Kidnapped by the Arab

My Guardian Angel

For Mía, it is challenging to be in a strange place in the company of a stranger. For now, she has no other option and is grateful to Ahmed for his help, but her instincts tell her that there is something more behind the kindness he shows towards her.

Several days passed, and Mía couldn’t understand what she had done wrong. Ahmed would leave early and return late at night, and she felt like he was avoiding being around her.

The penthouse had an indoor pool, which amazed Mía when she discovered it. She asked the service attendant if she could use it.

“You don’t have to ask that, miss. Mr. Assad instructed that you can make use of the whole place as you please. In the dressing room located inside the bathroom near the pool, you can find some swimsuits that Mr. Cambell had brought for his guests. They are brand new, so feel free to choose one you like.”

“Thank you very much,” she replied with a big smile.

Mía knew Ahmed wouldn’t be back until nightfall, so she decided to pick a small red two-piece bikini. Although it revealed quite a bit, she hesitated at first, but being alone encouraged her, as no one else would see her.

She jumped into the water and started swimming, enjoying the spaciousness of the pool, which was all hers that day.

After a while, she heard voices and laughter of people approaching. She was on the opposite side from the stairs, so she would have to swim towards them to exit. Just as she was about to get out of the pool, Ahmed, Cambell, and a group of guys and girls entered.

Ahmed cursed himself for allowing Cambell to convince him. Now Mía might think something that wasn’t true. He was entranced by her, and she was the only thing on his mind. Her perfect body in that tiny bikini was all he could focus on. Cambell nudged him to bring him back to reality.

“Ahem, are you done drooling, my friend?”

Ahmed shot him a murderous look before directing his gaze back at the girl, who was now trying to cover herself with a small pareo.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I didn’t expect anyone to arrive. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I’ll leave you to your gathering.”

“Absolutely not, miss. You’re staying with us, and you’re invited to the party as well,” Cambell said.

Ahmed wanted to strangle his friend but held back. Soon, the place was filled with Cambell’s friends, and a well-known DJ was handling the music. Ahmed observed Mía sitting at the edge of the pool, playing with her feet in the water.

“How did I let myself get convinced to this madness? This was supposed to distract me from her presence, but look, I can’t take my eyes off her. You know these little parties aren’t my thing,” Ahmed grumbled.

“Calm down, buddy. Look at all these beauties around us. Just pick one, and I assure you, anyone would be more than willing to spend the night with you. See how they’re all eyeing you?” Cambell said.

Ahmed didn’t reply; he finished his drink and distanced himself from Cambell, whose presence sometimes got on his nerves.

One of Cambell’s friends sat next to Mía, a beautiful girl who instantly caught everyone’s attention.

“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?” the guy said.

Mía didn’t respond, just smiled weakly.

“You better not bother the lady. Go find someone to have fun with somewhere else,” Ahmed said, frowning.

“Sorry, man. I didn’t know she was yours,” the guy replied, then got up and moved away.

“I’m sorry, Mía. Those guys are like vultures, always on the lookout for prey.”

Mía turned to look at him but quickly averted her gaze, trying to distract herself from focusing on his well-toned abdomen right in front of her.

Ahmed had changed into shorts, leaving his torso exposed. Many eyes were on him.

“Interesting party. Do you have them often?” she asked.

“Oh no! This time, my friend’s persistence convinced me. I actually hate parties. I love peace and the company of a good book.”

“I feel the same,” she said, smiling. They shared many similarities, and she liked that.

Cambell approached, carrying some drinks, which he placed beside them.

“Thanks, buddy.”

“You’re welcome, grumpy” Mía couldn’t help but laugh at Cambell’s wit.

“Please ignore that,” Ahmed said. “Cambell can be quite the joker.”

“Hahaha, don’t worry. I know it’s just a joke,” Mía replied.

“So, tell me, what did you study?” Ahmed asked.

“I studied fashion and jewelry design. I was close to finishing my degree, took some extra courses to graduate earlier, but it all turned out to be in vain. I lost everything.”

“Don’t give up. Maybe later on, when Carlo is no longer a threat to you, you can finish it.”

“And when will that be? I don’t think he’ll ever leave me alone.”

“Never say never. We never know what destiny has in store for us in the future.”

“Do you believe in destiny?”

“Yes, I definitely do. And you?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. But now that I am, I think we write our own destiny with our actions.”

“Don’t you think it’s already written since the day we’re born?”

“No, that would be boring, believing that no matter what we do, we’ll end up in the same place. It’s like saying all roads lead to Rome.”

“Interesting perspective.”

They chatted for a while, not paying attention to Cambell refilling their glasses until Ahmed noticed that Mía was speaking oddly and laughing without reason.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No, I just feel happy right now. Why? I have no idea, hahaha.”

Cambell approached to refill their glasses again.

“No, my friend. This girl won’t have any more,” Ahmed said.

“Just one more, please,” she replied, laughing.

“No, I’d better take you to your room. The party is over for us.”

He stood up and took her hand to help her up. Another girl approached Ahmed and gave him a flirtatious smile.

“Hey handsome, after you’re done with your sister, come over here and have some fun with me.”

Cambell saw the trouble coming when he noticed the fury in Ahmed’s face, and he intervened to prevent an explosion.

“Let’s go, Kendra. She’s not his sister; she’s his girl. It’s better if you come with me.”

“What a shame. We could have had some fun,” she said, winking at Ahmed before walking away.

“Me, your girl?” Mía said, slurring her words and giggling foolishly.

“Don’t mind her; she said it to make Kendra leave me alone.”

“She’s pretty. Now that I notice, I’m the only one wearing a pareo. I thought my swimsuit was too small, but apparently not,” Mía said, taking off her pareo, revealing her tiny bikini.

The guys looked at her immediately, and Ahmed felt annoyed.

“Better put it back on; it looks beautiful and suits you well.”

Mía pouted and threw the pareo away from her.

“I want to dance; let’s dance.”

“No, let me take you to rest.”

Ahmed didn’t want Cambell’s friends to keep looking at her the way they were, and it was clear she had had a bit too much to drink.

He held her by the waist and helped her walk. Mía’s movements were erratic, and she stumbled as she walked.

“You know, you’re very handsome,” she said.

“Come on, let’s go; you need to rest.”

” I really like youuu,” she said and stood in front of him, caressing his face. Unexpectedly, she kissed him, and Ahmed reciprocated the kiss. He was about to let himself be carried away by those sweet lips, but he quickly pulled away.

“Come on, beautiful,” he said.

Mía allowed him to lead her, and in the room, Ahmed turned on the shower, setting the water to warm. He helped her get in and patiently waited for her to finish. He closed his eyes when she stepped out; he knew that if he saw her completely naked, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He wrapped her in a towel and opened his eyes again, finding Mía watching him attentively.

“You’re so sweet,” she said.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why do you say that?”

“You closed your eyes so you wouldn’t see me.”

“Come on, it’s better if you lie down,” he said, making a tremendous effort not to let his feelings take over.

He helped her to the bed and covered her with a blanket.

“Rest now,” he said with tenderness.

Mía sat up a little and planted a kiss on his cheek. She was still feeling dizzy and not thinking very clearly.

“Thank you very much, you’re my guardian angel,” she said before falling into a deep sleep.

Ahmed felt a warmth in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a long time. She had that effect on him, calming and yet enticing him at the same time.

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