King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

74 In The Cells ELIJAH 1

I had just done the round of the pack grounds, when I had felt a searing pain that made me double over.


Fear enveloped me as the pain blinded me, making several men run to me, but soon it was gone, and I knew she was ok I hadn’t felt the bond snap… Fuck… Unlike the rest of the pack who were tied to Liam, my mate was the only one bound to me. She needed to be ok.

Whatever had happened had been a close call, and although I wanted to get someone to find out, they needed to focus on the battle… It took me a few moments to regain myself before I entered the Night Walkers’ Headquarters to go have a look to see if Kiara was ok. Doctor Callum was waiting for me inside, as he needed to administer the dose to keep her weakened and unconscious.

A few guards and others working were carrying on with their jobs, but the tension that hung in the air was obvious. Several gave me a polite nod as I walked past and headed down to the cells.

Two of the guards flanked the door, and Doctor Callum was already there, his kit in hand.

“Alpha Elijah.” “Doctor.” He gave a small nod and a forced smile, but it was obvious he didn’t like doing this. Neither did I, but there wasn’t much we could do but keep her sedated. I frowned deeply, remembering what Alejandro had said about Dante and what he was. It had been fucking shocking, to say the least, but it made sense. Dante was the only one with such a powerful aura from birth, even Alpha pups did not hold that. He knew far more than Liam and Kiara’s intuition… But the Djinn also knew his truth and the fact he wanted him meant he would go to any lengths to get him. We needed to make sure Kiara was kept unconscious no matter what.

I keyed in the code Alejandro had changed specifically so no one else knew it but me. I stepped inside, shutting the door behind Doctor Callum.

“We just need to keep her unconscious for a while longer. I do hope the king can deal with this threat immediately, so I don’t have to do this to my Queen.” Callum said gravely. It was taking a toll on him; I could see it in his eyes.

“I am sorry that you’re the one who has to do this considering you are a doctor, but it is for Kiara’s own sake as well.” I said quietly as we walked down the steps to the cold dark cells.

There she was, lying on a slab of silver, chains wrapped around her, her arms and ankles cuffed. It was almost as if she was simply sleeping, her heart beating steadily despite the fact that it was weaker than normal.

I unlocked the cell door and we stepped inside. The sound of the keys chinking echoed in the quietness.

I hated seeing her like this and I wondered how Alejandro must have felt having to leave his own mate beneath the grounds of his pack and go to battle… I had seen the pain in his eyes, but he remained strong, like always. The stains of dried blood around her wrists made me frown. She must have woken up at some point, as the restraints had been pulled at causing her to bleed. Callum opened his pack of supplies, walking forward when I suddenly grabbed his arm, pulling him back


“Alpha-” He looked at me and I shook my head, motioning with my eyes at the restraints.

He frowned before following my gaze, his frown vanishing as he realised what I was pointing out.

Kiara should have been in a state where she couldn’t even wake up… let alone fight against her bindings… ‘GO’ I mouthed to Callum, taking the syringe from him and stepping closer to the table. I paused, my eyes flashing as I motioned for him to leave. If something happened, I needed to make sure we were locked in here. She couldn’t get out. The moment I was within reach, her eyes snapped open, deep orange burning brightly as she shot up, grabbing my neck

“Lock it!” I growled at Callum, aiming to slam the syringe into Kiara, but she knocked my hand aside, jumping up from the bindings she had already broken.


“Not so fast.” She hissed, lunging at me, and I felt a sliver of fear rush through me.

I couldn’t hurt her.


She smiled coldly, running to the cell door, but I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back. She lashed out and we both hit the table she had been lying on. Her claws came out, as she bared her teetha me My own eyes flashed as I pushed her back before grabbing her arm and slarnming, her against the wall, just as Callum managed to lock the door. Leaving me here with Kiara

“Open it” She commanded, her aura swirling around her.

Her claws were digging into my arm.

“Callum vo! Now!” I growled venomously.

He frowned, forcing himself away from the keys, knowing his wolf wanted to obey his queen.

“I’ll call for help!”

“No. No one from this pack is to come down here.” I growled, my eyes fixed on Kiara, who shoved me off and stood up. ‘Raven, Kiara’s awake. I need you to get Raihana to make sure the pack members stay away from the cells. If Kiara commands them to help her, they will not be able to deny her request for the most part.’

Shit. Ok got it, I’ll tell Raihana now. Do you need my help?’ ‘I don’t think she can mind link, just make sure no one gets close. I’ll deal with Kiara.’ ‘Got it! I cut the link, knowing Raven and Raihana would handle the rest, and I’ll handle my daughter. She smiled, a smile that was so much like Kiara’s that for a moment I wondered if she had any control. “What’s wrong? Scared that now I’m the queen you won’t be able to handle me?” “I’m still your father.” I said quietly, my eyes blazing cobalt blue. Although I knew I’d never be able to hurt her, I knew the faster I took her down, the better.

“Game on, Papa.” She said mockingly.

At once, we both sprang at the other. Her purple aura mixed with orange, wrapping around her, but it wasn’t anywhere as powerful as usual and in that moment, I realised he could never completely control her.

Kiara’s power came from the light… From the moon itself, something evil and dark could never control it… With this theory, I suddenly stilled, something she hadn’t been expected, but I knew deep down my girl was in there. Her eyes flickered, just as her hand connected with my chest, the impact far less than it should have been.

Kiara was still in there.

I smirked and stabbed the syringe into her neck, using her hesitation to help me.

Her eyes widened in shock before the orange gave way to the familiar blue-rimmed green eyes. Eyes that were filled with pain, guilt, and sadness. “Dad…”

“I’m here, princess.” I said quietly, pulling her into my arms. “1-it’s not sale, I’m not safe… Leave…” Her body was becoming heavy, and she soon slumped in my arms, unconscious.

“Everything will be ok.” I lifted her up, placing her on the silver. ‘Raven, get doctor Callum to come back down, we need to up her dosage…’

I frowned, caressing her hair. How the hell was it possible for her to have broken free of these cuffs..? Her body was bound and kept subdued… Where did the djinn get the energy from? Was

he somehow pulling on Alejandro’s power through the bond? This was a magic and power beyond my understanding. I heard footsteps soon after, and Serena and Callum both came hurrying over. “Alpha, never ask me to do something so risky ever again.” He said, looking as if he had aged a few years.

I raised an eyebrow.

“Look at these cuffs… She broke through them somehow; she was fully unconscious… How is that even possible…” I mused as Callum administered another round of drugs.

“Is it possible that his hold on her is getting stronger and he’s beginning to take over?” Callum murmured.

I shook my head. “He can’t possess her unless he is physically here. He did something to attain a hold on her, but he isn’t ‘in’ her, if that makes sense. The elder witches explained that clearly.”

“But then how did he wake up?” Serena asked worriedly. “I don’t know, he has to be drawing strength from somewhere.” I said quietly. Serena frowned, her eyes thoughtful as she felt Kiara’s pulse. “It’s so weak…” She stroked her hair, and I could see she loved her Luna.

“We need new chains.” I said quietly. “I’ve asked Drake to bring some more chains and cuffs…” Serena replied unhappily.

Callum paused, before he suddenly looked up sharply.

“I have a hypothesis…but I am uncertain if there is any truth or logic in it…” He seemed hesitant as he looked down at Kiara. “What is it?” I asked.

He seemed to struggle before he bent down, placing his ear against Kiara’s stomach. “You said he needs to be drawing strength from somewhere, my assumption was… well…” “Spit it out.” I growled impatiently.

“L… Well, what if the Luna is pregnant? The Djinn may be drawing his strength from the foetus

I looked at him sharply, Kiara is pregnant? I was sure she was done with kids… This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Serena’s eyes were wide with shock, I simply watched Callum waiting for his verdict. He moved back slowly, his face looking thoughtful.

“I’m not sure… Perhaps Alpha you can check; your hearing would be better than mine…”

“But if that’s true… and we are here binding her in silver…” Serena murmured.

“But the Luna heals, it would make sense. If the Djinn is constantly using an unborn foetus to survive and Kiara is fuelling it with her healing, it’s a winning situation for the demon.”

Callum said quietly.

I didn’t reply, pressing my ear to Kiara’s stomach and closing my eyes. Trying to focus, straining my ears, the sound of Kiara’s heart, Serena’s… Callum’s… mine… and there it was. The tiny beat of a fifth heart. 7

I jerked back, looking at Callum shocked.

“Well?” He looked at me with concern.

“I think she is…” I whispered, unable to make anything of the shocking revelation, as I tried to process it all.

“Then we need to move her to the hospital. We can place her in one of the secure rooms that were used for rabid wolves or those who had been poisoned by the wendigos and manangals years ago.” Callum said worriedly. “We need to make sure this poison and silver we have been giving her hasn’t harmed the baby. Even though she has the gift of healing, we need to be careful.” 2

I nodded, fear twisting in my guts. If Alejandro learned of this; if he realised she was pregnant all along and something happened to the baby, he would never be able to forgive himself.

“Darien just had one of the backup call to ask if everything is ok here. What do we say?” Serena asked, looking at me for answers. “Just tell them Kiara woke up, but she’s sedated once again, and everything is fine.” I said firmly before turning to Callum. “Keep her sedated, up the dosage. I will place guards from the Blood Moon to watch her so she can not command them like her own pack. As for the baby, get a scan done, make sure it’s ok. The most we can do is hope that Alejandro and the rest succeed in tonight’s battle quickly and efficiently.” The severity of the situation was worsening, and everything was hanging in the balance. I picked Kiara up and carried her out of the cells, mind linking my men on what their new orders were. I placed a kiss on my princess’ forehead, hating that she was going through so much.

Twenty minutes later, Kiara was set up in one of the holding rooms on the secure floor of the hospital, with ten of the Blood Moon men on guard. Callum was inside with a sonography machine. He carried out the scan whilst Serena and I waited with bated breath.

“Ah… it’s there… It’s still very small…I’m assuming she became pregnant not long ago…” 1

“After she lost her memory.” I stated, and Callum nodded.

“It would make sense, perhaps she was no longer taking her contraception.”

Well, that was on Alejandro, he should have been more careful.

I frowned in concern, looking at the screen.

“And is it healthy?” I asked the question that I knew was on both my and Serena’s mind. “Yes, it’s weak, but that’s to be expected… She is sedated, however otherwise it seems well.” Callum replied, sounding relieved.

A wave of relief washed over me, and I exhaled.

“Thank the goddess…”

But I didn’t get to revel in that revelation because Raven mind linked me, panic and fear in her voice.

Uncle! We need you here!

Her voice was distraught, and it made my mind race, thinking of a thousand fucking reasons that could be behind it.

‘Raven! What is it?!’ I asked, my heart skipping a fucking beat.

‘It’s Delsanra! She’s Raihana can’t do anything! Goddess! Nothing is working! She’s not breathing! Delsanra’s stopped breathing!!

Fuck, please no. 1

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