Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 139

Chatper 139

Chapter 139

Daran’s face was expressionless.

He didn’t respond to Morgana’s cry.

Walking close, he grabbed the rope that bound Morgana’s hands and gave it one hard pull.

The rope snapped. And Morgana’s hands were free.

She remained in her seat and looked at Daran suspiciously, “What are you doing?” “You are free to

leave the room,” Daran said in a cool voice.

“Does this come from Lance?”

“I made this call.”

Yet instead of being grateful, Morgana let out a loud, sarcastic laugh, “Oh so you are

in charge now? Making all the calls? Because you betrayed all your friends and sucked up to your

enemy, you suddenly become the big boss? And what is this? You want me to thank you with


Daran ignored her sarcastic words with the same expressionless face.

“Where is the dungeon?” he asked abruptly.

Morgana’s nostrils flared. She asked pointedly, “Why do you ask? Are you looking for someone


Daran’s face darkened.

“Don’t give me that attitude. Answer my question,” he demanded.

Morgana was pissed.

She thought Daran would explain himself, or at least act like he was sorry.

But no.

He was still cold, arrogant, and cocky as ever! He didn’t even seem to believe that he owed everyone

an explanation!

Morgana was never too crazy about Daran. Men were all assholes and Daran was no exception.

She only proposed a collaboration because of Janet-she could trust Janet. And since Daran was so

crazily in love with Janet, she was fine with Daran getting on board. with them.

But this bastard screwed them over!

He even threw the woman he loved under the bus!

Was his heart made of stone and ice?

“Do you want to know where Lance kept Janet?” she glared at Daran, “Do you feel sorry?

Sorry that you betrayed her and caused her in this situation?”

Daran narrowed his eyes, “This is none of your business.”

“Then fuck you!” Morgana spat, “I won’t tell you. Definitely not going to let you hurt her again! As far as

I am concerned, she doesn’t want to see you either. She

Was his heart made of stone and ice?

“Do you want to know where Lance kept Janet?” she glared at Daran, “Do you feel sorry? Sorry that

you betrayed her and caused her in this situation?”

Daran narrowed his eyes, “This is none of your business.”

“Then fuck you!” Morgana spat, “I won’t tell you. Definitely not going to let you hurt her again! As far as

I am concerned, she doesn’t want to see you either. She probably hopes that you died in a fucking


Daran let out a snort.

Her threats and curses seemed to have zero effects on him.

Which further proved that he was a barefaced, heartless prick!

“If you are such a big boss, go find out where she is yourself. Or ask Lance,” Morgana taunted. “You

saved Lance’s ass big time. I bet he is willing to tell you anything.”

Daran looked away from her.

He reached into his pocket and put something on the table.

It was some antibiotics and bandages.

“You are right. Janet probably doesn’t want to see me,” he said deeply. “Give this to her when you see

her. Tell her to take care of herself. And tell her that I have my reasons.”

He turned to leave the room.

Morgana stared at his back.

She knew that she probably shouldn’t say another word to him ever again.

But after a little pause, she couldn’t help but cry to his back, “Hey! What is your fucking reason!”

Yet Daran didn’t answer.

He didn’t even slow his steps.

He went straight out of the room and closed the door behind him.

The following few days were like a living hell for Janet.

Harper would visit her every single day, bringing a large group of soldiers to torment her.

She tried to fight back. But there was not much she could do with her hands and feet anchored to the

wall. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Harper enjoyed humiliating her greatly. She would dress up and sit by the side as soldiers beat Janet


Yet no matter how many makeups she applied, it still wouldn’t cover the fact that she had a missing

front tooth.

On the fourth time she showed up, Janet noticed that she had planted a golden tooth.


Janet commented with a cold smile.

Janet commented with a cold smile.

“It fits your bad taste.”

Harper’s face twisted in rage. She knew that the golden tooth was tacky. But it was the best she could

do within such a short time.

She received quite a few mocking and cold eyes from the other ladies recently.

And it was all because of this bitch Janet!

“Shut up, bitch!”

Harper yelled at Janet, clenching her fists.

“I am giving you a good lesson today! Maybe that ought to teach you to shut your filthy hole!”

She beckoned to a soldier, who brought over a stun gun.

They had used all kinds of weapons on Janet for the past few days, like whips, sticks, and stones.

But a stun gun…this was a first.

Janet’s body became stiff.

She could already imagine the electronic shots coursing through her body… It must fucking hurt.

But she didn’t want Harper to see that she was afraid. So she took a deep breath and closed her eyes,

ready to endure any pain in silence.

“Take it, bitch!” Harper cackled viciously, “Nobody is coming to save you-” “Who says there isn’t?” a

sudden voice came from the door.

Janet snapped her eyes open, astonished.

A tall and beautiful woman with flaming red hair stood by the door, with her arms. crossed in front of her



Harper cried in horror.

“W-What are you doing here? You traitor should be locked up!”

Morgana chuckled and stepped into the dungeon, with armed soldiers following behind her back.

“The King released me and gave me my old job back. As the Cabinet Minister,” Morgana sneered. “And

I guess I should be the one asking that question: what are YOU doing here? Did anyone authorize you

to visit Gamma Janet?”

Harper took a small step back. Then she raised her head stubbornly.

“I didn’t need an authorization! I am the Queen! I can go anywhere as I please!” she cried.


The cold smile on Morgana’s lips grew wider.

“Without an authorization, you are committing a serious crime. You and your

Harper cried in hortor.

“W-What are you doing here? You traitor should be locked up!”

Morgana chuckled and stepped into the dungeon, with armed soldiers following behind her back.

“The King released me and gave me my old job back. As the Cabinet Minister,” Morgana sneered. “And

I guess I should be the one asking that question: what are YOU doing here? Did anyone authorize you

to visit Gamma Janet?”

Harper took a small step back. Then she raised her head stubbornly.

“I didn’t need an authorization! I am the Queen! I can go anywhere as I please!” she



The cold smile on Morgana’s lips grew wider.

“Without an authorization, you are committing a serious crime. You and your accomplices should all be


She snapped her fingers. Her soldiers closed up on Harper’s men.

“One arm,” she said idly.

Harper’s men were all horrified. They dropped to their knees as fast as they could. One guy even cried

out loud begging, “Please Lady Morgana! I-I won’t do this again! Please!!!”

Yet one soldier caught his arm forcefully. And then-


His right arm was snapped.

The man crushed to the ground, rolling around in pain.

Within 5 short seconds, all of Harper’s men lost one arm.

The dungeon echoed with wails. Harper’s face was pale, and her body was quivering

in fear.

Morgana looked at her, smiling, “Does the future queen like to have a taste of that?” Harper’s lips

trembled, “…Why…Why would Lance give you your job back? You betrayed him!”

Morgana laughed, “Because I am too important! 90% of the men in his palace took orders from me. He

can’t simply replace me. Unlike you, bitch. He can toss you aside

without a blink of an eye. So watch yourself around me.”

Harper bit her lower lip, humiliated.

But she couldn’t argue with Morgana on this. It was a fact.

“Beat it!” Morgana snapped.

Harper hurried off instantly. Her men followed behind her back, staggering. They were gone within


Morgana waved at her soldiers, “You guys can leave as well.”

Everyone was cleared out. And it was just Morgana and Janet in the room.

Morgana looked at her, smiling, “Does the future queen like to have a taste of that

Harper’s lips trembled, “…Why…Why would Lance give you your job back? You betrayed him!”

Harper bit her lower lip, humiliated.

But she couldn’t argue with Morgana on this. It was a fact.

“Beat it!” Morgana snapped.

Harper hurried off instantly. Her men followed behind her back, staggering. They were gone within


Morgana waved at her soldiers, “You guys can leave as well.”

Everyone was cleared out. And it was just Morgana and Janet in the room.

“Oh my god… Look at you! That fucking Harper!”

Morgana rushed to Janet’s side and checked her wounds.

“I should fucking kill her!” Morgana gritted.

Janet grabbed her hand.

“Forget about Harper. Have…Have you heard from Daran

she asked urgently.

Morgana rolled her eyes, “Why are you still asking about that traitor? He should be dead to you.”

Janet looked at her, stunned, “….Maybe he has his reasons.”

Janet shook her head.

She turned a tortured face to Morgana.

“I know Daran…This isn’t like his normal self,” she said lowly.

Morgana’s jaw tightened.

“FINE!” she said abruptly and then pulled out a key, unlocking Janet.

“Come with me.”

She pulled Janet up from the floor.

“You will believe me if you see with your own eyes.”

Chapter 140

Morgana took her out of the dungeon.

They were seen by many soldiers on their way. But none of those soldiers made a move to stop them.

Janet grabbed her hand.

“Forget about Harper. Have…Have you heard from Daran?” she asked urgently.

Morgana rolled her eyes, “Why are you still asking about that traitor? He should be dead to you.”

Janet looked at her, stunned, “… Maybe he has his reasons.”

Janet shook her head.

She turned a tortured face to Morgana.

“I know Daran…This isn’t like his normal self,” she said lowly.

Morgana’s jaw tightened.

“FINE!” she said abruptly and then pulled out a key, unlocking Janet.

“Come with me.”

She pulled Janet up from the floor.

“You will believe me if you see with your own eyes.”

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