Living With The Player

Chapter 29 Lunch With The Player



After more than a minute of mental breakdown supported with crying my eyes out in front of her, I paused and ended in short sobs.

“Don’t you have class or something?”

I asked, reaching for some tissue.

“Could ask you the same? There’s nothing wrong in being ten minutes late.”

She cackled.

What’s humorous about any of this?

I gave her that look. The look that says if I’m crying, laughing is not on my list.

“Bad joke. I shouldn’t try to make any given the circumstances.”

She smacked her forehead, dropping her hand as soon as it dawned on her. I’ve met someone who does the same thing as me.

The aura around Miranda was fascinating. She’s moved from the point of a stranger to an acquaintance.

“Since it’s settled that we aren’t heading into class. We might as well talk about the teachers or whatever girls do in the bathroom.”

I giggled at that.

“Thank you.”

“For what? All I did was stand and do well nothing?”

Her eyes danced around the room then settled on me.

“That was enough.”

I turned on the water, rinsing my hands and face then dried it off.

“Alright. Let’s start with the English Teacher. I don’t like her at all. She’s so fucking uptight.”

Miranda exclaimed.

“Wow. Where have you been all my life?”

I feigned a gasp, clamping my right hand over my lips.

“I’m not sure, but better late than never. We’ve found each other now and that’s all that matters.”

She grinned widely causing me to smile. The nerd might just have made a friend.


“Did we just…”

She trailed off half completing her sentence and giggling throughout the remaining words.

The bell sounded while we were inside still. That’s when it dawned on both of us.

“Miss first period.”

I completed with a light chuckle. I’m definitely on her black list now, but it was worth it. The past Forty minutes with Miranda were the highlight of this week.

“Turns out that this was fun. That’s if the noisy girls who walked I don’t report us for suspected acts of lesbianism.”

She struck a pose, turning her head to one end before winking.

“In that case, why don’t we make it official and kiss? That’ll give them something to talk about.”

I joked.

She burst into laughter and I followed shortly, clutching to my tummy.

“Oh my goodness. I have no idea where you’ve been this entire time. I do not want this to turn out as those moments you meet someone fun and that’s it.”

She pouted. I agree. Miranda is the type of friend you’d like to keep.

“In honour of meeting again, I’ll need to know if you are coming to the party at Winn’s house this evening? That’s a perfect spot to bloom this friendship.”

The smile on my face fell.

Parties were a big no for me.

High school parties were hardly my thing. Well, I’m not in college but you get the message.

I always thought it wasn’t of no use, not to mention I had a bad history with them.

The deal was mostly girls and guys making out subsequently drinking and dancing, finally getting wasted then grounded over the weekend for those with strict parents.

Ugh. How do I respond to Miranda now?

“Ugh. I can see you’re not in favour of that suggestion, but I’m going alone and it would be better if you tagged along.”

She pouted her lips and made a babyface.

For someone I had just met, it felt as though e were best friends.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.


I beamed. Add it to the list with the heading “Decision I’ll come to regret.”


She did a little happy dance.

“We should better get back to class before we end up in deep trouble.”

She smirked mischievously.

“I’ll see you there. Please promise me, Camilla.”

“I promise.”


She repeated a little louder.

“I’ll see you around.”

With a tone of finality, she walked out of the restroom as did I seconds later.

That was fun, now it’s back into the real world. The world where Kyle betrayed me.


~Lunch Break

After what happened with Kyle, I just wanted to be alone and keep to myself at least for a little while so I picked the table farthest from everyone, sat down and began to eat in silence. My head lowered, my lips wrapped around the burger wishing everyone would pay zero attention to the girl in the corner.

Out of nowhere, Miranda appeared. I noticed her shoes as she took a seat across, but I lifted my head for certainty and it was her.

“Fancy seeing you here.”

She beamed, smiling like a beauty pageant contestant.

How can one person turn out so lively?

It’s as though even if she had any personal problems of her own, it wasn’t visible on her face.

“Hey again.”

I grinned before taking a bite from the burger then setting it down by the table.

“Why would you pick here, far away from most people.”

“That’s the point.”

My subconscious added.

“I just wanted to do something different today.”

I responded. A blunt lie of course. Why didn’t I tell her I’m the antisocial freak who didn’t like contact with people?

“Alright, I just wanted to say hi, I’d love to seat with you but my table is over there and it’ll be rude to just abandon them. Please understand.”

I nodded my head. I wouldn’t want to seat with me either so it’s fine.

“I’m seeing tonight aren’t I?”

She asked in a calm tone.

“Most definitely”

After my answer, she got up from the bench then walked away.

I trailed her with my eyes to her table.

What the?

She’s one of them?

The shock was evident on my features when she took a seat beside those girls.

By those girls, I’m referring to the psychotic bitches who told me to stay away from Dylan.

The one who hit me was seated in the middle, close to Miranda. No doubt she’s the ring leader.

Miranda is with them. I wasn’t expecting that.

Just then, a thought crossed my mind.

It could be those girls who would like to know what went on in my head and Miranda’s sweet little act was just a way to get close to me and I fucking fell for it.

She probably let them in on how hard I cried like the petty little girl I am.

Turns out everyone is just interested in using me. They’re all after one thing or the other.

I rushed the fries to my table, stuffing them in my mouth eager to leave this place.

I won’t cry again. She’s no one. At least I found out, unlike Kyle who got the chance to hurt me.

As though the universe was against me, in a bit to burst my bubble, A tray was carefully placed on my table.

I raised my head, holding a piece of fry at the entrance of my mouth which hung open in surprise.

“Missed me? I’m sure you did.”

He asked then replied all at once.

Slowly grinned, he reached for a piece of my fries, tossing it at the back of his throat.


He clicked his tongue, keeping his gaze solely on me.

I’m still not over the shock.

Wait a minute.

Turning my head around the cafeteria, all I saw were students already looking at me.

Well at Dylan then me. So much for low profile. It’s even more annoying that he does not care. Not in the slightest.

“Another one?”

He raised his brows silently seeking my permission then stealing my fries again.


I apologise for going M. I. A, I was awaiting the book signing, now it’s done and I will continue updating!! Hope you’ll enjoy!

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