Kidnapped By The Vampire Prince


“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“Taking advantage of the moment,” he told me with an amused smile. “Why waste something like this?”

With my heart in my throat, I attempted to push him away. “Get off.”

He shook his head, lowering it so that our noses were only an inch away. “That’s not really what you want, is it Emily?”

“I… You know it’s not fair when you use my name,” I whispered, my hands moving from pushing on his chest to get him away to wrapping around his body to hold him closer.

He smirked triumphantly, allowing me to press our bodies together. The feel of his muscled chest against mine made me sigh. After noticing this, he brought his face to mine. “You sure you want that dress on?”

His comment made my face darken. “Y-yes, I’m sure!”

“Just asking,” he said slyly, pressing his lips against mine before I could reply.

Unfortunately for us, it was just at that moment that Fiona decided to return to her room. She uttered a little gasp of surprise, which caused us to break apart. A stunned silence settled in for a few seconds until she decided to break it. “Vincent,” she started in a scolding tone, “you shouldn’t force others.”

“I wasn’t forcing her!” he snapped back while I grinned.

“Sure,” she replied skeptically, turning her emerald eyes on me. They widened as she took in my attire. “Oh! Where did you find that? That’s perfect!”

Struggling to pull myself off the bed, I nodded to her closet. “Actually, Vincent found it. And thanks,” I added as he easily helped me to my feet.

“Oh my god! Why didn’t I think of that dress? You’ll definitely be the most beautiful person there!”

I scrunched up my nose. “Nah, I doubt it.”

“I don’t!” she chirped brightly. “I might have to reconsider my outfit. A lot of vampires would be embarrassed to be shown up by a human.”

“By a lot, she means all the arrogant bastards that thing the vampire race is better than the human,” Vincent clarified.

I frowned. “Aren’t you one of those people, Vincent?”

“I may act like it,” he responded honestly, “but I don’t actually think it. What kind of foolish person believes he or she is better than another? Aside from thinking you’re better than a serial killer.”

Nodding, I cupped my elbow with my arm. “Won’t they notice I’m human if I go to the ball?”

Fiona shook her head. “Don’t worry about that! Everyone knows not to say anything against you. I guess Mother and Father got wind of our little plan to let you go… They already told the important people. It seems like it’s okay.”


“The Counsel isn’t too happy about it, but then again, when is the counsel ever happy?” she sighed, letting her shoulders drop. “They’ll have a fit when they realize what’s going down tomorrow…”

I tilted my head to the side. “What’s going down tomorrow?”

“You’ll see,” she said vaguely.

“What about Ashton? We don’t know when he’s coming.”

Vincent scowled. “Yes we do. He’s coming at seven o’clock.”

My jaw dropped. “What? How do you know that? That’s when the ball starts, isn’t it?”

“Exactly. He’s invited.”



“Um, sorry, I think I heard you wrong…” That couldn’t be right. Who in the right mind would invite him to the ball?

Fiona bit her lip. “As a rule, we have to invite everyone… and technically we have no evidence of what he’s planning.”

“That note-”

“It won’t work,” Vincent interjected with a hard look. “We can’t say anything against him.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “So he’s going to be here all night?”

“He won’t try anything,” a new voice from the door way assured me. I turned to see Sebastian leaning against the frame, his arms crossed. “He’s not stupid enough to do that.”


“Hello,” he greeted with a warm smile. “You look stunning,” he added, nodding his head appreciatively. “It makes me wish I could have a date.”

I grinned cheekily at him. “Oh well.”

“Anyway,” Vincent began, drawing the attention to him, “even if he doesn’t try anything, you still have to keep your eyes open. Everyone does.”

Sebastian nodded in agreement. “That is true. We’ll check in on you periodically, Emily. If anything happens just, you know, scream. We’ll hear you.”

“Don’t sound so amused when saying that,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s creepy.”

He laughed. “It’s only creepy if you take it that way.”

“I did.”

“Oh well,” he responded, mimicking my earlier response.

Vincent rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here, Sebastian? I thought Fiona came to you to talk.”

He frowned. “She did. I can’t stop by to see what’s going on?”



He crossed his arms. “Whatever.”

“Tomorrow will be an exciting night,” Sebastian stated, running a hand through his hair. “Make sure you all get a good night’s sleep.”

I nodded my head in agreement. Exciting wouldn’t be the adjective I’d use, but tomorrow was going to be something.


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Is it me,” I began slowly, watching Vincent skulking on the other side of the school hallway, “or is Vincent ignoring me recently?”

Fiona patted me on the shoulder reassuringly. “He has a good reason?”

“A reason?” I repeated skeptically, narrowing my eyes at the slim vampire. What reason could he possibly have? I had barely talked to him for the last three days! He avoided me as much as possible! Even at home! I mean, there was that one time I snapped at him for leaving dirty dishes in my room, but it wasn’t that bad. Besides, hadn’t he heard of PMS? Every female had it!

“It’s not something you’ve done,” she clarified for me. “It’s rather something… that’s going on.”

“With him?”

She smirked. “Nope.”

“Does he know I’m on my period?” I questioned, frowning. I didn’t remember mentioning it to him.

“You’re on the right track,” she commented vaguely.

“How does he know?” I demanded. Did she tell him?This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

She just shrugged, her smug smile still in place.

“By your expression I’m assuming you aren’t going to tell me.”

“Go to him and find out yourself,” she ordered in a taunting tone. “Joel might tell you too if you’re lucky.”

I glanced over at Joel, who was talking to Tiffany, a junior with long red hair. They seemed to be getting along well, so I decided not to bother them. “I’ll just go talk to Vivi,” I finally muttered, moving through the throngs of people in the way.

As soon as he caught sight of me heading toward him, he began to hurry away. Scowling, I picked up my pace and chased after him. We played a short game of Cat-and-Mouse until he disappeared from my vision as I turned a corner into the science wing. The biology room door was open a tiny bit, so I stuck my head into it. “Vincent, you asshole, stop running away from-” I abruptly cut myself off when I realized Vincent wasn’t in the room. Instead, my old biology teacher Ms. Tracy and a few of the other science teachers from the building were there, along with a teacher I didn’t recognize- a young teacher I didn’t recognize. The stranger smirked at me, his grey eyes lighting up in amusement.

“What are you staring at?” I snapped, not in the mood to be looked down upon by strangers.

He seemed taken aback. Ms. Tracy sighed. “Sorry, Chris, she’s a student… I don’t know what she’s doing here though.” She narrowed her eyes. “Since this is a teacher conference.”

Taking that as my cue to leave, I pulled my head out of the room, returning on my hunt to find Vincent. To my luck, I spotted him at the end of the hallway. “Vincent!” I shouted, breaking into a full out sprint. “Stop right there!”

He took one look at me before turning his back and booking it.

I groaned in frustration, and then in pain as I tripped over my feet and landed face down on the floor. Why was he running away? My wrist throbbed with pain as I tried to push myself up.

“You’re really stupid.”

I jumped and looked up to see Vincent pursing his lips at me. “Why do you keep running away from me?” I demanded.

“I’m not,” he denied stubbornly.

“Yes you are!” I accused. “Is it because I’m on my period? It’s a natural thing, you know. What’s so bad about it? It’s not like you’re experiencing it! How do you even know?”

He set his jaw. “You want to know the truth?”

“Yes, I do!”

“You smell bad.”

I blinked at him. “I… smell bad? But I showered…”

An uncomfortable expression crossed his face. “That’s not what smells bad… It’s… blood,” he finally muttered.

“Bloo- oh my God!” I gasped in realization, horror dawning on me. “Oh my God! Y-you can s-smell… oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” I repeated, unable to stop myself. The embarrassment was too much for me. My face felt on fire!

Vincent was also looking incredibly embarrassed. “Yeah, so don’t ask again,” he snapped. “Unlike regular blood that actually smells nice that… Ugh. I don’t even wanna-”

“Shut up!” I all but shrieked, completely mortified. No wonder Fiona made me ask him that myself! I felt like crying. Never, ever, ever again was I going to ask a vampire how they knew I was on my period.


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