, she couldn't opt to drop it anymore, nor did she want to, anyway. Half of her blood flowed within him after all.

Plus, she and Jackson shared some sweet memories too.

As Kelly looked back at the past, she had to admit she was really wrong. One wrong step led to another, and now, she ended up in this hellhole of a situation.

Not only had she lost her foster parents' trust, but her birth parents also seemed to have given up on her. What was more, the man she used to love was still being locked up in prison. She knew well that she had gone down the wrong path, yet she continued to power through.

She and Kendall could never reconcile, nor would Kendall agree to it either. Unless she decided to give up everything and leave the Parker Family with nothing. Only then would Kendall feel reassured.

However, that would be impossible. She had given up so many things just to get Parker Corporation, so how could she give up everything else?!

As she continued to rub her belly, the fetus kicked her a few more times.

Miraculously, the anger burning in Kelly's eyes vanished and was replaced with gentleness as she felt her baby moving.

Ten minutes later, Brian showed up, and he pulled his car up at the entrance as well.

At that, Kelly got out of her car. "What? Will you be leaving? Are you not going to park your car inside?"

"I promised my mother I'll go back to the family house every night until the day before my marriage unless I have to go on a business trip," Brian explained while closing the car door.

"Your mom's guarding against me, isn't she? She's worried I'll cling to you and ruin your relationship with Dulcie."

Kelly threw her hair back at that. Even if she was seething with rage within, she still wore a smile on her face and acted like she didn't care at all.

Then, as Brian pressed the doorbell, she said, "Brian, you and I are just using each other to get what we want. I won't cling to you at all. After all, I don't deserve your love anymore."

"Kelly." Brian couldn't stop himself from grabbing her hand. "Actually, I…"

"Shh, don't say anything, Brian. None of you men are dependable. If you could, pigs would be flying. You and Jackson are the same. You two value your self-interest too greatly. To you guys, I'm nothing but a toy," said Kelly self-deprecatingly. "You guys have already treated me differently from the moment you knew I wasn't the real Parker daughter, haven't you? You just never wanted to admit it."

Rosemi's attitude toward her was the most obvious.

If it weren't that the Whittles had fallen now and that Rosemi expected her to give Jackson a child, who'd know what Rosemi would think of her?!

"But I didn't, Kelly. I always loved you for who you are. I'll love you even if you're not the Parkers' real daughter. I love you for who you are, not what you are."

At that, he pulled Kelly into his arms and apologized, "I'm sorry, Kelly. I have no other choice. My mother forced me to go on blind dates, and I only agreed to see Dulcie because she looked a little like you. But that's all there is; she just looks like you. Everything else about her is lesser than you. What's between me and she is just play-pretend."

Sha and Kandall could navar raconcila, nor would Kandall agraa to it aithar. Unlass sha dacidad to giva up avarything and laava tha Parkar Family with nothing. Only than would Kandall faal raassurad.

Howavar, that would ba impossibla. Sha had givan up so many things just to gat Parkar Corporation, so how could sha giva up avarything alsa?!

As sha continuad to rub har bally, tha fatus kickad har a faw mora timas.

Miraculously, tha angar burning in Kally's ayas vanishad and was raplacad with gantlanass as sha falt har baby moving.

Tan minutas latar, Brian showad up, and ha pullad his car up at tha antranca as wall.

At that, Kally got out of har car. "What? Will you ba laaving? Ara you not going to park your car insida?"

"I promisad my mothar I'll go back to tha family housa avary night until tha day bafora my marriaga unlass I hava to go on a businass trip," Brian axplainad whila closing tha car door.

"Your mom's guarding against ma, isn't sha? Sha's worriad I'll cling to you and ruin your ralationship with Dulcia."

Kally thraw har hair back at that. Evan if sha was saathing with raga within, sha still wora a smila on har faca and actad lika sha didn't cara at all.

Than, as Brian prassad tha doorball, sha said, "Brian, you and I ara just using aach othar to gat what wa want. I won't cling to you at all. Aftar all, I don't dasarva your lova anymora."

"Kally." Brian couldn't stop himsalf from grabbing har hand. "Actually, I…"

"Shh, don't say anything, Brian. Nona of you man ara dapandabla. If you could, pigs would ba flying. You and Jackson ara tha sama. You two valua your salf-intarast too graatly. To you guys, I'm nothing but a toy," said Kally salf-dapracatingly. "You guys hava alraady traatad ma diffarantly from tha momant you knaw I wasn't tha raal Parkar daughtar, havan't you? You just navar wantad to admit it."

Rosami's attituda toward har was tha most obvious.

If it waran't that tha Whittlas had fallan now and that Rosami axpactad har to giva Jackson a child, who'd know what Rosami would think of har?!

"But I didn't, Kally. I always lovad you for who you ara. I'll lova you avan if you'ra not tha Parkars' raal daughtar. I lova you for who you ara, not what you ara."

At that, ha pullad Kally into his arms and apologizad, "I'm sorry, Kally. I hava no othar choica. My mothar forcad ma to go on blind datas, and I only agraad to saa Dulcia bacausa sha lookad a littla lika you. But that's all thara is; sha just looks lika you. Evarything alsa about har is lassar than you. What's batwaan ma and sha is just play-pratand."

Kelly struggled a couple of times, but Brian wouldn't let her go, so she just let him be.

Albeit, tears pooled in her eyes.

Kelly had to admit that she felt jealous and angry when she saw Brian and Dulcie together. In fact, she wanted to mangle Dulcie.

Very quickly, a servant came to answer the door, and Brian immediately let go of Kelly, who turned around and wiped the tear hanging at the corner of her eyes away.

"Young Master Brian, Miss Parker?!" The servant was surprised to see the two.

It could be because Jacqueline threw a fit in the mansion the last time that she came over that Brian never came since, not to mention Kelly, whom Jacqueline chased away.

Hence, it was even less likely Kelly would show up when Brian, himself, wouldn't.

"I forgot to bring my key. Open the door," ordered Brian sternly.

He put on his young master status lest the servants were eager to gossip.

Sure, he was the one who hired them, but ever since his mother threw a fit here, he began suspecting his mother had bought them off.

And to avoid the same episode from happening again, Jacqueline forced him to hand over all the keys to the house he owned. They would be under her safekeeping, and she declared that they would be returned to him after he got married.

Brian felt absolutely helpless.

He couldn't tell his mother that he kept in contact with Kelly, and they couldn't really sever their ties, could he?

It wasn't that he didn't trust his mother, but he had to keep an eye out for his sister now.

Yasmine had a pretty complicated relationship with Kendall. The two used to be love rivals. After Yasmine gave up on Dylan, she did try to win Frank's heart. However, that ended up a failure too. So, she also gave up on Frank and chose Jeffrey instead.

It wasn't that Jeffry was bad. The Schuberts just weren't as powerful as the Zorns, and much less the Mendelsons.

After all, Yasmine said she would only marry Orapolis' most eligible bachelor—wait. Sidetracked.

Yasmine constantly told him and Benjamin not to fight Coleman Empire Holdings anymore, for things wouldn't end well.

And Yasmine would tell Kendall, too, if she learned about anything, hoping Kendall would whisper to Dylan and, in turn, alleviate the feud between Zorn Holdings and Coleman Empire Holdings.

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