King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

65 A United Plan ALEJANDRO

“Al.” Darien called me, but it was fucking hard to keep myself together when my woman was fucking chained up down beneath these very pack grounds. “Call for a meeting in an hour’s time. Have the witches on call and wire the Alphas involved. It’s time we took this fucker down. What’s the count at?” “Four hundred and thirty-two.” Darien replied after checking his phone.

I nodded.

“Spread farther out if we fucking need to, no one rests until we have what we need.” I ordered coldly before walking away from him, no longer able to control my aura that was swirling around me in waves of darkness.

This fucker has hurt my family, repeatedly… but to try to use my own mate against me… The urge to rip him apart piece by fucking piece sounded very enticing. I was about to go to my office at headquarters, but I didn’t think staying in one fucking room for an hour was going to help. So instead, I decided to go for a walk around the pack instead, and maybe for a run.

A pack that had gone from what looked like more of a military camp to a full-out pack with pups and families. A group of young boys in their teens walked past, laughing and talking, not even knowing the severity of life around them, although they went silent upon seeing me. “Alpha.” They lowered their heads, clearly realising I was pissed off. I frowned, looking at the boy in the middle, with piercing brown eyes and a tumble of dirty blond hair. Fred’s kid. One I had never mentioned to anyone, although I knew a few may make the link as he looked like the spitting image of him. I had often been tempted to speak to his mother… but I had always decided against it.

“Can I help you, Alpha?” He asked with a warm smile. That was something different from Fred, who had always been quiet and moody. “No.”

He gave me a small polite smile and nodded. “None of you has a fag on you, do you?” They exchanged looks wondering if it was a trick question before they shook their heads. “We aren’t eighteen yet…” One of them said. “Yeah? I’m sure you all get up to crap.” I said, making a few of them look guilty. Yeah, I fucking thought so. “But we don’t have cigarettes…” “Sorry.”

I nodded, motioning them to go as I walked off, leaving thern behind and frowning deeply. Azura was his half-sister, and I was sure the day would come when I would have to share that truth… but for now, I didn’t plan on delving into it. 2 I reached into my pocket, only to frown when I realised they were empty. I needed a cigarette and there was nowhere I could fucking grab one. I didn’t want to ask anyone to bring me a pack either, because I wanted to be alone…


Chained and fucking alone… I couldn’t have anyone watch her because she could use her command on them. At least the silver in her cuffs cut the mind link from her. Isolating her. I sighed as I mind linked Callum and explained the situation to him. ‘Don’t worry Alpha, I will look into drugging her so she is unconscious and can’t harm herself.’ ‘Do that.’

I cut the link and entered the trees. I removed my sweatpants and shifted, I needed a run to clear my head.


Scarlett wrapped her arms around my neck from behind, her breasts pressing against my back as she kissed my neck softly. “Hey…” She whispered. I stroked her arms, sighing heavily. “What’s on your mind?” “You know, with Kiara losing control, Alejandro’s plan to leak false information has gone out the window.” I said, turning and looking into her beautiful sage green eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll sort this out. The other night he mentioned he wanted one of us to stay here… Elijah… Will you stay?” Always a beauty, always strong, and always a fearless Alpha, but I didn’t want to risk her…

“Kitten, I don’t want you to be out there on the battlefield when I’m here.”

She pressed a finger to my lips and shook her head.

“I heal faster… I need to be there. You know we need someone powerful here too. That’s you. To look after the pups and Kiara.” She replied, frowning softly. I sighed.

“You really haven’t changed. As hot, tight, and stubborn as that first day I realised I was in love with you.” I said cockily, enjoying the way her heart skipped a beat. “And although you are super possessive… You have always let me do what I needed to. Never treated me as anything lesser.”

“We’re equal. Like you once said, and I have to admit it is probably one of the hottest things you have ever said; I may not have a dick but-”

“I’m a fucking king.” She smiled, finishing the sentence, as we thought back to that moment from long ago.

“Yeah, and you were right.” I smirked, reaching behind me and pulling her into my arms, inhaling her scent as I buried my nose in her neck “So will you let me go?” I tilted my head, squeezing her ass as she straddled me.

“You know if anything happens to you.” She placed a finger on my lips and smiled slightly.

“We live together, and we will die together. I know.” She whispered. 2

Yeah, a promise we made… but we both knew that if it came to that… we couldn’t abandon Azura… Neither of us had to say it out loud, our eyes spoke what our lips were unable to. If something was to happen, the other would have to live on for her… Even if only until she was ready to spread her wings and fly. 2 She hugged me tightly, her heart racing. I held her just as tight. Scarlett may be an Alpha, heck a king, but she too had her fears and worries, yet she continued to be brave for everyone else.

Earlier when Kiara had begun to lose herself and was begging to be locked away, it was Scarlett who had given the command to listen to Kiara and lock her up. A decision we all weren’t able to make. Her voice had been strong but I had felt her agony and pain leaking through the bond as she remained in control for those around us. My phone beeped and we both moved back, realising it was time for the meeting. “I love you, sweetheart.” I said quietly, giving her my best sexy smirk. One that she fell for back in the day. She rolled her eyes. “I guess I love you too.” Despite her airy tone, she gripped my face and kissed me passionately, sending off explosions of pleasure through us both… 2


It was an hour later, and we were still in the middle of the meeting. We had several people on video call, and I had finished outlining the plan. The extra batch of people sent to gather blood from farther out would hopefully speed up the process and get us the needed amount faster.

*There’s five groups being made; the decoy, the defence, the infiltration, extra back-up force, and of course, the main group” I said, tapping the tabletop screen where I had a battle plan pulled up. “Elijah who’s staying behind from you two?”

“I amn.” He replied instantly.

I frowned, but I had a feeling he would be. Scarlett had been adamant that she was going to go to battle when I had mentioned I wanted either or both to stay behind. I gave a curt nod, trying to ignore the pain in my body. Whatever this was, was fucking draining, but my body was continuing to fight against it. “Raihana and Elijah. You two are staying here. My two betas will also be staying behind. That is the defence for the pack.” I stated.

“Nicholson, you will take charge of Blood Moon, and Chris, you will handle Black Storm if needed.” I said as Rayhan nodded.

Although we shouldn’t be gone for too long, we needed to make sure everything was in place. I continued explaining everything until I was sure everything was covered. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Any questions?” I asked.

The screen crackled before another window popped up and a smirking Leo appeared.

“You really need to work on your online security, that took me max twenty minutes to hack into.”


“Yeah, well not everyone is a fucking computer whizz, what do you want?” I asked, frowning as Marcel’s frown deepened.

“Leo. This is not a joke.” He growled.

I motioned for him to leave it.

“I want in, I heard that we’ll be heading out literally right after my birthday, meaning I’d have shifted by then.” He smirked. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that he was thrilled about his shift, but then again, who wouldn’t be? “And why would you want to come on such a risky mission?” I asked, very aware of all the Alphas on screen and everyone in the room watching us. He shrugged, sitting back and lighting a cigarette. “You know Dad isn’t the toughest guy around, I’m just going to be there to make sure he comes back in one piece.” He said, but his eyes were ice cold. Although his words seemed normal enough, making a few Alphas nod as if understanding his point and smiling at how protective he seemed of his father, I understood the underlying meaning

It was obvious he thought I’d let Marcel die, or that I would put him in the line of fire and use him for collateral. That wasn’t true, I didn’t want anyone to fucking lose their lives, and I would protect Marcel if the need arose.

“I’ll let you come, but this is a team battle. Are you sure you will get along with everyone on the team? If you try anything or come in the way.” “I won’t. I’ll make sure to steer clear of everyone’s way.” He cut in and I nodded, not missing Rayhan’s frown from the corner of my eye.

“And stop hacking the fucking system.” I growled. He raised an eyebrow. “I’ll give you some tips on how to strengthen this crap if you come out of this battle alive.” He said, shrugging, making Maria and Scarlett frown. This fucker…

I turned back to the group. “It is going to be risky. Lives will be lost… but I promise you all I will do my best to make sure they are minimum.” “I understand that Alpha, I do have a concern though. Are you sure killing this enemy with just a special blade will be enough?” Jacob, an Alpha from up north, asked. I nodded, trying not to glance at Janaina or Magdalene. “It’s no simple weapon, it will do the job.” I said before looking around at everyone. “I have one request; as always, I have given the option for those who want out or do not want to participate, all of you have offered to help and I’m fucking grateful for it. However, don’t force your people, only those who are willing should come forward.” “I appreciate that Alpha King, but they are our pack members. They will obey.” “They will, but if their heart isn’t in it then there’s no power behind that warrior. A time may come where every man and woman will have to stand in battle whether they like it or not, but right now, we have the power to give them the choice.” I said quietly. I saw Leo frown, he probably didn’t believe me, but I meant it. “We are with you, King Alejandro.”

One by one, they all followed suit, and the weight of the situation cast a sombre feeling across the room.

“This battle may be personal for you Alpha Alejandro, but the Queen, Luna Delsanra, and Dante are important to us all. Besides, by letting this thing do as he wishes, he will only harm more and more of our kind. He needs to be stopped anyway.” Damon said seriously. I glanced at him and nodded. It was true, he wanted Dante, and although what exactly he wanted with him was still a mystery, I was certain we’d find out one way or another. Rayhan’s phone rang, and everyone turned their attention to him. He cut the call, looking down at the screen, before a small smirk crossed his lips. ‘Has the blood count risen?’ I asked through the link. He gave me a nod, and I smirked. Perfect.

The taste of blood filled my mouth once again, but I swallowed it. I needed to remain strong for my people and for my family. I “We got this.” Elijah said and I glanced up sharply. Our eyes met, and I nodded.

Yeah, we fucking did.

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